Lee-Jackson Militaria
Police Squadrons
Air Police Squadrons
5716G - Officer's Issue Shade 1561 Beret
Issue beret dated 1975
click on picture for details
Vietnamese insignia worn by USAF Police
see Vietnamese page for availability
Asian made Police Badge on Ripstop Jungle cloth, removed from a Lime Camo Shirt dated 1968, Used.........45.00
(I can read 2 words: "Police" and "America"; SN looks like "RS598"(?))
Machine embroidered(ME), due to the shade of green I would guess it was from the 1970s(?), RFU, Used.......25.00
ME, later shade of green(?), UnUsed......15.00
Military Working Dog
Patrol Team Detection
ID unknown, Korean made, UnUsed......inquire
A similar design is on the web but it is for a "DRUG" Team
my guess is, it is the 8th SPS supporting the 8th TFW in Korea?
U. S. Air Force Sentry Dog School
Air Police Sentry Dog Section
Lackland AFB, Texas, residue on back, UnUsed.......inquire
residue on back, UnUsed.......inquire
14th Air Police Squadron
"AUGGIE DOGGIES" = untrained personnel who augmented the Squadron when it was below strength
14th APS, made in Vietnam, residue on back, UnUsed......inquire
( also on 14th ACW section )
50th Air Police Squadron
K-9 Security Section
This insignia is listed as circa 1966 - 1991
made in Germany, this unit was different from most USAF Police units, the Security units were part of an Air Police Squadron(?), the German embroidery shop or the K-9 Handler got the verbage wrong "50HT" versus "50th", probably from the 1980s, UnUsed........inquire
( another similar patch listed on the 50th SPS section below )
( also on 50th Wing page )
51st Air Police Squadron(?)
( This may only be a "section" of the 51st SUPRON )
"51st SUPRON", made in Japan, scrapbook residue on back, UnUsed.......inquire
( bottom of patch attached ???? )
317th Air Police Squadron
317th APS, circa 1950s, UnUsed.......inquire
( Unit used other patch designs, unsure when this patch was used in the 1950s )
partial History
Stationed at Neubiberg AFB, West Germany, circa 1953 - 57
relocated to Evreux Fauville AFB, France circa 1957 - ?
( unsure of spelling on the French city, I think it may have an "a" in the first word )
( Squadron may now be a SPS unit ? )
( also on htm page )
380th Air Police Squadron
380th Air Police Squadron, UnUsed....(sold)
- - - -
Always Alert
380th APS, 4 5/8", scrapbook residue on back, UnUsed........inquire
partial History
Under SAC and stationed at Plattsburg AFB, New York
( Know more details?....send them....I will add them to this listing )
551st Air Police Squadron
scrapbook residue on back, UnUsed.......inquire
( see the successor unit below, 551st SPS )
831st Air Police Squadron
Squadron stationed at George AFB, circa 1959 - 1969
( probably active longer but that is enough searching - anybody have some history? )
831st APS K-9, UnUsed......inquire
I can find the SQ insignia but never got a hit on this design?
3201st Air Police Squadron
scrapbook residue on back, UnUsed.....inquire
( see the successor unit below, 3201st SPS )
5040th Air Police Squadron
5040th APS, Elmendorf AFB, Alaska, UnUsed........71.00
6313th Air Police Squadron
I think this was a Kadena AFB unit
6313th APS "NIGHT HAWKS", K-9, Japan made, scrapbook residue on back, UnUsed....(sold)
( anyone know the History of this Unit? )
7127th Support Group - Air Police
Unit was at Sembach AB, Germany circa 1958 - 1959
scrapbook residue on back, UnUsed.......inquire
- - - -
partial History
After the departure of the 66th TRW the 7127th Support Group ran Sembach AB from June 195 until ( at least ) August 29, 1959, then the 38th Tactical Missile Wing assumed respondsibility ---I think(?)
Not much info on this unit
Security Police Squadrons
Security Police Qualification Badge
SP cloth badge with VELCRO on Back and USAF Issue woven Tape, RFU, Used....inquire
3rd Security Police Squadron
K-9, First to Lead the Way in Vietnam
Republic of VIET-NAM, made in Vietnam, RFU, residue on back, Used.......inquire
4th Security Police Squadron
RFU, residue on back, Used.......inquire
- - - -
7th Security Police Squadron
7th SPS, Carswell AFB, Texas, scrapbook residue on back, UnUsed......inquire
8th Secruity Police Squadron
8th SPS "VIGILANTIA PRETUIM LIBERTATIS", probably Korean made, Used........(sold)
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8th Security Police Squadron
Dog Handler's insignia for the 8th TFW, residue on back, UnUsed.......inquire
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partial History
after leaving Thailand the 8th TFW moved to Kunsan AN, Korea
12th Security Police Squadron
(483rd SPS ?)
"Phantom Flight"
( I think this is correct ? )
12th SPS, scrapbook residue on back (been in 2 x collections), UnUsed....(sold)
- - - -
was glued to a blanket, UnUsed.......inquire
- - - -
partial History
Constituted12th Air Police Squadron October 1950, assigned 12th Air Base Group Turner AFB, GA
Relocated to Bergstrom AFB, Texas December 1950
12th APS Inactivated June 1952
12th APS Reactivated (assigned to 12th Combat Support Group) Cam Ranh Bay, RVN, November 3 1965
First elements arrive in RVN November 8 1965
ReDesignated 12th Security Police Squadron, May 15 1967
12th SPS relocated to Phu Cat Air Base replacing the 37th SPS, March 31 1970
12th SPS deactivated, November 17 1971
( July 2006: it has been reported this Unit is now at Randolph AFB, TX )
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Similar Insignia is also listed as 483rd SPS (?)
483rd SPS History on this site:
http://www.vspa dot com/k9/camrahnbay.htm
31st Security Police Squadron
31st SPS Dragon patch shown as being used at Tuy Hoa in 1969 on VSPA web site
Supported the 31st TFW at Tuy Hoa AB, RVN July 15, 1967 to October 15, 1970
31st SPS, UnUsed....inquire
48th SPS "PARATI PRO RE IMPROVISA", UnUsed.....(sold)
- - - -
31st SPS partial History
originated as Squadron B, 31st Airdrome GP November 6, 1947; Redesignated 31st APS June 15, 1948
Redesignated 31st SPS and Activated June 9, 1967; Organized July 15, 1967
later REDES 31st Security Forces Squadron
Assigned to 31st TFW, 7th AF, PACAF
later assigned to 31st Mission Support Group, 31st Fighter Wing
Stations: Turner Field (later AFB), Georgia; Tuy Hoa AB, RVN; Homestead AFB, FL; Aviano AB, Italy
42nd Security Police Squadron
Older 42nd Security Police Squadron Patch, UnUsed...........(all have sold)
(aka 42nd "Security Defense Sqdn")
Security Police Eastern Test Range
1040th SPS ?
45th SPS ?
Looks like 1960s(?) construction, I think this Range is in Florida (not much info on the Web), scrapbook residue on back, UnUsed......inquire
50th Security Police Squadron 'K-9'
"Second to none"
scrapbook residue on back, UnUsed.......inquire
( similar patch listed in APS section )
51st Security Police Squadron
51st SPS, embroidery flaw on the word "sq.adron", UnUsed........inquire
56th Special Operations Wing's Security Police Squadron
56th Security Police Squadron "RECONNOISSANCE", made in Thailand.......(sold)
( see other 56th SOW patches on this link )
57th Security Police Squadron
57th SPS, UnUsed......inquire
57th Security Police Squadron "WITH IT OR ON IT", UnUsed.....inquire
58th Security Police Squadron, UnUsed......(sold)
60th Security Police Squadron "STRENGTH AND SERVICE", UnUsed......inquire
60th Security Police Squadron
'Travis Police K-9', Color, with modern plastic backing, UnUsed......inquire
subdued, with modern plastic backing, UnUsed......inquire
70th Security Police Squadron
DeActivated in 1969
70th SPS, stationed at Clinton-Sherman AFB, OK with the 70th BW, pre-1970 patch, UnUsed......inquire
small bit of history from a Veteran of the Squadron
"....we were Chicken S...s and we would write you faster than Lightning, referring to the Eagle, Pen, & Lightning Bolt...."
( I have made minor changes )
86th Security Police Squadron
stationed at Ramstein AB Federal Republic of Germany
large 4 7/16, Military Dog Section, PELON backing, probably made in Germany, probably from the 1980s - 1990s(?), UnUsed.....inquire
( see a color patch for the 86th SPS below )
97th Security Police Squadron
Older 97th SPS, removed from uniform, Used......(sold)
86th Security Police Squadron "LIBERTY ETERNAL VIGILANCE", UnUsed......inquire
436th Security Police Squadron "PROBITAS, JUSTITIA, SECURITAS", UnUsed......inquire
( see a subdued 86th SPS patch above )
K-9 Dog Handler Patches; made in Thailand
see below for another 432nd SPS K-9 patch
56th Security Police Squadron Dog Section......(sold)
432nd Security Police Squadron Military Dog Section #1 in Thailand, Udorn RTAFB, Thailand...(sold)
315th Security Police Squadron
366th Security Police Squadron
Both Vietnam made
315th SPS Panther Security PRAB, Vietnam made, UnUsed...inquire
( Phan Rang AFB, RVN July 31, 1971 - March 31, 1972 )
366th SPS "Danang" "Justitia", 3"(top of scroll to bottom), Vietnam made, UnUsed.....inquire
partial History for 366th SPS
Stationed at Phan Rang AFB, Vietnam February 8, 1966
Relocated to Danang October 10, 1966
Resdesignated 366th Security Police Squadron May 5, 1967
355th Security Police Squadron
still in Maker's Package
355th SPS K-9, Thai made, UnUsed.......inquire
( still in maker's "opened" package with label that liberally translates to: "for security police" )
partial History
Squadron stationed at Takhli RTAFB, Thailand circa 1965 - December 1970
( also on 355th TFW & Home pages )
377th Security Police Squadron K-9 Insignia
"Proven in Combat"
The Squadron inflicted heavy casualties on the NVA/VC units attacking TSN in the first hours of TET '68
made in Vietnam, scrapbook residue on back, UnUsed......inquire
- - - -
partial History
377th SPS was first established as the 6250th APS October 1, 1965(6) at TSN ( prior to this date it was a section of the Support Squadron )
Redesignated: 377th APS April 8, 1966 and 377th SPS May 15, 1967
served at TSN until March 20, 1973
I think it was later activated in Germany or ?
388th Security Police Squadron
stationed at Korat RTAFB from 1966 to 1976
388th Security Police, Thai made, scrapbook residue on back, UnUsed......inquire
388th SPS, made in Thailand, scrapbook residue on back, UnUsed......inquire
432nd Security Police Squadron
"432 Military Dog Section"
"Tiger Flight"
Unit statyed in Thailand from 1968 - 1975
"#1 in Thailand", Thai made, scrapbook residue on back, UnUsed......inquire
( consturction material is similar to the SS Mayaguez patch material done in 1975 )
Air Base Defense, Udorn Thailand, Thai made, scrapbook residue on back, UnUsed......inquire
( I think this is the K-9 Flight but not completely sure on this point )
K-9 Section
435th Security Police Squadron, 435th Military Airlift Wing, Rhein-Main Airbase, Germany
435th SPS K-9 Section, lower-half very stiff from glue that some idiot used to attached it to a scrapbook page, UnUsed.......inquire
( 435th Airlift Wing was active at Rhein-Main circa 1965 to 95 +/- )
551st Security Police Squadron
551st SPS, cheesecloth backing, UnUsed......inquire
551st SPS, UnUsed......inquire
( see the predecessor unit above, 551st APS )
601st Security Police Squadron
601st stationed at Sembach Air Base, Germany
601st SPS, scrapbook residue on back, UnUsed......inquire
subdued, scrapbook residue on back, UnUsed......inquire
635th Security Police Squadron
- - - -
Royal Thailand Guards - Security Police Squadron
635th SPS, Thailand made, "RTG - SPS", RFU, Used.....inquire
( patch removed from the Lime-Leaf camo shirt shown below - shirt was given to a Veteran )
This is the Sergeant's shirt it was removed from - shirt had been modified to a short-sleeve
- - - -
Thailand Security Force - Security Police Squadron
"TSF - SPS" ERDL Lime-Leaf background material, made in Thailand, Used......inquire
( one web site has this patch (and the "RTG - SPS") both listed as the 35th SPS at Phan Rang, RVN ? )
- - - -
partial History
635th Air Police Squadron Activated May 17, 1966; Organized July 8, 1966
Redesignated 635th SPS May 15, 1967; Inactivated June 20, 1976
stationed at U-Tapao Royal Thailand Naval Airfield, Thailand July 8, 1966 to June 26, 1976
1002nd Security Police Squadron
unit was at Andrews AFB circa 1966 - 72 (probably longer)
large 5 1/8 (across) patch, scrapbook residue on back, Unused......inquire
( a 1002nd SPS is still active but the insignia is not the same )
3380th Security Police Squadron
3380th SPS, unfinished around the "PACESE" area, UnUsed........inquire
3201st Security Police Squadron
3750th Security Police Squadron
3201st SPS "FUTURA TEMPORIS CUSTGODES", UnUsed.....inquire
( see the predecessor unit above, 3201st APS )
3750th SPS, UnUsed......inquire
5010th Security Police Squadron
"Semper Vigilans"
5010th SPS, small insignia, RFU older OG-107 shirt, Used.......inquire
6009th Security Police Training Squadron
"Commando Warriors"
6009th SPTS, Thai made, UnUsed............inquire
6009th Security Training Squadron, made in Thailand, UnUsed....inquire
- - - -
partial History
Stationed at Clark Air Base and attached to the 3rd Security Police GP
Conducted Ground Defense Training, known as "Commando Warrior", in Crow Valley
Combat Defense Squadrons
CDSs Secured SAC Aircraft & Facilities
10th Aerospace Defense Squadron
10th ADS, UnUsed......(sold)
squadron was a launch services unit at Vandenberg AFB and Johnston Island
5th Combat Defense Squadron
11th Combat Defense Squadron
5th CDS, cheesecloth backing, minor puckering, RFU, Used....(sold)
11th CDS, "TOUGH TIGERS", UnUsed....inquire
93rd Combat Defense Squadron
93rd CDS,, UnUsed.....inquire
416th Combat Defense Squadron
416th CDS, scrapbook residue on back, UnUsed.....inquire
scrapbook residue on reverse, UnUsed.....inquire
465th Combat Defense Squadron
465th CDS, possibly deactivated in 1968, UnUsed......inquire
804th Combat Defense Squadron
804th CDS/SPS, UnUsed........inquire
partial History
Stationed at Grand Forks AFB, ND
3902nd Combat Defense Squadron
"Ecce Viri"
3902nd CDS, scrapbook glue residue on back, UnUsed......inquire
4081st Combat Defense Squadron
4082nd Combat Defense Squadron
4081st CDS, 'VIRES TUERI PACIFICAS', UnUsed.....inquire
4082nd CDS, UnUsed.....inquire
Combat Security Police
none in stock
Police Squadrons
Viewers disregard this Section:
Older 4082nd Air Police Squadron
Older Air Police Squadron (1st, 317th, 551st & 3201st APS) patches, All UnUsed...(each)......
317th APS....sold (see below)
