Lee-Jackson Militaria
Army: Vietnam to 1975
Subdued Patches/ Insignia on Fatigues was made Mandatory Army WIDE on July 1, 1970
New Arrival Items are listed on
For Selected Searches on this page:
LRP, LRRP, and RECONDO Insignia have, or will be, moved to the Special Forces page
Most ARVN items have been moved to the Vietnam page
Vietnam to 1975
( WWII Patches from One Collector )
Training Relations and Instruction Mission
Badge made by Drago of Paris
Hard to find insignia worn by a small group of U.S. and French personnel between February 1955 to April 1956
( also on: Army 1950 to early RVN, Airborne, & SF pages )
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partial History
On August 3, 1950 a U.S. Military Assistance Advisory Group ( first known as MAAG Indochina ) of 35 men arrived in Saigon.
On February 12, 1955 the Training Relations and Instruction Mission (TRIM) opens with the mission to train and reorganize the Vietnamese National Army( VNA ).
On April 26, 1956 the French High Command in Vietnam was DeActivated and 2 days later TRIM was abolished as it no longer had French instructors.
7926DK - USO Workers Badged Jacket
2nd time I have owned this Shirt - one of the better USO shirts
7926DK - S/R, dated 1966 (DSA 100-2443), USO Workers 2nd Pattern OG Jungle shirt, local made “USO” and Name Tapes, several unit patches/DUIs (several local made): 1st Aviation Brigade, 1st Logistics Command, “ON CALL TO SERVE” DUI (7th or 299th)Support Battalion, 8th Tactical Fighter Wing(Japan made?), 13th “DELTA” Aviation Battalion, 52nd Signal Battalion “Voice of the Delta”, 125th Transportation Command, 199th Light Infantry Brigade, 520th Transportation Battalion (AM & S GS), 606th Air Commando Squadron, Air Force Communications Service, ARVN 2nd Armor Beercan, U.S.A. Drinking Team, Local made Staff Sergeant Major’s pin-on Rank, Excellent Color = washed twice(?), very minor dark stain on lower-right pocket, minor wear, Used
( also on: Clothing page, 8th Tactical Fighter Wing, 13th Delta Aviation BN, 52nd Signal Battalion “Voice of the Delta”, 125th Transportation Command, 520th Transportation Battalion (AM & S GS)(see below), 606th ACS pages )
(Armies not in Vietnam)
7th Army - RVN era
Top-Left, Blue edge, UnUsed......inquire
Top-Right, Blue edge, RFU, Used.....inquire
Center-Left, Khaki edge, UnUsed.....inquire
Center-Right, Khaki edge, RFU, Used.....inquire
Bottom-Left, Khaki edge, RFU, Used....inquire
Bottom-Right, Blue edge, RFU, Used....inquire
1st Cavalry Division
1st Cavalry Division Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol
Listed on SF/Ranger PAGE, LRRP SECTION
1st Brigade(Airborne), AIRBORNE ARC
Listed on AIRBORNE page, 1st CAV SECTION
Company B, 2nd Battalion, 5th Cavalry Regiment (Airmobile Infantry)
( I think they were part of the 3rd Brigade in Vietnam? )
B/2/5th CAV "RECON" scroll, UnUsed.....inquire
34th Infantry Scout Dog Platoon
Uncommon find, 34th IPSD, Vietnam made, UnUsed......(sold)
Subdued pinback Beercan DI - Vietnam made
scanned at 300dpi
Vietnam made Pin-back from the Jack Peckett Collection, Used......inquire
( Mr. Peckett had several of these Subdued First CAVs in his collection )
1st Cavalry Division, Used....inquire
1st CAVDIV, Used.....inquire
1st Cavalry Division Sniper
OG border cut-edge with "period" embroidery, small puckers from the embroidery, UnUsed......inquire
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15th Medical Battalion, 1st Cavalry Division
(served in Vietnam September 12 1965 to April 29 1971)
Hand-modified First CAV SSI, removed from an AG-44(Wool) Dress Green Jacket (jacket was beyond saving), RFU, Used.......inquire
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Japan made 1st Cavalry......Airborne Scroll or Arc
1st Cavalry Division, Olive Drab cut-edge Border, Japan Made, UnUsed....(sold)
First Cavalry Division with Airborne Arc, cut-edge Border, Japan Made, UnUsed.....(sold)
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Japan made 1st Cavalry......Airborne Arc
1st Cavalry Division, "RECON" with Parachute, Japan made, UnUsed........(sold)
1st Cavalry Division, Japan made, UnUsed........inquire
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1st Cavalry Division (Air Mobile) 'RECON' with 'AIRBORNE' Arc
made in Japan
with direct embroidered Canopy and Lines, UnUsed......inquire
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1st Cavalry with "AIRBORNE" Scroll
Japan made "AIRBORNE" Scroll sewn-on to a cut-edge SSI with "VIET NAM", UnUsed........inquire
Vietnam made SSI with AIRBORNE Scroll, UnUsed.....(sold)
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3 x 1st CAV "Made in Japan" SSIs
"Made in Japan" label partially removed, UnUsed.......inquire
"Made in Japan" label still present, RFU(removed from uniform), glue residue on back, Used.........inquire
Japan made, Removed from Uniform(RFU), Used.........inquire
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"VIET NAM" CAV Patches
"Viet Nam" was embroidered at the Factory, thin plastic-type coating on back, Early 1st CAV Novelty patches, UnUsed.....(choice)........inquire
(I removed the thin-plastic-like backing from the center of the right-patch)
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UnUsual Blue-Bordered variation of the 1st Cavalry SSI
"Viet Nam" 1st CAV, UnUsed.........inquire
Blue Border merrowed-edge (Blue border was applied over the original OD Border), damage on border at bottom, UnUsed.......inquire
( came with a Blue-Border 82nd Airborne Division patch )
( I bought 3 of the Blue Bordered patches along with 2 Blue-Bordered 82nd Airborne SSIs several years ago.
Seller said they were from a "closed-down" Surplus Store but had no further knowledge of them )
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3 dimensional subdued SSI removed from an AG-344 Jacket
Paper-thin yellow/green backing material, Black embroidery is normal thickness which gives the patch a 3-dimension look, plastic backing on the embroidered parts(?), I removed this patch from an Army Green Dress Jacket, has an abrasion slit near the bottom and the border is a little ragged, very unusual patch, Used..........inquire
Issue OG Border cut-edge, 1950s-1960s era, UnUsed........(sold)
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Color Japan made 1st CAV, Used.........inquire
Subdued Japan Made CAV, Used........inquire
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hand-embroidered in Vietnam, UnUsed......inquire
( also in the 101st Airborne Division section )
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Vietnam made "RECON" arc, found in a D/2/5th Cavalry Vets estate, UnCut......inquire
Twill Issue Subdued SSI, UnUsed......inquire
1st Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division, CE SSI with Blue-edge AIRBORNE arc, Used.........inquire
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Older Novelty CAV "HARDCORE" cut-edge, UnUsed........inquire
Issue CE, UnUsed.........iunquire
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Dark-Green overdyed Issue cut-edge from 1965 era
Overdyed Issue Color CE, these were prepared for the initial deployment to Vietnam in 1965, UnUsed........inquire
Issue Twill, Used........(sold)
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Parachutist's Badge, 1st Brigade(Airborne)
Overdyed Green - before subdued items were available
scanned at 300dpi
subdueing accomplished by overdying with Green Dye, UnUsed.......inquire
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Merrowed-edge color patch overdyed green for RVN wear
This would make a good Combat SSI for the right sleeve
The yellow thread did not take very well to the green dye, the back looks better, RFU (some of the thread is still present), Used....(sold)
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CE and ME overdyed green for Vietnam service, same Veteran
cut-edge overdyed, RFU, some sewing-threads remain, Used.....inquire
merrowed-edge overdyed, RFU, sewing-threads remain, Used......inquire
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cut-edge Issue Shoulder Sleeve Insignia (SSI)
1st Cavalry Divsion, Issue cut-edge(CE), 4 1/8" wide patch, UnUsed......inquire
1950s-1960s Issue Color Cut-edge(CE), UnUsed..........(sold)
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Issue Cut Edge
Issue, UnUsed.......(sold)
Issue Unused.....(sold)
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1st Brigade(Airborne), First Cavalry Division, Vietnam made, UnUsed.......inquire
1st CAV, Japan made with sticker, UnUsed.......inquire
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Vietnam Made "RECON" and "LRRP"
1st Cavarly Division "RECON", Vietnam made, UnUsed.......inquire
First CAV "LRRP", Viet made, UnUsed......inquire
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Early Issue Subdued SSIs and a Color cut-edge
Subdued, UnUsed......inquire
color CE, Unused....inquire
does not lay flat(poor storage), UnUsed.......inquire
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Vietnam made and an early-Issue Merrowed-Edge
Vietnam made, RFU, Used.......inquire
Worn in Vietnam circa 1966-1967 by an Air Liaison Officer(ALO), RFU, Used.......inquire
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1st Cavalry Division, Post-Vietnam Service
1st Battalion (Armor), 7th Cavalry Regiment
M-60A1 Tank Battalion circa 1974 - 1986
Korean made, RFU, Used........(sold)
From a Veteran: Patch was worn above the left breast pocklet/120904
1st CAVDIV Groupings
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2nd Award CIB
Marrero Grouping, removed from an OG-107 dated 1968, Used.....inquire
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Merrowed-edge(ME) SSI, RFU, Used.........inquire
( I was told, by the seller, this grouping had been removed from a Jungle Shirt)
C/227th/11th AVN GP
The "Rattlesnakes" supported First Cavalry Division
click on picture for details
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Company A, 229th Armed Helicopter Battalion
click on picture for details
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371st RRC Left Bank "HUNTERS"
ASA DSA unit crewing Helicopters used in Tracking and Locating NVA/VC units
click on picture for details
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478th AVN CO (HVY HEL) supported the 1st CAV
click on picture for details
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478th AVN CO, XO's, HURRICANE "5" Party Suit
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click on picture for details
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7918AB - 1st Cavalry Division PX Shirt
see on Clothing page
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Scroll and SSI for A/1/9th Cavalry Regiment, 1st CAVDIV
Apache Head Hunters RECON
1 or both needed
( viewer disregard - see email 090914 )
5/6th Cavalry "TRINH-SAT"
Anyone know the ID for this patch - It is listed on the Vietnam page
1st Infantry Division
1st ID, In-Country made
made in Vietnam, RFU, Used.......inquire
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1st ID Pocket Hanger
Issue 1st ID in a Vietnam made Pocket Hanger, UnUsed......inquire
Issue 1st ID, UnUsed........inquire
Issue insignia, Used.....inquire
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3508CG - 2nd Brigade, 1st Infantry Division Vietnam Pictorial History
On July 11, 1965 the 2nd BDE was the First Element of an Infantry Division to arrive in the RVN
One of the Best Books for high-quality pictures of RVN Era GIs in the Field; a few sketchings in Color
3508CG - Volume I, printed in Japan, approximately 100 pages(not numbered = this is my conservative guess), not much usage = book still has it's original clear-plastic cover, between the last page and the back cover the binding is broken, Used........(sold)
color sketches for Operations: Birmingham and Cedar Falls
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3508AG - 1st Battalion, 2nd Infantry Regiment
3508AG - made in Vietnam, read about the scarf in the 1/2nd IR Book that comes with the Grouping,scarf stained and has a few holes(more pics available), Grouping contains: copy of 1st ID "The American Traveler" newspaper featuring Bob Hope's Show, Draft Notice, Discharge, Engineer School Certificate, and etc., Group in overall Good Condition, Used......(sold)
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3508R - Bravo Company, 1st Battalion, 2nd Infantry Regiment
Forward Observer's Scarf
3508R - Vietnam made Hand-embroidered B/1/2 FO bandana, Used......inquire
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16th Infantry Regiment
hand-embroidered in Vietnam
RFU, Used.......(sold)
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1st Battalion, 26th Infantry Regiment
the emblem on the left-side is supposed to be a "1st" (something was lost in the translation), hand-embroidered, residue on the back, UnUsed....inquire
Beercan made in Vietnam, UnUsed.....inquire
( (plastic clutch backs are not vintage )
1st Reconnaissance Squadron, 4th Armored Cavalry
1/4 Cav shipped to Vietnam in 1965
"1/4 CAV" Money clip with Pen Knife and Nail File blades, Used........inquire
(made by Vulcan of Japan and stamped Stainless Steel)
8th Battalion, 6th Field Artillery, 1st ID
"CELER ET AUDAX" = Swift and Bold
8th BN, 6th FA, hand-embroidered in Vietnam, Used.........inquire
2nd Infantry Division
2nd Infantry Division "2250" Tanker's Badge
Badge shows an M-48 Tank and was awarded to Crew Members, of a Tank, that had performed very-well on the Gunnery Range.
Badge was only worn in Korea - it had limited issue and was presented by a High-Ranking Officer of the Division.
scanned at 300dpi
2nd ID, well construction badge with 2-posts, (formerly listed as UI#309), Used.......Inquire
2nd Infantry Division "IMJIN SCOUTS"
Korean made with older style backing material; it is exceptionally soft for a Korean patch=they are usually stiff as a board.
2nd ID "DMZ", UnUsed........(sold)
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1st BN, 3rd IR "CP" Brassard
"CP" = Courtesy Patrol for augmenting the MPs downtown
1st Battalion, 23rd Infantry Regiment, 2nd Infantry Division Courtesy Patrol armband, made in Korea, lots of wear, damage on border, Used.....inquire
( stored in site done box )
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partial History (unedited)
1st Battle Group, 23rd Infantry was reorganized and redesignated on 25 January 1963 as the 1st Battalion, 23rd Infantry, and assigned to the 2nd Infantry Division. By 1 July 1965, the 1st Battalion, 23rd Infantry was transferred to Korea to replace the 1st Squadron, 9th Cavalry. The Battalion occupied 4 compounds on the Korean DMZ and continued to guard against communist aggression from the north.
The 1st Battalion, 23rd Infantry was finally deactivated on 16 December 1986. At the time it was part of 2nd Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division stationed in Korea. 1-23rd Infantry was reactivated at Fort Lewis on 16 April 1995, where they became part of the point of the spear of leading the Army into the 21st Century by being the first unit to begin the transformation to the medium weight brigade. It would later become part of a major restructing of the Army as part of what would become the Modular Force.
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1st Battalion, 31st Infantry Regiment (Mechanized)
2nd Infantry Division in Korea
Pro Patria ( "for Country" ) Pocket Hanger
"016 80" "TOCPASS" (Tactical Operations Center Pass), Korean made, 1970s - 1980s, some of the border stitching is loose, Used.......inquire
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partial History
2nd ID arrived in Pusan, Korea July 23 (first unit to Re-inforce the Pusan Perimeter from CONUS)
The Division led the breakout from Pusan and fought it's way to within 50 miles of the Manchurian Border when the Chinese Army came across the border
After fighting in Korea for nearly 4 years it was relocated to Ft. Lewis, WA in the summer of 1954
Transferred to Alaska in August 1956; remaining there until being re-Organized at Ft. Benning, GA from assests of the 10th ID in 1958
Remaining there until 1965 when it's Stateside assets were re-assigned to the newly formed 1st CAVDIV at Fort Benning
Existing 1st Cavalry Division units in Korea were assigned to 2nd Infantry Division, the formal transfer occurred in July 1965
The 2nd Infantry Division is still stationed in Korea, with a number of camps near the DMZ
It has sent units to serve in SW Asia in the last few years
4th Infantry Division
LRP, LRRP, and RECONDO Insignia have, or will be, moved to the Special Forces page
When the 4th ID switched from the Olive Green background SSIs to the "off-White" patch is unknown
My guess is the mid-1950s when the switch to the AG-344 Class "A" Uniform occurred
( Anyone knowing the date change-over let me know and I will post it )
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4th ID SSIs
khaki cut-edge, Unused.....(sold)
khaki cut-edge, Unused......inquire
khaki cut-edge, RFU, Used......inquire
khaki cut-edge, RFU, Used......inquire
RVN era merrowed-edge, scrapbook residue on back, pigtail, Unused......inquire
RVN era merrowed-edge, pigtail, Unused......inquire
Hand-embroidered in Vietnam, pocket back style=backing sewn on 3-sides, RFU, Used.....inquire
RVN era merrowed-edge, pigtail, RFU, Used.....(sold)
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hand-embroidered in Vietnam, Unused.....inquire
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Vietnamese made Twill patches
RFU, washed 1-2 times?, Used......inquire
RFU, Used........inquire
"blue-gray" faded thread, RFU, Used......inquire
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Vietnam made - folded-over style
pocket on back- backing sewn on 3-sides, UnUsed.......inquire
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Vietnam Made
Darker base Material with Green Leaves, scrapbook residue on back, UnUsed.......inquire
puckered from Tailor shop, UnUsed......inquire
backing material, border not completed(?), UnUsed........inquire
Tan Twill base material, puckered from washing, Used.....inquire
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B/2/8th IR(MECH)
supported the 4th ID in the Highlands of II CTZ
B Company, 2nd Battalion, 8th Infantry Regiment (Mechanized), "sandbag backing material, UnUsed......inquire
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B CO, 2nd BN, 8th IR(MECH)
Ace of Spades
made in Vietnam, UnUsed.....inquire
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D Troop, 1st Squadron, 10th AIR Cavalry
Supported the 4th ID in Vietnam
see on Army Aviation Page
4th Infantry Division, 1st Brigade (AVIATION)
callsign "HUMMING BIRD"
Hand-embroidered in Vietnam
see on Aviation page
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4th ID Veteran's Grouping
Veteran was with the 4th ID in the MR2 AO, Peace Coin "HOA-BINH" is over 1/8" thick, made by "MINT AMERICA", unusual to have done his R & R in Yokohama, chain for his Bourbon bottle, (he also had some Propaganda Leaflets from the Pleiku area), items in Good "Used" Condition.......inquire
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4th ID "Special Unit award for Division Level Artillery Competition
( used in the 1970s and possbily before )
4th ID Artillery Competition Award, UnUsed.....inquire
5th Infantry Division (Mechanized)
LRP, LRRP, and RECONDO Insignia have, or will be, moved to the Special Forces page
5th Infantry Division (Mechanized)
"Red Devils"
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Cut-edge, UnUsed.......inquire
Merrowed-edge(ME) with long pigtail, UnUsed......inquire
black subdued with ME and long pigtail, UnUsed.......(sold)
long pigtail, RFU, was handsewn to the uniform, Used......inquire
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RFU, does not appear to have ever had a pigtail?, Used..........inquire
short pigtail, was handsewn on, RFU, Used.......inquire
long pigtail, UnUsed.........inquire
very-soft, does not appear to have ever had a pigtail?, no stitch marks, UnUsed.......inquire
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1st Battalion, 11th IR "RECON"
"RECON KILLER TEAMS" "13", RFU, Used........inqure
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Issue Pocket RECONDO patch, U.S. made, RFU Jungle Shirt, Used.....(sold)
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B Company, Ranger Infantry Regiment(Airborne)
supported the 5th ID(MECH) - circa February 10, 1969 to November 1, 1974
click on picture for details
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FIRST BRIGADE(AVIATION PLATOON), 5th Infantry Division (Mechanized)
( for details see on first Aviation page in the 5th ID section )
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partial History
Activated and fought in WWI for 103 days; received the motto "RED DEVILS" by Germans in the Saint Mihiel campaign; deactivated at end of WWI
The 5th Division was Reactivated October 16, 1939 at Fort McClellan, Alabama
Probably Relocated to Iceland (date unknown)
Moved to England in August 1943; later to Northern Ireland; Landed at Normandy July 9, 1944
5th ID served in: XII & XX Corps and Third Army from August 3, 1944 to May 7, 1945; Inactivated September 20, 1946 at Camp Campbell Kentucky
Activated and DeActivated more than once in the 1950s and 1960s; date it was Redesignated a Mechanized Infantry Division is unknown
1st BDE, 5th ID(MECH) served in the RVN from early-1968 to July 1971
1st Brigade stood-down at Fort Carson after return from Vietnam
Reactivated again and stood down on November 24, 1992
9th Infantry Division (Riverine)
Trained Army and USN Sea Cobras personnel, check this link for Navy attendee pics and verbage: http://z6.invisionfree dot com/vietnamairsoft/ar/t909.htm
Lettering is inked on the patch, made in Vietnam, puckered at the maker’s shop, stained from improper storage, UnUsed......(sold)
2nd BDE MRF and Octofoil MRF Task Force 117
9th ID Mobile Riverine Force
"OCTOFOIL" refers to the design on the 9th ID's SSI
These are probably Uncommon patches, found together
2nd Brigade Mobile Riverine Force, Vietnam made, UnUsed......inquire
OCTOFOIL MRF TASK FORCE 117, made in Vietnam, UnUsed........inquire
Purple and Black Berets worn by 9th ID RECON Personnel?
pictures are from 1967 - RECON Men from the 9th ID
I believe the photographer served in E/2/60th(APO 96373) in June 1967 and E/2/39th(APO 96371) circa October-November 1967
Anyone know about the wearing of the Purple (Vietnamese Navy(VNN) style/color) Beret?
Anyone know about the Flashes worn on the Black or Purple Berets?
see a vintage purple RECON Beret below
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5710AC - Vietnamese made BERET
Made in Saigon by PHUOC-THANH
scanned at 240dpi
5710AC - Blue(purple) BERET, size 58, made in Saigon by “PHUOC-THANH” 95. CHO CU VO DI NGUY, (Lau 2), HUY-CHUONG QUAN-DOI, minor bare spots (see pictures scanned at 240dpi), minor wear but has some dark staining on the top and right side, overall in Good Condition, Used.....inquire
( also on Vietnamese page, Navy section )
9th Infantry Division Bullion Blazer Pocket Badge
metallic thread insignia for a Blazer, maybe older than the 1960s, Used......inquire
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3508BD - CO of TF Funston Plaques and Door Signs
spans Korean War to Vietnam service with 9th ID
3508BD - condition ranges from 25% (Turk Brigade Plaque 1955) to 90% (3/60th IR at Dong Tam), Used.......inquire
Items are listed from top-left:
Colonel's Eagle on thin aluminum with: CO DISCOM
HOLY NAME SOCIETY (to the Colonel while at Fort Ord circa 1962 - 1963) presented by REV. Joseph B. Janubiec the Senior Catholic Chaplain
presented to the Colonel by the Turkish Brigade circa 1955 (25% condition - rough storage)
presented to the Colonel by the Greek "GEFK" Regiment in Korea, circa 1954 - 1955 (GEFK = Greek Expeditionary Force, Korea??)
DofA USA to the Colonel (he was commissioned in the Infantry)
3rd Infantry Division NCO ACADEMY COMMANDANT Door Sign made of 1/2 plywood for Major John PM Hughes, INF
metal Desk Plaque with folding-stand from the DEPARTEMEN ANGKATGAN DARAT KOMANDO PENDIDIKAN 6 LATIHAN KOPLAT DJATA WIROTTAMA KENANG2A N (i believe this is from the Indonesian Air Force)
( sample shipping charge to New York City is $40.00 + insurance, these are heavy )
( also on htm, 1950 to early-RVN, and Army Gear pages )
Large 6" 9th ID Long Range Patrol Scroll
Vietnam made Scroll, (see note below), UnUsed.........(sold)
9th ID SSI, made in Vietnam, glue residue on back, UnUsed......inquire
( This Scroll looks like the one worn, by a LRRP Sergeant, in the book "Badges & Insignia of the Elite Forces" by Leroy Thompson on page 28 )
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9th ID, Used and UnUsed
Issue, ID'd on back by a collector, UnUsed............inquire
Issue, UnUsed.....inquire
RFU, Used.....inquire
made in Vietnam, 3 layered heavy-starch, RFU, Used....inquire
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UnUsual Local made with Tan Background thread
Issue long pigtail, RFU, Used....inquire
Tan thread used, very unusual, cut-edge, RFU, Used....(sold)
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Issue cut-edge
RFU, Used.....(sold)
RFU, Used......(sold)
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Velvet Panel patches made in Vietnam
brown edge, RFU, Used....(sold)
border puckered at 1100 to 1200, RFU, Used......inquire
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Vietnam made SSIs
machine-embroidered, Vietnam made, UnUsed......inquire
machine-embroidered, Vietnam made, UnUsed......inquire
( found together, I think they were in a Jungle shirt pocket )
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early Subdued Merrowed-edge with long pigtails
RFU, Used...(sold)
RFU, Used....inquire
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A Company, 9th Aviation Battalion, 9th ID
see on Aviation Page
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Delta Troop(Armored Cavalry), 7th Squadron, 1st Air Cavalry
Delta Troop = "Powder Valley"
The Infantry of the 7/1st Cavalry performing: Reconnaissance, Convoy escort, Night ambushes, Perimeter defense, and Search & Destroy missions.
listed on the Aviation Page/D/7/1st CAV section
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3rd Squadron, 5th Armored Cavalry Regiment
"Black Knight"
see 3/5 CAV patches on the D/3/5th Air Cavalry page in the Army AVIATION section
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9th ID "River Raiders"
3rd Brigade(Seperate), 9th ID
Vietnam made "River Raiders" Arc and Cut-edge(CE) Issue 9th ID SSI, RFU, Used.........inquire
( River Raiders Arc worn by the 2nd Brigade: 3/47th, 4/47th, & 3/60th Riverine Infantry Battalions.
Information provided by a Veteran of the 3/60th Infantry Regiment )
3rd Brigade(Seperate), 9th ID "GO" red devil, Vietnam made, UnUsed.......inquire
( OPCONned to the 25th ID July 1969 - October 1970 when it departed the RVN )
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Blucher type "Comfort Shoe"
Tested by the 9th ID to reduce Foot Fungus
( see on Footgear page )
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"RECONDO" top arc
"BLOOD & GUTS" bottom arc
Asian made "RECONDO" Arc and 9th ID issue cut-edge patch, removed from a Jungle Shirt, Used.........inquire
Velvet Panel 9th ID SSI & "BLOOD & GUTS" UnderArc, both Viet ME, SSI RFU(removed from uniform), Arc is UnUsed.......inquire
( I found these items mounted on a card from a collection )
"BANDIDO CHARLIE" 5th BN, 60th IR (MECH), 3rd Brigade(last to leave), 9th ID, RFU, Used......(sold)
( variation: Charlie is spelled wrong )
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9th Infantry Division Units
9th Medical Battalion, 9th Infantry Division, "Mobile Riverine Force", "Mekong Delta", Vietnam Made, UnUsed..........inquire
9th Military Police (MP) Company, 9th Infantry Division(9th ID), RVN Made, UnUsed...........inquire
3rd Battalion, 34th Artillery Regiment, 9th Infantry Division, RVN Made, UnUsed...........inquire
4th Battalion, 47th Infantry Regiment "Spearheaders", 9th ID, Vietnam made, UnUsed...........inquire
B Company, 6th Battalion, 31st Infantry Regiment,"BRAVO BEARS"
"The Polar Bears"
(loose OG thread under the "BR" has been removed)
"MEKONG DELTA", made in Vietnam, UnUsed......inquire
Listed on the SF/Ranger PAGE, RECONDO SECTION
2nd Battalion(MECHANIZED), 47th Infantry Regiment
served with 3rd BDE until October 1970
2nd BN(MECH), 47th IR, 9th ID, made in Vietnam hand-embroidered,, UnUsed......inquire
Hand-embroidered, Vietnam made, RFU, Used.......inquire
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2/60/9th ID
Associated with an FTX at Yakima Training Center, circa 1976
RFU, Used......inquire
11th Armored Cavalry Regiment
Very-Large(10 1/4" vertical) 11th ACR patch
paper residue on back, black felt horse applied to red corduroy and white satin-like materials, UnUsed........inquire
( stored in Site Done box )
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"BLACK HORSE" Pocket Hanger
made in Vietnam, UnUsed......inquire
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Japan Made
high-quality Japan made patch, UnUsed.......inquire
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11th ACR cut-edge
U. S. made, UnUsed......inquire
embroidered on thin OG wool, white thread are stained (maybe from the maker's shop), UnUsed......inquire
RFU, Used......inquire
RFU camo "bush" jacket, Used......inquire
( I found the bush style civilian jacket in a rag-mill, must have been the GI's Tour jacket? )
- - - -
11th Armored Cavalry Regiment, merrowed-edge
Merrowed-edge (ME) with long pigtail, UnUsed.....inquire
ME, UnUsed.......inquire
- - - -
Merrowed-edge, UnUsed and Used
RFU, Used.....inquire
RFU, Used.....inquire
Bottom-row, left patch, RFU, Used.....inquire
border has snags, RFU, Used.....inquire
Border has snags, RFU, Used.....inquire
- - - -
U. S. Made, cut-edge
U. S. made, RFU, stain & border puckered on upper-right, Used.......inquire
U. S. made, thin coat of plastic(or glue) on reverse, UnUsed.......inquire
U. S. made, (came with the center patch), Unused.....(sold)
- - - -
cut-edge Vietnam and Korean made
made in Vietnam, UnUsed......inquire
Korean made, UnUsed......inquire
made in Korea, RFU, Used......inquire
- - - - 
"I" Troop, 3rd Squadron
I/3/11th ACR Bandits Evil "I", Hand-embroidered - Vietnam made, UnUsed....inquire
- - - -
"Patches" was a "Bao Chi" (correspondent) in Vietnam, circa 1965 - 1971
3rd Squadron, 11th ACR, ZIPPO dated 1969, Used.......(sold)
Information on Helen "Patches" Muscrove
"Patches" was a War Correspondent for the Jacksonville, Florida Journal newspaper-spending 6 1/2 years in Vietnam.
While in Vietnam she collected: Zippos, Insignia, "badged" shirts, Hats/Caps and etc. from the troops she worked with and was known as "Patches" ( for the 'badged" jacket(s) she wore ).
In the 1980's she published a two volume Book set titled "VIETNAM : FRONT ROW CENTER", a true-life account of her experience as a female War Correspondent's years spent with our troops in the Republic of South Viet Nam.
( many sites sell her books )
She died of a heart attack in 1989.
Note: She had her name legally changed to "Patches"
Notes on her collection after her death:
When her estate was first sold off in the early 90's there were literally trash bags full of Vietnamese made patches and a huge assortment of in-country made pieces of headgear and shirts. Also, there were approximately 100 different Zippo lighters from various units that had been presented to her.
See one of her badged shirts on Vintage Productions site ( URL on my "Links" page ).
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Air Cavalry Troop (ACT), 11th ACR
see on Aviation page - 11th ACR section
- - - -
11th ACR Air Cavalry Troop - Observer
see on Aviation page - 11th ACR section
- - - -
Aerorifle Platoon, ACT, 11th ACR
see on Aviation page - 11th ACR section
- - - -
partial History
11th ACR served in Vietnam from 1966 to 1971
11th Light Infantry Brigade
"JUNGLE WARRIORS" ARC made in Vietnam
This may be a "SPECIAL UNIT DESIGNATOR" similar to the 196th LIB's "CHARGERS" arc.
larger tab, scrapbook residue on back, UnUsed......inquire
11th Light Infantry Brigade SSI
Issue, RFU AG-44 Class A Jacket, Used......inquire
- - - -
Velvet panels - made in Vietnam
11th Light Infantry Brigade, scrapbook residue on back, UnUsed......inquire
11th LIB, UnUsed......inquire
- - - -
Cut & Merrowed-edge Issue SSIs
11th Infantry Brigade (Light), Issue CE SSI, UnUsed......inquire
11th LIB, Issue ME SSI, long pigtail, UnUsed......(sold)
- - - -
Delta Company, 4th Battalion, 21st Infantry Regiment
"YOU THROW WE GO", made in Vietnam, pin-sized holes at 0300 and 0900 near border (from the tailor shop or was displayed?), UnUsed.....inquire
( mis-ID'd as an Artillery unit on the back )
- - - -
11th LIB items WANTED
Have an extra JUNGLE WARRIORS arc?
any cut-edge shoulder insignia, color or subdued?
- - - -
partial History
assigned to the 23rd Infantry Division (AMERICAL)
11th Air Assault Division
Forerunner of the 1st Cavalry Division (Air Assault)
Fort Benning, Georgia 1963 - 1965
- - - -
11th Air Assault Officer's Grouping
near-new one-piece SSI on khaki twill backing cloth
( left picture scanned at 200dpi )
RFU TW Tan Officer's Coat, SSI (near-new) was handsewn on, Ribbons, Used......inquire
- - - -
1-piece SSIs on Khaki Twill
RFU, Used.....inquire
wider patch, UnUsed.....inquire
- - - -
wide-style 11th AAD 2-piece Arc and SSI
Blue cut-edge Tab and SSI, UnUsed.......inquire
( also on New Arrivals page )
- - - -
11th Air Assault Division(11th AAD) Tab and SSI, UnUsed...............(sold)
"AIR ASSAULT" Arcs, New and Used......inquire
- - - -
Unit assigned to 11th AAD(T) at Ft Benning
226th Aviation Battalion ( Aerial Surveillance & Attack )
226th "Mohawk" BN "Hunter-Killer"
click on picture for details
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11th Air Assault Division Qualification Badge
Issued in Summer of 1964
- - - -
- - - -
First Design Air Assault metal Badge (AAB)
scanned at 300dpi
First Design Air Assault Badge, UnUsed.........inquire
I found 10-12 badges in the early-1990s at the Dover A/N warehouse; the orignal manufacturer had not applied the "nails" (posts).
Dover purchased the badges and were in the process of applying the "nails" when I saw them = I bought them.
Went into storage--found them in a box in storage--now they are listed
- - - -
early Sterling Pin Back Air Assault Qualification Badge
scanned at 300dpi = all the scratches show
well-made pinback, first pinback I have seen, Used.....(sold)
( stored in gray cabinet )
- - - -
1st Pattern Air Assault Qualification Badge, sandcast in Vietnam
ARMY AIR ASSAULT Badge, Used.....inquire
- - - -
1st Pattern "Air Assault" Qualification cloth Badge
- - - -
Issue badge, embroidered on Olive Green "fatigues" material
Embroidered, First Design, White-on-Olive Green, UnCut......inquire
( Sample badge shown, you may get this one or you might get it's mate from a Government packet )
- - - -
Air Assault Badge on AG-344 cloth for the Class A Dress Uniform
Notice the Lightning Bolt and Rifle have been interchanged = mix-up at the tailor shop?
I have never see one on this type of material. I asked an old 11th AAD Pilot who was Issued the Metal Badge at Fort Benning and he said he never saw one worn. I remember seeing old timers still wearing their Ribbons on cloth which had been sewn to their Army Green Class A's so it is likely this was made for the same purpose.
Variation of the 11th Air Assault Division's cloth 'Air Assault Badge' embroidered on lightweight Army Green material, UnUsed......(sold)
- - - -
Found another one
"Air Assault Badge" embroidered on lightweight Army Green material, UnUsed......inquire
- - - -
partial History of the Air Assault Badge
The 1st Pattern "Air Assault" Qualification metal Badge can be seen in the movie "We were Soldiers" with Mel Gibson.
In the movie the badge was worn on the Right Breast Pocket of the AG-44 Dress Green and the Khaki Shirt
Additional info from a Pilot in A Battery/377th Aerial Rocket Artillery...he wore one for Parades/Ceremonies prior to April 1965
more History of the Air Assault Badge
I had a friend send me a copy of his Orders for the Award of Air Assault Badges to members of the 377th Artillery(ARA) at Fort Benning on May 21, 1964.
(Apparently the Badge had been Authorized in 1963?)
I ran across a web site that stated the Air Assault Badge was called an "AIRMOBILE" badge sometime prior to 1974; I thought this point needed addressed:
( picfile in #56 )
- - - -
partial 11th AAD History
Started forming in early 1963; Division Redesignated 1st Cavaly Division July 1, 1965
( anyone with more complete History send it to me, be brief )
Anyone have a vintage-picture of the Metal Qualification Badge being worn?
If you share it I will put the picfile in this section so more people can see how it was worn.
23rd Infantry Division
AMERICAL Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol made in Vietnam
23rd Infantry Division (AMERICAL) one-piece LRRP, UnUsed......inquire
- - - -
AMERICAL Pocket Hangers
older Issue Cut-edge insignia, Vietnam made Pocket Hanger, UnUsed.......inquire
Issue Cut-edge patch in a Vietnam made Plastic Hanger, UnUsed....(sold)
- - - -
23rd 'AMERICAL' Infantry Division Pocket Hanger
SSI and Hanger made in Vietnam
black thread on the left side was left under the plastic cover by a skilled tailor, UnUsed......inquire
- - - -
Subdued First Type ISSUE, Embroidered on Poplin
hole near bottom border, UnUsed......inquire
wear-slit near top border, RFU, Used......inquire
RFU, Used......inquire
- - - -
Embroidered in Vietnam
Blue Border, UnUsed......inquire
Black Border, scrapbook residue on back, Unused.....inquire
Blue Border, scrapbook residue on back, Unused.....inquire
Black Border, gauze backing, scrapbook residue on back, Unused.....inquire
- - - -
AMERICAL Issue Cut-edge embroidered on Poplin
hole near bottom border, UnUsed......inquire
wear-slit near top-border, RFU, Used......inquire
RFU, Used.....inquire
- - - -
23rd ID Issue Cut-edge embroidered on Twill
RFU, Used.......inquire
RFU, stitch thread still present, Used.......inquire
RFU, Used........inquire
cut near upper-left border, UnUsed......inquire
RFU, Used......inquire
- - - -
UnUsed MerrowedEdge
older style plastic backing, UnUsed.......inquire
Bottom row, left patch, UnUsed.......inquire
plastic or glue on back, UnUsed.......inquire
Color, UnUsed.......inquire
Color with a later-style plastic backing, UnUsed.......inquire
- - - -
Used merrowed-edge
RFU, Used......inquire
RFU, Used.....inquire
- - - -
partial History
Organized in Vietnam as TASK FORCE OREGON; redesignated 23rd Infantry Division September 25, 1967
Infantry Brigades were:
11th LIB
196th LIB
198th LIB
Departed RVN November 29, 1971
25th Infantry Division
"Tropic Lightning"
25th ID Khaki Cut-edge(CE) Shoulder Sleeve Insignia
- - - -
When inquiring about the following patches, include the scan #
scan-1, Cut-Edge, Used
Top-left, Color cut-edge, RFU, Used....inquire
Top-2nd, Color cut-edge, RFU, Used....inquire
Top-3rd, Color cut-edge, RFU, border wear, Used....inquire
Top-4th, Color cut-edge, RFU, Used....inquire
Top-right, Color cut-edge, RFU, Used....inquire
- - - -
scan-2, Cut-Edge, Used
Top-left, Color cut-edge, unual short insignia, RFU, Used....inquire
Top-2nd, Color cut-edge, RFU, Used....inquire
Top-right, Color cut-edge, unusual light shade of red, RFU, Used....inquire
Bottom-left, Color cut-edge, RFU, Used....inquire
Bottom-2nd, Color cut-edge, unual short insignia, RFU, Used....inquire
Bottom-right, Color cut-edge, slimest 25th I have seen, RFU, lots of wear, Used....inquire
- - - -
scan-3, Cut-Edge, Used
Top-left, Color cut-edge, RFU, Used....inquire
Top-2nd, Color cut-edge, RFU, starched and ironed fold still present, Used....inquire
Top-3rd, Color cut-edge, RFU, Used....inquire
Top-4th, Color cut-edge, RFU, Used....inquire
Top-right, Color cut-edge, RFU, Used....inquire
Bottom-left, Color cut-edge, RFU, Used....inquire
Bottom-2nd, Color cut-edge, RFU, Used....inquire
Bottom-3rd, Color cut-edge, RFU, Used....inquire
Bottom-right, Color cut-edge, RFU, Used....inquire
- - - -
scan-4, Cut-Edge, Used
Top-left, Color cut-edge, RFU, Used....inquire
Top-2nd, Color cut-edge, RFU, Used....inquire
Top-3rd, Color cut-edge, RFU, worn on border, Used....inquire
Top-4th, Color cut-edge, RFU, Used....inquire
Top-right, Color cut-edge, RFU, Used....inquire
Bottom-left, Color cut-edge, RFU, Used....inquire
Bottom-2nd, Color cut-edge, RFU, Used....inquire
Bottom-3rd, Color cut-edge, RFU, Used....inquire
Bottom-4th, Color cut-edge, RFU, Used....inquire
Bottom-right, Color cut-edge, RFU, starched and ironed fold still present, Used....inquire
- - - -
scan-5, Cut-Edge, Used
Top-left, Color cut-edge, RFU, scrapbook residue on back, Used....inquire
Top-2nd, Color cut-edge, RFU, Used....inquire
Top-right, Color cut-edge, RFU, Used....inquire
Bottom-left, Color cut-edge, RFU, Used....inquire
Bottom-2nd, Color cut-edge, RFU, Used....inquire
Bottom-right, Color cut-edge, RFU, Used....inquire
When inquiring about the above patches, include the scan #
- - - -
25th ID SSIs with Merrowed-edge and Pigtails
All Removed from Uniforms (RFU)
Top-Left, color RFU, Used.....inquire
Top-2nd, color RFU, Used.....inquire
Top-3rd, color RFU, Used.....inquire
Top-Right, color RFU, Used.....inquire
Bottom-Left, subdued RFU, Used....inquire
Bottom-2nd, subdued RFU, Used....inquire
Bottom-3rd, subdued RFU, Used....inquire
Bottom-Right, subdued RFU, Used....inquire
- - - -
Merrowed-edge and Pigtails
All Removed from Uniforms (RFU)
Top-Left, ME, RFU, Used.....inquire
Top-2nd, ME, RFU, Used.....inquire
Top-3rd, ME, RFU, Used.....inquire
Top-4th, ME, RFU, Used.....inquire
Top-Right, ME, RFU, Used.....inquire
Bottom-Left, ME, RFU, Used....inquire
Bottom-2nd, ME, RFU, Used....inquire
Bottom-3rd, ME, RFU, Used....inquire
Bottom-Right, ME, RFU, Used....inquire
- - - -
Vietnam made 25th ID "WOLF HOUNDS" Arc/Tab and Issue SSI, removed from Jungle Shirt, Used...(sold)
Company F, 25th ID "L. R. P." (Long Range Patrol) Tab and SSI (nice reverse Lightning Bolt variation), UnUsed.......(sold)
- - - -
Issue, subdued, SSIs in "Used" Condition
Great for the Re-enactor that wants authentic looking gear
Issue cut-edge embroidered on twill, RFU, stitching threads still on most patches, Used.......(each).........33.00
Top-Row #3 has sold
( ask by row and position number ( "Top #2" = top row, second patch from left) )
- - - -
Issue and Local made SSIs in "Used" Condition
Uncommon RipStop patch, made in Vietnam
Issue SSI, RFU, Used.......inquire
Vietnam made, RFU, Used.......inquire
Vietnam made, Rare embroidered on RipStop material, cut-off of a OG-107 2-pocket shirt, Used.......inquire
B Troop, 4th Battalion, 9th Infantry Regiment
mis-identified on back by a collector, patch made in Vietnam, UnUsed.......inquire
- - - -
partial History
The 4/9th IR was ReAssigned from the 171st Infantry Brigade(in Alaska) to the 25th ID "Tropic Lightning" at Schofield Barracks, Hawaii on January 14, 1966.
The 4th BN arrived in the RVN on April 29, 1966 and convoyed to the 25th ID's Cu Chi Base; the next day A/4/9th IR was in a firefight.
After 4 1/2 years in-country the 4th Battalion of the Manchus had received two Presidential Citations and added 12 Campaign Streamers to the Regimental Colors for Combat Operations in the Republic of Vietnam. Approximately 450 men of the 4th/Manchus were killed in the Vietnam War.
Three 4th/Manchus were Posthumous recipients of the Medal of Honor: Nicholas J. Cutinha, Ruppert L. Sargent, and Maximo Yabes.
3508 - B Company, 4th Battalion, 23rd Infantry Regiment (Mechanized)
“TOMAHAWKS” Bandanas
both Neck Scarves came from the same Veteran
click on LEFT-picture for details
Combined Reconaissance & Intelligence Platoon (CRIP),
1st Battalion "WOLFHOUNDS", 27th IR, 25th ID
"C.R.I.P." made-up of Vietnamese and 27th IR personnel
1st Wolfhounds, made in Vietnam, scrapbook residue on back, UnUsed......(sold)
1ST BN is also known as the "First Wolfhounds"
Unit sometimes wore Tiger Stripe Camo Uniforms
2nd Brigade, 25th ID Beercan DI
25th ID, 2nd BDE Vietnamese made Beercan DI, Used......inquire
- - - -
7860ER - 25th ID Officer's Shirt with Direct Embroidery
7860ER - 15 ½ x 35, dated 1966 (DSA-100-3722), Subdued Issue 25th ID on Right SSI(Combat), left sleeve has never had a patch, direct embroidery: Name and USA,
washed 2-3 times, Excellent color, Used....inquire
25th Infantry Division Groupings
- - - -
25th ID, Jones Grouping
RFU OG Jungle Shirt, , CIB, Parachutist's Badge, Master Sergeant Stripes, Used......inquire
- - - -
1st Battalion, 5th Infantry Regiment (Mechanized)
"BOBCATS" Grouping
scanned at 300dpi
1/5th/25th ID, removed from a 1968 OG Jungle shirt (name tape was missing from the shirt), RFU, Used.......(sold)
- - - -
RFU OG-107 shirt, older cut-edge Buck Sergeant's stripes, Used.......inquire
- - - -
Captain Garcia's Grouping
Issue Twill SSI, RFU, Used........inquire
- - - -
( in 25th ID patch box )
25th Infantry Division Artillery (Aviation)
see details on Army Aviation page
196th Light Infantry Brigade
"CHARGERS" is "Special Unit Designator" approved by the ARMY
Made in Vietnam arc, UnUsed........inquire
1960s Issue Merrowed-edge(ME)
scrapbook residue on back, UnUsed.......inquire
- - - -
1960s ME
RFU, Used.....inquire
RFU Fatigue shirt, Used.....inquire
RFU AG-344, Used.....inquire
- - - -
196th LIB SSI & "CHARGERS" Tab
These came from the same collection; I do not know if they are from the same Veteran.
"CHARGERS" ARC made in Vietnam, UnUsed......inquire
Hand-embroidered in Vietnam on blue Velvet Panel, very unusual patch, scrapbook residue on back, UnUsed......inquire
- - - -
196th Light Infantry Brigade SSIs
Large 196th LIB, made in Japan, UnUsed......inquire
Made in Vietnam, UnUsed......inquire
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Below subdued patches are from the same Veteran's Estate
196th LIB Brown-Flame Issue Patches
Issue, Brown Flames, RFU, Used......(sold)
Issue, Brown Flames, RFU, Used......(sold)
Issue, Brown Flames, RFU, Used.....(sold)
Vietnam made, RFU, Used......inquire
RFU, made in Vietnam, Used......inquire
Hand-embroidered in Vietnam, UnUsed....inquire
Issue, Brown Flames, RFU, Used.....(sold)
Issue, Brown Flames, RFU, Used......(sold)
Issue, Brown Flames, RFU, Used....(sold)
( issue patches are from the same Veteran )
Above subdued patches are from the same Veteran's Estate
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
21st Infantry Regiment
- - - -
Alpha Company, 3rd Battalion, 21st Infantry Regiment
A/3/21/196th LIB, made in Vietnam, UnUsed......(sold)
- - - -
Bravo Company, 3rd Battalion, 21st Infantry Regiment
"BUSHMASTER" - Old Design
"NVA", RFU, Vietnam made, damage to yellow disc at 0900 along the black circle, Used....(sold)
- - - -
Bravo Company, 3rd Battalion, 21st Infantry Regiment
2 x variations of the "BUSHMASTER"
made in Vietnam, Unused.....inquire
scrapbook residue on back, UnUsed........inquire
- - - -
Delta Company, 3rd Battalion, 21st Infantry Regiment
made in Vietnam, RFU, never washed, Used......(sold)
- - - -
D/3/21/196th LIB - a Death figure with a Scythe dripping blood
maker's glue at bottom, residue on back, UnUsed.......inquire
- - - -
RECON, Echo Company, 3rd Battalion, 21st Infantry Regiment
"RECON", scrapbook residue on back, UnUsed.....(sold)
- - - -
partial History for 3/21st IR
A Company were the "ANNIHILATORS"
B Company were the "BUSHMASTERS"
C Company were the "CHARLIE TIGERS"
D Company were the "BLACK DEATH"
E Company were the "ASSASSINS"
( Thanks to Veterans and Collectors who shared their knowledge )
- - - -
3508DV - ZIPPO A/4/31st Infantry Regiment, 196th LIB
scanned at 300dpi
3508DV - ZIPPO dated 1970 for A Company, 4th Battalion, 31st Infantry Regiment, 196th Light Infantry Brigade, later assigned to Task Force Oregon & then the 23rd “AMERICAL” Infantry Division, engraved: ‘RANGER’, A Bn. 4/31 Inf., Basic Parachutist Badge, and Combat Infantryman’s Badge on reverse side, hinge-strap is loose from the lower case, Used....(sold)
( stored with 196th patches )
- - - -
partial History for 196th LIB
operated in III CTZ from 1966 - April 1967
moved to I Corps and assigned to TF Oregon
TF Oregon redesignated 23rd Infantry Division (AMERICAL)
198th Light Infantry Brigade
"Brave and Bold"
Japan and Issue 198th LIB SSis
198th LIB, Japan Made, neatly removed from AG-344 coat, Used.......(sold)
Issue, UnUsed......inquire
merrowed-edge Issue, UnUsed.......inquire
- - - -
from the same collection
ME with pigtail, scrapbook residue on back, UnUsed.....inquire
subdued ME with short-pigtail, scrapbook residue on back, UnUsed.....inquire
Hand-Embroidered in Vietnam
198th LIB Pocket Hanger Hand-embroidered in Vietnam
scrapbook residue on back(it should clean-off with "GOO-Gone" or etc.(?)), UnUsed.......inquire
198th LIB Rifleman's Grouping
198th Right Pocket patch, CIB, 23rd ID left SSI, name tape, Used.......(sold)
198th Light Infantry Brigade (Aviation Section)
( listed in the 198th section of the Avaition page )
- - - -
partial History
In October, 1967 the 198th LIB shipped to Vietnam and helped form the newly Reactivated 23rd Infantry Division (AMERICAL) (formerly TF Oregon)
Served in Vietnam between 1967 and 1971
199th Light Infantry Brigade
LRP, LRRP, and RECONDO Insignia have, or will be, moved to the Special Forces page
199th Light Infantry Brigade, both made in Vietnam
Both hand embroidered in Vietnam with BROWN Flames
well-made Pocket Hanger, Unused........inquire
- - - -
199th LIB Pocket Hanger
Japan Made
high quality embroidery, UnUsed.......(sold)
- - - -
Japan made 199th LIB
Made in Japan, UnUsed.....(sold)
199th LIB, Color SSIs hand-embroidered in Vietnam
HE in Vietnam, stain probably from maker's shop(part scraped-off with thumb-nail), UnUsed......inquire
199th Light Infantry Brigade made in the RVN, HE, very small flame, UnUsed......(sold)
hand-embroidered in Vietnam, residue on back, Unused.......inquire
- - - -
199th LIB Hand embroidered in Vietnam with Green Border
- - - -
199th LIB - Hand-embroidered in Vietnam
RFU, Used.........(sold)
- - - -
Thailand & Vietnam made SSIs
199th Light Infantry Brigade made in Thailand, UnUsed.....(sold)
199th LIB, Brown Flame, with light shade OG border, made in Vietnam, residue on back, UnUsed......inquire
Black border with unusual brown shade flame, Viet made, black thread on spear point was a loose one on the scanner glass, UnUsed......inquire
- - - -
HE made in Vietnam, Cut-edge Twill, & Black Border ME
"Salty", been around the block SSI, hand-embroidered in Vietnam, loose and missing threads and etc., RFU, Used....inquire
Twill Issue CE, UnUsed.....inquire
Black border with extra-long pigtail, UnUsed......inquire
- - - -
Good Selection of 199th LIB insignia
Top Row
Hand-embroidered in Vietnam, UnUsed......inquire
color cut-edge Issue, UnUsed....(sold)
cut-edge Issue subdued, UnUsed.....(sold)
Bottom Row
cut-edge Issue, scrapbook residue on back, Used.....inquire
cut-edge Issue, Used.....inquire
merrowed-edge Issue with Lighter-Green Border, Used....(sold)
Issue merrowed-edge with Light Green Border, Used....(sold)
- - - -
variations of Issue cut-edge 199th LIB insignia
subdued cut-edge, RFU, Used.....inquire
subdued merrowed-edge, RFU, Used.....inquire
subdued merrowed-edge, RFU, Used.....inquire
color cut-edge, UnUsed.......inquire
Color merrowed-edge, RFU, Used....inquire
Color merrowed-edge, RFU, Used....inquire
- - - -
199th Light Infantry Brigade, merrowed-edge
ME with short pigtail, UnUsed.........inquire
ME with long pigtail and "milky" plastic backing(this style plastic backing can be traced back to circa 1965), UnUsed......inquire
B Company, 3rd Battalion, 7th Infantry Regiment, 199th LIB
B/3/7th IR, hand-embroidered in Vietnam on RipStop material, scrapbook residue on back, UnUsed.....inquire
5th Battalion, 12th IR Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol
both patches hand-embroidered in Vietnam
LURP "5 LRRP 12" insignia.......(moved to the Special Forces page, LRRP section)
- - - -
Finance Section, 4th/5th BNs, 12th Infantry Regiment, 199th LIB
199th Light Infantry Brigade, partially Hand-Embordered, Vietnam made, UnUsed......inquire
- - - -
partial History
Arrived Vietnam in December 1966
Operated in III CTZ from 1966 - 1970
3rd BN, 7th IR kicked the crap out of the Commies at the Phu Tho Racetrack during TET of 1968
DeActivated at Fort Benning October 15, 1970
- - - -
Information when the Merrowed-edge (ME) SSI was introduced into the Army Inventory
from a Veteran of the 3rd Infantry Regiment, 199th LIB from December 1966 to August 1967:
"....a Color ME issue 199th LIB SSI was worn on his OG fatigue shirt...he still has a shirt with the original SSI sewn on...."
( I have re-arranged/added/changed his email to form a concise statement )
ARVN Tanker's woven Qualification Badge with Advisor's Name Tape, tear in border above the "MA", RFU Jungle Shirt, Used.....inquire
(see other ARVN Tanker badges on the Foreign-Vietnam page)
- - - -
7938LX - 82nd ABD & ARVN Armor Qualification Badge
see on Clothing page
- - - -
69th Armor Regiment
Black Panther on shield, RFU, Used......(sold)
- - - -
3508DA - C/1/69th Armor, VIET NAM 1969-1970 Grouping
Named ZIPPO Cigarette Lighter, dated 1969
3508DA - C Company, 1st Battalion, 69th Armored Regiment Grouping:
ZIPPO Cigarette Lighter dated 1969 with engraving: “C CO 1/69 ARMOR VIET NAM 1969-1970” and his Name and Rank on other side.
Jump School Certificate from 8th Infantry Division (Airborne) dated November 1967 with UnUsed “STERLING” Parachutist's Badge and Oval in original mailer.
Army Commendation Medal (no box) and Certificate for service in Vietnam.
His Basic Training Cycle (A/3/3) Book at Fort Bliss, TX.
69th Armored Regiment Association REUNION-93 booklet.
Overall Good Condition, Used........(sold)
- - - -
ARVN Tanker Qualification Badge
see on Vietnamese page, Tanker section
- - - -
Enlisted Tanker's Beret Badge
see on Vietnamese page, Tanker section
( several other bullion and embroidered Tanker Badges available on Vietnamese page, Tanker section )
- - - -
I have owned this Gold-color Bullion badge for 18-20 years....always been a mystery badge as it does not have a Silver-color STAR and TANK .
UI#336 - possibly an ARVN General's Tanker Beret Badge, Bullion on Velvet, made in Vietnam, colors are wrong for the normal General's badge, possibly a maker's error or an early badge, any ideas?
If you can ID it or give some information, email.
Reverse cover was tacked-on(hard to see the black threads) and also glued(glue has broken down over the years)
back thread work exposed - looks normal RVN era workmanship - black threads burn like cotton
Artillery & Air Defense
3d Howitzer Battalion, 6th Field Artillery, IFFV
''Our Ride your Defense", an M-108 105mm(SP) Howitzer unit in Military Region 2
( Both patches removed from a "bagged-out" M65 )
IFFV, RFU M-65 Field Jacket left SSI, Used.......inquire
3/6th Artillery, "C" (Centaurs), RFU M-65 Field Jacket right pocket, Used.......inquire
- - - -
partial History
The Centaurs were reorganized and designated the 3rd Howitzer Battalion, 6th Field Artillery in May 1958
Arrived in Vietnam June 17, 1966 equipped with 105mm M108 Self-propelled Howitzers; stationed at Pleiku
Initially assigned to IFFV serving in the Central Highlands; then assigned to the 52nd Artillery Group
Departed for CONUS in 1970; Inactivated April 10, 1970
Currently serving with the 10th Mountain Division (Light Infantry)
- - - -
1st Battalion, 7th Air Defense Artillery Regiment (Deployable)
A small pocket patch worn at Ft Bliss, TX by the 1st Battalion, 7th Air Defense Artillery; the 7th ADA crest was pinned in the middle.
( Formerly listed as UI# 353, ID'd by a Veteran who did Reserve duty with the unit in the 1970s. )
Unit Crest depiction
- - - -
partial History
A Rapid-Deployable ADA Battalion supporting the XVIII Airborne Corps
( Constituted in 1898 as Battery A, 7th Regiment of Artillery; Organized March 29, 1898 at Fort Slocum, New York)
Redesignated December 13, 1951 as Battery A, 7th Antiaircraft Artillery Automatic Weapons Battalion and Activated December 20, 1951 at Camp Edwards, Massachusetts. Deployed to Korea and participated in 8 campaigns
Redesignated as a Howitzer Battalion and Assigned to the 1st Infantry Division and deployed to Vietnam participating in 11 Campaigns
Redesignated 1st Battalion, 7th Air Defense Artillery; Activated September 13, 1972 at Fort Bliss, Texas; Inactivated June 16, 1987
Reactivated December 16, 1988 in Germany; equipped with Patriot Missiles; Assigned to the 108th ADA Brigade
Maybe stationed at Fort Bragg, North Carolina
- - - -
F Battery, 2nd Target Acquisition Battalion, 26th Artillery Regiment
Vietnam Service February 5, 1968 to July 31, 1971
Supported the 108th Artillery Group and XXIV Corps Artillery
Target Acquisition Battery (TAB), made in Vietnam, UnUsed........inquire
(formerly UI#180)
partial History
Used ground RADAR for sound ranging to acquire targets for counter-battery fire
Battery F was formed from the assets left by Battery C, 2nd BN, 26th Arty which returned to Fort Bragg
- - - -
54th Artillery Battalion (Air Defense)
"NIKA" (could be the Greek spelling of Nike(?)
Patch is darker shades - scanner went South
54th ARTY BN(AD), UnUsed.......inquire
- - - -
4th Battalion, 60th Artillery (Automatic Weapons, Self-Propelled)
M-42 twin Anti-Aircraft Guns
assigned to 41st ARTY Group, IFFV
4/60th ARTY "DUSTERS", made in Vietnam, small tear near the border at 2000, RFU, Used.....(sold)
S-2, 3rd BN, 197th Artillery Regiment
S-2, 3rd BN, 197th ARTY, made in Vietnam, UnUsed.......inquire
268th Field Artillery, RADAR Detachment, 164th Combat Aviation Group
circa 1970, located at Vinh Gia,Vietnam
This RADAR detachment is not listed on the 1st AVN BDE site as being part of the 164th but the "mobile RADAR" web site ( http://www.mobileradar.org/army_units_index.html ) shows the 268th as being part of the 164th AVN GP, anyone know who is correct??
268th FA RADAR DET "Night Eyes", Vietnam Made, small unit that tracked Infiltrators, from a Veteran: "Bat symbol used as the local Vietnamese thought that we hovered above the ground and tracked the VC/NVA", worked with the: Army, Brown Water Navy, ARVN, and etc., attached to several Units, UnUsed......inquire
- - - -
269th Field Artillery RADAR Detachment
269th FA RADAR DET "Electronic Neutralization", made in Vietnam, small unit that tracked Infiltrators, worked with the: Army, Brown Water Navy, ARVN, and etc., attached to several Units, UnUsed......inquire
Commands and other Units
United States Military Academy
3508CY - West Point Class 1965 Register of Graduates 1802 - 1965
3508CZ - West Point Class 1959 Register of Graduates 1802 - 1959
3508CY - West Point Class 1965 Register of Graduates 1802 - 1965 "Civil War Centennial Edition-II”, hardcover, Good Condition, Used.....inquire
3508CZ - West Point Class 1959 Register of Graduates 1802 - 1959, softcover, Good Condition, Used.....inquire
Military Assistance and Advisory Group, Cambodia
scanned at 300dpi = what you see is really what you get
U. S. MAAG CAMBODIA, 2-post DI ( original clutches missing ), Used......inquire
( also on Vietnam/Cambodian and SF pages )
- - - -
Military Assistance & Advisory Group, Laos
Hand-Embroidered, UnUsed.......inquire
- - - -
Military Assistance and Advisory Group, Vietnam
( found in a flat-button OG-107 shirt's pocket )
Vietnam made chain-stitiched "MAAG VIET-NAM" Tabs with Issue SSIs, All pairs are the same price, UnUsed.....inquire
- - - -
local made ARC sewn-on an Issue SSI, UnUsed.......inquire
Issue TAB, UnUsed......inquire
- - - -
Issue, subdued, SSI, Used.......inquire
Vietnam made, chain-stitched, ARC with Issue SSI, Used......inquire
Vietnam made, chain-stitched, TAB, Used......inquire
- - - -
Hand Embroidered in Vietnam
One of the better looking MAAG patches, scrapbook residue on back, UnUsed......inquire
- - - -
minor History
MAAG-INDOCHINA replaced by MAAG-VIETNAM which was absorbed by MACV in 1962
MACV departed RVN in 1973
Military Assistance and Advisory Group, Republic of China
- - - -
MAAG ROC "Club 63 TAIPEI" Cigarette Lighter
( lighter could be from the 1950s(?) )
scanned at 300
I believe this is the Club down by the river in downtown Taipei, made by Imperial of Tokyo, Japan, Used........inquire
( stored with patches )
Military Assistance Command, Vietnam
- - - -
Uncut MACV woven by BUU-ANH in Vietnam
UnCommon woven patch, UnUsed.....(sold)
- - - -
QLVNCH-MACV Liaison Officer
QLVNCH = Quan Luc Viet Nam Cong Hoa = Armed Force of the Republic of Vietnam
( I assume this is the same organization as the JGS (Joint General Staff )
made in Vietnam, RFU, Used.......inquire
- - - -
Hand-embroidered in Vietnam, RFU, Used.......inquire
cut-edge ISSUE on Twill, RFU, Used......inquire
made in Japan, RFU, Used........(sold)
- - - -
MACV 'FINGER' novelty patch
hand-embroidered in Vietnam, scrapbook residue on back, UnUsed.....inquire
- - - -
Velvet panel MACV Advisor's AIRBORNE Arc
Items not found together - SSI is pictured to show how Tab is worn
UnUsual black velvet panel ABN Tab, Used......inquire
( I removed this arc from a Jungle Shirt many years ago; the SSI had previously been removed leaving a shadow of a MACV outline and impressions on the cloth )
- - - -
MACV subdued hand-embroidered patch
RFU, Used.......inquire
- - - -
MAC-V Subdued Tape
I never saw anyone wear a tape like this; seen DODSPECREP, DAC, civilian companies, and etc. but not a "MAC-V".
( anyone know who wore a tape similar to this, email )
6 5/8"(horizontal), machine embroidered on Issue tape, UnUsed.......inquire
- - - -
Delta Military Assistance Command
Advisors in the IV Corps - probably worked out of Can Tho
This looks like a MACV ISSUE patch(?)
"DELTA M.A.C." "IV", UnUsed........inquire
- - - -
Combined Materiel Exploitation Center (CMEC)
"TI" = Technical Intelligence
CMEC TI, marked on back "ENGR"( = Engineer ), hand-embroidered in Vietnam, UnUsed....inquire
( some CMEC History on this link http://www.army dot mil/cmh/books/Vietnam/mi/ch02.htm )
- - - -
3508BK - MACV Advisor’s Plaque, 1966
scanned at 300dpi
3508BK - 11 1/4" (vertical), too large for the scanned, it is all there, brass hanger on the back, better than average condition, Used....inquire
- - - -
3508BL - ARVN IV Corps Shooting Plaque 1967
3508BL - 5 3/4", ARVN IV CORPS Shooting Plaque Award for 1967, wording on Plaque: "THI VO DICH THIEN XA DON VI 1967 VUNG IV CHEN-THUAT GIAI CA-NHAN_SUNG CAC-BIN HANG BA", chip on lower blue plastic bar, needs another nail in the hanger on the reverse, Used......inquire
"F TROOP", made in Japan
I don't have the ID for this patch but the general concensus is, it is a MACV Advisory insignia.
Anyone know the ID?
- - - -
Mobile Advisory Team 21, IICTZ
I think this is the Team assigned to MR-2 HQs near Camp Schmidt, Pleiku and advised ARVN Rangers
The blade depicted on the patch is similar to the Ranger Qualified Badge knife
II Corps Tactical Zone MAT-21, made in Vietnam, UnUsed......inquire
(linked from the RANGER page)
- - - -
Kontum Province MACV Advisory Team 41
TM 41 advised ARVN Infantry Units in the Kontum area, made in Vietnam, UnUsed......(sold)
"Advisor's Association" coin for SEA
( made post-1975 )
"Counterparts 1954 - 1975", Advisor's association coin for re-unions/etc., Used......inquire
Thick, heavy, brass coin-type medal, emblems has: Dragon, Sword, Quill Pen, & Olive Branch
( also on UI page #105 & Vietnam page )
- - - -
Vietnamese Dog Training School
School was probably located at Go Vap, Vietnam (outskirts of Saigon)
Very-RARE Hand-embroidered ARVN Dog Training School near Saigon, RFU, Used....(sold)
( must be early-'60s as the workmanship is of very-high quality; not like the garbage made in the late-1960s )
( also on Home and Vietnamese pages )
- - - -
Go Vap Dog Training School
Vietnam made Bevo-style weave Insignia
UnCut patch with scrapbook residue on back, UnUsed......inquire
( see an Excellent site for RVN K-9 history: http://community-2 dot webtv.net/Hahn-50thAP-K9/K9History6/ )
47250L - Stanton's "VIETNAM ORDER OF BATTLE" Book
47250L - Stanton’s Vietnam Order of Battle, dated 1986, w/Dust Jacket, Library of Congress # 86-2969, ISBN 0-88365-709-0, probably never used, Used.....inquire
Aid Team in Cambodia
Military Equipment Delivery Team, Cambodia (MEDTC)
Operation to funnel Aid to the FANK (Khmer National Armed Forces/Forces Armees Nationales Khemeres)
This could be the Poster-Operation on why we should not give Aid to Foreign Countries; Taxpayer dollars down the tubes into the pockets of corrupt Government Officials and Military Officers (gee, kinda makes you think of Iraq and Afghanistan).
"MEDTC KHMER REPUBLIC", Cut-edge patch embroidered on blue cloth in Thailand or Cambodia, UnUsed......inquire
Cut-edge insignia embroidered on white cloth in Thailand or Cambodia, UnUsed......inquire
- - - -
Military Equipment Delivery Team, Cambodia (MEDTC)
scanned at 300dpi
"Theater made" has small white plastic "closed" plastic clutches, Used......inquire
- - - -
partial History
Funneled U.S. Military Aid to the FANK through the Military Equipment Delivery Team, Cambodia (MEDTC). Authorized a total of 113 officers and men the MEDTC was Organized in Saigon circa January 1971 then moved to Phnom Penh, Cambodia on October 9, 1971; Finished operations circa April 12, 1975.
United States Army, Vietnam
- - - -
Novelty USARV with Dog
hand-embroidered in Vietnam, UnUsed......inquire
- - - -
Velvet Paneled and 2-Layered made in Vietnam
minor makers flaw in top-part of red panel, UnUsed.......(sold)
rolled-edge patch, maker used too much glue=some of it bled-through, UnUsed........inquire
- - - -
USARV Pocket hangers
White hanger, Vietnam made, UnUsed.......inquire
Dark Brown hanger, cut-edge, UnUsed.......inquire
reddish-brown hanger, merrowed-edge with pigtail Issue patch, UnUsed.......inquire
tan hanger, ME ISSUE patch, probably Used......inquire
- - - -
UnUsual felt-construction with bullion thread, hanger broken-off, Used......(sold)
black bobbin thread, made in Vietnam(?), hanger cut-off, Used........inquire
U.S. made, found with a Black 75th Ranger Beret(older Yellow-liner Bancroft), green-edge, Used.......(sold)
- - - -
Issue ME patch, hanger made in Vietnam, blems on the right-side are reflections on the plastic-not imperfections, Used.......inquire
- - - -
ME with pigtail
OG hanger, UnUsed.......inquire
- - - -
USARV 3 year service pin
Roll-Lock pinback, probably made in the U. S. or Northeast Asia (good quality), Used.......(each)......inquire
- - - -
3508BG - USARV's "Tour 365"
"MID-YEAR 1969 Issue"
3508BG - 64 page Magazine given to departing Army personnel, one of the cleanest copies you will find, Used.......inquire
Field Forces, Vietnam
I Field Force, Vietnam (IFFV)
Controlled Forces in the II Corps Tactical Zone out of Nha Trang
Issue merrowed-edge(ME), UnUsed.......inquire
ME Issue, RFU, Used......inquire
oldest known date for merrowed-edge patches for the RVN Era is 1966, see 173rd ABN BDE
If you can date a Government Issue ME patch prior to that year, let me know the details
- - - -
made in Vietnam, UnUsed..........inquire
made in Japan, UnUsed............(sold)
Cut-edge ISSUE on Poplin Cotton, UnUsed.......inquire
2-Layered made in Vietnam, hand-embroidered, RFU, Used......inquire
- - - -
E CO, 20th Infantry Regiment (LRP)
- - - -
1st Field Force pair of Beercan DIs
IFFV set of beercans, made in Vietnam, Used.....inquire
- - - -
First Field Force, Vietnam Beercan DI - made in Vietnam
300DPI scan so all the wear marks show
Used, Inquire
- - - -
E Company, 20th Infantry Long Range Reconnaissance Partrol
see on SF page, LURP section
- - - -
7930FK - IFFV cut-edge Issue SSI
( see details on Clothing page)
II Field Force, Vietnam (IIFFV)
Controlled Forces in the III Corps Tactical Zone out of Long Bien
Cross-hatched hand-embroidered in Vietnam, removed from an AG-344 Coat, paper-backing remains, never washed, Used.....inquire
- - - -
Japan and a Velvet Panel Vietnam made IIFFV patches
made in Japan, UnUsed........(sold)
Vietnam made with velvet panels, RFU 1969 dated Jungle Shirt, scrapbook residue on back, Used......inquire
( I have the GI's last name, for the buyer only! )
- - - -
Company D,151st Infantry (Long Range Patrol)
( see all three on the Special Forces page, LRP section )
XXIV Corps
Active in Vietnam circa 1968-72
- - - -
Made in the Republic of Vietnam(RVN)
made in Vietnam, UnUsed......inquire
- - - -
Vietnam made, UnUsed.....(sold)
made in Vietnam, Unused......(sold)
Issue merrowed-edge, scrapbook residue on back, UnUsed......inquire
Issue ME, RFU, Used.....inquire
- - - -
partial History
XXIV Corps (24th Corps) was active circas: 1944-49 and 1968-72
XXIV Corps activated at Fort Shafter, Hawaii, April 8, 1944.Did the invasion of Leyte, PI on October 20, 1944, with the 7th & 96th IDs plus it's other Units.
Invasion of Okinawa April 1 to June 30, 1945; relocated to Korea in September 1945; deactivated in Korea January 25, 1949.
Re-activated August 15, 1968, at Fort Hood, TX to replace the "Provisional Corps, Vietnam,"
Relocated to the RVN and was placed under the Operational Control(OPCON) of the III Marine Expeditionary Force with HQS in Phu Bai.
Relocated to Danang March 9, 1970 assuming Control of all U.S. ground forces in I CTZ (to include all remaining Marine units).
While in the RVN it had control, at least part of the time, these units:
1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile)
23rd Infantry Division (AMERICAL)
101st Airborne Division(AM)
1st Brigade, 5th Infantry Division(Mechanized)
3rd Brigade, 82nd Airborne Division
173rd Airborne Brigade
196th Light Infantry Brigade
108th Artillery Group
III Marine Expeditionary Force
3rd Marine Amphibious Brigade
Task Force Clearwater (U.S. Navy)
Deactivated June 30, 1972; remaining assets were folded into the First Regional Assistance Command (FRAC).
Free World Forces
( this may not be the correct name? )
pocket Hanger ( this is not a cloth-patch in the hanger-it is made of paper or ? ), UnUsed.......inquire
( this outfit has the cheapest insignia I have ever seen )
United States Army Support, Thailand
unit supported the Vietnam War effort
Issue patch removed from fatigues, Used......inquire
Issue SSI removed from an AG-344 Coat, Used....inquire
1st Logistics Command
started life as a pocket hanger - small amount of plastic remnants left on borders
hand-embroidered in Vietnam, Very-clean(was protected by plastic, Used....(sold)
- - - -
Line Haul RVN
all items came from the same Veteran
Line Haul RVN Tab with 1st Logistics SSI (issue ME), removed from Jungle Shirt, Used.......(sold)
Top Line Haul RVN Tab, UnUsed........(sold)
Bottom Line Haul RVN Tab, UnUsed.....(sold)
Line Haul RVN Tab with USARV SSI (Velvet panel-Viet made), removed from Jungle Shirt, Used......(sold)
- - - -
7930FI_OG POPLIN Jungle Shirt, SP4 Rank and other badges.jpg
(see on Clothing page)
10th Psychological Operations Battalion
made in Vietnam, scrapbook residue on back, UnUsed.....inquire
48th Army Postal Unit
Anyone know what Unit this APU supported or the Location of the 48th APU?
48th APU, made in Vietnam, UnUsed.....inquire
88th Supply and Service Battalion Security Platoon
4 1/8"(Vertical), UnUsed......inquire
90th Replacement Battalion
hand-embroidered in Vietnam, UnUsed......inquire
Automatic Data Field Systems Command (DET-4)
Army Materials Command and Combat Development Experimentation Command(CDEC) symbols on patch
("CDEC" also expands to other unit names)
Detachment Four ADFSC, hand-embroidered in Vietnam, UnUsed........inquire
702nd Maintenance Battalion
"Mend the Broken Sword"
made in Vietnam, RFU, Used.....inquire
Security Force VIET-NAM
hand-embroidered in Vietnam, RFU, Used.....inquire
anyone know the History on this unit?
FIP OEA Forces in the Dominican Republic, circa 1965
"OEA" = Organization of American States (Organization Estadas Americas (or Americano)
"FIP" = Forces International Police
In the books (3508BX/BY) listed in the 82nd Airborne Division Section this patch is shown being worn by a General (I think he was the OEA Commander in the DOMREP)
Residue from scrapbook, UnUsed......inquire
18th Engineer Brigade
ISSUE cut-edge 18th ENG BDE shoulder patch, UnUsed.......inquire
Pocket Hanger Hand-embroidered in Vietnam, collector's ID on back, UnUsed...........inquire
Issue subdued, UnUsed.......inquire
- - - -
Issue Merrowed Edge
one of the longest pigtails I have seen, UnUsed......inquire
- - - -
20th Engineer Brigade
embroidered on OG material, country of origin unknown, UnUsed.......inquire
older plastic back, RFU=never washed, minor soiling, Used.......inquire
Older plastic backing material, RFU, Used......inquire
( this "milky-looking" style of plastic backing is like the type first used on Air Force patches, circa 1965 )
- - - -
20th Engineer Brigade
( Transportation Corps Detachment ? )
Excellent quality Vietnam made pocket hanger, believed to be for a "ROME PLOW" unit(?), may have been for the Transporters(?), UnUsed......inquire
- - - -
78th ENG Bn, Atomic Demolitions Munitions (Special Weapons) Platoon
ADM PLT, 78th ENG BN Gernan made patch with "READY" Tab, circa 1960s
I think the "READY" tab was added if a certain level of Proficiency was obtained(?) - I saw a reference to: "READY tab was added after a successful TPI".
"SW" = Special Weapons, I believe the main MOS for this unit was 12Es and they carried "Man-Packed" ADMs to eliminate large bridges and etc. in case the Commie-Bastards headed West, UnUsed......(sold)
- - - -
102nd Engineer Company (Construction Support)
" We pave the Way"
made in Vietnam, "Viet-Nam - Germany - Philippines", UnUsed.....inquire
- - - -
Land Clearing
for a ROME Plow unit?
made in Vietnam, RFU, damage at the top of the "R", Used.......inquire
- - - -
circa 1973, Engineer's ZIPPO
dated 1973, minor wear, has initials scratched on the lid(see on picture), Used............inquire
( stored in "site-done" box )
- - - -
Unknown Usage of this VIET NAM "Under Arc"
old spelling of Vietnam (before the '67-'68(?) era), Tab worn below a patch, Vietnam made, Used.......inquire
(If you know the Unit that wore this arc - let me know....it has been noted before but the usage is unknown)
- - - -
Usage unknown
scanned at 200dpi
small 2 13/16" Tab, UnUsed.....inquire
- - - -
Vietnam made SNIPER Tab
Arc, UnUsed......inquire
- - - -
Marine Gold on Red "VIET NAM" Arc, UnUsed.....inquire
Woven Yellow/Black "VIET-NAM", RFU Used......inquire
woven arc with bluish stains, UnUsed.....inquire
Medals and Ribbons
- - - -
RVN Campaign Medal with 1970-1971 scroll
Made in Vietnam
in-country ribbons and bar, Used......(sold)
- - - -
Army Good Conduct Medal, made in Vietnam
concave front with convex reverse, UnUsed......inquire
49080 & 49081 - RANK with OG Border
Cut-edge with a few Merrowed-edge stripes
- - - -
Specialist Stripes
New and Used.............................email for Stripes currently in stock
some "singles" available, ask!
- - - -
Private to Sergeant Major
New and Used.............................email for Stripes currently in stock
some "singles" available, ask!
partial History for Rank used in Vietnam
Subdued Rank and other Insignia authorized for wear in the RVN, circa mid-1966
USARV authorized wear of Subuded metal Pin-on Rank in July 1967
49084 - RANK with Black Border
Cut-edge stripes
- - - -
Specialist Stripes
New and Used.............................email for Stripes currently in stock
some "singles" available, ask!
- - - -
Private to Sergeant Major
New and Used.............................email for Stripes currently in stock
some "singles" available, ask!
49090 - Vietnam made Stripes
Local Made "Velvet Panel" stripes
- - - -
49090 - SFC Velvet Panel
Sergeant First Class (Platoon Sergeant) Pair, UnUsed......inquire
Pair made on the same sewing-machine...however untrained Tailors and the shop owner's very low standards turned-out some substandard products.
I think the OG cotton cloth was "doped" with a rice-glue before sewing (doping prevented puckering when the velvet panels were stitched on the OG backing material).
The Tailor apparently used the wrong side of the material on the LEFT Stripe(?).
( stored in RVN-75 box )
- - - -
Buck Sergeant (E-5) local made, sewn on a Jungle shirt but never washed, Used......(sold)
Staff Sergeant (SSG) (E-6) local made, sewn on a Jungle shirt but never washed, Used......inquire
( stored in RVN-75 box )
other Local Made stripes available from-time-to-time, ask!
Pin-on Rank, Issue & PX
- - - -
Sergeant First Class
hallmarked "circle V G.. I."
reverse scanned at 300dpi
SFC, 1 x curved for the hat; 2 x for collar, 5 x "JANDY" hallmarked clutchbacks, RFU, Used.......inquire
( worn circa late-1960s by 509th RRGp SFC )
Pin-on Metal Rank
- - - -
non-matching SP-4 rank from the Plantation Road area
worn on the Boonie or Baseball Cap
post missing, original clutch, Used.................(sold)
well-made with original clutches, Used......(sold)
( stored in RVN-75 box )
- - - -
matching SP-5 pair from Plantation Road area
worn on the Fatigue or Jungle Shirts
Pair of Specialist Fifth Class rank, rust in spots where paint is missing, Used........(sold)
- - - -
SP-5 Metal pin-on Rank
local made with plastic clutches, does not show wear, Unused......inquire
- - - -
single Specialist 5th Class, Local made Pin-on metal Rank
above average quality, Used........inquire
- - - -
Local Made Pin-on SP-4 Rank
with the plastic clutches that the GI had, he had been in the 28th IR, 1st ID, Used.....inquire
(his DIs had a Black Lion on a silver shield and he had been a Combat Medic)
( stored in RVN-75 box )
( These are bringbacks from a friend who wore them when he worked in the Plantation Road area of Saigon )
Army sew-on Collar RANK
Sold as pairs except where noted
- - - -
Private First Class ("Field Grade Private") (E-3), Used and UnUsed.......inquire
Specialist Fourth Class (E-4), Used and UnUsed......inquire
Corporal (E-4), UnUsed.......inquire
- - - -
Sergeant, Specialist Fifth Class, and Staff Sergeant
SSG E-5, Used and UnUsed.......inquire
SP5 E-5, UnUsed.......inquire
Only a single (1 rank insignia only - good for a cap/hat), SSG E-6, UnUsed.......inquire
SSG E-6, Used.......inquire
- - - -
Sergeant First Class & Master Sergeant
SFC E-7, Used.......inquire
MSG E-8, Used and UnUsed.......inquire
- - - -
First Sergeant, Staff Sergeant Major, & Command Sergeant Major
1SG E-8, Used and UnUsed.......inquire
SSM E-9, UnUsed.......inquire
CSM E-9, UnUsed.......inquire
( stored in RVN - 1975 box )
Officer's Color Infantry Branch Insignia
Pair, UnUsed.......(sold)
Single, UnUsed......inquire
UnCut, Hand-embroidered, Captain's Rank
scanned at 300dpi
Subdued, hand-embroidered in SEA, UnUsed......inquire
( see his hand-embroidered Basic Jump Badge on the Airborne page )
Refer to the Item by Number if you are inquiring
Officer Rank 1 - 3
(also listed on the Vietnam page, Rank section)
1 - Thien-uy (2nd LT), Sand Cast with a pin back, hallmarked (starting at 1300) "C" "K" "M" "V" "D"
1 - Dai-uy (CPT), Sand Cast
- - - -
Officer Rank 4 - 5
- - - -
Officer Rank 6 - 7
- - - -
Officer and NCO Rank 8 - 9
- - - -
Officer Rank10 - 11
Refer to the Item by Number if you are inquiring
Woven U. S. Army Tape
scrapbook residue on back, was folded (at the "M") for years, UnUsed......inquire
More UnUsed, and Used, Army Tapes available
Vietnamese Made Pairs of U. S. Army & Name Tapes
Sets of Embroidered Tapes
If you are looking for authentic Tape sets that are perfectly matched, in most cases, Forget-IT!
For a reality check about Vietnam made Tapes:
The tailor shop would make up several "U.S. ARMY" tapes from the same piece of left-over GI material.
Then when the GI came in for Tapes the tailor shop would make his Name Tape on different material; sometimes it would be a different sewing machine & worker.
Anytime you find a near-perfect VINTAGE Matched Set of Tapes, consider yourself lucky!
Removed from Shirts & Field Jackets, Used.......inquire
Hinkley set.........SOLD
More Subdued and Color single Tapes available; many USAF Sets and Singles in stock; a few USN Tapes available.
A few Color and Subdued Stencilled Tapes in stock
3764 - Army Name Tags for Khakis and AG-44 Dress Uniforms
style used during the Vietnam Era
Medics, Cooks, and others wore Name Plates(tags) on their White Duty Uniforms
( Modern style with "pebble-face" replaced the smooth-style )
3764 - usually 10 to 20 in stock, Used........in quire
( also on Army Gear page )
Infantryman's Dress Uniform items
Sample picture of items available - ask for prices and availability
- - - -
Army Leadership Green Epaulet Loops/Tabs
"KLIKIT" brand snaps made by RAU, 3 x New sets..........inquire
Infantryman Combat Qualification Badge
- - - -
embossed "STERLING", by Krew
Hallmarked "G-I" with Ballou chromed clutchbacks
( stored in site done box )
- - - -
Combat Infantryman subdued Qualification Badge
2nd Award CIB on Issue card in Original plastic bag, by Krew, INC., dated 1969
stock # 8455-135-2671, DSA100-69-C-2257, New-in-Package.........inquire
( stored in site done box )
- - - -
Local and Issue CIBs
Left column
RARE Hand embroidered, Used........(sold)
ME, OG cloth that has faded, Used.....(sold)
Color ME, Used......inquire
Center column
ME, Asian made OG cloth that has faded, Used......inquire
Color ME, Used.....inquire
Color ME, Used....inquire
Right Column
Issue, UnUsed......inquire
Issue, larger, Unused.....inquire
ME = Machine Embroidered
( The two faded ones were made on local made Vietnamese OG Cloth and quickly lost their color )
- - - -
Rare Pocket Hanger for a WRAIR TEAM Member, Vietnam
WRAIR = Walter Reed Army Institute of Research
The WRAIR teams were very small (4-5 members) & sent to the RVN to document every aspect of Medical Service; only One TEAM was in-country at a time.
They went into the field with Special Forces Teams to document: Epidemology Work, MEDCAP Teams, Film Labs, Hospitals, Clearing Stations, MEDEVAC Services, Supply Systems, Blood Handling, and Veterinary Food Processing Units.
Listed on Special Forces page/SF section
( see on SF page and section )
Sterling Combat Medic's Badge, 2nd Award
"Nails" replaced, marked "Sterling", Used.....inquire
( stored in site done box )
- - - -
Combat Medical Service Qualification Badge
on issue card in sealed GI package, dated 1967, embossed "STERLING"
Maker did not ship badges on the correct card - "BASIC" should read "COMBAT"
CMB on issue card dated 1967, stock number 8455-256-1556, DSA100-67-C-1905 by E, & H. Simon INC., UnUsed........inquire
( stored in site done box )
Medical Caduceus
Large (4 7/8") embroidered on wool, scrapbook residue on back, UnUsed......inquire
Medic's Rule 9 3/4" Backpatch
9.75" (veritcal) patch, probably an Army Novelty patch as the boots are bloused, UnUsed......(sold)
( stored in gray cabinet )
8th Field Hospital Nha Trang Officer's Grouping
Removed from an Officer's 1964 dated Tube-sleeve OG-107 shirt
One of the oldest Hospitals in Vietnam, established in 1962
early-RVN era hand-embroidered 8th Fld Hospital pocket patch, lots of wear ("VIETNAM", the word above it, and "8th" are missing or well-worn), MACV SSI removed from left sleeve, label is from the inside-flap near the bottom, (officer's collar insignia, name & Army tapes were already removed, Used....inquire
44th Medical Brigade
cut-edge Issue, RFU, Used....inquire
ME Issue, UnUsed.....inquire
ME Issue, RFU, Used.....inquire
Velvet Panel, made in Vietnam, worn on lower-left, RFU, Used.....inquire
Velvet Panel, made in Vietnam, RFU, Used.....inquire
Hand Embroidered, made in Vietnam, RFU, probably never washed, Used.....inquire
local made, RFU, Used.....inquire
- - - -
Velvet Panel, made in Vietnam, RFU, Used.....inquire
local made on OG backing cloth, RFU, Used....inquire
- - - -
partial History
Relocated to RVN April 1966; consolidated with other Medical Units in Vietnam; Colors returned to CONUS December 1970
Inactrivated 1973; Reactivated 1974 and Assigned to XVIII Airborne Corps
43rd Medical Group
67th Evacuation Hospital
43rh MED GP "LIFESAVERS" "VIETNAM", Viet Hand Embroidered, UnUsed.....inquire
43rh MED GP "LIFESAVERS" "VIETNAM", 4.25" Viet ME, UnUsed......inquire
67th Evacuation Hospital "MIHI PORTATE VULNERATOS" (Bring in the Wounded), fully-embroidered, Asian made, semi-mobile, originally in Qui Nhon and then moved to Pleiku in 1972, UnUsed....inquire
Dental Bac-si
137th Medical Detachment of the 44th Medical Brigade
137th Medical Detachment, for a Dentist, Viet HE, UnUsed....inquire
137th MED DET, Viet ME, for a Dental Doctor, UnUsed.......inquire
May have been bigger than a Detachment(?)
Very little reference of this unit, found that it made a visit or had a small Dental Det at the 25th ID in Cu Chi in 1969
257th Medical Detachment (Dental Services)
Now an Airborne Dental Company with the 18th Airborne Corps at Fort Bragg
257th Medical Detachment (DS), Viet Hand-embroidered 3 7/8", UnUsed....inquire
257th MED DET (Dental), Viet machine made, UnUsed......inquire
312th Evacuation Hospital
"312th EVAC HOSP" made in Vietnam, UnUsed......inquire
- - - -
partial History
The 312th Evacuation Hospital, the largest Reserve medical unit sent to Vietnam, arrived in September 1968 and moved into the area formerly used by the 2d Surgical Hospital at Chu Lai, RVN; the 2nd had supported Task Force OREGON.
Military Police
18th Military Police Brigade
- - - -
Hand embroidered in Vietnam
Probably the best looking 18th MP color patch I have seen
It must have been made in one of the "old-line" Indian tailor shops in Saigon
Color HE, UnUsed......inquire
subdued HE, RFU, Used......inquire
- - - -
Hand-embroidered in Vietnam, still has the Tailor Shop chalk marks
RFU, Used.....inquire
- - - -
Vietnam made, UnUsed......inquire
greenback, Asian made, UnUsed......inquire
made in Vietnam, RFU, Used.....inquire
- - - -
Issue Brown Border, Unused........(sold)
light shade of twill, RFU,scrapbook residue on back, Used.....inquire
RFU, Used......inquire
- - - -
issue, RFU, lots of wear, Used......inquire
Vietnam made, Velvet Panel, UnUsed.......inquire
issue merrowed-edge(ME), scrapbook redidue on back, UnUsed.....inquire
( a "used" color ME patch available - never washed )
subdued issue ME, RFU, Used......inquire
18th MP BDE, Hand-embroidered, RFU, Used........inquire
- - - -
18th MP BDE, hand-embroidered in Vietnam
RFU, Used.......inquire
- - - -
52nd Infantry Security-Forces
tape residue on front, RFU, Used.......inquire
- - - -
Company C, 52nd Infantry Regiment (Rifle Security)
90mm Recoiless Rifle Team
backing paper has a drawing for a Brown Water Navy Unit patch
5.25", made in Vietnam, UnUsed.....inquire
partial History
C/52nd IR arrived in-country December 1, 1968 and assigned to the 716th MP BN; then to the 18th MP BDE, departed the RVN August 15, 1972
- - - -
"Sentry Dogs"
18th MP BDE "SENTRY DOGS" Arc made in Vietnam, Issue Brown Border SSI, RFU, Used.......inquire
( I have the veteran's name - furnished to the Buyer ONLY! )
- - - -
C Company, 54th Infantry Regiment (Rifle Security)
Vietnam made, scrapbook residue on back, UnUsed....inquire
partial History
C CO/54th IR arrived in Vietnam November 29, 1966; Departed April 30, 1972
A seperate Rifle Company that served with the 97th Military Police Battalion at Tuy Hoa
95th Military Police Battalion
scanned at 300dpi
Vietnam made beercan DI, Used.......inquire
partial History
RVN service from 1966 to 1972 mainly at Long Binh Post
- - - -
146th Military Police Company, 504th MP BN
must be "gun-Jeeps" for convoy escort duty
This unit is referred to as a "Platoon" many times on the Internet
large 5 1/4"(horizontal)patch made in Vietnam, Unused.......(sold)
partial History
Unit left Fort Meade circa May-July 1968 and served in the Phu Bai-Chu Lai and Tam Ky-Quang Ngai AOs
Supported the 23rd MP CO in the Chu Lai area
Assigned to 504th Military Police Battalion, 16th MP GP, 18th MP BDE
- - - -
206th Military Police Company, New York Army National Guard
early Issue Subdued patch
206th MPs, hole at top next to border(I think it was displayed on a wall or board with a small nail?), RFU, been washed and does not lay flat(normal for these), Used.....inquire
- - - -
504th MP Battalion Badges from a Jungle Shirt
Issue 18th MP BDE SSI
504th MP BN "DUTY JUSTICE AND HONOR", partially Hand-embroidered, Vietnam made
Pair of Hand-embroidered SP4 stripes, Viet made
Locally stencilled Tapes
Sold as a Group, I will not break-up this Grouping!
Rare set of badges, Used.....inquire
595th Military Police Company
595th MP CO K-9 patch made in Vietnam, scrapbook residue on back, UnUsed.....inquire
- - - -
685th Military Police Battalion
Massachusetts Army National Guard
Patch is a lot darker - scanner went South
685th MP BN, UnUsed.......inquire
- - - -
716th MP BN Beercan DI
PIcfile later - if you need THE DI, send your complete mailing address and I will do a scan
- - - -
Company A, 720th Military Police Battalion
Operated in MRIII (MR3 or Military Region 3)
I assume they had Detachments in these locales; or, it re-located to these places: BEARCAT, PHU LOI, XUAN LOC, TAY NINH, and VUNG TAU
A/720th MP BN, Hand-embroidered in Vietnam, scrapbook residue on back, UnUsed.....inquire
- - - -
981st Military Police Company (Sentry Dog)
( was ID'd on the back as the 981st MP CO, written on sticky Masking tape....which I removed )
981st MP CO "HELL ON PAWS" "K-9", tape residue on back, UnUsed.....inquire
partial History
Assigned to 97th Military Police Battalion (97th P BN) on December 7, 1967; 17th Military Police Group(17th MPGp)
Several Detachments located in Central Vietnam; home base may have been Cam Rahn Bay(?)
Served in Vietnam into 1970 (probably longer)
Unit probably DeActivated after RVN service and then ReActivated later and served in Germany many years on Special Weapons sites.
- - - -
3508DL - MP WHISTLE with Black Lanyard, dated 1966
3508DL - OG Plastic Military Police WHISTLE, embossed “U.S. H.P.I. 1966”, minor wear, cork is still light-tan color, Used....inquire
- - - -
7206D - BE, MP Black Leather Belts and Solid Brass Buckles
( see Belt/Buckles/Pouches/Shoulder Straps/Holsters on General Gear, Weapons page )
EUSA Signal Company (Radio Relay)
This Patch and the 1LT's color CLOTH Rank and Signal Corps Branch Insignia were removed from a bagged-out OG shirt.
No Shirt, just the Patch and his rank/branch insignia include in the price, RFU, Used.......inquire
Was on an old Tube-sleeve fatigue shirt pocket
2nd Signal Group
made in Vietnam, scrapebook residue on back, UnUsed.......inquire
7926DK - USO Workers Badged Jacket
52nd Signal Battalion
see near top of this page
73rd Signal BN Officer's Vietnam Signal Corps Badge (Honorary)
( plus his 73rd SIG BN Beercan DI )
Presented to a 21st Signal Group, 1st Signal Brigade Captain for Service in 1971
73rd Signal Battalion Beercan DI and the ARVN Signal Corps Badge in UnUsed Condition....inquire
( could not get the Orginal Award Order - good copy )
- - - -
73rd Signal Battalion Beercan DI
Sealion with Sword, made in Vietnam, Used.....inquire
146th Signal Detachment
UnUsual patch in that it is named: "RICHARDS of QUI NHON, VIETNAM"
This unit is on the Internet so you can find some of it's history
146th SIG DET, RFU, puckered at the border, Used.....inquire
518th Signal Company ( RRUHF)
RRUHF = Radio Relay, Ultra High Frequency(?)
pair of Beercan DIs made in Vietnam, Used.......inquire
532nd Signal Company
This 532nd Patch is for sale
hand-embroidered in Vietnam, UnUsed.......inquire
- - - - - - - - - - - - - below 532nd items are NOT for Sale - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Prototype insignia for the 532nd Signal Company
( Auto Secure Voice Communications )
Original "S..... S...." Pocket Hanger done for the 532nd SIG CO (Phu Lam, Saigon, RVN) in 1967, designed by SP4 Fousek
532nd Signal Company pocket hanger, and picture of the Phu Lam Signal Battalion site
532nd SIGNAL Company Guidon
586th Signal Company (Support)
I understand this is not a common patch
4 5/16"(vertical), crude construction, very thick patch, made in Vietnam, UnUsed.......inquire
- - - -
partial History
Reorganized and Redesignated November 1, 1954 as the 586th Signal Company
Departed Fort Irwin, CA for the RVN circa 1965
Stationed at Camp Radcliffe, An Khe Vietnam; assigned to the 43rd Signal Battalion providing communications/electronics support for Binh Dinh province and others
Inactivated 15 December 1970 at Camp Enari, Vietnam
Activated 31 May 1972 in Vietnam
Inactivated 29 June 1972 in Vietnam
Activated 16 September 2006 at Fort Bragg, North Carolina
other info:
There is a mention by a Veteran of a "586th Signal.......Road Runner" unit he was in, in Vietnam(?).
Military Traffic Management Command, U.S. Army
MTMC, RFU, Used......inquire
- - - -
partial History
U.S. Army Military Traffic Management Command Established February 15, 1965 in Falls Church, Virginia
MTMC manages DOD's worldwide transportation of: troops, equipment, & personal property during peace and war.
Assigned units include: Deployment Support Command Fort Eustis, VA, Transportation Engineering Agency Newport News, VA, 598th Transportation Group, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, and 599th TRANS GP Wheeler Army Airfield, Hawaii.
Established in 1965 as Military Traffic Management and Terminal Service; Redesignated Military Traffic Management Command in 1974
Name changed to Military Traffic Management Command
4th Transportation Command
hand-embroidered in Vietnam
4th TRANS CMD, UnUsed......inquire
- - - -
partial History
Redesignated 11 June 1954 as Headquarters and Headquarters Company(HHC), 4th Transportation Terminal Command
Allotted & Activated June 15, 1954 to the Regular Army at Fort Eustis, Virginia
Redesignated 23 June 1961 as HHC, 4th Transportation Command
Arrived in Vietnam on August 12, 1965
Operated water terminals at: Saigon, Nha Be, Cat Lai, Cam Ranh Bay, Vung Tau, Qui Nhon, Nha Trang, Phan Rang, & etc.
Also furnished direct motor transport in support of port and beach clearance
Established an Air Cargo terminal in Saigon.
This Command had many assignments during the Vietnam Era
58th Transportation Battalion
58th TRANS BN, made in Vietnam, UnUsed......inquire
125th Transportation Command (Terminal)
removed from a 3rd Pattern OG POPLIN Jungle Shirt dated 1966
125th TRAN CMD (Terminal), hand-embroidered except for border in Vietnam, RFU left SSI, Used.....(sold)
Velvet Panel "Buck-Sergeant's" stripes made in Vietnam, RFU, Used......inquire
( I have the Veteran's Last Name for the Buyer )
- - - -
440th Transportation Company
Assigned to the 159th Transportation Battalion
Has the A/502nd AVN BN White Steer skulk with the Green RVN outline; also has the Yellow/Gold Skull of the 175th AHC Gun Platoon(successor unit to A/502nd).
Unknown why this Terminal Transfer Company adopted the "skull" symbols of an Aviation unit.
"Beep Beep", made in Vietnam, UnUsed.......inquire
- - - -
partial History
159th Transportation Battalion arrived at Vung Tau Sep 1968
5th Transportation Company (Heavy Boat)
124th Transportation Company (Terminal Service)
231st Transportation Company (Medium Boat) returned to USAR Aug 1969
329th Transportation Company (Heavy Boat) attached Apr 69
440th Transportation Company (Terminal Transfer)
544th Transportation Company (Medium Boat)
565th Transportation Company (Terminal Transfer) inactivated Mar 69
1099th Transportation Company (Medium Boat)
- - - -
7926DK - USO Workers Badged Jacket
hand-embroidered 125th TRAN CMD patch on lower-right pocket
hand-embroidered 520th Transportation Battalion (AM & S GS)
click on left-picture for details
- - - -
partial History
125th Transportation Command activated at Ft. Eustis, VA May 25, 1966
Arrived in the RVN October 4, 1966; Assigned to 4th Transportation Command (Terminal)
Assisted the Director General of Ports, RVN modern Port Operations
Vietnam Service 1966 - 1970
544th Transportation Company (Medium Boat)
"BORN QUINHON DIED 1968 QUINHON 1969", glue residue on back, Unused.....inquire
for Aviation Transportation Units - click on picture
Bringbacks, Novelty, & etc. 
Some Novelty Patches were used by ALL the Services
( look in USAF, USMC, & USN pages for other Novelty Insignia )
Participant Southeast Asia War Games, made in Vietnam
larger SEA participant patch, UnUsed.......inquire
Hand-embroidered in Vietnam
New-in-the-opened-package, UnUsed......inquire
(I opened the package to scan the double-arc)
untrimmed, UnUsed......inquire
stained, UnUsed......inquire
- - - -
Place Name Arcs/Tabs in the RVN
DANANG-VIETNAM Tab, hand-embroidered, scrapbook residue on back, UnUsed......inquire
double-arc NHA-TRANG, VIET-NAM, hand-embroidered, scrapbook residue on back, UnUsed......inquire
VIET-NAM PHUOC-VINH, hand-embroidered, stains on left side, UnUsed......inquire
VIET-NAM TAN SON NHUT, machine embroidered double-arc with paper backing, UnUsed......inquire
- - - -
"SHORT TIMER" "FUBIS" (Fu..ed Up But I'm Short)
Hand-embroidered in Vietnam
"JODY". UnUsed.......inquire
- - - -
Vietnam Hunting Club License Form and Business card
Covers all the Services - I have never seen this form/business card before, signed by "U. Getum"
minor storage damage, UnUsed......(sold)
( stored in gray cabinet )
- - - -
"WAR IS HELL" used by All the Services in SEA
"DEATH BEFORE DISHONOR", Vietnam made, part of paper backing remains, UnUsed......inquire
This style of patch has been recovered from: Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine uniforms
It was a Universal Novelty patch used in Southeast Asia
- - - -
War Games 70-71
Particpant SEA War Games, Viet made, 9 3/4" Backpatch with Burlap backing, scrapbook residue on back, UnUsed...inquire
( stored in site done box )
- - - -
War Games 71-72
Particpant SEA War Games, Viet made, 9.5" backpatch, UnUsed...(sold)
- - - -
Johnson, Drake. & Piper of Vietnam, INC.
Novelty Worker's Badge showing a Dragon with a "soccer" ball(?) on his nose
well-constructed badge from Vietnam, Used......inquire
( May be listed on another page(?) - this listing takes precedence )
- - - -
Montagnard drinking Wine from a large Jar
metal loop still attached for hanging it on a chain around your neck
click on picture for details
- - - -
3508BH - 1969 Christmas Card to Allied Forces from Nguyen Van Thieu
very-large Christmas Card 11" x 15" (edge to edge)
3508BH - Christmas of 1969, CARD from President Nguyen Van Thieu of the RVN thanking the Allies for helping to fight the Invaders. The message is written in English and Vietnamese, Used......inquire
( also on the Vietnamese page )
- - - -
3508BR - Handbook for US Forces in Vietnam
3508BR - DA Pam 360-521, Handbook for U.S. Forces in Vietnam, June 10, 1966, 169 pages, used by all the Services, Used....inquire
- - - -
3508BT - War Materials of North Vietnam and the Viet Cong
2 x Volumes printed in 1964
TAP I “War Material presumably in Service in North Vietnam” 110 pages
TAP II “War Material Used by the Viet Cong in South Vietnam” 110 pages
3508BT - both dated 1964, prepared by the J2, High Command, RVNAF(I believe this Command later was known as the JGS?), Used....inquire
- - - -
3508BU - VC/NVA Pharmacopeia, drugs used by the Communist
3508BU - VC/NVA Pharmacopeia published by Combined Intelligence Center, Vietnam (CICV), dated March 6, 1970, approximately 120 pages, unusual manual, Used......inquire
- - - -
3508BV - Grenades and Pyrotechnic Signals
3508BV - FM-30, dated December 1969, 85 pages, fold-outs and 3-4 color pages, Used....inquire
- - - -
3508CI - Department of the Army Pamphlet 381-12, “RECOGNITION GUIDE of AMMUNITION available to, or in use by, the VIET CONG”, dated May 1966, 148 pages, very-minor usage, Used...inquire
- - - -
3509GW - Bringback Grouping from Vietnam, circa 1965-67
Pamphlet and Booklet contains advertising for: American Car Dealerships(for GIs to buy a car in Saigon and pick it up in the States(Ford Mustang, Pontiac, and etc.)), Air Vietnam ads(and others), Bars, Hotels, & etc. in Saigon. Schedule for the GI AFRS. Pictures may be from the Danang Air Base(?).
I will part-out this Grouping
Yellow note stated these were from the 1966-67 era(?)
Buy your Pontiac or Buick in Saigon
Ads for Air Vietnam & other airlines flying into Saigon
- - - -
3520D - Bieres et Glaces Industries
3520D - BGI's Biere "33" "export" Beer Mug, Maker's mark on bottom but I cannot read it, Looks New.....66.00
(Mug has a handle, hard to see in photo)
- - - -
3580C - “Ho Chi Minh” style SANDALS
( see details on Foot Gear page )
post-1975 era
Support Squadron, 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment
The "171st" is an unknown unit (anyone know the name of this unit?)
181st Ordnance Detachment
513th Maintenance Company
"Brave Rifles" "SUPPORT", circa 1977 to ?, RFU, Used......inquire
- - - -
partial History
Support Squadron (Provisional), 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment, formed 11 November 1977 at Fort Bliss, TX,
from elements of Headquarters and Headquarters Troop; 513th Maintenance Company; 43rd Engineer Company;
55th Military Intelligence Detachment and the 181st Ordnance Detachment (DS/GS, TOW/ DRAGON).
5th Infantry Division (Mechanized), Tank Crew Qualified Badge
7th Infantry Division 'PRP QUALIFIED'
Issue Pocket Hanger
Unknown usage, UnUsed.......inquire
Scout Platoon RECON, 2nd Battalion, 13th Infantry Regiment, 8th ID
Assigned to the 8th ID circa 1963 - 1984
2nd BN/13th IR/8th ID, subdued on Twill, probably made in Germany, RFU, puckered=will not lay flat, Used.....inquire
Company F, 40th Armor 'BERLIN TANK CREW'
- - - -
partial History
Entered Berlin in June 1958 with 3 x Platoons of M-26 Pershing Tanks, later equipped with M-48A1s
Billeted at Turner Kaserne; Left Berlin in 1994
69th Armor Regiment
"Speed and Power"
2/69th Armor "Master Mechanic", UnUsed......inquire
"Distinguished", UnUsed......inquire
- - - -
2/69th Armor
top-left, cheesecloth backing, UnUsed......inquire
top-center, plastic over cheesecloth, UnUsed.....inquire
top-right, "DISTINGUISHED", plastic over cheesecloth, UnUsed.....inquire
Bottom-left, "SENIOR MECHANIC", older looking, UnUsed....inquire
Bottom-right with PELON backing, UnUsed.....inquire
- - - -
partial History (unEdited)
The 69th Armored Regiment's history began on July 15, 1940 when it was formed and assigned to the 1st Armored Division; Reassigned to the 6th Armored Division in 1942; in September 1943 Regimental elements were divided and reassigned. The Regimental HQ and 1st Battalion remained with the 6th Armored Division as the 69th Tank Battalion; the 3rd Battalion was re-designated as 708th Amphibian Tank Battalion and was a participant in several critical amphibious campaigns distinguishing itself during the bloody fighting on Okinawa and earning the battalion the Navy Presidential Unit Citation.
The 69th Tank Battalion, as part of the 6th Armored Division, was included in various European campaigns including Normandy, the Rhineland, Ardennes-Alsace and Central Europe. The unit, along with many others, was deactivated in 1946 following the end of the Second World War. This deactivation came to an end when the unit was re-designated as the 69th Medium Tank Battalion in August 1950. Once again it was assigned to the 6th Armored Division, where it served until stand down in 1956, ending its assignment to the 6th Armored Division.
Following the outbreak of hostilities on the Korean peninsula, the 708th Tank Battalion was subsequently restructured and re-designated the 89th Medium Tank Battalion. In November 1951, it was again reflagged as the 89th Tank Battalion and assigned to the 25th Infantry Division. The unit's combat actions earned the Presidential Unit Citation and the Navy Unit Commendation.
The 89th Tank Battalion returned to Hawaii with the 25th Infantry Division where it remained until deactivation in 1957. With the establishment of the Regimental Combat Arms (RCA) system, the formerly fragmented elements of the 2nd Battalion were remade into the 69th Armored Regiment. With the left over elements of the 69th and the 89th Tank Battalions, the 69th Armored Regiment was re-designated the 69th Armor, a parent regiment under the RCA system.
The 1st Battalion was ordered to begin preparing for deployment to Vietnam in December of 1965. The deployment commenced on January 25, 1966 with the Battalion laying over in Okinawa to acquire and train with 52 new M48A3 tanks.
The Battalion shipped from Okinawa to Vietnam and, in accordance with policy of the day, was split up again with the Battalion Headquarters, trains, A and C companies going to Cu Chi with the main elements of the 25th Infantry Division and B Company moving to Pleiku and taking up operations with the 3rd Brigade of the 25th Infantry. During the course of the Vietnam War, the 1st Battalion 69th Armor distinguished itself as the most heavily decorated Armor unit in the U.S. Army.
As part of the 197th Brigade (Separate), 2nd Battalion, 69th Armor led the assault of the 24th Infantry Division into Iraq during Operation Desert Storm in February 1991.
In 2002 the 2nd Battalion, 69th Armor deployed with 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division to Operation Desert Spring in preparation for future combat operations in a six month training mission. In January 2003, 2nd Battalion, 69th Armor deployed to Kuwait awaiting orders to begin combat operations. In March 2003, 2nd Battalion, 69th Armor was the tip of the spear, leading the famous "March to Baghdad." In July 2003, following the downfall of the regime under Saddam Hussein, the Battalion redeployed to Fort Benning, Georgia.
In January 2005, the Battalion again deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. 2nd Battalion, 69th Armor served with the 42nd ID, a National Guard Division based in NY. Operations were based in the Chalis Qada area. In June 2005, 2nd Battalion, 69th Armor was called to again be the tip of the spear against the insurgent influence in the city of Ramadi in the Al Anbar province. A larger than company sized task force remained in Chalis Qada to serve with the Iraqi Army in that area. Following great successes in Chalis Qada and Ar Ramadi, the Battalion redeployed to Fort Benning, Georgia in January 2006.
In March 2007, 2nd Battalion, 69th Armor was deployed as part of the Baghdad "surge." The Battalion served under Multi-National Division - Baghdad on the Karada Peninsula as well as the Al Muthana and Al Jedidah regions of Eastern Baghdad. The Battalion redeployed in May 2008 to Fort Benning, Georgia.
164th Maintenance Company
164th MAINT CO, RFU, Used.....inquire
partial History (unedited)
Constituted 13 January 1943 in the Army of the United States as the 164th Ordnance Platoon
Activated 1 February 1943 at Fort Devens, Massachusetts
Reorganized and redesignated 1 June 1943 as the 164th Ordnance Maintenance Company
Inactivated 15 April 1946 in Japan
Redesignated 15 March 1949 as the 164th Ordnance Reclamation Company and allotted to the Organized Reserve Corps
Activated 5 April 1949 at Fresno, California
Reorganized and redesignated 1 November 1949 as the 164th Ordnance Reclamation and Classification Company
Inactivated 30 November 1949 at Fresno, California
(Organized Reserve Corps redesignated 9 July 1952 as the Army Reserve)
Redesignated 24 November 1967 as the 164th Ordnance Company
Activated 20 January 1968 at Santa Ana, California
Reorganized and redesignated 15 March 1972 as the 164th Maintenance Company
Location changed 30 June 1972 to Bell, California; on 30 September 1982 to Los Alamitos, California
Ordered into active military service 7 December 1990 at Los Alamitos, California; released 28 February 1992 from active military service and reverted to reserve status
Location changed 30 September 1995 to Fort Lewis, Washington
329th Transportation Company (Heavy Boat)
"Traveling Terrapins"
"Terrible Terrapins"
"BOLD EAGLE 77", made in Asia, Unused........inquire
- - - -
partial History
Operation(exercise) Bold Eagle was held on Eglin AFB,FL
assigned to the 10th Transportation Battalion
Operation Just Cause Particpant
Panama 1989
United States Military Mission to Saudi Arabia
I assume this is worn by all the Services(?)
USMTMSA, 2 1/4", UnUsed......(sold)
post-1975 CIB, NEW-in-plastic bag on point of sale card
( stored in site done box )
Related Items
Listed on this page
3108CR - XL/R (52" chest = BIG BOY Coat), dated 1969
3108CR - XL/R, dated 1969 (DSA 100-69-C-2484), by SPORTMASTER INC., Officer's name neatly printed in ink on neck label and inside on lower front, cutter's label still in upper left pocket (I put it in a hard plastic sleeve), patches/tapes/rank neatly removed from breast, upper pockets, and epaulets (very minor shadows (ask for picfiles), never washed and shows no "dead-skin lines" on collar or wrist areas, Jacket looks UnUsed at 3 paces, Used....inquire
Chest = 52
Shoulders (seam to seam) = 23 1/2
Sleeve length = 37 1/2
Back = 32
Related Items - Links
several "Sandcast" Wings available
see on Army Aviation page
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Pathfinder Badge
click on picture for details
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3038V - Early-Vietnam M51 Jacket
One of the Best you will find!
see on clothing page
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3162B - M65 style White Cotton Field JACKET (LtWt Poplin)
Anyone ever see a White M65 being worn on duty?
see on clothing page
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3195A - Grouping of M65 Field Jacket LINERs ( Heavyweight material )
These Liners came from a Retired Army Officer in the Fort Ord, California area circa late-1980s, maybe Prototype Liners(?)
Anyone ever see one of these being worn on duty?
see on clothing page
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3199A - G, Pic of sample Parts for Repairing your M-65 Field Jacket
all Issue items
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3226A - Vietnam era Sun Helmet
Issue Pith Helmet dated 1966 (DSA 100-4036) with grommeted-hole in front to attach a device( Officer's Eagle or etc. )
see on Headgear page
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3298F - size 9 7/8 Issue Baseball Cap
There is XXL and then there is XXXXXXXXXXXL
This is an Army Issue Baseball CAP, it was bought at a DRMO (Defense Re-utilization Material Office) Auction at Fort Ord in the late-1980s.
( I think that is what DRMO expands to )
( NOT RVN Era but will fool the casual RVN Re-Enactor judge )
see on headgear page
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3508BA - Local made Tiger Stripe SET
see on clothing page
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3508CF - Republic of Vietnam FLAG
see on Vietnam page
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3508DP and DQ, Vung-Tau and Danang
Two of the better quality jackets from Vietnam - minor wear - better looking than my pictures depict
listed on Gear-General, Tour Jacket page
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3508DR - Camo Poncho Liner from Vung-Tau
3508DS - Black Cotton Jacket from Danang
listed on Gear-General, Tour Jacket page
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3508DT and 3508DU - Viet-nam Tour JACKETs
Duc Pho, Vietnam 1967 – 1968 and CHU LAI, Viet- nam 1966 – 1967
listed on Tour Jacket page
Jackets are shown in reverse order - 3508DU is on left
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3508DX - Vietnam made Black Leather Cowboy style Tokarev HOLSTER
Tokarev magazine NOT included in this offering
see listing on the GEARGeneral-Weapons page
4110R - Medium Tiger Stripe Boonie
( listed on Headgear page )
4522M - RVN Era Canteen Cover with Plastic Snaps
Nylon 1-Quart Canteen COVER with Four-Vertical Seams in the Front and Plastic Glove Snaps
see on Equipment page
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6933 to 6940 - M-1 Helmet Covers and Camo bands
see on headgear page
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7004S - Colt 3 x 20 Rifle SCOPE
This looks like the Scope shown in Kevin Lyles' "US INFANTRY VIETNAM" book, page 37 showing a C/2/35th IR/25th ID Rifleman with a scope mounted on his M-16.
Listed on Weapons page
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7770EV and EW - uncommon 9-wide boots
7770EW has the uncommon VIBRAM soles
see on foot gear page
7850AA - 1st Pattern OG-107, early RVN Era
see on clothing page
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7916A - Q, USN Lightweight Jungle Shirts
Lightweight, 2-Pockets (NO pocket Flaps) with Button-Closure. "U.S.N." stencilled on Left Pocket, Button cuffs.
7917A - USN Lightweight Jungle Trousers
Lightweight, 4-Pockets, Button Waist Tabs & Fly, Exposed Button rear-Pocket Flaps
see on clothing page
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7918 - Vietnam era PX Purchase LTWT Jungle Shirts
DOD Approved 2-Pocket Cotton Shirts Sold by the Post Exchanges (PX, BX, etc.) due to the shortage of Issue Jungle Fatigues
The Cholon PX (Saigon) sold these Items in early-1967; from my Personal experience
similar to Item #7916, but PX Shirts have Pocket Flaps and Tube Sleeves
7919 - Vietnam era PX Purchase LTWT Jungle Trousers
Trousers have 4-Pockets with exposed-Button Flaps on Rear Pockets
see on clothing page
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7922BP - Mint First Pattern Shirt
see on clothing page
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7924BE - 1st PAT with Aggressor-Green Buttons
see on clothing page
7934 & 7935 - Poplin Lime-Camo Jungles
Rare Poplin material items - from the Vietnam Era
see on clothing page
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7934BE - POPLIN ERDL Camo with a 53" Chest!
see on clothing page
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7936 - Olive Green Jungle Fatigue Shirts
see on clothing page
( over 400 Jungle shirts and trousers in inventory - download the Catalog )
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8944 - 8952, Army Aggressor Uniform items
see on clothing page
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9420 - Captured Vietnamese Dog Tags
some with the NVA Red Grease Pencil Capture Markings
Dog Tags taken from RVN Military Personnel when they were captured in 1975
listed on Foreign/Vietnam page
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9798BA - MACV Map Catalog
see on Equipment page
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Wanted - Fatigues similar to these
If you have: 2-pocket shirts, 4-pocket Jungle Jackets, trousers, caps, and etc. with a similar camouflage pattern, contact: Jack@LJMilitaria.com
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Flyer's Jackets and Caps (with/without Insignia), Helmets, Caps, Survival Maps/Kits, & etc.
1900 - 1949 era: Sweatshirts, Undershirts, Patches, Boots, Mountain Jackets, Knives, & etc.
1950 - 1975 era: Patches, Uniforms, Jackets, Knives, Boots, & etc.
UI/Mystery Items
UI#71 - similar patch was shown on the back of a Marine Flight Jacket in a Japanese Magazine/Book?
Is this Cam Ranh Bay?
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UI #110, Novelty Patch, probably Army (ID'd in someone's book as USMC--but most Marine shirts don't have left SSIs)?
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UI#186 - Mitchell pattern M65 Field Jacket?
more details on UI/Mystery page
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UI#187 - KAMO type Camouflage Flyer's/Tanker's/etc. Suit/coveralls?
more details on UI/Mystery page
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UI#188. UnCommon ARVN Ranger set, ever see items with similar colors or pattern?
more details on UI/Mystery page
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UI#192. Vietnam made Beercan DI similar beercan shown in Cecil Smythe's Vietnam Insignia Book as number "59". Any ideas on the ID?
more details on UI/Mystery page
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UI#209 - "Trumans Troopers Regaldis Shaftus ERC", made in Vietnam, sounds Army with the word "TROOPERS"??
more details on UI/Mystery page
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UI#218 - "Counter Guerrilla" Arc
see UI/Mystery Items page
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UI#219 - "Vietnam" Arc & Chute ?
more details on UI/Mystery page
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UI#222 - "Bullet RECON" Tab
more details on UI/Mystery page
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UI#226 - Anyone know where/who made this Double Tab?
( see details on UI/Mystery page )
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UI#309 - 2nd Infantry Division '2250', M-48 or M-60 Tank
( see details on UI/Mystery page )
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UI#313 - RVN Survival Equipment patch (machine embroidered patches have also been seen), possibly an Aviation Rigger's shop?
( see details on UI/Mystery page )
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UI#327 - "219th MAINT", Anyone know the ID of this unit, I cannot find a 219th Maintenance unit?
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UI#333 - possible Thai Advisory Group to the Burmese Resistance, Thailand Shield with a golden animal, rice-grain wreath and sword...?
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UI#372 - 3 x ACES pocket patch on a USARV Jungle Shirt dated 1969, Subdued local made SP4 cloth rank on collar, Tapes are US ARMY NYLON style, SSI is a Merrowed-edge. Anyone ever see the "ACES" patch and know the unit it was worn by? (reference note: not mine, email on 110803, see UI box for info)
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Vietnam to 1975
( WWII Patches from One Collector )
Viewers disregard this section:
7918AA - size Medium, by Trooper, 18th MP BDE Colonel's Shirt with subdued: Hand-embroidered 18th Military Police Brigade left SSI, direct Hand-embroidered: MP Branch and Rank (LTC rank has been covered with a MM full Colonel's Rank sewn-over it), Name and US Army tapes, a hooch-moose marked it in the neck“#2”, small snag near right-pocket flap(see top picfile), Excellent color, Used.........(sold)
458th Transportation Company ( Patrol Boat, River )
formerly the 458th Transportation Company (Light Amphibian)
Operated under command of the 18th MP BDE when this patch was made
( Insignia may have been used as a Beret Flash? )
458th TC(PBR), made in Vietnam, tailor's pencil sketchings still present, UnUsed.....(sold)
This patch is depicted in the ASMIC Trading Post, Issue April-June 2008, pages 39-40
partial History
On 24 June 1963, the unit designation was changed to the 458th Transportation Company (Light Amphibian).
Reorganized as a Lighter, Amphibious Company and traded its DUKWs for the Lighter Amphibious Resupply Cargo (LARC).
In 1964 it joined the 10th Battalion, 4th Transportation Command
Departed for Vietnam in September 1966
Arrived Cam Ranh Bay October 1966
Received 6 Boston Whalers circa August 1967 to conduct Harbor Patrols
Received MARK II PBRs in early 1968
Attached to the 18th MP BDE in March 1968 to assist the 720th MP BN (River Patrol)
Moved to other locations in-country before being inactivated September 1, 1971
As part of the 18th Military Police Brigade the unit was awarded the Meritorious Unit Commendation for the period of 26 September 1967 to 31 October 1968 and the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry with Palm for 1966 to 1973
1960s era, Local made
both from same Veteran
made of cheap black thread which turned to Gray in the Sun Light
Top - Used.....(sold)
Bottom - Used......(sold)
Machine Embroidered
all RFU = in used condition
D Troop, 3rd Squadron, 5th Air Cavalry
click on picture for details
"AIRMOBILE" 1st Cavalry Division Grouping
Vietnam made Grouping with the Color: "AIRMOBILE" arc and CIB Badge overdyed, Used...(sold)
LRRP/LRP and PATHFINDER units of the 1st Cavalry Division
H Company, 75th Infantry Regiment(Ranger) "AIRBORNE RANGER", Vietnam made, UnUsed........(sold)(formerly Echo Company, 52nd Infantry Regiment)
10th Pathfinder Detachment "AIRBORNE", 5" Viet made, scrapbook residue, Unused......(sold)
(LRRP = Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol, first units formed in 1958(?))
(LRP = Long Range Patrol, acronym used after 1964)
(The acronyms: LRRP & LRP sometimes spelled and pronounced "LURP")
B Company, 4th Battalion, 23rd Infantry Regiment (Mechanized)
items from a Vietnam Veteran's Estate
B/4/23rd IR(MECH) Guidon, Vietnam made, double-sided, Flown from a mast on a Track with lots of Sun fade, swallow-tails have extensive "wind-whip" damage from being flown in Combat, Used............(sold)
same Veteran had this "Tomahawks" Neckscarf
"B" Company Tomahawks 3-sided(triangle) Bandana, Vietnam made, has 2 x burn holes on the head of the tomahawk, with stains in average condition for it's age and field usage, Used..............(sold)
Hand-EmbroideredCIB - Rare
Vietnam made Combat Infantryman's Badge, Used...(sold)
WOOLDRIDGE Grouping, removed from OG-107 2-pocket shirt, Vietnam made, Used......(sold)
Local Vietnam made & Issue Insignia
( notice the CIB is tucked under the Army Tape to save time and thread )
( ever wonder why so many places in Vietnam were called "Cheap Charlie's" )
Removed from a Jungle Shirt, Used.........(sold)
SSI and Rank are cut-edge Issue
CIB and Tapes are local made
25th ID Grouping - Jones
RFU "bagged-out" Jungle Shirt
removed from uniform, Used......inquire
Smallest 25th SSI I have seen - Local Made
Variation 25th ID, RFU, border frayed, Used........inquire
Older Issue with Khaki Cut-edge(CE), RFU(removed from Khaki Shirt), Used......inquire
199th LIB Plaque PARTS
made in Vietnam
scanned at 300dpi
parts neatly removed from a wooden Plaque, 95%+ finish left on items, glue residue on backs, Excellent Condition, Used.......(sold)
( I think there may be an UnUsed high-quality wooden plaque in storage = have a name plate engraved and build your own 199th "going-home" Plaque )
7940LM - 199th LIB & RANGER Tab with ARVN RANGER
Large/Long shirt in Excellent Condition
7940LM - L/L, dated 1969, color Army Republic of Vietnam RANGER left-pocket patch, all badges sewn-on with the same thread, Subdued cut-edge RANGER Arc and 199th Light Infantry Brigade (196th LIB) on left-SSI, subdued Captain’s Rank and Armored Cavalry Branch badges, local-made subdued Tapes, heavy-starch, cuffs neatly removed so he could roll-up the sleeves easier and the rolls would not look too bulky(common), very-tiny snag on back, Excellent Color, Used......(sold)
My guess is, he was a Liaison Officer working with the ARVN Rangers.
If you wore the ARVN's patch that you were working with it made life easier at the gates as the QC would not usually bother you.
Subdued 1st CAV Beercan DI
Vietnam made Pin-back from the Jack Peckett Collection, Used......(sold)
( Mr. Peckett had several of these Subdued First CAVs in his collection )
pinback Beercan - Vietnam made
1st Cavalry Division, Used....(sold)
UI#353 - see in the Artillery section, ID'd as 1/7th ADA REGT
pre- December 20, 1967 insignia
199th LRRP absorbed into the 71st Infantry Detachment in December 1967
Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol Arc made in Vietnam, issue SSI, RFU, Used....inquire
Issue merrowed-edge with lighter-green border, UnUsed......(sold)
"RECONDO", 4 1/8" Vietnam made, UnUsed......inquire
7666D - #3 Rubberized CASE with some VINTAGE contents, RVN Era
UnCommon Rubberized Medic's Bag - dated 1968
Listed on Equipment page, Medical section..............7666D has SOLD
196th LIB - Hand-embroidered SSI in Vietnam
196th Light Infantry Brigade HE on blue Velvet Panel, very unusual patch, scrapbook residue on back, UnUsed......(moved)
E Company, 20th Infantry Regiment Long Range Patrol
LURP Scroll for IFFV, made in Vietnam, UnUsed.......(Moved to SF page, LRP section)
