Lee-Jackson Militaria
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UK & Commonwealth
British & Commonwealth
Items NOT listed in the Catalog
Canadian Japan Invasion sleeve badge
came together
Canadian Sergeant's stripe, cut from a coat sleeve, mothing Used....inquire
multicolor Invasion badge, RFU, Used......inquire
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Possibly Great Britain: Red Cross & Telephone/Commo patches
Both from Green Collection
UI Red Cross on wool, Unused......inquire
UI Pole with telephone wires, UnUsed.....inquire
"Green Collection" Items from many Countries
All were glued to a green wallboard and have residue on the backs
pair of YUGOSLAVIA arcs, UnUsed.......inquire
NORWAY tab, Unused.....inquire
CZECHOSLOVAKIA arc, top-center of red border shows deterioration, Unused.....inquire
GREECE tab, Unused.....inquire
BELGIUM strip, I am told this style is for a Belgian in the RAF(?), UnUsed.....inquire
Cross of Loraine (probably French), UnUsed......inquire
Geneesk. Dienst under-arc, UnUsed.....inquire
MEXICO strip, I am told this style is for Mexican in the RAF(?), UnUsed.....inquire
POLAND arc, stains and damge on lower-edge, Unused......inquire
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Green Collection Items - Bulk scan
Great Britain & Commonwealth patches
New Zealand strip, UnUsed......inquire
Australia strip, UnUsed......inquire
GT. Britain strip, UnUsed......inquire
Scotland strip, (Not finished), UnUsed......inquire
8th Army(?), UnUsed......inquire
Canada, UnUsed......inquire
RAF Enlisted shoulder patch, UnUsed.......inquire
ROYAL ARMOURED CORPS arc, UnUsed.....inquire
I think it is a Frontline formation(?), Unused......inquire
Sarawak Border Scouts
Scouts formed and trained by the Special Air Service (SAS) & the Ghurka Parachute Company to fight for Malaysian Independence against the Sarawak Communist Organisation (SCO) and Indonesia.
One source states the Sarawak Border Scouts Platoons (composed of Iban Trekkers) were formed during the Communist insurgency in Malaya in the 1950s.
( I assume "Trekkers" = Trackers(???) )
The insignia depicts the Rhinoceros Hornbill, the State Bird of Sarawak.
Collector's ID on back
Printed patch, ID on reverse, UnUsed......inquire
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Partial History
The Indonesia-Malaysia confrontation during the 1960s was Indonesia's political and armed opposition to the creation of Malaysia. It is also known by its Indonesian/Malay name Konfrontasi. The creation of Malaysia was the amalgamation of the Federation of Malaya (now West Malaysia) with the Crown Colony/British Protectorate of Sabah and Sarawak (collectively known as British Borneo, now East Malaysia) in September 1963.
The confrontation was an undeclared war with most of the action in the border area between Indonesia and East Malaysia on the island of Borneo (known as Kalimantan in Indonesia). However, Sabah and Sarawak were ethnically, religiously, & politically diverse and there was some local opposition to joining Malaysia that Indonesia attempted to exploit, with very little success.
The terrain in Borneo was challenging and there were very few roads; both sides relied on light infantry operations and air transport, although rivers were also used.
The British and Malaysian Armed Forces provided Forces along with Australia and New Zealand.
In 1965 the British started covert operations into Indonesian Kalimantan under the code name Operation Claret.
In 1966 President Suharto's took control of Indonesia and a peace agreement was agreed upon recognizing the formation of the State of Malaysia.
WWII items
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Royal Air Force Pilot's Badge
scanned at 300dpi
RAF Flyer's wing, RFU, Used.......inquire
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raised in Liverpool November 1, 1940 as the 23rd Army Tank Brigade; later redesignated
( formerly UI#223 )
made in Great Britain, Mothing and moth holes, Unused......inquire
( also on UI page )
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partial History
arrived in North Africa; was rushed into battle and got a bloody start; later made an Independent Brigade and chased Rommel across Africa
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partial History from a Liverpool resident on the Bird on the patch
The bird on the patch is what we in Liverpool call The Liver Bird. When our city was formed hundreds of years ago, it was a big water inlet known as The Pool.
Cormorant birds would come to this pool to feed on the rich seaweed ( Lava ).
Over time, with the settling of English and Irish peoples the LAVA POOL became known as LIVERPOOL.
Some people say the bird is a sea eagle but I still say it's a cormorant. In the birds beak, you will see the Lava weed.
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Airborne SSI, UnUsed.......inquire
pair of Commando arcs, UnUsed.....inquire
CHINDIT, hand-embroidered, Unused......inquire
8th Army Bullion
was hand sewn to a jacket, Used......inquire
( stored with German rykers )
Commonwealth Items
( most are not vetted or priced.....ask and I might get both accomplished )
see the White Fist and Red Rat below
7th Armoured Divsion "The Desert Rats", woven, Used.....(sold)
6th Armoured Division, mothing, Used......(sold)
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Royal Marines Commando
RFU, edges uneven as it was handsewn to the uniform and got wet (rain?); then dried unevenly, Used.......inquire
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above Commando Patch trimmed and scanned at 150dpi
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HQS Land Forces, Hong Kong
WWII era, UnUsed...inquire
( stored in ALLO box )
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No 2 Squadron, South African Air Force Squadron
attached to the USAF 18th Fighter Bomber Wing in Korea
scanned at 300dpi
click on picture for details
207th Royal Air Force Squadron
207th Squadron, looks hand-embroidered, mothing on white felt edges, UnUsed......inquire
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Royal Air Force Bombardment Competition
Double Top 76
( see on USAF "Meets" patch page )
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RAAF No. 3 Squadron and 'AUSTRALIA' Arc
No. 3 SQ flies F/A-18 Hornets for the 81st Wing, modern patch, UnUsed.....inquire
older Tab, black cloth backing, RFU, Used......inquire
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Royal Air Force NO. 7 Squadron
Flew CH-47 Chinook HC.2s out of RAF Odiham, Hampshire
Part of the Joint Special Forces Aviation Wing (JSFAW)
RAF No. 7 SQ, black PELON on back, UnUsed......inquire
Australian & Rhodesian Special Air Service Badges(SAS)
Australian SAS badge was worn on the Battle dress from 1976-1989, ID printed on back by a collector, UnUsed.........inquire
"padded style Rhodesian wing worn on Dress uniform until the Nation ceased to exist circa 1979 - 1980, UnUsed......inquire
( formerly part of UI#238, scan 5 )
RCAF Central Experimental & Proving Establishment
"EXPERTO CREDE" = Believe one who knows from Experience
depicts Hercules in Combat with the Hydra
large patch, UnUsed.....inquire
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partial History (not edited)
Among the twelve labors imposed on the Greek hero Hercules, one of the most difficult was to slay the monster Hydra which, when one of its numerous heads was severed, was able to grow two new heads unless the wound was cauterized. Like Hercules, C.E. & P.E. is called upon to solve many varied tasks for which great ingenuity, ability, and persistence are required.
Central Experimental and Proving Establishment
From the earliest days of the Air Board and the Canadian Air Force Test and Development work was carried on at Ottawa Air Stations Rockcliffe and Shirley's Bay where eventually a special flight was formed for this purpose.
The outbreak of WW2 increased the demands for test flying for research and experiment and as a result the flight was expanded into the Test and Development Establishment in November 1940.
Six years later its name was changed to Experimental and Proving Establishment. On 1 September 1951 the Central Experimental and Proving Establishment was formed by the amalgamation of the E. & P.E. at Rockciffe, the Winter Experimental Establishment at Edmonton, and the R.C.A.F. (National Research Council) Unit at Arnprior with Headquarters of C.E. & P.E. at Rockcliffe with detachments at several sites across Canada. In 1957 CEPE was moved to RCAF Station Uplands a move necessitated by the longer runways required for testing new jet aircraft.
South African Special Forces Operator
( formerly part of UI#238, scan 3 )
Items Logged in the Catalog
3508DY(UI#369) - Black BB CAP w/British style PARA Badge
anyone know the Country and Purpose for this Local Made Cap?
3508DY - Black 6-panel Baseball CAP with a Bullion thread British style Parachutist's Badge with Queen's style Crown, fully lined with black material, 90% condition, Used....inquire
( also listed as UI#369 on UI/Mystery page )
3509HH - RAF WWII Filigree Badge with pinback
probably pre-WWII, Excellent craftsmanship - I would guess this is a sweetheart pin
3509HH - 3" (+/-) pin, "C" clasp broken-off, Used......inquire
6103K - Exchange Pilot's Helmet
similar to the Helmets worn in the oh-oh seven flick “Thunderball”
6103K - Vulcan Bomber Olive Green Cloth Helmet, Used.......(12)...inquire
6103L & M - WWII Commonwealth Mosquito BARs
Mosquito Nets found together - from same California Estate
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Desert shade of Mosquito Netting
6103L - WWII era, dated 1944, Khaki color Mosquito BAR, with Broad Arrow & date stamps, made in Britain(?), 1 x suspension tie missing on the side(should have 8 ties), 2 x cotton ties on each end of the “front-side”, Physically in 99% condition with some brownish stains, Used......inquire
approximate measurements:
width at top = 35”
length at top = 74+”
vertical length(includes skirt) = 68+/-”
sample pic of materials used sample of browish stains on the skirt
Broad Arrow stamp date and other stamps
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Australian made Mosquito Net
6103M - WWII era, dated 1944, Green color Mosquito BAR, 4 suspension loops, Made in Australia, discoloration on cotton top, never washed, Used.....inquire
approximate measurements:
width at top = 35”
length at top = 75”
vertical length(includes skirt) = 48”
Broad Arrow & date stamps sample of materials used
4398D - Gurhka Kukri with scabbard
stamped “INDIA” with Broad Arrow
( click on picture for details )
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6103V (now # 4398E) see on USAAF page
USAAF WWII Officer's bringback Khukuri from Karachi, India (now Pakistan), circa 1942 - 1944
(see on the USAAF page, near top)
6103W - Fly WHISK with braided Leather shaft
6103W - From British Family’s Estate, with 14”+ “horsehair like” tail, overall length 27”+(includes wrist loop), high-quality leather, Excellent Condition, Used....inquire
(I am not sure of the material in the “tail”, probably from a horse(?))
6105 - Goggles
I am not sure if these are British--I get different stories every time I show them to an "expert"
6105 - Goggles still in can, New-with-Storage-Marks (NWSM).........inquire
6146 - WWII Commonwealth Battle Dress Jackets
for the Big Re-Enactor
6146D 6146E(sold) 6146F(Sold)
6146D - Australian OG Wool P-40 style Battle Dress Jacket, dated 1941, size 16 (see label below), metal buttons except for epaulets, made by “Chief Clothing CO Ltd” of Sydney, Australia, very-minor wear, Excellent + Condition, Used......inquire
Approximate Measurements:
Chest = 46+
Shoulder seam-to-seam = 19
Shoulder seam to end of cuff = 27
Sleeve = 36 1/2
Waist = 35+
6146D - Australian Battle Jacket Label
6146E - British OD Wool P-40 Battle Dress Jacket, dated 1943, size 15 (chest is 47+ inches), named, made by McDonger LTD(?), could be New(?).........(sold)
6146F - British Wool P-40 Battle Dress Jacket, dated 1943, size 18 (chest = 48”, neck = 16.5”, sleeve = 34”, shoulder seam to seam = 20”, shoulder seam to end-of-cuff 24”, neck seam to bottom of hem = 21.5”), waist buckle is bent ( can be straighten by buyer - see picture ), 1 broken button, made by Lipman & Silver (Uniform Specialists) Hull,
very-minor wear, Used.......(sold)
6146K - WWII Tropical Flying Boots
worn by a USAAF Pilot
6146K - Brown Tropical Flyer’s Boots, approximate size 10R, Brown Leather Wellington style boots of Superior quality workmanship, lined witrh soft leather, inside bootstraps, no maker’s stamps/etc., hobnail heels, Worn by an American USAAF Pilot, stamped inside with his: serial number, fullname, and rank. Khaki cloth has worn through along the backstraps, less that average wear, Used....(sold)
( also on: USAAF Gear and Patch, Foot & Flight Gear pages )
6146L - WWII Leather Jerkin, 44" chest
with "CHAMPION PHILADELPHIA" over-stamp on label
Label scanned at 300dpi
6146L - British Leather Jerkin with OD Wool Lining, Size 1 ( chest = 44+, back = 29 ½ ), dated January 18, 1943, white cloth label has a red ink over-stamp which reads: “Champion Philadelphia”, also has a small red stamp which looks similar to the “AN” inspector stamps on U.S. militaria items from WWII, below the cloth label is a black oval stamp reading: “N.Z. D.” “JAN 18 1943” (also has a MOD broad arrow), 4 x large Brown buttons, wear scuffs mainly on the upper back/neck area, looks like a Pilot or Driver wore it as it has wrinkles from being in a seat for long periods, one x 1/8” deep-scuff in leather near the hem on the back (see right picture on lower-left...does not go through the leather), 2 x 1/8” moth holes and 4-5 moth nips near the hem(that is on the inside!), leather supple, overall in above-average condition, Used...inquire
( also on Clothing page )
( Label picture also on UI/Mystery page )
UI/Mystery Items
See patches on the UI/Mystery Item page
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UI#167 - Country and Type of squadron (Mouse has a cobra on his shirt)?
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UI#219 - "VIETNAM" arcs (2" wide) are crudely cast in brass, parachute is stamped(well made), possibly made in Vietnam, European style loops on reverse. No markings, any ideas?
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UI#238 - UI/Mystery Badges and Wings
Click on picture f
UI#308 - VI Commando (6th Commando) on black felt
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any IDs for the above items?
( patches are on the UI/Mystery Patch page )
Viewer's disregard this section:
"WD" and Broad Arrow & "ATI"(?) in an oval
"E" crown "25" stamps on blade
Unit Markings(?) on socket "2 176" and "G T"(?)
seam on scabbard - bottom
seam on scabbard - center section
seam on scabbard - top
( Pictures look different as they were taken by camera and scanner in different lighting )
( label reads: Height 6' 2”, Breast 43” to 44”, Waist 38” to 39” )
(as one Englishman said...”next size-up would be a barrage balloon”)
(button & buckle damage occurred in a rag-mill --- not by wear)
6146F - Label and damage to Buckle and lower button
6103 - Triangular Socket Bayonet
Possibly the shorter pattern, circa 1871 - 75
"E" stamp on blade may be for the Enfield Armory(?)
6103P - older British socket-type bayonet with sheath, has a Broad Arrow and “WD” on the leather part of the sheath, brass tip is loose but all the rivets are still present, has been put-away wet several times but still a decent rig, Used......(sold)
Pattern 1940 Parachutist's Battle Jacket
(post-WWII insignia)
(color on the right is correct - poor shooter)
6146H - P-40 Parachute Regiment Battledress Blouse, Size 16 (medium/regular), minor wear, dated 1944, by The Regg Clothiers LTD, 1 small hole on lower-right-sleeve(ask for picture), minor wear, Near-New....(sold)
(This is a WWII Jacket that has Post-War insignia, probably made for a re-enactor)
6146B - CHINDIT Olive Green Jungle Jacket made of AERTEX material with CHINDIT patch and a "CHINDIT" arc on each sleeve, dated 1944, Stamp reads: "ZM 8 44 MC"(has a broadarrow), missing the waist buckle, I have cut some of the handsewn threads so I could expose the reverse side of the patch (white cloth backing) and tab (standard British Black Cloth) (see Bottom-right picture) New Condition with storage-wrinkles.....(sold)
6103T - 1st Pattern Browning HI-Power Holster
6103T - Khaki cotton pistol Holster, with Broad Arrow and “Z” “L & T Ltd”, inside leather compartment to hold a cleaning rod, inside rectangular metal compartment to hold a magazine, looks unused(?), Used......(sold)
( also on Holsters page )
USAAF Flyer's Rank, Name, and Serial Number
fraying along the backstraps
7401 - British GUN-LAYING Equipment
7401A 7401C 7401E
8-9 items in this Grouping/Collection, 3 examples below, see Catalog complete Group listings
7401A - Optic Device stamped "Vickers Ltd NO 151", Dated 1915, mounted on a "NO 14 MK III" Tripod Dated 1942
7401E - Clinometer Sight (Mark IV), made by OPL, Dated 1945, Broad Arrow
7401M - Clino Mortar MK IV Dated 1942, made by "M" with a Wing over the "M", made of Brass
7401x 7401x
