Lee-Jackson Militaria
for Selective Searches on this page use:
All Items Listed & Sold on this Web Site and in the Catalog are for "COLLECTIBLE DISPLAY" ONLY!
( A "Collectible Display” Item is Anything a Prudent person would NOT USE for Anything but a DISPLAY )
see Catalog for complete listings and prices
2505 - M1939 Heavy Leather Gloves
click on picture for details
ick on picture for details
HT-1 Radios used by Special Forces in Vietnam
"Walkie Talkie"
Black Aluminum Cased Radio with telescoping Antenna, I think it uses 8 x "D" Cells
developed for use in Vietnam and was used extensively by Special Forces and
certain Vietnamese troops through-out the War, per Sutherland
2720A on left
2720A - No Data Plate (probably never had one as this is a Special Ops Radio(?)), Cap missing from "Squelch" Control knob, Battery Box is clean, Good Used Condition....200.00
2720B - No Data Plate (glue residue where a plate might have been(?)), All Controls are labeled in Vietnamese and English, Battery Box is clean, Good Used Condition....(sold)
Both Radios are from the same SF Veteran
(HT-1 radio shown being operated by a Vietnamese Officer in Sutherland's Book, "1952-1982 Special Forces of the U. S. Army", page 597)
2884A - MX-306A/G Telephone Cable
dated 1988, perfect for the Desert Storm Re-EnActors
( "a roll of WD-1" )
2884A - One Kilometer Roll of WD-1A/TT, dated 1988, stock number 6145-01-155-4257, water damage to opened-box, cardboard box has storage scuffs/etc., New-with-Storage-Marks( NWSM ), UnUsed.....(sold)
2930 - Ho Chi Minh Trail SENSORs
Air-dropped Sensors to monitor Personnel and Vehicle movement on the Trail
Sensors were dropped from many types of aircraft: Helicopters to F-4s and etc.
( for reference book see: "NAM" Book, by Page and Pimlott, pages 237/238 )
- - - -
2930A1 - Antenna Adaptor Module (without Storage Marks)
2930A2 - Antenna Adaptor Module (with Storage Marks)
2930B - Antenna Adaptor Module in Box
2930I - Short (26" +/-) Antenna
aka "Christmas trees"
2930A1 - (upper "tree" in pictures above & below), Antenna Adaptor Module (TALL version), no date, Part Number P34748-002, Green Plastic Branches (no leaves) with Aluminum Base, approximately 35" +/- tall ( see #2930I below for the shorter "Christmas Tree" ), New-in-Plastic-Bag, UnUsed......inquire
2930A2 - Same item as #2930A1 but has rust looking storage marks on the metal bottom where moisture(?) got into the plastic bag ( see picture above and below ) ….I rubbed some of the rust-looking marks off with my fingers…metal looks like aluminum so I don't think the rusty looking storage marks are rust(??), UnUsed......inquire
2930B - Antenna Adaptor Module, Still-in-cardboard-Box ( see label below ), UnUsed........inquire
2930I - Antenna ( Short-style 26" +/- ), "#6135-00-169-1561, ANTENNA MA-33", New-in-Package, UnUsed.......inquire
2930A1 - Antenna Adaptor Module (without Storage Marks)
2930A2 - Antenna Adaptor Module (with Storage Marks)
2930B - Antenna Adaptor Module, Box Label
- - - -
2930D and I - Case and Short Antenna Adaptor Module
2930D - Case (Ground Probe) for Antenna (see items #2930A & B), 35 ½" (+/-), case is painted a Camouflage pattern and packed in Clear Plastic Bag & White Foil. White Foil package is marked: "OCTOBER 1972, MIL B 117 D, TYPE 1, CLASS E, STYLE I" (Stock Number may be NSN 6350-01-257-0149). White Foil and Plastic Bag have been opened and some paint missing, NWSM, UnUsed.......inquire
2930D - Case (ground Probe) Tip and Label
- - - -
2930G - Case (ground probe)
2930G - Case in Box ( Box has been opened ) ( this is a Ground Probe for an Antenna ), Box stamped: "FSN 6350-169-1545GD, CASE, TUBULAR TC505, P/N 7141157, DATED 11/72". Case(probe) has not been removed from the White Foil package, (data stamped on the White Foil package same as #2930D, UnUsed......inquire
2930G - Case (ground probe), Box Label
( Label from the box shown above )
( see Catalog for more details and pricing )
Insignia for the Sensor Project
click on picture for details
Project Igloo White utilized the #2930 items that had been deployed by F-4s and other aircraft, some flying from Thailand
This patch was from a 25th TFS Pilot and it has sold
Ponchos and Liners
3804 - Older OG Poncho Liner
3804F - no date label, green cloth “use & care” label, 1 x corner-tie has been neatly removed (other 3 ties intact), NEVER WASHED, needs to be cleaned, 6 cigarette burn holes (largest hole is ¾”), minor wear, Used...inquire
( Early Vietnam Era with the center seam )
Burn Holes
Early-Vietnam "Parachute-Camo" NYLON Poncho Liners
Early style with "square-corners" 3808M(sold) 3808Q(sold) 3808R(sold) 3808S(sold)
3808M - Square Cornered, Label faded (can read: “DSA-1…..”), Large Holes have been repaired, small snags/holes have not been repaired, Excellent Color, Very RARE Liner, Good Display Item, GC+...(sold)
(Probably Dated in 1961-62 Era due to the Square Corners)
3808AA - dated 1964 (DSA-1-6997), repaired, Excellent Color & Label is readable (= unusual), Used.......(sold)
3810AB and 3810AP - Vietnam Era Camouflage NYLON Poncho Liners, several in stock, New & Used Condition, Many dates available
( see Catalog for selection and prices )
3842 - USN/USMC Reversible Camouflage Poncho
Hoodless, WWII Poncho
3842G - No Markings, Very Supple, Brown side has some Tan Paint spray along one-side (blends-in with the camo almost), small black stain on Jungle-side (may be from the factory?), New-with-storage-marks........inquire
3844C - Rare Korean War Era Hooded Lightweight Poncho
Dated June 30, 1952, MIL-P-3003 B, Stock NO. 72-P-9780-100, will no longer repell water, good for Static Display Only..............inquire
3849K - Heavyweight Nylon Poncho
dated 1966, 2 short-tears along the edge (rough storage), Excellent for Static Display, UnUsed Condition........inquire
WWII Era Raincoats
3908x - sample of Women's Raincoats
For Men's Raincoats, check the Catalog #3922x and etc.
4500 - Canteens
Marine Corps Canteens
4507D - WWII USMC Canteen SET
found together - roll-lip cup has been in this cover many years
2nd Pattern, 2nd Design with the "drain" ("filler") hole in bottom of cover and crossed-flaps
4507D - unlined COVER with Cross-Flaps and Drain Hole; "H. R. KLEMM, J.." stamped on bottom of Cover, Stainless Steel CANTEEN dated 1944 by Vollrath, Aluminum CUP dated 1945 by T.A.CU. CO., Used.....(sold)
( also on Marine Gear page )
- - - -
4507F - USMC WWII 1st pattern (Glove Snaps) Set
this cover is the 1st Marine Pattern adopted in WWII
Unlined, high mounted M-1910 Hanger, domed-snaps
( see in Grunt Gear Book, page 165 )
4507F - 1st Pattern, 1st Design (see #4508) Cover (unlined) with regular flaps and glove snaps:
Cover washed once, has fair-wear but no holes, Good+ Condition
Canteen dated 1942 by A.G.M. CO., early style black flat-top plastic cap, Good+ Condition
Cup dated 1943 by A.G.M. CO. in Good Condition
Set in Overall Good+ Condition, Used.......(sold)
( also on pages: htm & USMC Gear )
- - - -
4508D - 1st Pattern Marine Carrier
Unlined Cover, high mounted M-1910 Hanger, with Lift-a-Dot Flap closures
( Basically an Army cover without the felt lining )
4508D - Lift-a-Dot style, no markings, fraying, ¼” hole between the lift-a-dot studs from wear, good for a “realistic” display or re-enacting, Used.......inquire
- - - -
4509L - WWII USMC Canteen Cover
2nd Pattern, 1st Design without the "drain" ("filler") hole in bottom of cover and crossed-flaps
4509L - USMC "Cross-Flap" 1-quart Canteen Cover (carrier), no markings (common), minor snags at the bottom (on side & back), Used......inquire
( ask for "snag" picfile if serious )
4512 - British made 1-quart Canteen Carrier
4512E - Khaki with Khaki Trim, dated 194.(1944?), stamped "British Made" (has the "Broad Arrow 94" UK MOD stamp), left "Lift-the-Dot" Post top is broken (the flap will not stay closed), Good Static Display item, Used....inquire
M-1956 1-Quart Canteen Cover
4517 - Early Glove-Snap covers had a Gray-Felt lining, dates observed: 1960 & 1961
4518 - Later Glove-Snap covers used a Green Synthetic pile lining, dates observed: 1962 - 1968
4517x - sample picture of a 1961 dated carrier with Glove Style Snaps on Flaps,
lined with Gray Felt, comes with 2 ALICE Clips, UnUsed.....inquire
4518x - sample picture of a 1964 dated carrier with Glove Style Snaps on Flaps,
lined with Synthetic Green Pile, comes with 2 ALICE Clips, UnUsed.....inquire
Over 20 New Condition Covers in stock, download the catalog
( several other dates to choose from, see Catalog )
4520 - RVN Era Plastic Canteens, Most Dates available
circa 1963 - 1975
( NO 1967 dates manufactured, to my knowledge )
4520B - Dated 1964, sample of the stock of Vietnam War dated OG Plastic canteens, Used.......inquire
One or two dates I have New Condition Canteens
( most dates available for the Vietnam Era, download the Catalog )
4522M - RVN Era Canteen Cover with Plastic Snaps
Nylon 1-Quart Canteen COVER with Four-Vertical Seams in the Front and Plastic Glove Snaps
4522M - dated 1968, minor usage, original ALICE Clips, Used.......inquire
( more available, see Catalog )
4527 - Experimental Collapsible Canteen COVER
See Stanton's WWII Book, pages: 127 and 179
4527B - Olive Green Canvas Carrier, no data written inside or out, UnUsed......inquire
4527C - OG Cotton Canvas Pouch, no data written inside or out, new-with-storage-marks, UnUsed.....(sold)
( 4527B and C are from the same Government box )
1st & 2nd Pattern Collapsible 2-Quart Canteens
Early to mid-1960s, used in Vietnam
4529x - 1st Pattern Collapsible 2-qt Canteen, most dates are prior to 1965
4530x - 2nd Pattern Collapsible 2-qt Canteen, dates start circa 1966
( Carrier and Bladder sold seperately )
( see Catalog for Details, Availibility, & Prices )
- - - -
4529B, E, and J - First Pattern Canteen, circa early-1960s
see more Pictures and Details below
4529B - Collapsible 1st Pattern BLADDER
Cap dated 1962, contract NO. DA 19-129-QM-2044 O. I. 6121 FSN 8465-J22-0003
Cap assembly shown dis-assembled in right picture with:
Cap and Collar linked with chain
Screen to prevent trash from entering the bladder while being filled in a dirty stream
4529B - Bladder, Cap is Dated 1962, Tested on 100109 = NO leaks, Used.......inquire
4529E - 1st Pattern Canteen CARRIER, circa early-1960s
with fixed shoulder strap
4529E - Carrier (Bag or Cover), No Date, Used......inquire
( most Bags are not dated )
4529J - 1st Pattern Canteen COVER, circa early-1960s
Named on front strap
4529J - Carrier (Bag or Cover), No Date, Named, tie-down grommet missing (common on these bags), Used.....inquire
4540 - 3rd Pattern Collapsible 2-Quart Canteen
Early Carrier(bag) Instruction labels are White; later labels are Green Cloth
Early Shoulder-Straps are similar to the "Narrow" strap shown below;
later straps are similar to the current-Issue General Purpose Strap (almost 2" wide)
Flaps come in 2 x Styles.....slanted(early) and straight....see sample picture below
4540x - sample pictrures of the 3rd and final pattern used in Vietnam, dates I have seen are post-1965
4540 - 1st Style (slanted) Flap and 2nd Style (Horizontal) Flap
( Carrier(Bag), Bladder, & Strap sold seperately )
- - - -
4540A, B, C, & D - 2-quart Canteen Shoulder Straps
4540A - Narrow ( 1" wide ) NYLON Shoulder STRAP ( 1st Style ), Used..........inquire
( 1 x 4540A strap in NEW Condition in stock )
4540B - Wide ( Almost 2" ) COTTON Shoulder STRAP, will probably have corrosion on the snap-hooks, Used..........inquire
4540C - Wide ( Almost 2" ) COTTON Shoulder STRAP, Good Color, Used..........inquire
4540D - Wide ( Almost 2" ) COTTON Shoulder STRAP, New-with-Storage-Marks.......inquire
- - - -
4540R - Bag(carrier) dated 1968 with 1st Style Flap
4540R - Bag dated 1968 (White Label = 1st Style), top edge of white label re-sewn (see picture below), Used.........(sold)
White Label resewn along top edge
- - - -
4540AM - 1st Style Slanted Flap Carrier with Narrow Strap
4540AM - Bag (1st Style with slanted Flap) and Narrow Strap, Dated 1969 (White Label), New-with-Storage-Marks, UnUsed.....inquire
- - - -
4540BA - 2-quart Bladder by Ideal, early-Date
Dated 1966
4540BA - Dated 1966, by Ideal, Name stencilled on the front, otherwise the Bladder is Near-Mint!.......Used.......inquire
( Early Date(1st Contract?) and UnCommon Maker)
- - - -
4540BK - Bag with Narrow Carrying Strap
UnIssued 2-Quart Bag with Strap, dated 1969
4540BK - Bag and Narrow Strap, Dated 1969 (White Label), New With Storage Marks, UnIssued...inquire
- - - -
4540BL - 1st Style "Slanted" Flap Bag with Narrow Strap, UnUsed
4540BL - Bag (1st Style with slanted Flap) and Narrow Strap, dated 1969, (White Label), New-with-Storage-Marks, UnUsed.....inquire
- - - -
4540BR, 2-QT Canteen Bag(1st Pattern cover) and 2" wide Strap
4540BR - Bag and Wide Strap, dated 1969, (White Label), minor wear/stains, Used.......(sold)
- - - -
4540CA - 2-QT Canteen Bag(carrier) and Wide Strap, RVN Era
4540CA - Bag dated 1972 (Green label) and Wide Strap (strap hardware has minor corrosion = corrosion can be cleaned with steel wool), Used....inquire
4540CB - Bag dated 1972 (Green label) and Wide Strap (strap hardware has minor corrosion = corrosion can be cleaned with steel wool), GI’s initials on inside, minor white stains on backside, Used....inquire
4540CC - Bag dated 1972 (Green label) and Wide Strap (strap hardware has minor corrosion = corrosion can be cleaned with steel wool), Used......inquire
- - - -
( see Catalog for Details, Availibility, & Prices )
4544V, 5-Quart Collapsible Canteen/Flotation Bladder
4544V - dated 1968, UnUsed.........inquire
( 5-6 more available, see Catalog )
4560 - Vietnamese Plastic Canteen
dated 1960s to early-1970s
4560A - Canteen with Cap & Strap, Used..........inquire
4560B - Canteen with Cap (No Strap), Used........inquire
4560C - Canteen with "M17" Gas Mask Style Cap and Strap, dated 1970, by "NAMYCO", Used.......inquire
- - - -
4561 - Vietnamese Canteen
no date
4561A - Canteen with CAP (No Strap), "Star in a Circle", Used......inquire
4570 - WWI Aluminum 1-quart Canteen
- - - -
4570A - WWII Trench Artwork Canteen
4570A - Dated 1918, WWII South Pacific Bringback, at the bottom front is etched: "Michigan, Iohid 44", he was in: "New Caledonia - Maryland - Australia" and was known as the "The Oakland Kid", "Farrell" might have been his name..........inquire
- - - -
4570H - dated 1918, re-capped by the government in WWII
( see Catalog for details and many more 1-quart Canteens )
4574 - M-1942 Black Enamel Canteen
( made with Vertical and Horizontal seams )
see Catalog for details and pricing
( Very Rare to find this style of canteen in Excellent Condition like 4574F & L )
- - - - 
4574F - Black/Blue Enamel Canteen
( hard to shoot this surface - canteen has a shiny Black Surface )
4574F - Horizontal Seam, dated 1942, by “REP”, has the Original Flat top Black Cap with Original cork, very-small chip on the horizontal seam (on the side) (ask for picfile),
normal wear around the top/neck (see pictures), stud in cap has rust (normal for this cap - see pic below) (can be removed with NAVAL Jelly), Khaki Carrier dated 1942 (this is the cover it was found in) (no value placed on carrier), 97% Condition, Used........(sold)
bad picture on left - enamel is shiny like other pics
4582 - WWII Era Stainless Steel 1-quart Canteen
4582B dated 1943, by G. P. & F. CO, minor wear on cork, odd Black chain, Excellent Condition, Used.....(sold)
( Many New Condition WWII dated Stainless Steel Canteens available, see Catalog )
4624 - Field Mess Knife
4624H M-1926 Black Handle Field Mess Knife, marked "U. S.", blade stamped "SILCO Stainless", GC.....inquire
( more Knives, Forks, & Spoons available, see Catalog )
4670 - Stainless Steel Canteen Drinking CUP
4670R - dated 1944, by Foley MFG. CO., had a canteen in it, I don't think it was ever used, very-minor storage marks, Used.....(sold)
( exceptionally nice 1944 cup )
( more 4670x style cups available )
4672 - Wire Handle Canteen Drinking Cup
4672x - Sample of Canteen Drinking Cup with Wire Handles
( several early model Flat Handle Cups also in stock )
( see Catalog for stock and pricing )
4781A - GI Roll of Olive Green NYLON Webbing, Vietnam era
Stock Number 8305-881-0604
4781A - dated November 1967, GI Roll of webbing, 1" x 100 yards, New-in-sealed-Government-Brown-Paper-Package, UnUsed.....inquire
I will sell shorter lengths - INQUIRE
Stamped Label reads:
Webbing, Textile, Nyloin OD#7
Latex Impregnated, Class L
MIL-W-17337L W/D
MIL-W-27265A Class L
100 Yds.
DSA 100-68-C-0370
GI Tag attached to Webbing Roll
4798 - First Pattern Cotton M-1956 "H" Suspenders
1st Pattern = open-Belt-Hooks, Front and Back
4798x sample picture of M-1956 "H" Suspenders, 1st Pattern........Inquire
- - - -
4798AD - Cotton M56 "H" Suspenders
Rare "Long" length 1st patterns in UnUsed Condition
4798AD - dated August 1960, verdigris on hardware(common), still tied with 2 x white cotton strings, UnUsed...inquire
4798AF - dated August 1960, verdigris on hardware(common), UnUsed.....inquire
sample label for early "H" Suspenders
4800AL - 2nd Pattern M56 "H" Suspenders
2nd Pattern = open-Belt-Hooks in Front; snap-hooks in Back
Repacked in a Sealed Bag in 1983
4800AL - Regular length, dated 1965, UnUsed........inquire
( Buy 20, or more, and get a larger price break )
- - - -
4800AM - M-1956 Cotton "H" Suspenders
4800AM - Long length, dated 1967, Small amount of Verdigris, still tied with White Cotton String, quantity in stock, NWSM, UnUsed.......inquire
( NWSM = New with storage Marks )
- - - -
4800BD - Modified Suspenders
came with a STABO rig, catalog #5264H
4800BD - Long, “DSA 100-….” (date faded from wear), a “removable carrier” has been added that could carry something a little larger than an anglehead flashlight, Used....inquire
4803A - Nylon "H" Suspenders
4803A - dated 1968 (DSA 100-68-C-2823), NWSM....inquire
(Modified M-1956 Suspenders made of Nylon and with Extra Snap Hooks on the Front Shoulder Pads. One-Size-Fits-All,
Stock # 8465-935-6830 (work on this Lightweight Nylon Individual Load-Carrying Equipment
started in 1965 and late-1967, first production contracts were let in 1968)
(The quick-release (#5267) “Davis” Equipment (pistol) Belt was part of the new style gear)
(see Stanton's RVN Era Book, pages 143-145)
4808N - Nylon "Y" Suspenders
4808N - dated 1983, Still tied with cotton string and Tags, (50 pairs in stock), New.......(all sold)
4812 - WWII to Vietnam Era Duffle BAGs
4812. - sample picture of a Type 1, one-strap Duffel BAG
- - - -
4812M -Type I (1-strap) Duffle Bag, named
4812M - dated 1961, Names/SN stenciled, never washed, as-New color, Used.......inquire
- - - -
( several WWII era D-Bags available see Catalog )
4814 - Type II, two shoulder-strap Duffel BAG
4814A - Nylon Duffel Bag, dated 1987 (DLA100-87-C-4013), still folded, Quantity in stock, NEW........35.00
4820 - Barracks Bag ( aka "laundry bag")
4822 - Waterproof Bag
4820B - Dated 1988, 2nd Quality (factory BLEMS), UnIssued..........(sold)
(BLEMs = blemish in weave, double-stamped "U.S.", and etc.)
4822B, C, or D - dated 1980, UnIssued........(sold)
( approximate size 25" x 33" )
4826A - Usage Unknown, maybe for Signal Equipment(?)
( listed on UI/Mystery page as UI#365 )
4826A - OG "treated Canvas carrying pouch (6" x 27"), "DOT" marked glove-snaps,maybe for Signal Equipment, (needs to be aired-out as the anti-Fungal(or ???) treatment smell is strong), New Condition, UnUsed.........inquire
( also on UI page as UI#365 )
4830 - M38 Cotton Canvas Dispatch(Map) Case
4831 - M-1938 Cotton Shoulder Strap for Map Case
4830K - dated 1943, Khaki shade, later style with 2 x “d-rings” at the top in the back, the “U. S.” has been stamped upside-down on the flap, hard-insert removed (removing the hard-insert adds one more compartment), no shoulder strap, no Acetate Insert, stamped "J.Q.M.D.", minor stain inside, Used......inquire
4831B - Khaki (older dark-Brown shade), small stain (looks like tar = possible removal?), minor rust on metal slide, very-minor wear, Excellent Condition.......(sold)
( other #4830x Map Cases may be in Stock, see Catalog )
4832 - M1938 Khaki Cotton Canvas Dispatch Case
4832A - dated 1941, made by Boyt, last-4 on back, minor stains, EC......(sold)
- - - -
4832B - dated 1941 by Boyt, Khaki shade, early style with 3 x "d-rings" on back, comes with 2 x mounting straps on back, no Acetate Insert, Last-4 on inside of Flap, small hole on the Flap(see below), minor staining, Used......(sold)
- - - -
4832D - dated 1941, Khaki shade, early style with 3 x "d-rings' on the back, made by Meese Inc., NO shoulder, or “short”, straps, No Acetate Insert, minor fraying on back (at the bottom) where it was mounted against other gear, Used.....95.00
( use a #4831 for the long-shoulder strap - see above )
4842 - B-4B Flyer's Clothing BAG
click on picture for details
4846D - M1943 Olive Green Jungle Pack
some M43 packs are dated 1942
4846D - dated 1943, stamped "U.S." on flap, made by “HEP… MFG CO, INC.”, probably never washed, not much usage, has stains of a black tar looking substance(see pic)=it will scratch-off with your thumbnail, Excellent Color, has a replacement drawcord (you can purchase a vintage cord, see #4846H below), Used.....(sold)
black stain sample
- - - -
4846H - M43 Original Drawcords
removed from damaged M43 Packs
4846H - Original Drawcords, Used.......inquire
center (darker) cord has sold
bottom cord has sold
4850 - M1936 Musette Bag
4850P - British Made M-1936 Khaki Musette Bag with GP Strap, dated 1943, stains on bottom, Used......(sold)
(picture of bottom available......1st UK made M-1936 I have had in years)
- - - -
4850R - Khaki shade, dated 1943
4850R - Khaki shade, dated 1943, last-four inside, minor stains and wear, EC......(sold)
(right picture should be a Khaki shade - poor picfile)
- - - -
One of the BEST M-1936 Musette Bags available
4850V - Khaki, dated 1942 Musette Bag, minor rust on snap-hooks, faint stain on the back(can you see it in right picture?), New-with-Storage-Marks, UnUsed.......(sold)
- - - -
4850AA - dated 1938, named to an Officer
Oldest Musette I have owned
4850AA - Khaki, dated 1938, data label reads: “U. S. JEFF. Q.M.D. 1938”, “D-Ring” GP is probably dated 1942, Officer’s SN, last name, 3 x initials, last-4 stencilled on bottom, APO #, 3-4 stencils and markings denoting type of unit and/or etc., Used..(sold)
4852 & 4854 - M-1936 General Purpose Straps
Shoulder Straps for #4850s and etc.
4852C - Khaki, dated 1942, by WW Stanley CO., Initials on end, Used......inquire
4852E - Khaki, dated 1942, by EXCEL, Used.......(sold)
4852F - Khaki, dated 1942, by EXCEL, last-4 neatly stamped inside & back, Used.....(sold)
4852G - Khaki, dated 1941, rust color stains, Used.....inquire
4852K - Khaki, dated 1943, by Prospect LTHR. GDS. CO. Inc. - 1, New-with-Storage-Marks, UnUsed......inquire
( see CloseUp below )
4854M - Olive Drab, longer than a #4852, no markings, Used.......inquire
- - - -
4852O & P - WWII General Purpose Strap with 2 x 'D' rings
4852O - Khaki, bulk lot with several 1943 and 1944 dates, Used......inquire
( 15+/- in stock )
4852P - Khaki, bulk lot with several 1943 and 1944 dates, Used......inquire
( 15+/- in stock )
( see replacement GP Strap below )
4856 - M1944 General Purpose (GP) Strap
( Replaced #4852 GP Straps, shown above )
4856x - sample pictures of GP straps, Verdigris on hardware is very common,
- - - -
4856 - UnUsual M-1944 GP Straps
4856F - OG, dated 1945, UnCommon GP Strap, made from HBT cotton material which has been sewn laterally (8 rows of stitching), by Ackerman Canvas, stamped "U.S.", UnUsed.....(sold)
4856G - OG, Dated 1945, Unusual: Made from HBT Fatigue Material which has been sewn laterally (8 rows of stitching), by Ackerman Canvas, stamped "U.S.", UnUsed.....(sold)
4856V - OG, dated 1944, the date “44” & “HARIAN” (maker) are marked with an ink pen, never seen one marked this way, the “US” may also be marked with a pen, snap-hooks are painted black - not “blackened” like the standard strap, material is a very-tight weave, very unique GP Strap, I wonder if this one was made in England or other parts of the Commonwealth, UnUsed.....(sold)
( see Catalog for more Straps and Bags )
4862 - Lightweight Jungle Rucksack and Parts
Early Style New-in-the-Plastic-Bag Frame Later Style
(No Middle Horizontal Back Strap) (uses 3 Horz. Back Straps) (uses 3 Horz. Back Straps)
( see Catalog for more Rucks and parts )
- - - -
4862FT Early-Style Lightweight (LtWt) Jungle Rucksack Frame with Straps, wear spot on frame (see right picfile), minor wear on straps, this style of frame has no "Middle" Horizontal Backstrap, was probably made before 1968(?), rig was found together, Excellent Condition, Used....(sold)
- - - -
"Middle" Horizontal Strap - Not used on the older LTWT Ruck Frame
4862x - "Middle" Horizontal Strap for the later model LtWt Jungle Ruck Frame, Extremely Hard to find
- - - -
4862x - Sample RVN Era Lightweight (LtWt) Jungle Rucksack Bag
4862x - Sample pair of Shoulder Straps for the LtWt Jungle Ruck
( Inquire for Availability and Price )
- - - -
4862A - LTWT Ruck Manual
First manual I have seen; shows the Rifle Strap Pocket(4862DA) being used
4862A - TC 10-8, 36 page Manual for the LTWT Rucksack, dated February 1967, Excellent Condition, Used.....(sold)
- - - -
4862D - 2-piece Vertical Cargo Strap, one on each side
Extremely hard to find - very seldom do I have a perfectly matched pair
Priced per strap - not as a pair
4862D - Vertical Cargo Strap, Long 2-piece strap that is on each side of the upper-frame, Used....(sold)
( price is per side - you need two 4862Ds to outfit one Frame )
- - - -
4862F - Lightweight Rucksack Upper Horizontal STRAP
"TL" = Top Left
When inquiring, state the strap's position in the picture, i.e., "CR"(center right)
4862F - Upper Horizontal Strap, USED.........inquire
Center-Left has SOLD
- - - -
4862G - Lower Horizontal Strap (Kidney Band), Inquire for Availability and Price
- - - -
4862H - OG and Brown Waist Strap (Belly Band)
Brown-shade straps rarely have nomenclature or "U.S." stamped on them and are very stiff compared to the OGs
4862H - Waist Strap (“Belly Band”), New, UnUsed......inquire
- - - -
4862BW and BX - Drawstring for Bag
A "Used condition" 4862BW is depicted
4862BW - removed from rucksack, Olive Green Drawstring for Bag, Used........inquire
4862BX - Replacement Drawstring for Bag, OG Parachute Line with Black Tracer Marks, UnUsed.......inquire
- - - -
4862CA - Lightweight Pack Shelf
Used to carry: PRC Radios, Water Cans, or etc.
( I saw a Riverine 11B carrying his personal TransOceanic on the Pack Shelf in the upper-position )
4862CA - Pack Shelf, dated 1966, Olive Green, (even with being packed in a plastic bag at the factory-all shelves will have minor storage-marks), New-in-Plastic-Package, UnUsed.......25.00
lower position
- - - -
4862CP - Lightweight Rucksack Original Instruction Sheet
Original Instruction Sheets are hard to find
this one is typical of the condition as they were stuffed inside the upper cover - I would guess 99% were thrown away
4862CP - 13 1/2" x 18 1/2", Used in Poor Condition......(sold)
- - - -
4862DA - Rifle Butt Pocket and Strap Assembly
4862DA - Nylon Strap Pocket with Wire Hanger, used to secure a Rifle (M-14 or M-16) to the Rucksack, dated 1966 (DSA100-4835), marked "Rifle Butt Pocket and Strap Assembly", still rolled-up and tied with the Government's blue ribbon, UnUsed.....(each).......25.00
( discount available if purchased in quantity ----- ask! )
- - - -
4862FW & FX - early-style Frames
without lower Horizontal Back Strap brackets
4862FW - Older style FRAME (this frame uses only ONE Horizontal Backstrap), Re-sprayed by the Military, part of an old store tag on top bar, very minor paint wear, lays flat and is tight, shows minor wear, Used...inquire
4862FX - Older style FRAME (this frame uses only ONE Horizontal Backstrap), Possibly re-painted by the Military(?), part of an old store tag on top bar, minor paint wear, almost lays flat and is tight, shows minor wear, Used...inquire
- - - -
4862FY & FZ - early-style Frames
without lower Horizontal Back Strap hardware
4862FY - Older style FRAME (this frame uses only ONE Horizontal Backstrap), Paint looks original, minor paint wear, almost lays flat and is tight, not much wear, Used...inquire
4862FZ - Older style FRAME (this frame uses only ONE Horizontal Backstrap), Paint may be original, minor paint wear, almost lays flat, center bar moves(not much), shows wear, Used...inquire
- - - -
4862GA - "Ft. Bragg", with Sleeping Roll Carrier and Belly Band
4862GA - Complete Rucksack, dated 1971, I don’t think the Cargo Straps were ever used, less than normal amount of scratches on frame, “FORT BRAGG WOU317” stamped below the U.S. on the flap (see pic below), Not much usage, even has the Sleeping Roll Carrier and late style Belly Band, Used.......inquire
( Includes: Frame, Bag, 3 Vertical Cargo Straps, Horizontal Backstraps, Shoulder Straps, Kidney Band, Belly Band, and Sleeping Roll Carrier )
Sleeping Roll Carrier and late style Belly Band
( Stored with 4862GB and GC )
4862GB - Complete Rucksack
4862GB - Complete Rucksack to include Belly Band, No Date, Older Style with only the Upper Horizontal Backstrap, Small snags on Outer-Pockets,
Reddish Stains on Bag, Frame has 90%+ Original Paint, GC+
( Stored with 4862GA and GC )
4862GC - Original Instruction Sheet
Too big for the scanner - one of the best condition sheets I have ever recovered from a Ruck flap.
scanned at 150dpi
4862GC - Excellent Plus Condition, Used.....inquire
( stored with 4862GA and GB Rucks )
- - - -
(see Catalog for these and other Parts for Lightweight Rucks)
4863 - SF/SOG Rucksack
- - - -
4863A Canvas Rucksack, small Open-top compartment next to your back, 3 Exterior Pockets, 2 Tie-Strings at Bottom, Small Cotton Label inside with "INSPECTED" & other Characters, High-Quality Hardware, Ends of straps are shellacked, Main Compartment Drawstring missing, EC+........(Sold)
I saw a similar "INSPECTION" tag in a piece of Tigerstripe Fatigues years ago
( another source tells me he has seen similar Hang-Labels in Tiger Stripe Items )
Information from a Veteran ( 060213 ):
".....issued and worn by the SF and the CIDG in the late 60s and were made in Okinawa.
I started using the rucksack on my second patrol after using the tube version.
It rode better on my back and because we were on 3-day patrols , I didn’t carry much....."
- - - -
Special Forces(SF) 
Surveillance and Observation Group(SOG)
unmarked Rucksack
4863B - Sage Green Canvas Rucksack with OG Trim & Straps, circa 1968-69, Canvas has the “anti-fungal” treatment like JEEP tops/WWII Pacific bound canvas gear,
NO labels or stamps (looks ready for cross-border operations(?), Shoulder Straps are not padded, Small Open-top compartment next to your back,
3 Exterior Pockets (2 x side pockets are smaller than the rear pocket), Not designed for a Frame, 2 Tie-Strings at Bottom, on Backside of Pack (possibly to use as a “belly-band”(?), High-Quality Hardware, no metal tips on straps, Main Compartment Drawstring is a braided-plastic string, Problably never issued, UnUsed......(Sold)
- - - -
Unmarked Rucks
4863D - Sage Green Canvas Rucksack with OG Trim and Browish cotton Straps,
Canvas has “anti-fungal” treatment like JEEP tops/WWII Pacific bound Gear,
NO labels or stamps (looks ready for cross-border operations(?)),
Shoulder Straps are not padded,
Small Open-top compartment next to your back,
3 Exterior Pockets (2 x side pockets are smaller than the center-rear pocket),
Not designed for a Frame,
2 Tie-Strings on Backside near Bottom(possibly used as a “belly-band”(?)),
rust on Hardware (can probably be cleaned-up with Naval Jelly(?)),
no metal tips on straps, right main compartment strap is damaged(see pictures),
center-rear pocket has 2 x small holes in the bottom (see pics),
Main Compartment Drawstring is missing, Excellent Used Condition.....inquire
4863E - Sage Green Canvas Rucksack with Green NYLON Trim & Straps,
Canvas has “anti-fungal” treatment like JEEP tops/WWII Pacific bound Gear,
NO labels or stamps (looks ready for cross-border operations(?)),
Shoulder Straps are not padded,
Small Open-top compartment next to your back,
3 Exterior Pockets (2 x side pockets are smaller than the center-rear pocket),
Not designed for a Frame,
2 Tie-Strings on Backside near Bottom(possibly used as a “belly-band”(?)),
minor rust on Hardware(can probably be cleaned-up with Naval Jelly(?)),
no metal tips on straps,
Main Compartment Drawstring is a braided-plastic string,
I don't think this Ruck was ever Issued(?), minor dark storage stains (see pics),
New-with-Storage-Marks(NWSM), UnUsed......inquire
4863E - throat of bag closed
4863D - holes in bottom of center pocket
4863D - sample of rust on buckles
( Naval Jelly will probably clean the buckles(?) )
4863D - fraying on right strap
4864 - ARVN/Ranger Cotton 2-pocket Rucksack
A "Complete Rucksack” Does NOT include the side Cargo Straps!
see Catalog for other Rucksacks available
4864x - SAMPLE 2-pocket Cotton Rucksack
- - - -
4864A & B - Complete ARVN/Ranger Rucks
4864A - Complete Rucksack in 96% condition, verdigris on hardware, Excellent Color, near-new, Overall Excellent Condition+, Used.......inquire
4864B - Complete Rucksack in 94% condition, minor-verdigris on hardware, minor wear on the backside-at the top(see picture), Excellent Color, Overall Excellent Condition+, Used.......(sold)
A "Complete Rucksack” Does NOT include the side Cargo Straps!
- - - -
BAG in UnUsed Condition
4864J - Rucksack BAG with the Upper-half of the SHOULDER STRAPS, verdigris on the hardware, New-with-Storage-Marks, UnUsed.......inquire
( Does NOT include: Frame, Lower-half of shoulder Straps (item #4864K),
Main compartment drawcord (item #4864T),
CORDs for Shoulder Straps Adjustment (item 4864U),
or side Cargo Straps (item 4864P) )
- - - -
Shoulder Strap Adjuster
4864K - Lower-half of Shoulder STRAP with a M1956 style brass snap-hook, approximately 25” long overall, left & right straps interchange, Used...(probably none in stock but ask)
- - - -
side Cargo Straps
( approximately 22” long, overall )
4864M - SET of cotton side-cargo-straps, Excellent condition, Used.....(set of 4)....(sold)
4864N - SET of cotton side-cargo-straps, Excellent condition, Used.......(set of 4)....(sold)
4864P - Cotton side-cargo-strap, Good condition, Used.......(each)....inquire
- - - -
Correct Vintage Line with Black Tracer Marks
4864T - Main Compartment DRAWCORD ( 55” +/- ), Used........inquire
4864U - CORD ( 5 - 7” ) for Shoulder Strap Adjustment, Used...(each)......inquire
- - - -
Kidney Pad
4864AA - KIDNEY PAD with 2 x metal LOOPs, New-with-Storage-Marks, UnUsed.......inquire
4864AF - Pair of metal LOOPs for the Kidney Pad, Used......( 2 x Loops ).......inquire
( single LOOP available - ask for price )
( some Loops are welded (see right loop); some are unwelded (left Loop) = probably a cost-saving factor )
A "Complete Rucksack” Does NOT include the side Cargo Straps!
4866 - Nylon Tropical Rucksack
The 3-pocket Ruck was designed for U. S. Troops in Vietnam
( #4864 Cotton 2-pocket Rucks were designed for Asian Troops )
4866x - Sample picture of a Tropical Ruscksack with the side-cargo straps still wrapped
A "Complete Rucksack” Does NOT include the 4 x #4866M side Cargo Straps!
4866x Sample picture of a Vietnam Era Nylon (3-outside pockets) Tropical Rucksack
- - - -
4866M - Side-Cargo Straps
4866M - Sample Set of 4 Cargo Straps for the Tropical Rucksack, Used.....inquire
( Older Straps are Olive Brown ( as above picture ); later Issue Straps are OG )
- - - -
4866AR - Complete Tropical Ruck
4866AR - Complete Rucksack ( side-cargo straps NOT Included, see #4866M ), dated 1968, main strap Buckles replaced with the correct set of matched “Anchor” stamped buckles ( see pic below ), minor rust on the frame, very-minor rust stains on the backside of the bag ( see pics ), overall in Excellent Condition, Used........(sold)
Back of Bag - exceptionally clean Hidden side of Frame & Kidney Pad
( #4866M side-cargo straps are NOT included with "Complete Rucks" unless notated )
Vietnam Era ALICE Field Pack & Parts
4872B - Small Rubberized BAG (marked “Size 1”) for the ALICE Field Pack Outer Pockets, dated 1974, some labels are distorted-to-unreadable due to sloppy work at the factory, typical Military New-Rubber smell, (needs to be aired-out and/or gently washed in warm soapy water), Unused.....inquire
4872A - Medium OG NYLON Rucksack BAG (bag is stamped: “Field Pack, (LC-1) NYLON”), dated 1974, DSA 100 74 C 1434, Stock Number 8465-00-001-6480, bags have never been assembled, original factory folds, has the “Black-Trace” parachute line in the main compartment drawcord, Rare to find Vietnam Era dated Rucksacks in New Condition, this Field Pack was used with the 1st Design “Black” ALICE Frame, UnUsed......inquire
4872C - Large Rubberized BAG (marked “Size 2”) for the Main ALICE Field Pack Compartment, dated 1974, some labels are distorted-to-unreadable due to sloppy work at the factory, typical Military New-Rubber smell, (needs to be aired-out and/or gently washed in warm soapy water), UnUsed.........inquire
4872D - BOOKLET for ALICE Gear (All-Purpose Lightweight Individual Carrying Equipment), dated November 1973, small booklet (40 pages) shows ALICE Field Packs (Medium and Large) and also shows how to carry your M-56 Gear (“Fighting Load Carriers” = never heard of this term(?)), this is the earliest book I have seen on ALICE Rucks/etc., Unused........inquire
4874A - WWII Era Jungle Waterproof Food Bag
4874A - dated 1943, Tent Spec. P.Q.D. No. 232A, still in Original bundle tied with white cotton string, New-with-Storage-Marks, UnUsed......35.00
4918A - WWI M-1910 Wire Cutter POUCH
4918A - dated 1917, stamped "R.I.A.", named on back, Excellent Color, Used.......(sold)
Tri-Fold Entrenching Tool Carriers
4976 and 4978 E-Tool Carriers
( see Catalog for stock and prices )
4980 M-1910 Entrenching TOOL ("T-Handle")
T-Handle Intrenching Tool ( Entrenching Shovel )
4980B - no date, stamped "U.S.", repainted, Used.......(sold)
4980H - no date, stamped "U. S.", repainted, Used.........(sold)
4980M - no date, stamped "U. S.", no paint left, Used......(sold)
Issued since 1910 through WWII (see Doughboy to GI book, page 192)
(Note: these were still being issued in Panama during the Korean War)
( see Catalog for more shovels and details )
4984 M-1951 Combination TOOL
( Shovel with Pick Blade )
4984AA - dated 1965, made by Pioneer, New-out-of-the-government-case, New-with-Storage-Marks....inquire
( Extremely RARE find! )
( see Catalog for more shovel and details )
4986. - Vietnam Era Intrenching Tools (shovels)
Dated 1969
4986Ax Several RVN Era Black Trifold Entrenching Tools (E-Tool) in stock, Dated 1969.
Most of these Folding Intrenching Shovels still have the Government re-stocking Label (see center-pic)
(Other dates available, older Nylon Covers sometimes in stock, see Catalog or Inquire)
5180 - Bags, Pouches, Belts, & etc.
5183B - WWI "Squad Leader's Pouch"?
( not sure of name - I saw this label assigned to the pouch in a book years ago )
5183B - 5 ¼” x 8” canvas pouch with a 5” canvas strap & metal belt Hanger, 4 grommets on back, stamped “U. S.” on flap, 2 x lift-a-dot closures, only marking is a “94” on the inside (probably an Inspector's stamp or the Factory number?), small rust/etc. stains, not much wear, washed once, Used......inquire
518. - WWI Ammunition Pouches
5182A - .45 Single Action (.45 SAA) Colt or Smith and Wesson Revolver Ammunition Pouch,
dated 1918, marked with an old store-price under the flap, UnUsed........(sold)
(also issued to Marines in WWI & WWII)
5182C - Dated October 1918, made by Gregory & Read Co., New-with-Storage Marks, UnUsed.....inquire
(side shown under #5182A)
5184D to 5184G - 2 x .45 Magazine Pouch, dated 1918, with Snap-on-the-Back, UnUsed....Inquire
( M1911 .45 Auto-Loader Mag Pouch )
- - - -
WWI .45 Autoloader Magazine Pouch by Mills
5184K - dated June 1918, by Mills, UnUsed......inquire
stamped "PAT JAN 28 01 - JUN 16.07", by Mills
(Check-out Catalog for more Pouches and Belts)
5185AI/AJ/AK - .45 caliber Pistol Magazine Pouches, 1942
5185AI - Khaki, dated 1942, by Hoff Mfg. CO., NWSM, UnUsed.......inquire
5185AJ - Khaki, dated 1942, by Hoff Mfg. CO., NWSM, UnUsed.......inquire
5185AK - Khaki, dated 1942, by Hoff Mfg. CO., data stamp done incorrectly at factory, NWSM, UnUsed.......inquire
- - - -
5185AL - WWII Khaki .45 Magazine Pouch
5185AL - Khaki, dated 1942(?), bad stamping=hard to read maker’s mark (probably HOFF as it is from the same collector as 5185AI-AK), the stud on the lift-a-dot has rusted and ripping through the cloth (cannot see when flap is closed), rust stains, Good for STATIC DISPLAY ONLY, Used......30.00
color is Khaki - bad photographer
5185 - 5190 Pouches circa: WWII, Vietnam, & Desert Storm
5185AB - dated 1942, Khaki 2-Magazine Pouch, by Hoff Mfg. CO., UnUsed......(sold)
5185AD - Khaki, dated 1942, by Avery, New.....(sold)
5185AG - Khaki, dated 1944, British made with two lift-a-dot fasteners, New........(sold)
(Stamped: "U. S. M. E. C. 1944 British Made" with a Broad Arrow “186”(?) (not sure of the numbers))
5186K - 1960s era 2 x .45 Magazine Belt Pouch, no date, Contract 8123(a DPSC number), label reads in part: “Pocket, Ammunition Magazine, Enlisted Men's, M-1923”, Unused.........inquire
(other .45 Pouches available)
5190A - OG Nylon, Beretta 9mm Pistol 1-Magazine POUCH, dated 1985, Unused........inquire
(used Beretta pouches available)
- - - -
5185AH and 5186A - .45 caliber Pistol Magazine Pouch
old style M-1923(with snap on belt-loop) and the M-1956 with ALICE Clips
5185AH - dated 1952, Verdigris on Hardware, new-with-storage-Marks, UnUsed......(sold)
5186A - (sample picture), dated 1969, Verdigris on Hardware, new-with-storage-Marks, UnUsed......(2 left in stock)......inquire
- - - -
5186B and C - pre-1976 era .45 Caliber Pistol Magazine Pouch
Dated 1960s - 1975
Choice of Excellent(EC) or Good(GC) Condition available
5186B - Excellent Condition, (choice of 1960s or early 1970s dates), Used........inquire
5186C - Good Condition, (choice of 1960s or early 1970s dates), Used........inquire
- - - -
5188A - Post-Vietnam .45 Caliber Pistol 2 x Magazine Pouch
5188A - Holds 2 x .45 magazines, dated in the 1980s, Never Issued, UnUsed.......inquire
5198 - WWII Extra AMMO Bag
4856AA General Purpose Strap (Strap ONLY), British made(?), Used.........inquire
5198AA 2nd Pattern Extra Ammunition Bag (Bag ONLY), dated 1945, washed, named on front, EC...(sold)
( Extra AMMO Bag and GP Strap found together )
520. - Vietnam, post-Vietnam, and Unusual Nylon Shotshell Pouch
5204x - Vietnam dated, holds 12 Shells in Cloth loops, Cotton Canvas "Shotshell" Pouch, UnUsed.......inquire
5206x - Post-RVN Era OG Cotton Canvas Pouch, UnUsed......inquire
5208x - post-RVN OG Nylon Pouch, Flap marked inside: "Case, Small Arms Ammunition; Shotgun", dated 1981 (DSA 100-81-C-2658), # 8465-00-261-8944, by Turner Thurston Mfg Co, 2 ALICE Clip Belt Holders, Unused.....inquire
( Note: The "DSA" number is 4 years later than I have ever seen; last DSA # I saw was in 1977, I have some doubts
on the source of the #5208x pouches but they do have some U. S. Military Qualities: Cordura Nylon on back
is a “Tight” weave Government Issue type not the loose-weave crap from Asia;
nor is it the cheap Korean Green seen on all of the repro items from Korea;
and most important, they have Nylon Loops (not elastic which is a dead-give-away for a Repro) )
5210 - M-1912 Pistol Belt
referred to as a "NCO" or "other ranks" Sword Belt when Saber Hanger present
5210D - with Sabre Ring ("NCO Sword Belt"), Unit marked on inside “D 2S”, needs cleaned, minor rust stains on back, Used.....inquire
5210F - with Sabre Ring ("NCO Sword Belt"), very clean, Used.....(sold)
5210H - Curved Stitching around the Female Closure, material around 5-Center Grommets has frayed, still functional, Used.......inquire
5210K - has a M-1917 Magazine Pouch Snap(other side pictured), made by Mills Woven Cartridge Belt CO (last Mills' Patent date is 1907), minor stains, very good condition for it's age, Used........inquire
( there is a small-curve to the stitching around the female-closure but it is not pronounced like some belts )
( Belt comes in many Different Versions: With Sabre Ring ("NCO BELT"), Without (W/O) Sabre Ring,
Different T-Closures and Stitching, One or Two Keepers, With or Without M-1917 Magazine Pouch Snap, and etc.
I have not seen a "dated" M-1912 Belt - see Doughboy to GI, page 180 )
5211C - M-6 Bazooka Rocket Ammunition Bag
5211C - 2-tone cloth, dated 1945, by Boyt, stains on the bottom, good color, Used......inquire
( see catalog for another bag )
5214B - Navy Demolition Charge BAG
Dated 1968
item on the left has NO Value
(for spare parts only)
5214B - outside data stamp reads: "U. S. NAVY BUWEPS CHARGE, DEMOLITION MK138 MOD.1 FSN-1375-834-7297 M792 LOT NO. 036N-C-I 1268 M-C-I 12/68", inside data stamp reads: "U. S. NAVY BUWEPS FIELD PACK, CANVAS MK 4 MOD. I LOT NO. I-DB 06-68 DIAMOND BRAND CANVAS PROD. CO. INC.", has a flotation Bladder inside the front-flap, carry strap, cord cutter, "D-ring" on bottom, Used.......inquire
(the mutilated bag is for parts = NO value)
( also on: htm, Navy Gear, and Brown Water navy pages )
5218 - Marine M-1 Carbine mag pouch BELT
click on picture for details
#5128 belts are used with #5220 pouches shown below
5220 - WWII M-1 Carbine Magazine Pouch
top row
5220P - Khaki, Dated 1942, made by Rubon, UnUsed.....(sold)
5220Q - Khaki, Dated 1942, made by Rubon, UnUsed .....(sold)
5220R - Khaki, Dated 1943, made by Boyt, UnUsed.......(sold)
5220U - Khaki, Dated 1942, made by J.Q.M.D, UnUsed ........(sold)
bottom row
5220M - OG trimmed in Khaki, Dated 1943, made by Biscayne Tent & Awning Co.,
minor rust stain on inside of flap caused by magazines, Excellent Condition, Used......inquire
5220T - OG, Dated 1943, made by T.F.S. Co., UnUsed.......inquire
5220W - OG, Dated 1943, made by Appleton Awning Shop, Excellent Condition, Used......inquire
- - - -
5220AA - 15-round Magazine Pouch, Used.....inquire
( also on Weapons page )
- - - -
5220AF - Khaki, dated 1943, by GEN. S. CORP., Used....inquire
( see the Catalog for details and more pouches Catalog )
5222 - Carbine Magazine Pouch
2 x cotton LOOPS, on back, to slide over the Pistol Belt
Also designed to be used with the M-1 Garand Rifle, will hold 2 x 30.06 clips
design adopted in 1943
- - - -
WWII pouches with Synthetic trim, RAYON I guess
UnCommon Pouches - only ones I have seen
5222N - Olive Drab, dated 1944, by Avery, named stamped inside flap, dark stain on back, minor wear, Used.....inquire
5222O - Olive Drab (OD), dated 1944, by Avery, UnUsed......inquire
- - - -
Korean War era
5222AA - Olive Green, dated 1951, UnUsed......28.00
5222AB - OG, dated 1952, UnUsed....28.00
- - - -
WWII Olive Drab and Khaki
5222AC - Olive Drab(OD), dated 1945, by Aldon, New......inquire
5222AD - Khaki, dated 1944, by A-G CORP., UnUsed.......inquire
5222AE - Khaki, dated 1944, by Gamblin Fashions of America, INC., UnUsed.........(sold)
( linked to home page )
- - - -
WWII Khaki
5222AF to AP, some with OD Trim
( see catalog for details and pricing, link to Catalog )
Over 40 x #5222 pouches in stock, see catalog
5230 - Magazine Ammunition Case
5230D - dated 1966, minor wear.........see catalog for details
5230E - no date, minor wear......see catalog for details
( both came from the same Veteran )
5250 - Garand & Springfield Rifle Ammunition Belt
- - - -
5250F,K,O,AK, & BH - 10 Pocket Rifle Belts
5250F - Khaki, dated 1918, Used.....inquire
5250K - OG, date faded, one small fray, Used.....inquire
5250O - OG, date faded, has been washed, solid old belt with the "U.S." stencil still readable on right front pocket, Used......(sold)
5250AK - OG, Stamped "U. S. M. C." (see pic below), date faded, minor fraying on 2 Flaps, one Flap is torn around the "Lift-a-Dot" fastener but still fucntional, Used......inquire
5250BH - Olive Green, dated 1961, NWSM, UnUsed......inquire
5250AK - "U. S. M. C." stencil
- - - -
5250BR - 1943 Khaki 10-Pocket Cartridge Belt
5250BR - Khaki, dated 1943, Excellent Condition, Used.....(sold)
- - - -
5250BD, BF, BH, BK, BL - 10-Pocket Cartridge Belts
5250BD(sold), BF(sold), BH, BK(sold), BL(sold) - AMMO Belts, UnIssued......inquire
( see Catalog for details and pricing )
- - - -
( see Catalog for details and pricing )
- - - -
5250. - UnIssued Rifle Belts
5250. - Sample picture of 10-pocket Rifle Belts.......(All have sold)
( see Catalog = several other Belts in stock )
5252 - M-1936 WWII Era Pistol BELT
5252AM - dated 1943 (I think), not much wear, Used........inquire
( see Catalog for more Pistol Belts )
5251 & 5257 - M1936 & Davis Pistol Belts
several belts available - see Catalog
5251- sample of a M1936 WWII Era Pistol Belt
5257 - sample of a Cotton Davis Pistol Belt from the Vietnam Era, also made in NYLON materials
- - - -
5254AU, AW, and AX - M56 RVN era Pistol Belts
5254AU - Medium, No Date, New, UnUsed.....inquire
5254AW - Large, dated 1966, above Average Storage Marks & Verdigris, NWSM, UnUsed.....inquire
5254AX - Large, cannot read the date, Excellent Condition, Used.....inquire
5254 - M56 Belt measurements:
MEDIUM.....minimum waist size = 24”......maximum waist size = 41”
LARGE........minimum waist size = 30”......maximum waist size = 51”
( 20 - 30 more listed in the Catalog )
5254AW Label
- - - -
5257 - Davis Pistol Belts
NYLON & Cotton belts from the same Government "Sale" Lot
5257Q - size Large, NYLON with Vertical Weave, Still has the Government Paper Label with part number 8465-00-577-4924, New-With-Lots-of-Storage-Marks, UnUsed......inquire
5257AG - size Large, dated 1967 (I can read the date on one belt), Cotton with Horizontal Weave, Still has the Government Paper Label with part number 8465-00-577-4924,
New-With-Lots-of-Storage-Marks, UnUsed......inquire
sample picture of the "DAVIS" buckle stamps
( see Catalog for details and more belts )
5264 - STABO Rigs and Parts
- - - -
5264F - Slide Adjuster for Straps
These were used on the older "Rigger made" STABO Extraction System
5264F - Slide Adapter (slide adjuster for straps), dated 1967, adaptor is stamped: “100705 circle”M” 66”, part number 5340-733-8211, contract DSA500-67-M-FG82, UnUsed...(3 in stock)......inquire
( The “66” stamped on the hardware probably means the year it was designed and accepted for production)
( I believe this is the same hardware used on Type II Duffle Bag shoulder strap adjusters, see #4814 )
- - - -
5264H - STABO Rig
5264H - hardware dated 1975, minor corrosion(see pics above and below) on some hardware, New-with-Storage-Marks, UnUsed....(sold)
( Manual sold seperately - see 5264J below )
data stamp on left side of belt
- - - -
5264J - TM 10-1670-262-12, STABO Extraction System
5264J - TM 10-1670-262-12, dated August 25, 1970, ( comes with Changes 1 - 5 ), Excellent Condition, Used......inquire
526x - USMC M1961 Equipment Belts
Hard to find Marine belts
5266H - Medium, dated 1967, stock number 8465-823-6937, New-with-Storage-Marks....UnUsed.....(sold)
5267BH - Medium , Used.......(sold)
- - - -
5267BK - Marine M61 M-14 AMMO Belt
5267BK - Medium (will expand to 36”+), other stamps unreadable, has some dark dull-green stains on back(see pic), Used.....(sold)
- - - -
5270N - Marine M-14 Magazine Pockets
5270N - dated 1967, stock number 8465-823-6936, UnUsed....(each).....inquire
( quantity in stock )
- - - -
5268/5270, M-1961 M-14 Belt with Pouch
5268 and 5270 M-1961 USMC M-14 Rifle Belt with Magazine Pouch, see Catalog for stock
5271/2, M1956 M-14, 2 x 20-Round Magazine Pouch, Cotton
( see Kevin LYLES' Book, page 94, item #3 )
- - - -
5271 - First Pattern M1956 Magazine POUCH
Early Model HeavyWeight OG Cotton 2 Magazine Pouch for the M-14 Rifle;
with Metal Grommet on the Front Closure Tab and a Hard Plate in the Front of the Pouch
5271AA - dated 1960 (DA 36-243-QM (CTM)-0558-E-61), used once(?), Excellent Color....inquire
- - - -
5273AL - Second Pattern, holds 2 x M-14 Magazines
Pair of Small Arms Ammunition Cases - both dated 1963 (DSA 1-1154-63-E) - same maker and Inspector
Not a perfect match but close - if you are familiar with OG cotton pouches you know if you rub one with a fingernail it will turn light-shade...they do not retain color well.
5273AL - Pair dated 1963 (DSA 1-1154-63-E) by the same Maker, snap links have the manufacturer's "anchor" stamp, Inspector "16" stamped both both pouches, in Excellent Plus Condition, Used......inquire
- - - -
5273AM - 2nd PATs - Same Maker and Contract number
5273AM - All dated 1963 (DSA 1-1154-63-E) by the same Maker, Used.....inquire
( Several more 1st & 2nd patterns available, see Catalog for details and prices )
( I have a few (2 x banana boxes?) 2nd PATs in "Used" #2 Condition - available for quantity purchase )
5277 - Rubberized Pouchs, holds two x M16 20-round MAGs
Used in Vietnam by USAF Air & Security Police Squadrons; has a loop on the back to slide over the Pistol Belt.
- - - -
5277C - in Used Condition
5277C - Used........inquire
- - - -
5277D - UnUsed Condition
5277D - Pouch, with Lift-the-Dot closures on Flaps, UnUsed.........(3 in stock).......inquire
( Might have been issued to the Army & Marines but I only observed the USAF APs & SPs wearing them )
5278 - Cotton 20-Round Magazine M-16 POUCH
Holds 2 x 20-Round M-16 Magazines, UnCommon Pouch to find
(see Kevin Lyles' Vietnam Book, page 75)
If you need a pouch(es), select by ROW and COLUMN, i.e., 2nd row-3rd pouch or etc.
see the (SOLD) list below before asking for a quote
5278B - dated 1968 (DSA 100-68-C-1194), most will have Verdegris on the brass tip of the Grenade strap, Outstanding condition for these early pouches, Excellent Condition, Used......(before asking for a quote on certain pouches --- see the (SOLD) list below)...........inquire
Top ROW: 1st, 3rd, 4th Cases have sold
All the 5278B pouches have the same contract number
Black number stamped on reverse are the Inspector's mark
5280 - NYLON 20-Round Magazine CASE for the M-16 Rifle
"M-16 AMMUNITION CASE", pouch holds Two 20-Round Magazines
Most Plastic "Hardware" will have scratches, even in UnIssued/UnUsed Condition
(see Kevin Lyles' Book, page 79)
Any pouch without ALICE Clips in the pictures will ship with vintage Clips
Some pouches are shown with the Grenade Retaining Strap snapped in-place on the outside & others still have the strap stuffed inside.
- - - -
These 3 have the same Contract Number
5280A - dated 1968 (DSA 100-68-C-2778), Excellent Condition PLUS........inquire
- - - -
All 6 have the same Contract Number
5280B - dated 1969 (DSA 100-69-C-2177), made by EASTERN CAN. PROD. INC., Excellent Condition PLUS.......inquire
- - - -
Both have the same Contract Number
5280C - dated 1969(maybe 1968-hard to read) (DSA 100-69(or8)-C-1579), "M16 AMMUNITION SMALL ARMS CASE", made by LA CROSSE GARMENT MFG. CO", Excellent Condition PLUS......inquire
- - - -
5280H - 20-Round Magazine Small Arms OG NYLON Pouch
These are in GOOD Condition
5280H - Used in GOOD Condition, Used.........inquire
- - - -
Sample Picture of the Back showing Hang Strap with Snap-Hook, M56 ALICE Clips, and Grenade Retaining Straps snapped in-place
5290C - early-CIDG Magazine Pouch for Swedish-K/M-3 Grease Gun
No markings on the OG Cotton Canvas BAG
5290C - No Marking on cloth, one "Lift The Dot" closure is stamped (the other one looks cheaply made in Asia), Tan VELCRO closures have been hand-sewn on under the main flap that covers the magazines (see picture), some rust on the flap hardware (I would guess the slide-buckle was made in Asia also), has an adjustable over-the-shoulder carrying strap with a snap-swivel on one end, UnUsed......inquire
5294 to 5299 - M-79/M-203 GRENADIER Items
5294 - 5299, M79 and M203 Grenadier's 40mm Items
5496AB - Helmet Cover cut from a 1944 Canopy
5496AB - click on picture for details
5498A - WWII Aerial Delivery Shock Pad
5498A - (aprx 12" x 12" x 6"), contract Dated 1942, QM Stock NO. 83-P-6450, AF Part NO. 42-D-4200, AF 33(038)27339, made by Lite Mfg Co. Inc., early-date for Parachute Equipment, used by Airborne Units for their extra equipment during Aerial Drops, Used.....(sold)
(pictured in Gary Howard's Book "America" Finest", page 57, attached to bags" 1 & 3 (left to right))
(Gary Howard's Book is an excellent reference works for Airborne Collectors)
5498B - WWII Carrying Case for Panel Markers
5498B - WWII CS-150 "R", Khaki Cotton Carrying Case for Panel Markers, used by Airborne Troops (see Howard's Book "America's Finest", page 140-141), "Field Care" instructions sewn inside the flap, NWSM.....inquire
(probably an Early-War contract due to the Khaki color)
( see Catalog for other CS-150 cases in stock )
- - - -
5498G - Airborne Carrying Case (Modified) for Panel Markers
stamped: “PANEL VS-9/G RED” and “PANEL VS-10/G YELLOW”
5498G - case is 9 3/4" by 29 1/2", made of lightweight OG cotton, “Field Care” instructions and "22629-Phila-45-58" printed inside(see pic below), case has been modified (see pics), #7 zipper closure, 2 x carrying handles, shoulder strap, nive color with a few very-small snags, Used....inquire
4 x re-inforcements that have had the straps removed
Care instructions are printed on the inside
6206B - WWI Blanket - stamped "US"
6206B - dated 1-3-18, made by Portland Woolen Mills, S.F. Depot, Used...(sold)
M-1940 "Very Lightweight" Sleeping Bag COVER, P.Q.D. 72, Dated June 5, 1941 Philadelphia Q.M.D.,
Has an OD Rubberized Outershell on the Bottom for Moisture Protection, Bottom Pad is a Thin Layer of Down(?) Padding covered by quilted thin Brown Cotton Poplin. Top Cover is a Single Layer of thin Brown Cotton Poplin sewn to one-side & foot area; with a Row of Snaps on the open right-side. It has an OD Rubberized Fold-Over Hood with Drawcords.
6212A - COVER Dated 6/27/41, Contract W669 Q. M. 12592, by American Pad & Textile Co., stamped "U.S.", with the Inspector's Name on the Reverse side of the Tag. The Rubberized Cover is very supple, 2 small tears in the foot-area of the Top Cover, RARE, Overall in EC............(sold)
6216A - Rubber Bag
6216A - Large OD Rubberized COVER (bag) for the Mountain Sleeping Bag, with shoelace Closure, dated March 1945, Tent Spec. P.Q.D. 229D, Very Supple, still "inside-out", New........inquire
6242x - Sample OG NYLON Sleeping Gear Carrier, Vietnam Era
6295x USMC WWII Camouflage Shelter-halfs (pup tent half), see Marine Gear Page
7114C - WWII M7 Rubberized Assault Gas Mask Carrier
Neoprene covered canvas "Rubberized" Carrier for the M5-11-7 Gas Mask - Closed by a roll-over closed top secured by 4 x glove-snaps.
Used by D-Day Infantry and Parachutists
The markings are very similar to the bag shown in Mr. Enjames' book, page 218, which is stamped: "US" (chemical symbol) "U" "ARMY ASSAULT GAS MASK"
7114C - Rubber still supple and OG Straps in Excellent Condition, hardware has below average rust and Verdigris(see pic), neoprene has small-size scuffs (see pic), markings on front have faded but still readable: “U. S.” chemical symbol “U” “ARMY ASSAULT GAS MASK”, an "8" is stamped on the inside of the bag, "H13 1/2" is stamped on a canvas strap, Used....inquire
( bringback from a 101st ABD Officer who served with the FFL in 1944 )
scuffs in Neoprene
Verdigris and Rust on Hardware
7316 & 7318 - CARABINIER (Snap-Link)
RVN ERA and post-1975 dates
7316G - dated 1972, Used....(sold)
7316J - dated 1972, New-with-Corroded, Used.....inquire
7316K - dated 1975, New-with-Minor-Corrosion, Used.....inquire
7316L - dated 1975, New-with-Corrosion, Used.....inquire
7318A. dated 1984, UnUsed...........(SOLD)
7318B. Dated 1986, UnUsed...........(SOLD)
( Corroded Links can be shined by using a Fine-Grit Polishing Cloth or Steel Wool )
First Aid and Medical Items
All Items on this Web Site are SOLD as Collectible Display ITEMs ONLY!
(A "Collectible Display” Item is Anything a Prudent Person would NOT USE for Anything but A DISPLAY)
7602A - Rare Early World War One Carlisle Bandage
(dated October 13, 1916)
7602A - Brass Metal Can with “D-Ring” Pull, dated October 13, 1916, by Bauer & Black, Extremely Rare Date and the Condition is Excellent for it's age.......(sold)
(Very Hard to Find in any Condition - - Most are Heavily Dented)
7604A - Brass Can, paint is flaking, dented, Good Condition........inquire
(Red/Salmon Color Painted Brass Can, Early WWII War, Rare!)
7604B - Copper Can, Paint is Flaking, Rough Looking, Good Condition.......inquire
(Red/Salmon Color Painted Copper Can, Early WWII War, Rare!
7604C - Copper Can, dented, some paint missing, Good Condition.....inquire
(Red/Salmon Color Painted Copper Can, Early WWII War, Rare!)
7604F - Copper Can, paint is flaking, dented, Good Condition........inquire
(Red/Salmon Color Painted (Brass or Copper) Can, Early WWII War, Rare!)
Early WWII Copper Metal Can Carlisle Bandage
with Crystalline Sulfanilamide
7606A - Shiny Olive Green painted Copper Can, Early WWII manufacturer, made by Bauer & Black, Stock No. 2-803,
thin paper packing was placed between the cans so the sides of the cans will have some paint missing, New.........inquire
(cardboard box shown for informational purposes only - box available with the purchase of 10 Carlisle Cans)
(price reduction with purchase of 10 Cans or more)
7606 - WWII Copper Metal Can Carlisle Bandage
with Sulfanilamide
7606B - Dull Olive Drab painted Copper Can, made by Handy Pad Supply Company, Stock No. 2-803, New.......inquire
(cardboard box shown for informational purposes only - box available with the purchase of 10 Carlisle Cans)
(price reduction with purchase of 10 Cans or more)
7606C - same as #7606B (dull paint) but cosmetically blemished in storage, great for re-enactors........inquire
- - - - - - -
WWII History for Carlisle Bandages in Metal Cans:
The U.S. entered WWII with Cans made of Brass or Copper painted Red and then Olive Green.
In 1943(?), to conserve a “Strategic Metal”, construction switched to Tin.
In 1943(?), to conserve metal, the waxed cardboard boxes started to appear.
(This information has been supplied by a very helpful customer and Ken Lewis' Book “Doughboy to GI”)
( If you can provide more (or different) information on this subject please email )
- - - -
Copper Cans were opened to display contents of 7606A & B
7606A (left) and 7606B opened; both Sulfanilamide packets were made by the same company
7608A - WWII Carlisle First Aid BANDAGE, Small Battle Dressing in Green Paper-Foil Package, Stock No. 2-396, made by Guild Foundations, storage marks, New-in-Package..........inquire
7610A - dated 1944, WWII Carlisle "Medium" Battle Dressing, Stock No. 2-393, storage marks, New....(sold)
7616A - OG Triangle Bandages
37" x 37" x 52" Triangle Bandage in a Sealed Clear Plastic Package,
also used as a: Neck Scarf, Head Scarf, or Headband in Vietnam
7616A - dated 1980s, NSN 6510-00-201-1755, quantity in stock, New.......inquire
7616B - dated 1973, Stock No. 6510-201-1755, New.........inquire
- - - -
#7616 OG Triangle Bandages out-of-the-package
7616G - out-of-the-package, "Used" Excellent Condition.......(quantity)......inquire
(Great for Re-enactors, can be used for a Bandana, Headband, or etc.
see Kevin Lyles' Vietnam Book pages: 31, 48-49, 51, and 84-85)
Great for Early Vietnam Advisory re-enactors & etc.
7619A - 4" x 7" Camouflaged Wound Dressing in a Small Clear Plastic Package sealed inside a Cardboard Box, FSN 6510-201-7435, MIL-D-15141A, Contract N32-5874 by Sherburne Mfg. Company, carton dated 1960, New...inquire
First Aid Camouflaged Field DRESSING for Individuals
(carried in the First Aid/Compass Pouch or inserted in Medic's Kits)
7620A - 4" x 6 1/4" to 7 1/4" First Aid Field Dressing, NSN 6510-00-159-4883, (quantity), New.....inquire
7620B - 4" x 7" First Aid Field Dressing, NSN 6510-00-159-4883, (quantity), New......inquire
7620E - 4" x 7" First Aid Field Dressing, dated 1972 (DSA 120-72-C-0421), (12 in stock), New.....inquire
7621A - WWII Army Air Forces(?)
7621A - Label reads: “Kit, Medical Type TT-I Spec. No. 41036-A S. Buchsbaum & Co. PROPERTY U.S. AIR FORCES”, OG Rubberized Canvas Zippered Kit Bag with Carrying Strap which will un-snap at one-end, Miscellaneous Items inside, outside dirty, 1.25” slit in back, carrying strap has started to fray, Fair Condition.....inquire
7624 - WWII Style Jungle First Aid Kit Pouch
used from WWII through the Vietnam Era
7624F - OG canvas, dated 1966, minor stains & corrosion on hanger, Used......inquire
7624H - Olive Drab(OD), dated 1943, small rust stain and soiling on the bottom, Used.........(sold)
7624M - OG, dated 1967, Used in Excellent Condition.......inquire
(Pouch Only (no contents), OD or OG Cotton Pouch with Wire Hanger and a Heavy Canvas Loop to slide over Pistol Belt)
(see Doughboy to GI, page 238, Top-Center Picture & Lyles' Vietnam Book)
7625P - Jungle Pouch with some contents
7625P - Pouch dated 1945, Contents are not dated (No ZIP codes = late WWII to pre-1964 Era), Load-List has a 5-digit ZIP code, 50% of Contents remain, corrosion on the Hanger, Excellent Used Condition....(sold)
(apparently a WWII pouch used for the Vietnam War)
7630A & E - WWII Style Army Parachutist Medic'sBag
3-Pocket Bag with Fold-Over Cover and Shoulder Straps - made during WWII & Korean War Eras
see WWII GI Book by Windrow & Hawkins, page 125 and Geronimo Book, page 157
"J.Q.M.D." = Jefferson Quartermaster Depot
7630A - dated 1950, "74-P-284" "JQMD", minor stain on front cover(see pic), rust on one-snaphook, Used......inquire
7630E - dated 1950, "74-P-284" "J. Q. M. D.", contains 4 x Medical items, Used......inquire
7630E- unfolded showing bandages that were found in the bag
- - - -
7630G - New with Storage Marks (NWSM)
7630G - dated 1950, "74-P-284" "J.Q.M.D.", shoulder straps still folded inside, NWSM.......inquire
764x - M1924 & M1942 First Aid Pouches
Top Left 7644B - M-1924 Khaki, Dated 1941, by Miami Awning Co., Unit/Individual marked, Used.....(sold)
Top Right 7644D - M-1924 Khaki/OD shade, dated 1942, stained, Used.......inquire
Bottom Left 7646J - Olive Green, dated 1944, New-with-Storage-Marks (NWSM).......(sold)
Bottom Right 7646X - Khaki, dated 1944, "British Made", EC+.......(sold)
M-1924s are small like the M-1910 model but have the “Vee” Flap with a Lift-a-Dot closure like a model M-1942,
wire hanger on back, Harder to find model (see in GI Collector's Guide by Henri-Paul Enjames, page 81)
- - - -
7646A - M1942 Olive Green First Aid Pouch
7646AA - 1st Aid Pouch, dated 1945, Used......inquire
- - - -
7647AC - M1942 Khaki First Aid Pouch
7647AC - Khaki shade 1st Aid Pouch, dated 1943, made by "B.A.B. CO."(not sure of first letter in name), Used...inquire
- - - -
7646 - 1st Aid/Compass Pouches
7646AF - Khaki, dated 1943, by AIRTRESS MIDLAND, corrosion on hardware, UnUsed...inquire
7646AG - Khaki, dated 1943, by B. B. S. CO., corrosion on hardware, UnUsed....inquire
7646AH - Khaki, dated 1943, JQMD, corrosion on hardware, UnUsed....(sold)
7646AK - OD, by APPLETON AWNING SHOP, corrosion on hardware, Used
- - - -
7646AL - 1st Aid/Compass Pouch
7646AL - Olive Green, dated 1944, by AIRTRESS MIDLAND, hanger and lift-a-dot have corrosion, minor rust-looking stains on front, New-with-Storage-Marks, UnUsed.....inquire
( more dates to choose from, download the catalog )
7648C - Rare 3-Pocket Medic Pouch, dated 1944
(see Doughboy to GI Book, page 238)
7648C - dated 1944, by KADIN, paint/rust stains, minor wear, Used.......(sold)
(3-Pockets with a single "LIFT-A-DOT" Snap on each "Vee" Shaped Flap,
Wire Hanger for attaching to Belt/Equipment and 2 Tie-Down Straps at Bottom)
(third one I have seen; I believe the other 2 were OG shade)
7649 - 1st Pattern M1956 Lensatic Compass or First Aid Packet CASE
The First Pattern Pouch does not have a drain hole nor the tape sewn around the bottom of the Pouch
replaced the M-1942 Pouch
- - - -
7649A - M56 First Pattern Cotton Case
comes with ALICE Clip
7649A - dated May 1960, FSN: 8465-577-4927, DA-36-243-QM (CTM) 8138-E-60 May 1960”, Excellent Color, minor wear, Used.....(7 in stock)......inquire
- - - -
7649B, C, & D - 1st PAT M56 CASE
comes with ALICE Clip
7649B - dated September 1959, “DA 36-243-QM (CTM)-4714-E-60 SEPT. 1959”, Excellent Color, minor wear, Used.......inquire
7649C - dated May 1960, “DA 36-243-QM (CTM) 8068-E-60 MAY 1960”, Excellent Color, minor wear, Used.......inquire
7649D dated August 1960, “QM(CTM)8565-E-61 AUG. 1960”, Excellent Color, minor wear, Used......(sold)
- - - -
7650 - 2nd Pattern M1956 Cotton First Aid/Compass Case
7650 - used during the Vietnam War, pouch comes with ALICE Clip, see Lyles' Vietnam Book, page 94, Item 9, Used........inquire
(many dates to choose from, download the catalog )
7651A - M56 First Aid POUCH with Field DRESSING
Pouches in this Lot are dated during the Vietnam Era
comes with ALICE Clip
7651A - Items are New-with-Storage-Marks(NWSM), UnUsed......(3 left in stock)....Inquire
POUCH is RVN Era Dated: 1962, 1968, or 1969 (your choice), NWSM
Field DRESSING is dated 1972, NWSM
7652 - M1967 Nylon First Aid/Compass Case
replaced the M-1956 Cotton Case
comes with ALICE Clip
7652x - M-1967 OG NYLON First Aid/Compass POUCH
( many dates to choose from, see the catalog )
7666C - Rubberized #3 Medic's CASE for INSTRUMENTs and Bandages
Hard to find Rubberized Cases from the Vietnam Era
7666C - CASE dated 1966, Yellow Stencilled with : “7th ENG BN”, with GP Strap, approximately 75% full, Excellent Condition....(SOLD)
3-Zippered Pouches with Cover Flap, Stamped "U.S." with Medical Emblem and a General Purpose (GP) Shoulder Stap.
- - - -
7666D - #3 Rubberized CASE with some VINTAGE contents, RVN Era
Hard to find RUBBERIZED Vietnam ERA Case
NO Picture
The fuzz on the right side near bottom is fraying from the excess webbing strap where it was sewn down and not trimmed at the factory
7666D - Dated 1968 with some of it's Vintage Load List (see picture below), with General Purpose Shoulder Strap, Used.....(sold)
7670. - #3 Medical Bags
7670x Sample of #3 (3-zippered pockets) Medic's Bags available
(see catalog for bags in stock )
All Items Listed & Sold on Web Site and in Catalog are for "COLLECTIBLE DISPLAY" ONLY!
( A "Collectible Display” Item is Anything a Prudent person would NOT USE for Anything but a DISPLAY )
7686E - Water Purification Tablets
7686E - dated October - December 1962, Sealed, UnUsed........inquire
( Remember the old Van Brode breakfast cereal in the chow halls....they did this one also )
( Great Early RVN Re-enactor/Collector item )
7688D - Insect Repellant Bottle (no fluid)
dated February 1966, One of the best bottles I have owned, UnUsed.......inquire
(I drained the fluid so it would not leak-out and ruin the printed label)
7690C - Minor Surgery KIT, Surgical Instruments
Vietnam Veteran bringback
7690C - Vietnam bringback per the Veteran, "NATHAN PRODUCTS CORP. NEW YORK, N. Y., U. S. A.", Complete except for 2 x Pick-type tools (see yellow notes), I would guess all the tools were made in USA (Makers/Marks: “KRAFT”, “HAKENSACK STAINLESS STEEL”, “PENN USA STERLING”, “WECK STAINLESS USA”, “ALJEIN or ALJEII”, & “MD-USN”), MD-USN has been used to heat something, extra "CHRISTY Surgical Blades(see pic), Used......inquire
Extra Blades for the "CHRISTY" holder
8328A - Protective SPECTACLES System
This model Issued during Desert Shield/Desert Storm
“Ballistic and LASER Protective Spectacles (B-LPS)”
Some boxes may have the GIs name written on it but the System is in UnUsed Condition
8328A - B-LPS system Contract dated 1986 (DAMD 17-86-C-6079), made by American Optical Corporation, System Consists of: Bronze (Daytime) and Clear (Night-time) Glasses to provide Ballistic Protection, Plus a Green LASER Protective FrontSert, 4 x extra Nose-Pieces, the 82nd Airborne Division removed the box labels before Issuing, New-in-Box, UnUsed.......inquire
Great for Desert Shield/Storm Re-Enactors
8340 - Olive Green Burlap Camouflage Roll
8340 - natural fiber (did the burn test), 2" x 10" roll, New...........(all sold)
85xx - Compasses and Parts
- - - -
8504A - WWII Lensatic Compass
8506A, M-19 Leather Compass Carrying CASE
8504A - dated 1944, marked “CORPS of ENGINEERS U.S. ARMY”, made by Superior Magneto CORP., Long Island City, N.Y., some corrosion, lense has some marks from usage, still works, Used.....(sold)
8506A - not dated, stamped on the front "CASE, CARRYING, M19", New-with-Storage-Marks, UnUsed.......inquire
- - - -
8508D - Wrist Compass used by Airborne Troops and others
8508D - Brown Plastic Wrist Compass designed by the Corps of Engineer, Manufactured by Superior Magneto Corp. L.I. City, N.Y. U.S.A., NO WRIST Strap, Used...inquire
( Same company who made the compass shown in Enjames’s book )
( also on WWII Airborne page )
- - - -
8510x - Issue POUCH for Lensatic Compass with Instruction CARD
8510D - OG Nylon POUCH for Compass, with Instruction Card (card with have marks on it from being next to a compass), New-with-Storage-Marks(NWSM), UnUsed........(sold)
8510E. OG Nylon POUCH for Compass, with Instruction Card (card with have marks on it from being next to a compass), Used........(sold)
8510F - Instruction Card for the Lensatic Compass, Used........(sold)
- - - -
8510G - COMPASS dated 1966 with Pouch
8510G - COMPASS, dated September 1966, DA-23-195-AMC-00906(T), made by Union Instrument Corporation, FSN 6605-846-7618, found in a 1962 dated Lensatic Compass carrying pouch (see pictures), very-minor usage, if any, Used....(sold)
- - - -
8510H - COMPASS dated March 1960
8510H - COMPASS dated March 1960, comes with a M-1956 Lensatic Compass POUCH, made by Waltham Precision Instrument Company of Waltham, MASS., minor-usage (IF ANY), glass cover started to frost but still usable, Used....(sold)
- - - -
8510J - Lensatic Compass with 1st Pattern M56 Pouch
8510J - Compass dated November 1964, DA-11-184-AMC-579(T), ), made by Union Instrument Corporation, FSN 6605-846-7618, found in a 1960 dated M-1956, 1st Pattern (no drain hole), Lensatic Compass carrying pouch (see pictures), works and has a clear lense, 60% paint remaining, Used.....inquire
- - - -
8510K - Lensatic Compass by Waltham Precision Instrument Company
8510K - COMPASS dated November 1959, comes with an old style M-1942 Lensatic Compass POUCH (“MIL-C-23349A, May, 1953”) (cannot read the PO date), BOTH the Compass and Pouch were made by the Waltham Precision Instrument Company of Waltham, MASS.(very unusual!), minor-usage (IF ANY), Both in Excellent-PLUS Condition, Used....inquire
All Items Sold in the Catalog or Web Site are Sold as Collectible Items ONLY!
9300 - WWI Items
9320A - M1903 U. S. Cavalry Saddle Bags
9320A M-1903 U. S. Cavalry Saddle Bags, dated 1917 by Spalding, White Canvas Liners still inside, "US" embossed under the center strap, Stained on the underside from sweat but over-all in extremly sweat-free condition, One rivet (on the inside top re-inforcement strap) has pulled-through (still with bags), Overall in Excellent Condition(EC).........inquire
From the Saddle Bags I see for sale, this set is in the Top 10%!
( also on: htm and Army to WWII patch pages )
9798BA - MACV Map Catalog
dated February 1970
9798BA - dated February 1970, printed by the 66th Engineer Company (part of 79th ENGR GP at Long Binh Plantation), comes with blank Order Forms, 55 pages, Catalog probably never used, was stored decently, some of the maps you can order are: different scale Tactical Maps, “VC Captured Maps”, nautical charts, aeronautical charts, the distribution list (shows Units in Vietnam who received this Catalog), Escape and Evasion Maps, City Plans, etc., etc., Excellent Condition, Used....inquire
Note: You cannot order MAPS from this Catalog.
( also on RVN-1975 page )
12016 - WWII Era 2-Cell Anglehead (AH) Flashlight
12016A WWII Era 2-Cell Anglehead (AH) Flashlight (Torchlight), "see-through" (see-thru) Clear Plastic Body
with Chrome Plated Brass hardware, marked "-122- GITS Made in U.S.A.", Extra-Bulb in cap, slide-switch does not work
(push-button switch does), found with a Veteran's Grouping but I do not know if it was an Issue Item,
similar design to the WWII Tl-122 model, overall in Good Condition(GC).........inquire
( No one I have talked to has ever seen a light like this )
- - - -
12020A - Anglehead Flashlights
12020A 12032A (sold out) 12036A (sold out) 12020A Displayed
12020A Vietnam Era Anglehead, box dated 1975, New-in-Box.......inquire
12032A "Anti-Spark" Yellow/Black AH Flashlight, Issue, box dated 1985, New-in-Box.....(sold out)
12036A 2-cell Black/Yellow, issued to the 7th ID, Ft. Ord, CA in the early-1990s, New.......(sold out)
Watches & etc.
All Watches are in Running Condition, unless Noted!
All Watches are SOLD as Collectible Items Only!
Note: Watches are tested for 2 Days.
If they do not Lose or Gain More than 2 Minutes in 2 Days I Consider them to be in Good Working Order.
Issue Watches were never noted for keeping "Excellent time" - if you remember, most Military Movies have all the Leaders synchronize their watches before an attack - there was a reason for doing this procedure.
12210 - WWII Era Cloth Watchbands
12210C - 2-piece band in assorted widths(1/2", 9/16", and 5/8") and Colors(OD, Khaki, Black, & Gray), UnUsed.....(each).....35.00
12210D - 1-piece watchband, 5/8” wide, OD, gold color buckle, UnUsed.....(each).......45.00
12210E - 1-piece “Extra-Long” band, 5/8” wide, OD, silver color buckle, UnUsed.......55.00
( All are on original cards and some still have the Clear-Paper wrapper )
( also on pages: Souvenirs, USAAF & Army WWII patches )
12236 - "Used" Watch Bands
Used Olive Green Watchbands from the 1960s & 1970s
Used Black Watchbands are from the 1970s - 1990s
Both with “Blackened” hardware; "STAINLESS STEEL” embossed on underside of buckle
NOTE: I am not sure when the Olive Green wristbands were replaced with Black Bands.
I have seen references on the Web, by what appears to be reputable collectors/dealers,
that both colors were used during the Vietnam Era( pre-1975)
I do not remember seeing a Black Band during 1967-1969 or 1970-1971
I got a new watch in the Summer of 1971, at Cu Chi, which had an OG wristband.
My experience, and from other Veterans, would indicate the change-over happened in the mid-1970s(?)
12236A - Olive Green, Used.....( 3 in stock )....inquire
12236B - Olive Green, shorten by 1.5”, Used...inquire
12236C - Black, Used............(sold)
- - - -
12236D - RVN era Olive Green NYLON Watch Band
embossed 'STAINLESS STEEL' on buckle
Excellent Condition RVN Era watch band, Used....(sold)
( NO Value assigned to the compass that came on the band from the Veteran )
12238A - Olive Green Nylon Replacement Watchband
Embossed "STAINLESS STEEL" on underside of buckle
pictured with 12244L watch(12244L has sold)
12238A - OG band, UnUsed.........inquire
12239D - Replacement Watch band
NOT embossed with `stainless steel' on the buckle
Olive Green NYLON with “Blackened” hardware
Manufactured, circa 1991-1996, similar to the RVN Era Wristband
12239D - Olive Green NYLON watchband with Blackened Buckle, UnUsed........15.00
12238A and B - Watch Bands, buckles marked "Stainless Steel"
12240 - Vietnam Era Issue Wrist Watches
Watches are in "RUNNING-CONDITION"
Gray Metal Case with NYLON Wristband, “GG-W-113” model watches were mainly (maybe exclusively)
made by the Hamilton or Benrus Companies.
All Watches come with a one-piece: Olive Green or Black Replacement Band,
"Blackened" hardware embossed “STAINLESS STEEL” on Underside of buckle,
your choice of Black or Olive Green Wristband.
( for "period piece" watchbands, in "USED" condition, see catalog #12236 )
( Same Style as GI watches in Lyles' VIETNAM: US UNIFORMS Book pages: 41, 73, & 79 )
12240D - dated March 1975, “Wrist Watch GG-W-113”, “FED. STOCK NO. 6645-066-4279 U. S. MFG. PART NO. X 3075”, “CONT. NO. GS-06S-9229” “SERIAL NO. 43418”, initials(?) scratched on back, Used.....(sold)
12240I - dated July 1969, “Wrist Watch GG-W-113”, “FED. STOCK NO. 66450664279”, “MFG. PART NO. 39986”, “CONT. NO. GS-06S-2648”, “SERIAL NO. 9898”, “U. S.”, minor scratch on back, Used......(sold)
12238A or B - One-Piece NYLON Replacement WATCHBAND Olive Green(A) or Black(B) NYLON with “Blackened” hardware with an embossed “STAINLESS STEEL” on the underside of the buckle. Manufactured, circa 1987-92, similar to the RVN Era Wristband, I think these are referred to as “18mm one-piece NYLON Bands”:
12238A - Olive Green NYLON, (displayed on 12240D & I watches), UnUsed......(sold)
12238B - Black NYLON,(see above), UnUsed.......inquire
( also on page RVN-1975 )
- - - -
12240K - 1969 GG-W-113 (NO Band)
NO watchband - pictured with a band for DISPLAY
12240K - dated 1969, Used........(NO Band)......inquire
( gained 4 minutes in 24 hour test (ran test for 4 days) - when I reset the time and pushed-in the stem the second-hand would stop after each test, gave it a "love-tap" and then would run fine for the next 24 hours....I don't have the slightest idea what causes this temporary malfunction )
- - - -
12240L - DTU-2A/P MIL-W-3818B, Dated 1965
12240L - dated July 1965, “Wrist Watch DTU-2A/P MIL-W-3818B”, "CONT. NO. GS-00S-54524", "SERIAL NO. 063XX DATE JULY 1965", "FED. STOCK NO. 6645-066-4279 U.S.", "MFG. PART NO. XZ73065", Black nylon replacement band stamped "HONG KONG" under the buckle, overall the watch shows below average wear, Used......(sold)
( lost 4 minutes in 24 hour test )
12241H - Model GG-W-113 Wrist Watch
12241H - GG-W-113, dated August 1987, SN: 7833xx, Black band properly marked with "STAILESS STEEL", never worn, UnUsed.....(sold)
12244 - Issue Wrist Watches, circa 1960 - 1979
All Scans are 300dpi
Most of these Watches will not have a wristband
Many are for PARTS ONLY and will be noted after they are tested
UnTested watches will be tested after an inquiry for it is made
Minimum price for a Vintage "parts" watch is $50.00 + s/i
- - - -
12244F - dated 1965 Issue Wrist Watch
Left - May 1965, SN 0536xx, crystal loose,
2nd - May 1965, SN 0552xx, hands are loose, back of case is dented
3rd - July 1965, SN 0607xx, MFG Part Number XZ73065, will NOT Run, Sold-as a "Parts Watch" ONLY!
Right - workings need to be re-oriented in the case
- - - -
12244G - dated 1966 Issue Wrist Watch
Left - June 1966, SN 0833xx, workings need to be re-oriented in the case
2nd - August 1966, SN 086701, (TEST = OK, lost 1/2 minute per day), Used....(sold)
3rd - November 1966, SN 0942xx, MFG Part Number XZ73065, 3 x small dents on back of case(from 03:00 - 05:00), Will NOT Wind, Sold-as a "Parts Watch" ONLY!
Right - December 1966, SN 1058xx,
- - - -
12244H - dated 1967, GS-00S-61940, Issue Wrist Watch
Left - March 1967, SN 1365xx, crystal loose
Right - March 1967, SN 1346xx, WILL NOT Run = Sold as a "PARTS WATCH" Only, Used......inquire
- - - -
12244J - dated 1969, GG-W-113, Issue Wrist Watch
Stock Number 6645-066-4279
Manufacturer's Part Number 39986 on some of this batch
Left - March 1969, SN 0124xx, Used........(sold)
2nd - March 1969, SN 0105xx
3rd - July 1969, SN 989x, MFG Number 39986, clean-looking watch, Used......inquire
( Gained 1 minute per day = Excellent for a throw-away )
4th - July 1969, SN 816x,
5th - October 1969, SN 342xx,
Right - August 1969, SN 1661x, MFG Number 39986, clean looking watch, Used......inquire
( Gains one day then runs slow the next=erratic results; gained or lost up to 6 minutes in 1 day )
- - - -
12244L - dated 1971 Issue Wrist Watch
Left - December 1971, SN 28x, MFG Number 92230, very-clean=minor usage, Used.....(sold) .
( lost 1 minute per day - tested for 4 days )
Right - December 1971, SN 259x, MFG Number 92230, very-clean=minor usage, Used.....(sold)
( Gained 1 minute per day - tested for 4 days )
- - - -
12244O - dated 1974 Issue Wrist Watch
12244O - January 1974, SN 187xx, GS-06S-7744, GG-W-113, 6645-066-4279, PN X 3075 (TEST = OK, lost 2 1/2 minutes per day), Used.......inquire
- - - -
12244T - dated 1979 Issue Wrist Watch
12244T -1979, GS-06S-7744, GG-W-113, Federal Stock Number 6645-066-4279, PN 39986
12248 - post-1975 Issue Watches
- - - -
12248A, B, & C - Hamilton and Marathon Military Watches
For Watchbands see #12238B above
12248A - dated November 1977, by Hamilton, MIL-W-48374B, 6645-00-952-3787, MFG. Part NO. 39988, DSA-400-77-D-0061, Dispose RAD. Waste, U.S., marked “H3” on dial and has the Radiation symbol, Used.....inquire
(Gained 2 minutes per day – Tested for 4 days. Not bad for a throw-away)
12248B - dated September 1982, by Hamilton, MIL-W-48374B, 6645-00-952-3787, MFG. Part NO. 39988, DSA-400-82-C-0992, Dispose RAD. Waste, U.S., marked “H3” on dial and has the Radiation symbol, Field-replacement “Strap Bars”, Used....inquire
(Lost 2 minutes per day – Tested for 4 days. Good for a throw-away item)
12248C - dated February 1985, Marathon 17 Jewels, dial marked SWISS H3 and RAD. Symbol, GG-W-113, 6645-00-066-4279, 347, GS-OWF-52875, U.S., Used...(sold)
(Lost 6 minutes per day – Tested for 4 days. It was consistant so I would guess if it was adjusted it would keep better time)
From Internet research this may be an UnCommon Watch, see info on this link: http://www.50717.com/us/marathon-ggw113.html
- - - -
Great site for Military Watch Info (USA, UK, Soviet, and others): http://www.50717.com/
12250 - Throw-Away Plastic-Case WATCH
SANDY 184, SPEC. MIL-W-46374C
12250A - dated September 1986, crystal scratched from normal wear, Used.....inquire
- - - -
SandY 184-1
12250CS - pre-1993, self-Luminous, New-in-the-Box!, “General Purpose Wrist Watch, Model “SandY 184-1” (on the Box) & “184A” (on the back of the watch), MIL-W-46374D-TYPE-2, NSN 6645-00-952-3767, Made by Stocker and Yale, INC., Beverly, MASS. 01915, came from a 7th ID GI at Fort Ord before it was disbanded, UnUsed....(sold)
( Test = gains 1 minute in 24 hours (excellent results for one of these "throw-away" timepieces )
12290 - GI Purchased Watches
- - - -
Bulova M7
( M7 = 1967 )
12290C - Bulova M7(dated 1967), "10K Rolled Gold Plate" "J4642xx", watch purchased in the Chitose, Japan PX in 1968, Runs (spring and gear replaced), below average wear and tear, Used....inquire
( M7 is Bulova's code for 1967 )
( also on Souvenir page )
- - - -
12290F - Bulova "Oceanographer 333 FEET", dated 1972
Face scanned at 600dpi - reverse at 300dpi
12290F - Bulova Date/Time with sweep hand, N2 (= 1972) “Oceanographer 333”, Swiss made, serial number J2276xx, also on back “GOLD ELECTROPLATE BEZEL STAINLESS STEEL BACK”, with a Spidel metal band, shows lots of wear, crystal scratched & shows cracking(may not go through=I don’t know), gained 4 minutes in the 4 day Test, Used...inquire
( also on Navy Brown Water page, Diving section )
Binoculars - Field Glasses
12330 - Naval Binoculars
Rare BuAero Special Polaroid Model
12330D - Mark 21, 7 x 50, stamped: "BU. AERO. U.S. NAVY MARK 21 F.S.S.C. 88-B-320", Made by Square D Company of Flushing, New York, Special Polaroid Model made for Naval Aviation (Not BuShips). have the Flip-out Lenses for looking into the Sun glare, Rubber cups to prevent Sun Glare from the sides, Lenses are clear and they focus, with Neckstrap, Good Used Condition........(sold)
(Black carrying case has the Instructions inside the Lid (hard-to-read), missing the case carrying strap, case stamped "SARD" (Square D Company), Case condition in 80%)
( also on Navy Gear page )
- - - -
BuShips Mark 28, MOD 0, 7 x 50
12330F - Mark 28, MOD 0, 7 x 50, dated 1943, Stamped: "U.S. NAVY, BU. SHIPS MARK 28, MOD 0 NO.121485, 1943", made by Bausch & Lomb Optical Company of Rochester, New York, Lenses clear and they focus, has 2 x Green Filters in the Case Lid(see pic below), with Neck Strap, Good Used Condition.......(sold)
(Black carrying case closure-strap and carrying-strap are missing, Case stamped Bausch & Lomb, case condition is 75%)
see Catalog for complete listings and prices
All Items Listed & Sold on this Web Site and in the Catalog are for "COLLECTIBLE DISPLAY" ONLY!
(A "Collectible Display” Item is Anything a Prudent person would NOT USE for Anything but a DISPLAY)
UI/Mystery Items
If you can ID the Item, email
- - - -
UI#350 - U.S. FLAK Jacket, Armor is stamped "DSA 100-C-69-1989", part of label reads 'C.O.R.P., Inc.', ever see this one?
Armor is removable via a Velcroed opening at the bottom-back
( listed on the UI/Mystery page )
Items with Wool parts are stored in “moth balls” to protect against Moths!
I try to “air-out” the Item before I ship but some “moth-ball” odor may remain.
Be prepared to hang the Item someplace where you don't get “bitched-at” for 4-5 days!
Viewers disregard this section:
WWII Era Brown Bakelite Flashlight (Torch)
U. S. Cavalry Horsebrush, made by "Herbert
5250BM, BN, BO, BP - 10 Pocket AMMO Belts
5250BM(sold), BN(sold), BO(sold), BP(sold) - 10-Pocket Ammunition Belts, UnIssued......inquire
4830M - dated 1945 (case and strap), both stamped "Boyt", no Acetate Insert, minor stains, very minor wear, Used....(sold)
12241 - Vietnam Era Issue Wrist Watches, Misc.
12241D - General Purpose Wrist Watch/Compass
Compass & Watch came from the Veteran - as seen in picfile
12241D - dated October 1970 with plastic case “General Purpose Wrist Watch, MIL-W-46374A, by WESTCLOX No. 75092, FSN 6645-952-3767, DAAA25-7-D-0335, OCT 1970, U. S.”, band looks original issue ( marked “STAINLESS” under the buckle ), Used....(sold)
( Accuracy Test = 4 minutes slow in 24 hours = not bad for a “throw-away” watch, 37 years old )
( an older Issue Compass made by “W.C. CO.” included, no value placed on compass - it works)
( also on htm and RVN - 1975 pages )
12260 - Military Type III-Class A Flyer's Watch
Self Luminous - Autoranging Chronograph
12260B - dated 1980, NSN 8845-01-087-1819, rough looking, I don't know if it runs, Used......(sold)
( also on Flight Equipment page )
12220 - WWII era Watch Case
12220x Sample picture of cases in stock, Dates of 1943 & 1944 available, New-in-Box.....(all sold)
( also on USAAF Gear page )
12230, 1950s-to-early-1960s Issue Watches
Watches are in "RUNNING-CONDITION", unless notated
12230A - by Bulova, MIL-W-3818A
Stainless Steel buffed case & crown,
12230A - dated 1956-57 “CONT. NO. DA-36-038-ORD-20792M, MIL-W-3818A, SER. NO. 4146, A F Stock NO. 6645-808-1407, Bulova Stock NO. 10BNCH, U. S.”, dial signed “BULOVA”, Hands & dial dis-colored, not sure if band original (has been on the watch a long-time, in Fair Condition), Used......(sold)
( Perfect for late-1950s - early-1960s MAAG-Vietnam Era Advisor Re-Enactors )
12230D - by Elgin National Watch CO.,MIL-W-6433
12230D - Type A-17A, “Wrist, Watch, Second Setting, Navigation Hack”, dated 1958, Manufacture's SN AF-56-7730, MFR's Part Number 2172, SPEC-MIL-W-6433, Contract number DA-36-038-ORD-19798, Elgin National Watch CO., crystal has cracks(ask for picture), has been scratched on the back, will not keep accurate time, NO Band, Used.....(sold)
A Replacement BAND is available, inquire
UI#203 WWII HBT Armor Vest
see more pictures on UI/Mystery page
4504D - Cavalry Canteen Set
4504D - Cavalry Khaki Carrier (Dated 3-1918 made by Brauer Bros.) with Leather Strap(still supple), Canteen (no date), and Cup (dated 1918 & inscribed "O L") Cover Unit marked "E 160 1C 9T" & has soiling (never been washed), overall in Good Plus Condition(GC+)........(sold)
4846x - sample of M-1942 OD Jungle Pack
4529K - 2-quart collapsible Bladder for canteen
Dated 1964
4529K - Bladder, Dated 1964, screen missing(common, as many GIs threw the screens away), Used.....(sold)
12241G - Wrist Watch, MIL-W-46374A
12241G - dated March 1975, plastic case Watch, Wrist, General Purpose: MIL-W-46374A, made by BENRUS, 6645-00-952-3767, US MFG Part NO 179Q, crystal shows normal wear, Used..(sold)
( Accuracy Test is Excellent, less than a minute in 4 days, one of the best I have seen )
( On the watch band is an older Issue Compass made by “W.C. CO.”, no value placed on compass---it works )
5250. - '03 Springfield Rifle Ammo Belt
5250. - Sample picture of a Khaki shade belt, inquire
( see Catalog for other Belts in stock )
12030B - MX-991/U 2-Cell with Switch Guard
12030B - MX-991/U 2-Cell with Switch Guard, Extra Lenses and Bulb
( Sold at Fort Ord when they closed-down in the early 1990s )
9320C - WWI U. S. Cavalry STIRRUPS
9320C - STIRRUPS, dated 1918, maker’s name on leather covers “SNES. SDL. CO 1918 F.B.R.”, wooden stirrups marked “SPALDING 1918 K.H.P”, comes with some leather straps that were with the stirrups(I don’t think these straps are original and I place no value on them), Value is in the Stirrups, used and not taken care of, Used......(sold)
( Not sure of the 1st word “SNES” on the covers(very difficult to read....see pic below-right))
(I have been told the initials on WWI items is usually the Inspector’s??)
8510A & C - Lensatic Issue Tritium Vial Compass
8510A - COMPASS, dated 1989 (DAAK01-89-C-0125), with Lanyard (neck-cord), Stock No. 6606-01-196-6971, UnUsed....(sold)
8510C - COMPASS, dated 1989, Used.........(sold)
7310 - Olive Green Nylon ROPE
"Army Green Line", 120' Coil of Rope used for Rappelling and etc.
7310A - 120' Coil, Dated 1989, In-Box, New.......(SOLD)
7310B - 120' Coil, Out of the Box, New......(SOLD)
7313A - Short piece of Rope used to make a Rappelling Seat or etc., Used......(SOLD)
( also on htm page )
7370 - White CAMO Net
7370A - 60" x 96", DLA100-89-F-EF30, New-in-Plastic-Package, UnUsed.........(SOLD)
