Lee-Jackson Militaria
USAF insignia:
Squadrons, Groups, & Wings
plus: Beercans and Souvenirs
includes: USAAC and USAAF insignia/etc.
WING and GROUP Patches/etc.
are listed on the
for a Selective Search on this page:
USAF: Aircraft, USAAF, Commands, Ground, Police, Transport Main Patch page
Ground: Squadrons, Groups, & Wings, Advisors, Aerial Ports, Combat Support, Competitions, Engineers, Maintenance, Medical, Security Service, and etc.
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Terms used in the Patch Pages
ANG = Air National Guard ( HI ANG = Hawaii Air National Guard ))
CE = Cut-Edge (No embroidered Border)
Cheesecloth = Gauze
FE = Fully Embroidered by machine
HE = Hand Embroidered
ME = Machine Embroidery (by Computer or done "freehand" by the "little-old-man")
ME = also will mean Merrowed-Edge (you should be able to discern which "ME" applies)
PI Made = item was made in the Philippine Islands
Pocket Patch = usually worn on the front of a shirt/jacket, many Aviation/Regimental patches are of this type
Residue = from glue/paper/etc. that was used to display a patch in/on a: scrapbook or board
(I will forget to state this on some patches!)
RFU = Removed From Uniform
Scroll = examples: WWII Ranger, many USAF patches, Modern Rangers/LRRPs and others
SEA = Southeast Asia
SSI = Shoulder Sleeve Insignia
Tab or Arc = "Airborne", "Thailand", "Guam", "Wolfhounds", "8th Army Band", or etc.
All Patch measurements are approximate!
Cataloged AP/SP Items
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5277D - Rubberized M-16 Magazine Pouch, with Lift-the-Dot closures
I have seen these pouches worn by USAF Air and Security POLICE, circa 1967 - 1971, in Vietnam.
Always positioned on the back of their Pistol Belts. Possibly issued to other Personnel and Services
5277D - holds 2 x 20-round M-16 Magazines, small "Lift-the-Dot" Flap-closures, full-Loop on Back to slide over Pistol Belt. only marking on one pouch is a "7" under one flap (could be an Inspector's stamp), NWSM, UnUsed.....inquire
49010A, B, & C - Cotton Military Issue Tape for making Name Tags
Make your own Vintage Name Tape or Tag
Issue tape from the 1950s through 1960s
see details on Main Army Ground Forces Page
Wanted USAAC, USAAF, and USAF Flyer's:
Jackets, Party Suits, Patches, Boots, Caps, Gloves,
Survival Maps & Kits, and etc.
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Air Defense Sector Patches
( check email 111003 )
left patch is the Albuquerque ADS (AADS)
left patch is Minot Air Defense Sector (MADS)
right patch is the Sault Sainte Marie Air Defense Sector (SsmADS)
right patch is the San Francisco Air Defense Sector (SFADS)
Air Defense Sectors
Air Divisions
Strategic Wings
Patches Needed
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6th Troop Carrier Squadron (HEAVY)
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WWII 740th Bomb Squadron "Vulgar Vultures"
Served with the 15th USAAF, 455th Bomb Group
No Picture
patch has a Drooling Vulture riding a Yellow Bomb
(also need similar patches with bombs of different colors)
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1001 Air Base Wing or Group at Andrews AFB
No Picture
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Got an extra?
If you have an extra, 1/4 Moon patch - send a Picture File of the Front and Back To: Jack@LJMilitaria.com
Other pre-1976 Air Force and Army Aviation patches wanted
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Needed: Very crude and heavy Vintage Rings with similar designs
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F-101 VOODOO patches - all variations wanted
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F-105 North Raiders
see email-111101 (also on Squadrons "want page"
UI/Mystery Items
UI#302 - Thai made, "PHNOM-PENH-BANGKOK" "MAGNOLIA 79-80", this time-frame is after the NVA invaded Cambodia and defeated Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge Forces. Possibly an Air Evacuation Operation by the USAF or someone else flying C-130s. Any ideas?
UI#364 - Older Wolf with Top Hat hand-sewn on an older HBT Pioneer Freefall suit with double neck-to-ankle zippers; I think the para badge is Belgian(?); man belonged to the Sport Parachute Club of Quebec ("CLUB DE PARACHUTISME DU QUEBEC") - anyone know the ID of the chain-stitched Wolf patch?
Return To: Home Aircraft, USAAF, Commands, Ground, Police, Transport main page
