Lee-Jackson Militaria
for Selected Searches on this page:
On some “Used” Items:
--Shadows (where a badge has been removed) will not be noted.
--Common insignia will not be noted.
see Catalog for complete listings and prices
How I measure Shirts and Jackets
chest size
measured around the chest at the armpits
40" chest = Small
42" chest = Medium
44" chest = Large
46" chest = XLarge
48" chest = XXLarge
50" chest = XXXLarge
sleeve length
from the center of the neck area, over the shoulder, to the end of the sleeve
( for jackets with knit cuffs: measured to the end of the material leaving out the knit cuffs )
back length
from the collar seam to the bottom of the material
( for jackets with knit waistbands: measured to the end of the material leaving out the knit )
Items with Wool parts are stored in “moth balls” to protect against Moths!
I try to “air-out” the Item before I ship but some “moth-ball” odor may remain.
Be prepared to hang the Item someplace where you don't get “bitched-at” for 4-5 days!
25xx - Military Work Gloves
( also on htm page )
2505C - size Medium, dated August 6, 1940, Stock Number 73-G-30508, Contract NO. W-669 QM 8439 by The Joseph N. Eisendrath CO. (company's last name could be mispelled = hard to read label), canvas lining worn-through in left-glove, these gloves have had a lot of use, should be used as a static-display ONLY, Used....inquire
( more 2505 pictures below )
2518 - came from Fort Ord when it was closed, circa 199+/-, Leather/Cotton Canvas Heavy Duty Gauntlet stlye Gloves, Small-Medium and Extra Large, UnUsed........inquire
2520B - Size 10 (Large), Dated 1970, UnUsed.....inquire
RVN Era Barbed Wire Handler's GLOVES, Gauntlet Style with Wire-Staple Palms for Protecting the wearer from the sharp "Tape-Wire" ("Concertina" Wire), Concertina Wire was used everyplace in Vietnam to protect Encampments and Temporary Night Positions such as Armored Cavalry APCs "Hunkered-Down for the Night".
( see Stanton's RVN Era Book, page 122 )
2530 - D-3A Cream Color Leather Work GLOVES with double-thick Palms with metal slide adjuster on the back, UnUsed....inquire
2505 - M1939 Heavy Leather Gloves
2505B(sold) & 2505C 2505B Front and back(sold)
2505B Label(sold)
253. - Military DRESS & WORK GLOVES
Several pairs of each item pictured are available, inquire.
See Catalog for Leather Gloves and Inserts available.
2531 - M1949 D-3A Black Leather Work GLOVES with metal slide adjusters on the backs, UnUsed.....inquire
( pair of Gloves pictured on the left have the Rough (Suede) Back; 2nd pair is the older style with a smooth back )
( circa 1950 to mid-1980s the smooth backs were used as a Dress/Work Glove )
( Use Wool Inserts (#2532 & 33) )
2532 - M1949 OG Wool INSERTS for D-3A Gloves, Wool/Nylon blend ( a sample “blend” is 72% wool to 28% NYLON )
( a size 5 “work” glove is a Large size )
( wear alone or insert them into the D-3A Gloves )
2533 - Black Wool/Nylon Blend ( a sample “blend” is 72% wool to 28% NYLON ), UnUsed....inquire
2536 - Men's & Women's Black Dress Leather GLOVES, Polyester/Wool blend or 100% Wool Lining, UnUsed....inquire
( a size 8 or 9 “Dress” glove is a Medium size )
( Aviator's & CVC gloves follow the same size numbering system as dress gloves )
older #2532 Wool Inserts for Leather Gloves
2532K - Older Wool Glove Inserts, Olive Brown(drab) shade....(sold)
( see Catalog for Leather Gloves and Inserts )
I have measured some of the Field Jackets/Liners and given my interpretation of their MODERN size...take this with a grain of salt as this is ONLY my guesstamation!
Cleaning M41s and other cotton/wool jackets
Always Dry-Clean old Jackets - NEVER Wash!
Field Jackets
see Catalog for complete listings and prices
Evolution of the Army's Field Jacket: 2962, 3008, 3036, 3040, 3108
The M-1940(aka M-1938 by Collectors) and the M-1950 are not shown as they are very similar to the pictured jackets.
My Catalog Number equated to the Model Designator:
2962 - M41
3008 - M43
3036 - M51
3040 - M51
3108 - M65
I have measured some of the Field Jackets and Parkas so you could judge which one should fit you - always allow room in the "chest measurement" for a: Liner, Heavy Winter Shirt, or etc......take all my measurements with a grain of salt, i.e., allow for at least 1" for any mistake I might have made.
2954, M-1940 (aka the M38) Field Jacket
Known to Collectors as the M38 Field Jacket.
Sometimes called the "Parsons" Field Jacket (named after the General who dealt with the early specifications development).
The M40 (1st Pattern) Field Jacket adopted October 7, 1940.
Two of the M40 Tent. Specs. were P.Q.D. No. 20 and 20-A.
Features of the M40:
Pocket Flaps, No Epaulets, button front covering a zipper, buttoned strap adjusters on waist and cuffs, Khaki Cotton Shell with flannel(wool) shirt material used as lining.
see Doughboy to GI, page 84
see GI Collector's Guide by Henri-Paul Enjames, page 36
see WWII GI Book, page 10
- - - -
2954C - M1940 ("M1938") Field JACKET
This is a "filler" item for your collection until you find a Mint one.
2954C - pocket label washed-out(see picture and measurements), missing 1 button on front flap, TALON zipper non-functional (has a small tear on the bottom-left tape(see picture), lots of damage(see pictures), smells(needs to be aired-out for a month or two, not tobacco-just human leavings from wear), poor condition, Used.......inquire
Chest = 42
Shoulder seam to seam = 20
Sleeve = 33 1/2
Back = 24 3/4
Several more JPEG picfiles available, if serious ask!
2956 - Early style Khaki Hoods for Jackets
2960 - M1943 and Later Model OG Field Jacket Hoods
click on LEFT- picture for details
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2962 - M-1941 Field Jackets
The 2nd Pattern Field Jacket, Cotton Shell, Zippered and Button Front,
thin OD Wool Lining with: Epaulets, Button Waist and Cuff Adjustment Tabs,
( "Tent. Spec." Numbers are Usually Dated 3/17/42 )
- - - -
2962C(sold), AC, AM(sold), & AP(sold) M41 Jackets
2962C - neck label reads 36L or 38L(part of it is under the collar seam) pocket label present but washed-out, the cuffs have been turned-under & sewn, Used......(sold)
chest = 42”
shoulder-seam to seam = 18 1/2”
sleeve = 32 1/2”
back = 26 3/4”
2962AC - 38L, dated June 5, 1942, both labels present and readable, Contract W-669-qm-19300, Stock No. 55-J-225, Tent. SPEC. P.Q.D. 20B, dated 3/17/42, not much wear but someone wore it while painting, 1 small hole in lining, Excellent Color but has paint stains, Used......inquire
chest = 44”+
waist = 40”
at the bottom hem = 42”
shoulder-seam to seam = 19 1/4”
sleeve = 35”+
back = 27 ½”
2962AM - 42R, no date (never had a pocket label), light-shadow on left ssi where a 101st ABD and Tab were neatly removed, 14 - 20 small moth holes in lining (ask for pics), 5 - 6 x pin-head size holes in outershell, minor abrasion on left elbow, Below Average: Wear, stains, etc., Jacket is in above average Condition, Used......(sold)
chest = 50”
shoulder-seam to seam = 21”
sleeve = 35 ½”
back = 26 ½ ”
2962AP - aproximate modern size is 42L, labels removed, worn once or twice, very minor storage stains, CONMAR Zipper is still shiny(dry California storage kept it near-new), if it had labels it would be a 600.00 coat, Used......(sold)
chest = 44”
waist = 42”
at the bottom hem = 42”
shoulder-seam to seam = 19 1/4”
sleeve = 34”
back = 26”+
- - - -
2962AQ, AR, & AT(sold) M-1941 Jackets
2962AQ - 34R, named on neck label but hard to read, neck label loose on 3 sides, pocket label washed-out, had a left SSI that was handsewn on-NO shadow just a few thread holes, cuffs were turned under by hand sewing (not due to wear, just too long for the GI), still has a Tailor's Tag stapled under the left waist adjustment tab, 2 x pinhead size holes in lining & 4 x 1/8” holes in left sleeve lining near cuff, light-reddish stains on lower-left front and left sleeve near cuff, wrinkled from being in a “rag-mill” bale, not much wear, Talon zipper still stiff, Excellent color, Used......inquire
chest = 42”
shoulder-seam to seam = 18 ½”+
sleeve = 34”
back = 26 ½ ”
2962AR - approximate size is a Modern Large Regular, neck label missing, never had a pocket label, 2 pinhead size snags on back, possibly an Officer's jacket (had pinned badges on the outer ends of the eapulets), small snag on the underside of left sleeve, jacket was puckered in the hem (wool liner shrank from washing), so I had the liner taken loose from the outershell and hemmed (this is how the M43 field Jackets are made), Below Average: wear, stains, snags, Used......inquire
chest = 50”
shoulder-seam to seam = 20”
sleeve = 35 ½”
back = 26 ½”
2962AT - 42R, dated September ?, 1941, name stencilled on back “T. BATES”, last-3 on pocket label, has very-small stains over most of the jacket and it is soiled, ( the soiling may clean-up some with dry-cleaning, no promises! ), Average: wear, stains, snags, etc., a solid old jacket, Used......(sold)
Measurements: Chest = 50”, Sleeve = 34”, Back = 26.5”
- - - -
2962AU - M41 Field Jacket
2962AU - Approximate size S/R to S/L (neck label recently removed), 3-4 fray holes on cuffs (see picfile), excellent color, not much wear, Used......(sold)
chest = 41”
shoulder-seam to seam = 18 1/4”
sleeve = 33 1/2”
back = 26 ½”
minor fraying on cuffs
- - - -
The above listed M41s have individual picfiles, if you are serious, ask for them!
Be very sure your ISP will accept large picfiles!!!!!!!!!!!!
Use the catalog number and letter suffice of the Jacket....be exact!
- - - -
see M-1941 Field Jackets on the: Army and Marine GEAR pages
2982 - WWII Women's M-43 Field Jacket
2982A - M1943 Women's Field Jacket, dated June 6, 1945, Spec. No. 407, size 16R (chest = 45", sleeve = 32.5", back = 27.5"), UnUsed........Inquire
(see Catalog for more Field Jackets)
2982DS - 38R (uses a man's measurements (actual size is a Man's Medium/Short)), dated 1944, had a left-breast tape but No Shadow on outside, Below Average: wear, tear, abrasions, scuffs and etc., Used........inquire
( female sizes can be in Men's or Women's....confusing but that is how it was done )
2984 - M1943 Women's OD Wool Field Jacket Liner
2984F - M1943 Women's OD Wool Field Jacket Liner, Pattern Dated 8/25/44, Spec. P.Q.D. No. 457(dated 8/25/44), this is probably the First (or close to it) Contract for this Liner, Cutter's Tags still on Liner, one-piece Wool wrist knits (good for Tanker Jackets/etc.), 1-repair on neck knit, UnUsed.........inquire
M-1943 Field Jacket Section
some Jackets will not be in Catalog number sequence
I have measured some of the Field Jackets/Liners and given my interpretation of their MODERN size...take this with a grain of salt as this is ONLY my guesstamation!
3008C - M1943 'B' Model Field Jacket
3008C - 40S (stamped in neck and on pocket label), dated November 1943, Stock No. 55-J-191-95, P.O. No.4362, Spec. P.Q.D. No. 370C, Philadelphia Quarter Master Depot, made by MIZPAH COAT MFG. CO., INC., minor wear, never washed, collar soiled from a civilian who forgot to change his neck-oil (see picfile), Excellent PLUS CONDITION and COLOR, was in a 1,000 pound bale in the rag-mill=wrinkled, used......inquire
Chest = 46
Shoulder seam to seam = 21 1/2
Sleeve length = 35
Back = 29 1/2
Soiling on Collar and size stamp on lining
3009B, M-1943 Field Jacket
3009B - 42R (chest 47” sleeve 36” back 31.5” = modern size Large/Regular), 55-J-192-15, PO dated November 15, 1943, label loose on one-side, minor stains on left-front (see pic), minor reddish stains on lower-left pocket flap, left SSI 82nd Airborne Division with Airborne Tab, minor wear, Excellent Color, probably never washed, Used....(sold)
3017D - M-1943 Field Jacket
3017D - 40R (chest 46” sleeve 35.5” back 31” = modern size Large/Regular), dated May 29, 1945, left SSI 82nd Airborne Division with Airborne Tab, Silver on Black embroidered Staff Sergeant(SSG) Stripes, minor stains on lower-right pocket area (see Pic), minor wear, probably never washed, Excellent Color, Used.....(sold)
- - - -
3017F - M-1943 Field Jacket
3017F - 38L (chest 45” sleeve 35” back 31.5” = Modern size Large/Regular), dated May 28, 1945, lining in neck area has been repaired(see pic), minor wear, probably never washed, Excellent Color, Used....(sold)
- - - -
3017H - Large M43 Field Jacket
3017H - 38R ( modern size Large/Long ), dated May 3, 1945, cutter’s tag still inside right sleeve, worn 1-2 times, label is 100%, pockets are clean inside, as-New Color, Used......(sold)
Chest = 44”+
shoulder-to-shoulder = 21”
sleeves = 36”
back = 31”
this picfile is not the correct shade - see above pics
- - - -
3018D - M43 Field Jacket (never had a label or stamp)
3rd button is fine - just the light reflecting
3018D - Large/Regular (Never had a label or stamp), ex-82nd Airborne Division, 82nd ABD SSI neatly removed from the left SSI (minor shadow-see picture), still has the SFC Olive Green on Dark Blue Wool Stripes (3 chevrons with 2 rockers), maybe washed once, small paint stains(most are not visible when worn, very minor wear, found in a 1,000 bale=needs to be pressed or dry cleaned, Used.......inquire
Chest = 46+
shoulder-to-shoulder = 21 ½
sleeves = 36 ½
back = 33
paint stain on left elbow
most paint stains are on the inside or under the pocket flap
- - - -
7517F - USMC Field Jacket
similar to the Army's M-1943 pattern
click on picture for details
M-1950 Field Jacket Section
Rarest U.S. Field Jacket
3032A, D, & G and 3034A - M-1950 Field Jackets and Frieze Liner
Rarest Model of U. S. Army Field Jackets - see details and pictures below
- - - -
3032A - M-1950 Field Jacket
3032A - XS/R, dated Dececember 15, 1950, MIL-J-843, Stock # 55-J-384-450, minor paint stains (see picture), minor soiling (see picture - most should clean-up with a dry-cleaning?), Never Washed, Used.....inquire
Chest = 39
Shoulder seam to seam = 19+
Shoulder seam to end of cuff = 24.5
Sleeve length = 33.5
Back = 30+
Hang label in right-lower pocket
lower-front with stains/soiling
- - - -
3032D - M-1950 Field Jacket
3032D - S/R, Dated 7 Feb. 1951, MIL-J-843, # 55-J-384-424, worn twice(?), Never Washed, Excellent Color, Used.......inquire
Chest = 42
Shoulder seam to seam = 20
Shoulder seam to end of cuff = 24.5
Sleeve length = 34.5
Back = 31
sewn label in lower-right pocket
- - - -
3032G - M50 Field Jacket
unusual arrangement of the 3 labels
3032G - S/R, dated 1951, Spec. No. MIL-J-10919, Stock No.: AF8310-488350-222, worn once(?), half of left-cuff button broken-off (still functional), Never Washed, as-New, Used....inquire
Chest = 41
Shoulder seam to seam = 21
Shoulder seam to end of cuff = 25
Sleeve length = 35
Back = 30.5
( I have a vintage cuff button – may not match in shade – if you need it - ask for it )
- - - -
3034A - M-1950 Model Frieze Liner
3034A - Medium, dated 23 April, 1951, QM-15199-OI-18972, SPEC. No. MIL-L-10800 (Q.M.C.), Stock No. 55-L-190-60, dark spot on right chest (see left picture), minor storage marks, maybe never worn?, Used....(sold)
Approximate Chest size = 42" - 43”
M-1951 Field Jacket Section
some Jackets will not be in Catalog number sequence
8950-52, Army Aggressor Field Jackets
styled after the M-1951 pattern
click on picfile for details
3036 to 3040 Pattern M-1951 Field Jacket
The M51 FJ went through many pattern dates; outershell was not changed muchl
3036P - M/L (chest 47” sleeve 37” back 34” = modern Large/Long ), dated 28 Jan, 1952, MIL-J-11448, Stock No. 55-J-610-20, worn 2-3 times, minor dark stains, Never Washed, As-New Color, Used....inquire
( almost an XL )
3038B - ( see verbage and picfiles below )
3038K - M/L ( chest = 46” sleeve 36” back 33.5” = modern Large/Long ), dated 16 April, 1953, MIL-J-11448, Stock No. 55-J-610-20, worn 2-3 times, never washed, part of Cutter's Tag on back of left-sleeve, As-New Color, Used....inquire
( Large Long )
3040AA - M/R ( chest = 46” sleeve 37” back 32” = modern Large/Regular ), dated 1963, has the modern convex buttons, Yellow on Black woven Army Tape, worn 2-3 times, minor stains, never washed, as-New Color, Used....inquire
( Great Early-Vietnam item! )
3040AC - S/R ( chest = 42” sleeve 37” back 31.5” = modern Medium/Regular ), dated 1961, neatly De-Badged with minor shadows/stitch marks, belonged to a 82nd ABD or 18th Airborne Corps Buck Sergeant with a Parachutist's badge, tiny 3/16” abrasion on front (ask for picture), below average: wear, abrasions, stains, & etc., needs to be cleaned, Excellent Color, Used....(sold)
( see pictures below )
3036R - belonged to a Special Forces Officer
Perfect for the Vietnam SF/Ranger Veteran or Reenactor:
Badges remove indicate the veteran was a Captain, or higher, in the Special Forces, Ranger qualified, wore a CIB with Senior or Master Jump wings, had a Badge over the Name Tape which was probably a LLDB Jump Wing, Not named
3036R - M/S (chest 46” sleeve 35” back 30”+ = modern Large/Short ), no date, Spec. No. MIL-J-11448(QMC), Stock No. 55-J-610-30, all badges neatly removed--no shadows--just stitch marks, waist drawstring replaced with OG parachute Nylon line, drawcord removed from hem, 1 label loose on one-side, minor stains, minor wear, probably never washed, Excellent color, used...(sold)
- - - -
3036T - SP7's M51 Field JACKET
UnCommon Rank
3036T - S/L (date portion of stamped label has rubbed out in the hip-area which receives more wear), the old style narrow Specialist Rank has been replaced by the wide Cut-edge SP7 rank when he was promoted, previous Tapes (probably Color) were replaced with local made Subdued Tapes, a previous left SSI has been replaced with the Color, cut-edge, 7th Army insignia, was in a 1,000 pound bale at the rag mill=1 liner button is cracked but functional-snap and button impressions pressed into the cloth-will come-out with washing, 2 small spots of "mud" on upper-back(see pic below.....I removed most of it with my thumbnail), Excellent color, Used...inquire
Chest = 41
Shoulder seam-to-seam = 20+
Sleeve = 35
Back = 32 1/2
He removed his older "narrow" SP6 rank which left a minor shadow above the current SP7 rank(top of SP7 stripe is visible at bottom of pic)
stain on upper-back - most of it scraped-off with a fingernail
M51 to M65 Field Jacket Comparison
3038A (M-1951) and 3106BK (M-1965)
3038A - S/R, ( chest = 42", sleeve = 35 3/4", back = 32 equals a modern Medium/Regular ), dated 16 April 1953, ( worn once? ), small-portion of sleeve button broken-off ( still functional ), Near-New, Used...inquire
( more pictures below )
( Very Nice Jacket = may be in New Condition )
( sleeve button broken in the “rag-mill” when it was compressed in a 1,000lb bale )
3106BK - M/R ( chest = 46", sleeve = 35 3/4", back = 31" ), dated 1968, still in Government Fold, UnIssued, UnUsed......(sold)
( more pictures below )
Neck Labels Lower Contract/Data labels
Backs - the M65 has a BiSwing
M51 materials used for outershells M65
Remember, these are samples of 2 models of U.S. Field Jackets.
There are variations, an example is: most M65s have an OG Lining not the Sage Green lining shown
- - - -
3038A (M-1951)
( see verbage for 3038A above )
- - - -
3106BK (M-1965)
( see verbage for 3106BK above )
( also on htm )
3038B, Larger size M-1951
MIL-J-11448-A with pattern dated November 7, 1952
3038B - M/R, no contract number or date on Label, Stock No. 55-J-610-25, Phildelphia QM Depot, worn 3 - 4 times, Never Washed, Excellent Color, I rescued it from a 1,000 pound bale in a Rag Mill = wrinkles (needs to be pressed), Used....inquire
chest = 46+
shoulder seam to seam = 21+
shoulder seam to end of cuff = 27
sleeve = 37+
back = 32+
Lack of contract number and date on the label is probably due to the Independence of the Philadelphia QM Depot.
They marched to their own drum for many years but fate caught up with them after Desert Storm and were shut-down.
Quartermaster Inspector's stamp still visible - minor collar wear
not many miles on the inside or zipper
3038G - M51 OG Field Jacket
Special Forces Major's M-1951 FJ
3038G - S/S, dated April 16, 1953, made by Superior Coat Company, Color Cut-Edge Patches: blue-edge Special Forces SSI with Airborne Tab on Left SSI, Hand-embroidered Master Jump Wing, Major's Rank sewn-on Epaulets, Yellow on Black U.S. Army Tape, Name Tape neatly removed, Used.....inquire
left SSI originally had a large, odd shaped, patch (3.5” x 4.5” +/-),
no shadow(see picture), light stitch marks, all other Insignia is original to the jacket
( also on htm )
3038M - pre-Armistice M-1951 Field Jacket
A pre-Armistice(signed on July 27, 1953) Jacket
Very Rare: Size, Condition, and Date!
3038M - XL/R, dated 16 June, 1953, contract DA-352-TAP-2233,OI-2291-C-53, SPEC. MIL-J-11448(QMC), STOCK NO. 55-J-610-50, Cutter tags in pocket, Mint!, UnUsed.......(sold)
( also on the 1950 to early RVN patch page )
3038P & 3042D - M-1951 Field Jackets
3038P - M/S ( chest = 46” sleeve 34” back 30 1/2” = modern Large/Regular ), dated April 16, 1953, SPEC. NO. MIL-J-11448, Stock No. 55-J-610-30, Yellow on Black US Army Tape, worn 1-2 times?, has minor stains, material has minor blemishes o/a left-waist and below the waist on right-rear (sample pic available), stain on right sleeve looks like it will disappear with cleaning (see above), worn 1-2 times?, NEVER Washed, As-New Color, Used.....inquire
3042D - M/R ( chest 46” sleeve 35” back 31” = modern Large/Long ), dated November 10, 1954, MIL-C-11448-A, Shade Olive Green No. 107, left SSI neatly removed (very minor shadow), US Army tape removed (minor shadow), Name tape removed leaving an adhesive residue (will possibly clean-off?), missing hem drawstring, washed 3-4 times?, dark stains on left cuff (see above), needs cleaned, good color, Used....inquire
( if serious, ask for additional pics )
3038R, S, and T - M51 Field Jackets
3038R is for the BIG Re-enactor!
3038R - XL/R (chest = 54” sleeve 38”+ back 33” = modern XXXLarge/XLong), dated April 9, 1953, TAP 1145, SPEC. NO. MIL-J-11448, Stock No. 55-J-610-50, missing drawcord in hem, small snag on lower-right back(ask for picfile), minor paint stains on left-cuff area(ask for picfile), female-half of the lower-right pocket glove snap non-functioning (smashed in the rag-mill - ask for picfile), Excellent Color, Used.....inquire
I believe this is the Largest M51 style jacket I have seen!
3038S - S/R (chest = 42” sleeve 35”+ back 31”+ = modern Medium/Regular-Long), dated April 16, 1953, TAP-1234-01(OI?)-1292-C-53, SPEC. NO. MIL-J-11448 (QMC), PATT. DATE: 7 NOV. 1952, Stock No. 55-J-610-40, there is a dark stain on the front and back ( not very-visible to the naked-eye but the camera-flash picks it up (see pictures), I would guess it was from hydraulic fluid(?) ), good to excelelnt color, Used....(sold)
( 3038S = see more pictures below )
3038T - S/R (chest = 42”+ sleeve 38”+ back 31.5”+ = modern Medium/Long), dated April 16, 1953, TAP-1243-OI-1301-C-53, SPEC. NO. MIL-J-11448 (QMC), Stock No. 55-J-610-40, Color Badges: older OD/OG HBT Captain's Rank, old style Army Tape with the thick/wide embroidered Letters, stencilled Black on white name tape, female-half of the lower-front glove snap non-functioning (pulled-through the cloth), minor wear, Excellent Color, Used.....inquire
3038R and 3038T
- - - -
3038V - Early-Vietnam M51 Jacket
One of the Best you will find!
3038V - S/R (chest = 41, sleeve 34, back 31), dated 1963, DSA-1-2252-63-C, Never-Worn, Near-Mint, New-with-Storage-Marks....inquire
( also on the RVN - 1975 page )
- - - -
3038W - First Sergeant's M51
3038W - M/R, ( chest = 44, shoulder-to-shoulder= 20.5, sleeve = 35, back = 31.5 ), dated o/a August 1964 (DSA-1-4961), local-made name tape was removed-I found it in the pocket(you have to resew it), Cut-edge 1SG rank, probably an Armored patch removed from left-SSI(very-minor shadow), has the price-scratch sheet for a Plane ticket in the pocket for OKC to SAC, Great for the early RVN Era Re-enactor, Used.....inquire
- - - -
3038X - 48" chest dated 1953
3038X - L/R, dated April 16, 1953, TAP-1233-OI-1201-C-53, SPEC. NO. MIL-J-11448 (QMC), Stock No. 55-J-610-10, factory sewn Black/Yellow U. S. Army tape removed but in pocket, had badges hand-sewn on, then neatly removed, very minor shadows/stitch marks, minor reddish stain on left-top-pocket-flap, minor light-color stains on lower-right front and back, minor wear, Used........inquire
Chest = 48+
Shoulder-to-Shoulder 22 1/2
Sleeve 37+
Back = 33
- - - -
3038Y - Large/Regular
3038Y - L/R, dated April 16, 1953, TAP-1239-OI-1297-C-53, SPEC. NO. MIL-J-11448 (QMC), Stock No. 55-J-610-10, stains on left-chest and upper left sleeve (see picture), worn once(?),never washed, Excellent color, Used....inquire
Chest = 50
Shoulder-to-Shoulder 22 1/2
Sleeve 36 1/2
Back = 33
label and collar
stains on left chest and upper sleeve
3040I and P - M1951 Field Jacket
3040I - size Large/Long, dated 1953, Color: Army Tape, merrowed-edge SSG Stripes (in this near-new condition it must have been his “Inspection” Field Jacket - as it had SP4 & SP5 stripes before), OG blank tape sewn-on above right pocket (may hide a rip were the name tape was removed(?)), Otherwise in Near-New Condition, Used......(sold)
3040P - S/R, date faded, still starched, Cut-edge: Special Forces left SSI (khaki edge) with Airborne Arc (blue-edge), Master Sergeant Stripes, Both Tapes, Master Jump Badge, Excellent Condition+, Used.....inquire
( Tapes, SSI, & Jump Badge are original; the MSG stripes replaced SFC stripes when he was promoted )
( 3040P also on SF page )
- - - -
3040AF, AG, and AH - M1951 Jackets
3040AF - S/R ( chest = 40” sleeve 33.5” back 31”+ = modern Small/Regular ), dated 1964, DSA-1-3570-64-C, Army tape removed (no shadow--a few stitch marks--lining has a ½” slit in the stitch-line where the tape was removed), small 1/8” hole in back (ask for picfile), never washed, minor wear, Excellent Color, Used...inquire
3040AG - M/R ( chest = 45” sleeve 35.5”+ back 32”+ = modern Large/Medium-Long ), dated 1962 DSA-1-854-62-C, Color Badges: 8th Army SSI (replaced another SSI), SP6 Stripes(replaced SP5), Issue Woven Army Tape, machine free-hand Name tape, ¼” hole on lower front(hidden when the coat is zipped and snapped up), the material covering the bottom two front-snaps show abrasion wear (he was probably a bench-technician?--ask for picfile), hem drawstring missing, probably never washed, minor wear, Excellent color, Used...inquire
3040AH - M/R ( chest = 47” sleeve 38”+ back 31.5” = modern Large/Long ), DA-36-243-QM (CTM)-10342-C-61 WPL 5829, has sewn-on subdued Buck Sergeant (3 x chevrons) stripes on collar, all other insignia neatly removed: left SSIs, tapes, and rank (minor stitch marks and shadows), probably never washed--needs to be cleaned, minor wear, Excellent Color, Used...inquire
( If serious, picfiles available on these three jackets, ask! )
- - - -
3040AK - 50" chest
most of the stamped neck-label has faded, picture below taken for cleaning, after cleaning no label is visible
3040AK - L/R ( chest = 50”+, sleeve 38”, back 32.5” ), Army tape neatly removed (minor shadow and stitch marks), never had other badges, minor wear, outstanding condition and color, Used....inquire
Neck Label stamp before cleaning - scanned at 300dpi
( see Catalog for details and other M-1951 listings )
- - - -
3040AL - Major's M51 with 1st Aviation Brigade Combat patch
3040AL - M/S, dated 1963, has the modern OG convex buttons, Color: Major's Rank, Tapes, & Pilot's Badge, 8th ID Left SSI and a Combat Right SSI 1st Aviation Brigade, 2nd set of rank, all 3 white cloth labels have loose edges(all still intact - see pics), "starch not broken" since the last trip to the laundry, Hooch-Mama-san's laundry mark stitched into the color, Used......inquire
Chest = 42
Shoulder seam-to-seam = 20
Sleeve = 32 1/2
Back = 30+
Labels on lower lining Neck Label and Mama-san bunk number and laundry stick-on label
3042F - M1953 Field Jacket
3042F - M/R ( chest 46”+, sleeve 36”+, back 32” = modern Large/Long ), no date, MIL-C-11448-A, Shade Olive Green No. 107, Officer’s Jacket, subdued local embroidered Tapes, (Name Tape replaced a color tape), 2 left SSIs neatly removed (minimum shadow), Excellent Color-never washed, minor wear, Used...inquire
( Perfect for the early RVN era Officer Re-enactor )
( also on the htm in the "wanted" section )
3042 to 3044 - M51 Field Jackets
3042B - M/R, no date, MIL-C-11448-A, Shade Olive Green No. 107, Philadelphia QM Depot, factory-sewn Army tape neatly removed (no shadow, very minor stitch marks), waist drawcord replaced by parachute line, small dark stains, soiling on collar, worn 2-3 times, Never Washed, as-New Color, Used......Inquire
( One label reads in part: “Single Breasted Body Style, ……Cotton Wind Resistant Sateen, Water Repellent Treated, Olive Green, Q. M. Shade NO. 107” )
chest = 47
shoulder seam to seam = 22
sleeve = 36
back = 32.5
3044D - XS/R ( chest = 40” sleeve 36” back 32” = modern Small/Long ), dated October 24, 1955, MIL-C-11448A, bottom-front, female-half of, glove snap missing, last-4 blacked-out in neck area of lining, both Color Tapes, worn 5-6 times, needs to be cleaned, Armor SSI & bottom tab neatly removed (very-minor shadow, minor stitch marks), near-New Color, Used......Inquire
3044E - M/R ( chest = 46” sleeve 36.5” back 31” ), dated July 30, 1957, MIL-C-11448B, M C & TSA- Philadelphia QM Depot,
Subdued patches: BG Stars ( shadow on Eapulets where Colonel's Eagles were removed ), Senior Parachutist's Badge, & Both Tapes ( All have been changed from color--color threads still on lining ), left SSI 4th Army(original left SSI was an 18th Airborne Corps or 82nd A/B Division), & right Combat SSI 101ST Airborne Division, ¼” snag on underside of sleeve, fraying on cuffs and hem, 2 x Glove-snaps broken (2nd from bottom-front and bottom pocket), broken cuff button, Used.....(sold)
( He was the “Assistant Commander” of the 101st Airborne Division in Vietnam and Senior Advisor in II Corps CTZ - I have a short printed blurb that goes with the FJ. You you can look him up on the Web, his name gets several hits )
( also on Army Gear page )
- - - -
3044 to 3046 - M51 & M57 Field Jackets
3044G - M/R ( chest = 46” sleeve 36” back 32” = modern Large/Long ), dated July 31, 1956, MIL-C-11448A & Amendment #1,
factory installed Army Tape neatly removed ( no shadow-minor stitch marks ), below average: wear, stains, scuffs, abrasions & etc., good color, Used......Inquire
3044J - S/R ( chest = 42” sleeve 36” back 32” = modern Medium/Regular ), dated 31 July 1956, MIL-C-11448A & Amendment #1, Color ( factory-sewn ) U. S. Army tape and a black on white HBT Name tape, OG-on-Blue Twill SSG Stripes, maker's chaulk marks are still on the front, No sign of wear, New-with-Badges, Issued but UnUsed.....inquire
( Excellent jacket for an early Vietnam Advisor/etc. re-enactor )
( more pics below )
3046D - S/R ( chest = 44”, sleeve = 36”, back = 32” ), M57 pattern dated 14 March 1957, contract dated October 2, 1958, MIL-C-11448B,
left SSI (probably a 7th Army ) neatly removed ( difficult to see mark s), both tapes neatly removed ( very minor shadow ), name on neck label, worn 1-2 times, as-New Color, Used......Inquire
3044J - M51 Badged FJ
( verbage above )
- - - -
3044N and 3046F - M1951 & M1957 Jackets
9th Infantry Division Ranger Officer's Jacket
3044N - M/L ( chest = 45”+ sleeve 37” back 33” = modern Medium-Large/Long ), dated October 24, 1955, contract QM-6426, OI-828-C-56, SPEC 11448A & amendment #1, Color Badges: khaki cut-edge 9th ID and Ranger Arc, Basic Parachutist Wing, and Tapes, Green Leadership Loops on epaulets, minor marks where he had his Officer's Rank pinned on the epaulets, still starched-white stains on left sleeve (could be too much starch--see picture), minor wear, Excellent Color, Used...inquire
3046F - S/S ( chest = 40” sleeve 35” back 30”+ = modern Small/Short-Regular ), Pattern dated 14 March 1957, contract dated September 18, 1958, contract DA-36-243-QM (CTM) 2985 OI 356-C-59, MIL-C-1148B, AMED #2, was in a rag-mill and has 2 very-small abrasions: 1 on the right side of collar and the other is next to the second-from-last glove-snap on the lower front (it is covered when the windflap is closed), collar needs to be cleaned (some civlian forgot to change his neck-oil) rest of jacket ok, probably never washed, minor wear, Excellent color, Used...inquire
3044N - Khaki cut-edge Ranger arc and 9th ID
- - - -
3044P - as-New Color
3044P - S/L ( chest = 43, shoulder-to-shoulder = 20.5, sleeve = 36”, back = 33” = modern Medium/Long), contract QM-7677, OI 2306-C-56, dated 12 APRIL 1956, SPEC. MIL-C-11448A & Amendment #1m by Cohen-Fein Company, last-four stamped in neck, all badges neatly removed = very-minor shoadows, I don’t think it was ever worn (probably an “Inspection” jacket), has a New M-1943 hood in the pocket, Used.....inquire
- - - -
3044Q - large M-51
3044Q - M/L, ( chest = 46+, shoulder-to-shoulder = 21, sleeve = 35.5+, back = 33 = modern Large/Long), 1957 contract, label hard to read=I will let you do that, small white stain at bottom front, all badges neatly removed-very minor shadows, minor wear, Used.....inquire
- - - -
3044R and 3046G - M51 & M57 Field Jackets
both Jackets from the same Veteran
( picture on New Arrivals page )
3044R - S/R, (chest = 43, shoulder-to-shoulder = 20+, sleeve = 35, back = 32 = modern Medium/Long), dated July 31, 1956, worn once?, Never washed, Yellow/Black U.S. Army tape installed at the factory, still has the tailor’s chaulk marks on the front, near-New, Used...........inquire
3046G - M/R, (chest = 46, shoulder-to-shoulder = 21.5, sleeve = 36, back = 32 ), Pattern dated 14 March 1957, contract dated October 2, 1958, cutter’s tag still in pocket, brownish stains on collar, 4-5 small/black stains on left sleeve, Yellow-Black US Army tape, tailor’s chaulk marks still on front, worn 2-3 times?, not much wear and Never washed….as New Color, Used.....inquire
- - - -
3044S - M51 dated 1956
3044S - M/R (chest = 46+, shoulder-to-shoulder = 21+, sleeve = 35+, back = 32 ), dated 1956, 65% of contract stamp unreadable, U. S. Army tape was sewn-on at the Factory-then neatly removed (tape available, ask for price), no other badges wer ever sewn-on, less than average Wear, stains, etc., Used......inquire
- - - -
3044T - Officer's OG-107 Man's Field JACKET
52"+ CHEST = Rare Size and Condition
Outstanding M51 pattern FJ for the VERY-Large(52" chest) Re-enactor during the Early-Advisor/Special Forces era in Vietnam.
3044T - XL/R (see measurements below), dated August 22, 1956 (Contract QM-8427, 22 August '56, OI 439-C-57), made by Cohen Fein Company, SPEC MIL-C-11448 A & Amendment #1, P Q M D, Bottom stamped label does not show wear(this is where the GI's Butt would have rubbed-off a label first = VERY Minor Usage), Army Tape neatly removed and the epaulets show where an Officer's rank had been pinned-on, NO sign of any other insignia being worn, Never-WASHED, Excellent-PLUS Color (see pictures), Used....inquire
Chest = 52+
Shoulder seam-to-seam = 23
Sleeve = 37+
Back = 33
RARE Size and Condition
3044T - Extra Large Field Jacket, epaulet showing where the Officer pinned-on his rank & shadow from Army Tape
Very minor wear/stain on collar
3044T - Stamped Neck label
Lower-label shows virtually NO wear - even the Inspector's "05" stamp is near Factory-new
- - - -
3046H - M57 dated 1958
Pattern dated 14 March 1957
3046H - M/R ( chest = 47”, shoulder-to-shoulder = 22”, sleeve = 36”, back = 31.5” ), dated Feb 26, 1958, made by Cohen Fein Company, washed once(?), minor neck soiling - see picture ), small black stain(grease?) on lower-right pocket flap/pocket, minor wear, excellent color, Used....inquire
stain on lower right pocket
- - - -
Note on the liners I have measured: remember, the “sleeve” and “back” measurements will be shorter than the corresponding Field Jacket
3056 - M-1951 Frieze Wool Liners for Field Jackets
SPEC. No. MIL-L-11449, Pattern Dated September 13, 1951
bad picfiles - should be lighter color
3056B - XS, dated 13 Sept. 1951( First Contract(?) ), Used.....inquire
3056D - Medium, dated 13 Sept 1951 ( First Contract(?) ), Used.....inquire
3056P - Medium, dated December 10, 1951, Neatly Stenciled inside on green lining: "PROPERTY OF FC, AFSWP", worn 1-2 times, excellent color, Used....(sold)
3056T - Small, dated December 21, 1951, UnUsed....inquire
- - - -
3056V - M-1951 Man's Field Jacket LINER
3056V - M51 Frieze wool LINER, Small, dated 1951, Label hard to read, UnUsed....inquire
- - - -
3056W - M1951 Freize Wool Field Jacket LINER
Specification Number: MIL-L-11449 (QMC)
3056W - Small, dated 1951, "FRIEZE WOOL CONTENT - 100% FOREIGN", made by Southern Athletic Company, Used......inquire
3056X - M-1951 White Freize Wool Field Jacket LINER
size LARGE, Stock Number 55-L-210-10, Specification Number MIL-L-11449
3056X - Large, dated 1952, made by Victory Apparel MFG. CORP., contract dated 27 October 1952, TAP-92, 60% WOOL 40% COTTON, stamped "B 3" above the label, Never worn, UnUsed....inquire
3060K - M51 Frieze Liner
3060K - Small (stock # 55-L-210-30), dated 19 May, 1953, 100% WOOL, "P.M. MFG. CO. 19 MAY 1953, TAP-1786-01-1844-C-53", New, UnUsed....inquire
- - - -
3060P - M1951 Frieze Liner for Field Jackets
3060P - Medium, dated May 19, 1953, government “salvage” stamp inside (done by the DRMO when selling the item to the public), good color, Used....inquire
- - - -
3060Q - Frieze Liner for M51 Jacket
3060Q - Small (stock # 55-L-210-30), part of the stamped label is very difficult to read: dated May 19, 1953, Pattern Dated September 25, 1952, MIL-L-11449A (QMC), may have be worn 2-3 times (NEVER Washed), Excellent Color on Both sides, Used...inquire
3062 M-1951 Man's Field Jacket LINER
3062H - Large (data label has faded but I can see “...GE”), 2 x GI names on lining, “DRMO” stamp when it was sold by the Goverment, frieze is a gray color(typical after the military washed a freize liner), Used.....(sold)
Chest = 46 – 48
Shoulder seam to seam = 21
Sleeve (to end of frieze) = 32 ½
Sleeve (to center of tab’s button hole) = 34
Back = 28
Button holes at back of neck (from center to center) = 4 3/16
4 x Buttons holes in front (from center of top hole to center of 4th hole) = 14 ¾
3062K - Large (chest 48” Sleeve 31” Back 28.5”+), no data stamp, stains on frieze side(will not show if properly worn), Excellent Color, never washed, minor wear, inquire.......(sold)
3090AS & C - OG107 Women's Field Jacket
3090AS - 12R, Dated 1975 (DSA100-75-C-0749), (FSN 8415-00-136-6092), minor wear, probably never washed, Excellent Color, Used.....inquire
3090C - 16R, Dated 1975 (DPSC Contract NO. 9120-75), (FSN 8415-00-136-5096), probably washed once, NO shadows, 2 x small white paint stains on back of right sleeve, Excellent Color, Used.....inquire
I have measured some of the Field Jackets/Liners and given my interpretation of their MODERN size...take this with a grain of salt as this is ONLY my guesstamation!
M-1965 Field Jacket Section
Sample Neck Labels
showing Chest and Height measurements to Jacket Size
3106(New) & 3108(Used) - M65 Field Jackets
Vietnam Era M-1965s (pre-1976)
Samples of pre-1976 M-1965 Olive Green Field Jackets in Stock
( see Catalog for details and more M-65 listings )
( also in stock are approximately 30 - 50 "Used" condition (#3110) Vietnam Era M-65s not listed in the Catalog )
See M65 LINERS below, starting at #3182
Still in "FACTORY-Fold", MINT!
3106AM - M1965 Field Jacket dated 1968, with ZINC Zippers
Contract number DSA 100-68-C-2171, made by Sportmaster INC.
The Jacket you purchase will be unfolded (then refolded) to check all the snaps, zippers, and etc., unless you specify that it NOT be inspected.
3106AM - S/R, dated 1968, I bought a case of these in the 1980s, still in the original fold from the Sportmaster factory, as MINT as you can buy, UnUsed.....inquire
3106AM - S/R, Dated 1968 (DSA 100-68-C-2171), Stock Number 8405-782-2936, made by Sportsmaster, Zinc(silver color) Zipper, MINT (still in Factory FOLD), UnUsed.....inquire
3106AW and AY - M65s dated 1968, New Condition
3106AW - S/R( chest = 42”+, sleeves = 34”+, Shoulder seam to seam = 20”+, back = 30.5”+ ), dated 1968, with Factory applied Issue Subdued U. S. Army Tape, New-with-storage-Marks, UnUsed......inquire
3106AY - S/R ( chest = 42”+, sleeves = 34.5”+, Shoulder seam to seam = 20”, back = 30.5”+ ), dated 1968, UnUsed....inquire
Wear/Care Instructions and data labels
- - - -
3106BW - chest = 48"
Cutter's tags still inside Upper pockets
3106BW - L/S ( chest = 48, shoulder to shoulder seam = 211/2+, sleeve = 35+, back = 30.5 ), dated 1968, Cutter’s Tags still in upper pockets, no sign of wear on collar or cuffs(see picfile below-right), lower front has minor stains (see pifile below), New-with-Storage-Marks, UnUsed......inquire
right-pic = no marks on neck or cuffs from wear
very minor storage stains on lower-front
3106BX - UnUsual M65 with an Old style Hood sewn-in
Loose-weave cotton outershell, normal RipStop Olive Green Lining
HOOD is the old M-1944 "button-on" pattern used on Field Jackets and the Olive Green Overcoats
3106 BX - Medium, no date, small neck label sewn-in “left-of-center”(normal position) reads: “M-65 ARMY COLD WEATHER JACKET MEDIUM STOCK NO: 615-546-8773 RN40488 100% COTTON” ( = made by Wynn Inc., circa 1969 per the FTC website ), loose weave cotton outershell, normal RipStop OG Lining, Hood is a “QM 21718 –NOV. 26, 1951” “SPEC. No. MIL-H-11377 (QMC) PATT. DATE: JUNE 3, 1944 N.Y. Q.M.P.A.” “HOOD, JACKET FIELD AND OVERCOAT” “MEDIUM (38-40-42) STOCK NO. 7.-H-66.22-56”(missing numbers could be 6s) sewn-onto the normal OG elastic cloth and tucked into the zippered compartment like other M-65s, “SCOVILLE Glove Snaps, aluminum zippers with cast pulls/slides (no brand name), other parts look like ordinary Issue Jackets, lots of wrinkles=found in a 1,000 pound bale in a rag-mill, UnUsed.....inquire
Chest = 42+
Shoulder seam-to-seam = 20 1/2
Sleeve = 35+
Back = 30 1/2
( more pictures available for serious inquiries )
3106BY, BZ, CA - Olive Green M65 Field Jacket from Vietnam Era
This Grouping is a GOOD example of how there is NO Uniformity in manufacturing the Best Work Jacket in History.
1 - 3106BZ (center jacket) has NO Gussets in the cuff
2 - All 3 are made of different material for the outershells
3 - All 3 have different material for their Lining
4 - All 3 are in New/UnUsed condition but are of different Shades of Olive Green
( see more pictures below )
3106BY - M/R, dated 1969 (DSA 100-69-C-2317), Stock # 8405-782-2939, made by ALPHA, waist and bottom cords were adjusted but the jacket was never worn (NO soiling on collar or cuffs), NWSM, UnUsed....inquire
Chest = 44
Shoulder seam-to-seam = 20+
Sleeve = 35+
Back = 31+
RARE SIZE in NEW Condition
3106BZ - L/R, dated 1974 (DSA 100-74-C-1417), made by Alpha Industries, INC., NWSM, UnUsed....inquire
Chest = 47+
Shoulder seam-to-seam = 22 1/2
Sleeve = 36
Back = 32
3106CA - L/L, dated 1968 (DSA 100-68-C-0471), made by John Ownbey Company, INC., both Zinc zipper-SLIDES have surface corrosion(see picfile - normal for this metal - that is why they changed back to Brass Zippers - I waxed both zippers and they work fine), NWSM, UnUsed....inquire
Chest = 49+
Shoulder seam-to-seam = 22 1/2
Sleeve = 37
Back = 33 1/2
3106BY - M65 OG Field Jacket
RARE Jacket......Medium Regular, dated 1969, in NEW Condition with ZINC Zipper
3106BZ - Olive Green M65 Field Jacket from Vietnam Era
Rare Size and Condition
3106CA - Large-Long from Vietnam Era, in NEW Condition
Rare Size, Length and Condition
3108 and 3110 - M65 Field Jackets
Vietnam Era (3108) and post-RVN Era (3110)
Except for the data-label, 3110s are the same design as pre-'76 M65s = Excellent for Re-Enactors
- - - -
3108AT - M1965 Olive Green Field Man's Coat
3108AT - S/R, Dated 1969, DSA 100-69-C-1087, Stock Number 8405-782-2936, made by John Ownbey Company, INC., washed once, found in a 1,000lb bale in a rag-mill = many wrinkles you will need to iron-out, Near-New Color and Condition, Used.......(sold)
Chest = 39
Shoulder seam to seam = 19 1/2
Sleeve = 34 1/2
Back = 31
labels are white, not yellow=see above for correct color
- - - -
3108BX & BY and 3110K M65s
3108BX - L/R dated 1973, Used.....(sold)
sleeve (normal measurement method)...........37+
across shoulders (seam-to-seam).......22.5
sleeve (shoulder seam to cuff)..............25+
3108BY - L/R, dated 1967, Never Washed, worn 2-3 times(?), Color is in near-New Condition, minor wear marks--mainly under the cuffs, near-new except for wear marks,Very-Rare Condition and Size, Used....(sold)
( see pictures below )
3110K - L/S, dated 1977 (DSA-100-77-C-1385), MINT!........inquire
still in Factory Fold (inside out); Zipper Slide in the factory-fresh position
- - - -
3108CA - Medium "Used" M65 dated 1969
3108CA - M/R ( chest = 46”+ ), “silver” zipper, tapes were handsewn-on but have been neatly removed (no shadow with minor impression in cloth), 1” dark stain on left-epaulet (see pic), Excellent Color, Used....inquire
stain on epaulet - I removed part of it with my nail = will probably clean with a little effort
- - - -
3108CC & CF - Medium RVN Era M65s
3108CC - M/R, dated 1967, both labels need resewn, silver zippers, never had badges, reddish stains on right sleeve(see pic), Excellent color, Used...inquire
3108CF - M/R, dated 1973, never had badges, Used.....inquire
- - - -
3108CD - Medium with a 45" Chest
3108CD - M/R ( chest = 45”+, shoulder-to-shoulder = 21”, sleeves = 34.5”, back = 29” ), dated 1968, zinc(silver) zippers, left ssi and both tapes neatly removed = very minor shadows, Minor Wear, Excellent Color, Used....inquire
- - - -
3108CG, CH, & CK - RVN Era Medium M65OGs
All have 46" chest measurements
( see details below )
- - - -
( chest 46”+, sleeve = 35 1/2”, shdlr to shdlr seam = 21“+, shoulder seam to cuff = 25 1/4“, back = 31 1/2” )
3108CG - label reads M/R ( it is a much larger jacket - see above measurements ), dated 1971, zinc(silver color) zipper, Subdued: NYLON Tapes and right 49th Infantry Brigade SSI, GI Field Repair on left sleeve by shoulder seam ( see picture below ), probably never washed, Excellent Color, Used......inquire
GI field repair - in the 1960s you could buy the iron-on patch to repair your clothing, was applied from the inside and then a hot-iron was applied to the outside
- - - -
( chest 46”+, sleeve = 36”+, shdlr to shdlr seam = 20 3/4“, shoulder seam to cuff = 25 3/4“+, back = 32” )
3108CH - label reads M/R ( it is a much larger jacket - see above measurements ), dated 1970, zinc(silver color) zipper, both tapes neatly removed, lower-label is loose on 3-sides ( needs resewn ), a few spots of glue(?) residue on left side ( larger ones are visible in picture ), washed 2-3 times, Good Color, Used......inquire
- - - -
( chest 46”, sleeve = 36”, shdlr to shdlr seam = 22“+, shoulder seam to cuff = 25 1/4“, back = 31”+ )
3108CK - label reads M/R ( it is a much larger jacket - see above measurements ), dated 1967, Subdued: Tapes and 8th ID left-SSI, zinc(silver color) zipper, has reddish-mud on sleeve/cuff, never washed, as-New Color, Used....inquire
- - - -
3108CL - M/L (chest = 44, sleeve = 26+, shdlr to shdlr seam = 20.5, shoulder seam to cuff = 26 1/4, back = 32.5 ), dated 1969, stains(see pic for brownish stains on back), 2 snags(one 3/8”, see pic), excellent color, Used......inquire
3/8" snag in center of left picture
3108CS, CT, CU, CV, CW - Vietnam era M65OGs
3108CS - M/R, dated 1967 (DSA 100-67-C-0778), ZINC (silver color) zippers, bottom label torn, small snag in lining near hem(see picfile), heavily wrinkled (see picfile, been in a 1,000 pound bale at the rag mill), washed once(?), Excellent+ Color, Used...inquire
Chest = 44
Shoulder seam-to-seam = 21
Sleeve = 35
Back = 31
3108CT - M/R, dated 1974 (DSA100-74-C-0129), Brass zippers, NO shadows but had sleeve insignia, tiny hole in lining of sleeve, Excellent Color, Used.....inquire
Chest = 45
Shoulder seam-to-seam = 20 1/2
Sleeve = 35+
Back = 31 3/4
3108CV - L/R, dated 1973 (DSA 100-73-C-0856), Brass zippers, name stenciled on back in light-gray, light stains on front and sleeves(see pic), Used......inquire
Chest = 48
Shoulder seam-to-seam = 22 1/4
Sleeve = 36
Back = 32
3108CW - L/R, dated 1967 (DSA 100-67-C-0653), Zinc Zippers, subdued insignia: Nevada National Guard left SSI(merrowed edge), and Both Tapes, minor soiling on bottom-front(looks like it can be cleaned?), been cleaned one time(laundry tag inside), Excellent+ Color, Used
Chest = 48+
Shoulder seam-to-seam = 22
Sleeve = 36
Back = 32
3108CS - 1967 with ZINC Zippers
3108CS - Label Torn & lining snag Lining wrinkled
3108CT - M65 OG Field Jacket
3108CV - M65 OG Field Jacket
3108CV - Stains on Front and sleeves
3108CW - M65 OG Field Jacket
3108CX - Ranger Colonel's M65
3108CX - M/R dated 1966 (DSA-100-3255), Zinc Zipper, Lining & Cuff gussets look like the shiny tight-weave cloth that some M65 Hoods are made of(never noticed a liner like this-I think the material would be classified as "water repellant"), part of the Cutter' tag is still under the left-lower Pocket flap, Subdued Local Machine-embroidered Tapes and a Merrowed-edge RANGER Tab, and Subdued Metal Clutch-back Colonel's Eagles on epaulets, no sign of ever having other insignia/badges, never washed, minor soiling on collar, was found in a 1,000 pound bale in a ragmill=minor wrinkles, Excellent PLUS Color, Used......inquire
Chest = 46
Shoulder seam-to-seam = 21
Sleeve = 35
Back = 30 1/2
3108CY, CZ, and DA - RVN Era M65OG Field Jackets
3108CY - M/R, dated 1972 (DSA100-72-C-1203) Stock# 8415-782-2939, made by John Ownbey CO., INC., Brass Zipper, heavy grease stains on lower-right sleeve near cuff, other minor grease stains, never had badges, minor wear, if it did not have the grease stains it would be an EC+, Used....inquire
Chest = 46
Shoulder seam-to-seam = 21 3/4
Sleeve = 35 1/2+
Back = 32
3108CZ - M/L, dated 1967 (DSA-100-67-C-3526), made by Rolane Sportswear, INC., Stock# 8405-782-2940, Cutter's tag on underside of upper-left pocket flap, portions of a Cutter's label under a bottom flap, maybe cleaned one time, does not show wear on cuffs or neck, never had badges, ZINC (Silver Color) ZIPPERs, minor stains on lower-front (see pic), Outstanding Color, Used.....inquire
Chest = 45
Shoulder seam-to-seam = 21 1/2
Sleeve = 36+
Back = 33
3108DA - L/R, dated 1968 (DSA 100-68-C-1044), made by Alpha Industries, INC., never had badges, ZINC (Silver Color) ZIPPERs, Neck Label resewn, bottom label missing, 1/4" hole in lining (see Picture), Used...inquire
Chest = 48
Shoulder seam-to-seam = 21 1/2
Sleeve = 36
Back = 31 1/2
3108CY - M65 OG Field Jacket
3108CZ - Medium/Long dated 1967
3108CZ - Cutter's Tag and stains on lower-front
3108DA - M65 Large/Regular dated 1968
3108DA - hole in lining
3108DB - 1968 ZINC Zipper (as-new condition)
Will pass for NEW at 2 paces
3108DB - S/S, dated 1968 (DSA 100-68-C-1974), made by Alpha Industries, INC., Stock# 8415-782-2935, RN35569, ZINC (Silver tone) zippers, Subdued U.S. Army woven Tape, worn once (shows wear marks on cuffs - see picture below), will pass for UnUsed, Used....inquire
Chest = 41
Shoulder seam-to-seam = 20
Sleeve = 34
Back = 29 1/4
3108DB - wear marks on cuffs
3108DC, DD, DE - Olive Green Field Jackets (dated 1968/69)
3108DC - M/R, dated 1969 (DSA 100-69-C-1086), made by Allen Overall CO., INC., stock # 8405-782-2939, labels resewn, Tapes removed (minor shadows and 1 tiny snag (ask for pics)), minor dark stains (ask for sample picfiles), Good Color, Used....inquire
Chest = 44
Shoulder seam-to-seam = 20 3/4
Sleeve = 34 1/2
Back = 31 1/2
3108DD - M/R, dated 1969 (DSA 100-69-C-0762), made by Alpha Industries, INC., RN35569, stock # 8405-782-2939, labels resewn, dark stains (ask for sample picfiles), both Tapes OG Nylon (Army is the standard Issue embroidered and the Name is the common RVN era Stenciled), Used...inquire
Chest = 45
Shoulder seam-to-seam = 21 1/4
Sleeve = 35 1/2
Back = 31 1/2
3108DE - M/R dated 1968 (DSA 100-68-C-0.6.), made by Bonham Manufacturing CO. INC., lots of wrinkles from being in a 1,000 pound bale at Rag Mill, stock # 8405-782-2939, labels resewn, Rank, Serial Number, and name printed on lining, dark stains (ask for sample picfiles), Used....inquire
Chest = 44
Shoulder seam-to-seam = 21
Sleeve = 35
Back = 31 1/2
3108DC - M1965 Olive Green Field Jacket, Vietnam era
3108DD - M1965 Olive Green Field Jacket by Alpha Industries, Incorporated
3108DE - M65 with Rank, Serial Number, and Name printed on lining
3108DE - printing on lining
3110B - New M65 with 46" chest
3110B - M/L ( chest = 46+, sleeves = 36, Shoulder seam-to-seam = 21, back = 32 1/2 ), dated 1989, UnUsed.......(sold)
( still in Factory Fold (inside out); Zipper Slide in the factory-fresh position )
3110D & F - Man’s Field Cold Weather Coat
3110D - M/L, dated 1976 (DSA100-76-C-1003), “Man’s Field Cold Weather Coat by Alpha Industries, INC.” “RN 35569”, Stock No.: 8415-00-782-2940, NATO Size 8090/9404, wrinkled from storage, UnUsed....inquire
Chest = 45
Shoulder seam-to-seam = 21
Sleeve = 35 1/2
Back = 33
3110F - M/L, dated 1976 (DSA100-76-C-0605), “Man’s Field Cold Weather Coat by Winfield Manufacturing CO., INC.” Stock No.: 8415-00-782-2940, NATO Size 8090/9404, wrinkled from storage, UnUsed.....inquire
Chest = 45
Shoulder seam-to-seam = 21
Sleeve = 35
Back = 32 7/8
3110D 3110F
- - - -
3110K & L - both Large, dated 1977 by John Ownbey Company
M65s found together in the late-1980s, came from Fort Ord, CA, 7th Infantry Division
3110K - L/S, dated 1977 (DSA-100-77-C-1385), “Man’s Field Cold Weather Coat by John Ownbey Company, INC.” Stock No.: 8415-00-782-2941, NATO Size 6070/0414, wrinkled from storage, UnUsed....inquire
( still in Factory Fold (inside out); Zipper Slide in the factory-fresh position )
Chest = 48
Shoulder seam-to-seam = 21
Sleeve = 34 1/2
Back = 30
3110L - L/S, dated 1977 (DSA-100-77-C-1385), “Man’s Field Cold Weather Coat by John Ownbey Company, INC.” Stock No.: 8415-00-782-2941, NATO Size 6070/0414, wrinkled from storage, UnUsed.....inquire
( still in Factory Fold (inside out); Zipper Slide in the factory-fresh position )
Chest = 48
Shoulder seam-to-seam = 21
Sleeve = 34 1/2
Back = 30
3112L - M-1965 Large size
3112L - L/S, dated 1981, washed once, factory sewn subdued U.S. Army Tape, name tape neatly removed(very-minor shadow), 7th ID subdued patch on right SSI, very-minor wear, Used.....inquire
- - - -
3112M - M65 Large-Regular
31121M - L/R( chest = 50, shoulder-to-shoulder = 22, sleeves = 36+, back = 30 ), dated 1977, Brass zipper, very-minor wear (1 or 2 times?), Used....(sold)
3120x - ERDL Camouflage Brown Dominant RIPSTOP M65 Field Jacket
Information gleaned by a Militaria Collector about the M-65 EDRL RIPSTOP Brown Dominant Camouflage Field Jacket made by Alpha Industries in the early 1970s. Below is the verbatim query and reply, via two emails, one from the Collector (I had discussed these jackets with) when he queried the Alpha Company and the reply sent my an Alpha "Senior Manager" at Chantilly, Virginia:
Question sent to Alpha by a collector on December 4, 2009:
"I have an M-65 Men's Cold Weather Camouflage Field Coat in the ERDL pattern(not the recent Woodland Pattern) used during the later stages of the Vietnam War that according to the coat label was made by Alpha Industries that I am trying to get information on. Coat label is marked Stock No: 9415-11-287-1283, Alpha Industries, Inc, RN 35569. Wanted to see if you could provide me some history on this jacket and whether it was produced for the Military market or commerical market?"
Reply from the Alpha Company on December 10, 2009:
"Thank you for your E-mail and interest in Alpha products. This was a camo pattern developed for the Army during the Vietnam War for use in the Vietnamese jungles. It is very rare as was only a limited number made closer to the end of the war."
Limited Issue M65
3120x - Sample Ripstop ERDL Brown Dominant Camouflage M-1965 Field Jacket, made by Alpha.
( Alpha used the same Registration Numer (RN) on OG M65s with DSA Contracts in: 1968, 1974, & 1976 )
( Issued to the VNMC, USAF, Army Airborne, and USMC )
( See Catalog for current stock )
3162B & C, M65 style White Cotton Field JACKET (LtWt Poplin)
Manufacture's name has been blacked-out but one is still readable "COLUMBIA MDSE. CO. NYC"
I found one reference to the Columbia Merchandise Company of NYC on the Web...it was a film clip showing store fronts in NYC from the "mid to late 1970s".
Most of the features are similar to the Issue M65OG to include: a hood with drawstring, white flat buttons for a liner, Zippers(one slide is stamped Made in USA), drawcords( on hood, waist, and hem). Bottom of the White Heavyweight HBT Zipper tape is re-inforced with white heavyduty white HBT cloth; not like the modern M65s which have a plastic reinforcement at the bottom of the zipper tape.
I bought both Jackets circa late-1980s to early-1990s from a Picker who worked the Fort Ord, CA area.
- - - -
3162B - LARGE size
3162B - (also UI#379) size Large, Issue Infantry School patch "FOLLOW ME", minor blueish stains, probably washed once or twice, Used.........inquire
Chest = 47"
Shoulder seam to seam = 21"+
Sleeve = 35"+
Back = 30"+
( Pics also on UI/Mystery and RVN-1975 pages )
Open with a 3195A Brownish Liner buttoned-in (see these unusual liners below)
- - - -
3162C - Extra-LARGE size (50" Chest)
3162C - Extra-Large, lots of stains, hem draw cord is missing, Used....inquire
Chest = 50"+
Shoulder seam to seam = 22"+
Sleeve = 36"+
Back = 30 1/2"
3182M & N - M65 OG Field Jacket LINER (1st Pattern )
1st Pattern with Double-Stitching, Best Liner for the early-RVN Era Re-enactor.
Batting - 100% POLYESTER
Outer Covering - 100% NYLON
Both are in outstanding condition for a First Pattern, most 1st PATs will have half-of-the-quilting-thread missing.
3182M - Medium, dated 1969 (DSA 100-69-C-2489), stock number 8405-782-2888, made by Gibraltar Fabrics, INC., minor paint stain on back near hem (see picture), Excellent color (probably never washed), Used.....inquire
3182N - Medium, No Date (DPSC Contract 7259), Excellent Color (probably never washed), Used......inquire
(Most DPSC contracts did not have a date)
3195A - Grouping of M65 Field Jacket LINERs ( Heavyweight material )
These Liners came from a Retired Army Officer in the Fort Ord, California area circa late-1980s, maybe Prototype Liners(?)
Sizes: Small, Medium, and Large
3195A - (also UI#380) OG Nylon Liner (No date or Stock Number), Off-shade OG to Brownish Heavyweight Nylon, Two(2) Lines on Neck Label intentionally left blank, (may be to write-in later the: FSN & Contract numbers(?)), Issued and some were named on Neck labels(see label below) but I doubt if they were ever worn, Used........inquire
Sizes: Small, Medium, and Large
( Also on UI/Mystery and RVN-'75 pages )
3199A - G, Pic of sample Parts for Repairing your M-65 Field Jacket
all Issue items
Most of these parts were removed from 1960s to 1976 "bagged-out" Field Jackets
The descriptors “zinc” and “silver” have the same meaning in this section.
3199A - New Condition ISSUE ZINC (silver-color) Metal Slide/Pull with OG Cloth Pull, UnUsed......inquire
3199B - Waist DRAWCORD, Used.....inquire
Different Prices for different lengths
3199C - Hem(bottom) DRAWCORD, Used.....inquire
Different Prices for different lengths
3199D - Hood DRAWCORD, Used........inquire
3199E - ZINC (silver color) ZIPPER, Used.......inquire
This is the 1960s ZINC Zipper with metal Slide and Pull plus OG cloth Pull (ready to sewn-into your jacket)
Different Prices for different lengths
A ZINC Zipper is more expensive than a #3199F Brass ZIPPER
3199F - BRASS ZIPPER, Used..........inquire
Different Prices for different lengths
3199G - BUTTONs, Used........inquire
I have measured some of the Field Jackets and Parkas so you could judge which one should fit you - always allow room in the "chest measurement" for a: Liner, Heavy Winter Shirt, or etc......take all my measurements with a grain of salt, i.e., allow for at least 1" for any mistake I might have made.
3402H - Spot, Beo-Gam, Leopard Camouflage Pattern Trousers
( see on Army Ground Forces, SF patch page, Cataloged SF Items section )
3406L - ARVN Airborne Lime Ripstop Shirt
3406L - size marked “3”, hard to read date, (chest = 38+, shoulder seam to seam = 19, sleeve = 32+, back = 26), washed 3-5 times, minor wear, has Issue subdued SGT (E5) stripes, all other badges neatly removed (left SSI was probably a 1st CAV, both tapes, looks like he had a CIB and Parachutist’s badge), Used.....inquire
( also on SF page Airborne section )
3410K - Heavyweight ARVN Ranger Shirt
3410K - Label faded-approximate size is M/R (chest = 42, sleeve = 32.75, back = 28.75), 4-pocket late-war shirt, hole in neck-seam(see picture), very minor paint stains, not much wear, excellent color, 1 front button missing, Used...inquire
(Comes with a pair of Ranger Heavyweight Camo Trousers – no value assigned to the trousers = DON’T ask about the condition or size or etc.!!!!)
( also on Vietnam page )
- - - -
3410M - IKE Jacket style "field-shirt/jacket" with concealed buttons
3410M - made by a tailor with limited skills, a short-shirt(jacket), no stamps/markings, chest = 40”, sleeves = 31.5”, back = 22.5”, all buttons are “snag-proof”(see picture) (= my guess this was made for the field), styled like an IKE jacket or a waist-coat, never seen anything similar, I don’t think it was ever worn, UnUsed...(sold)
( Made from Ranger shirts/trousers as there is a double-stitch line on the waist band showing where stitching was removed )
showing "snag-proof" buttons on cuffs, pocket, and front buttons
( also on: htm, Vietnam, Ranger, and NA pages )
- - - -
3410N & P - Set of Heavyweight Ranger Fatigues
3410N - size A 3 (chest = 37”, sleeve = 28.5”, shoulder seam to seam = 19”, shoulder seam to end of cuff = 20”, back = 26.5”), dated 1/68, washed once(?), name tape neatly removed, doesn’t look like it had any other badges, Minor wear, Used....(sold)
3410P - 30” x 25.5”, dated 11/68, minor wear, Used......inquire
( also on SF page, RANGER section )
Local made Rain Jackets
3444A - showing reverse side...(sold)
3444A.....(sold), 3444G, and 3444E.....(sold), Local Made Rain Jacket or Parka
( see Catalog for details, pricing & availablity )
3450G and 3450H Poncho Liner Jackets, Local Made, see Catalog for details
(For Poncho Liner Jackets with Embroidery see Souvenirs page)
3498D - Field Police Trousers
3498D - label reads “L” (30” x 30”), 6-Pockets (4 x Bellows and 2 slash pockets), waist adjusters, absolutely NEW, UnUsed....inquire
( also on SF, RVB-75, & Vietnamese, pages )
3508AZ - Australian Camo Raincoat
Stuffs into the upper pocket when NOT in Use!
Design Features: Caped Front and back with vents, 2 x lower access pockets, Pen pockets on left sleeve, drawcord in hem, raincoat folds and stores in the upper pocket with straps to lash to your rucksack(see below pic)
3508AZ - Australian Camo RAINCOAT, dated 1967 with Black Buttons ( I understand 1967 is the last year for black-buttons(?) ), size Medium, Class 8415 66-021-5442, made by M. PENNISI Clothing CO. PTY. LTD. Victoria with broad arrow stamp, 1 very minor stain, minor wear, Used.....inquire
( also on htm, British, & RVN-1975 pages )
3508BA - Local made Tiger Stripe SET
I do not know where this Set was made - I have opinions of: Thailand, Taiwan, Korea, and PI...(?)
Shirt and Trousers
3508BA - Tiger Stripe SET, washed once(?), unknow where made, name tape is the material used in the late 1960s into the 1980s,
tape and other badges neatly removed from left-chest ( probably a U. S. Army tape, parachutist, and another badge (?) ), Used....inquire
Shirt: chest 44", sleeves 37"+, shoulder seam to seam = 20.5", shoulder seam to end of cuff = 27", back = 29.75", looks like a harness-rub across the pockets ( about 2" up from the bottom of the pocket )
Trousers: 33.75" ( could be expanded another 2" ) x 32.5" ( can be extended another 1.5"), "YKK" small gray plastic zipper, in lieu of a top fly button trousers have a metal hook assembly ( High-quality = probably made in Japan, like the zipper )
( true color is closer to the upper 2 pictures = change of lightning when pics taken )
Tailor Shop tag on trousers YKK zipper and top-hook on fly
( also on htm, RVN-'75, and SF pages )
- - - -
3508BN - Spot pattern Parachute material Pullover
This could be from an Army or Marine veteran - his Jungle Fatigues did not have badges, only his name
3508BN - Size Large – XL, Camo Pullover made of Spot pattern Parachute canopy material with fixed Hood, (chest = 58”+, ‘Ragland’ sleeves to end of knit wrist cuff = 40”, back = 31”+ ), 9” OG Talon Zipper at top, brass grommets for draw strings on hood and hem, some seams are taped ( see the black line in neck area ), no drawstrings ( the bottom was left open 2” between the grommets so one could be inserted ), 3-4 minor snags, excellent color, Not much war, Used......(sold)
( This is very similar to one I bought from a RVN era Marine RECON man several years ago - both looked rigger-made )
( Same veteran had a set of XL 3rd Pattern POPLIN "named" Jungle Fatigues, 7930FF and 7932CD = see below )
( draw cords(strings).... if you need some OG chute line with the old “black-trace marks” I have some for sale )
( also shown below and on Army RVN - 1975 patch pages )
3602 - M1934 Water-Repellant OD Cotton Jacket
Rare Jacket
Official photo, National Archives III SC 120323, dated 20 June, 1941 
M-1934 Jacket ( 3602A ) shown, 3rd GI from the right side
I have seen Three M-1934 Jackets; all have been constructed with different shades of material and glove snaps.
Water-Repellant Olive Drab Cotton Material. Snap and Button Closure Front, Button Sleeves, and Caped (double-thickness) over the Shoulders and Arms.
The under Jacket is a heavyweight OD "cotton-duck" type material similar to a Welder's Jacket.
( see Doughboy to GI Book, page 65, uniform #9 (3rd GI from the Right); this Group picture is also in several other Military Reference Books )
( See catalog #3206A for a M-1934 full-brimmed Hat on HEADGEAR page )
- - - -
3602A - M1934 Water-Repellant OD Cotton Jacket
3602A - M1934 Water-Repellant Olive Drab Cotton Jacket, Caped over the: sleeves, back, and front down to the pockets, size is approximately a "loose" Medium/Regular,
dated June 3, 1941, Tent. Spec. 6-1-34, Stock No. 72-C-254, made by H. Bernstein & CO., storage stains (ask for picfile showing white-paint stain on right-front), very minor wear (once or twice(?)), Excellent overall condition, Used......inquire
some of my pictures show the jacket as a "brownish" shade, it is a light-shade of Olive Drab
- - - -
3602C - M1934 Water-Repellant OD Cotton-Duck Jacket
Front left-open so you can see the closure methods
3602C - “Size 3 (38)” (see below for measurements), Dated June 3, 1941, Stock No. 72-C-256, Tent. Spec. 6-1-34, Philadelphia Quartermaster Depot, made by King Kard Overall CO., minor wear=never washed, minor staining, GI’s Last-4 printed on label, Excellent+ Condition, Used....(sold)
Chest = 42”+
Shoulder seam to seam = 23”
Sleeve = 32 ½”
Back = 30”
3711 - Shade OD-51 Officer's 4-Pocket Jacket
removed from a WWII era USAAF jacket
3711C - SET removed from a WWII era 4-pkt Jacket, Used......34.00
3 x Large and 6 x Small Gold Tone Metal Buttons with loops on the back,
1 x Large Brown Plastic & 6 x Small Brown Plastic Buttons,
8 x Black Metal Snap sets
3942L - Women's HBT Trousers
3942L - Women's HBT Trousers, Medium, (label under the size tag has been removed), UnUsed.....inquire
(waist from 28" - 30", inseam 28")
3940P and 3942P size Large Women's HBT "Special" Shirt and Trousers, both dated 1943, have been ironed but they show no signs of being washed, came from same Nurse, see Catalog for details
4100 - Tiger Stripe Items
4110D - Swim Trunks
4110D - Swim Trunks with waist size 34”+, 1-rear pocket shorts probably made on Okinawa(high-quality workmanship and parts), 2-button waist tabs, “YKK” zipper with chrome hook closure at top, Excellent Color, minor wear, Used.....(sold)
- - - -
4110L & K - 101st ABD LRRP Veteran's Boonies
( see boonies on the Headgear page )
( see boonies on the Headgear page )
- - - -
4116G - Tiger Stripe SET
4116G - SET, size A-L, minor wear, Used......(sold)
Shirt: (chest = 40”, Sleeve = 31”+, Back = 27 ¾”), two x 1-Exposed Button Bellows Pockets, Gusset in sleeve cuff, & cloth hanger sewn under label
Trousers: (waist = 32”, inseam = 31”+), four x 2-Exposed Button Bellows Pockets, one x 1-Exposed Button Cigarette Pocket, original Blousers, only personal marking is a Magic Marker “450” or “4SO” on the inside above the blouser( = meaning unknown)
Hang Labels
- - - -
4120D - Tiger Stripe Shirt
4120D - 2-Pocket SHIRT ((Heavyweight), stamped “A – L” with two x Covered 1- Button Bellows Pockets with cloth loop closures, button sleeve with gusset, washed once(?), Excellent condition Blue color, very minor wear, Used....(sold)
- - - -
4126G and 7922BK Grouping
( 7922BK - 1st Pattern Jungle Shirt listed below )
4126G - two-Pocket SHIRT (Heavyweight), Two x Exposed 2-Button Bellows Pockets, Tube Sleeves, stamped “US-S” and number “7” written in neck (the 7’s stem is slashed so I assume an Asian wrote it with a magic-marker = hootch-moose keeping track of the cot you slept-in), subdued: CIB, Basic parachutist’s Badge, Both Tapes (machine embroidered), very minor snags, one button-hole has embroidery missing on one side, Excellent Color, Used....(sold)
( Comes with a pair of well-worn trousers (don’t ask for details – no value on them) )
( also on SF and RVN-75 pages )
- - - -
4136C and 4168C - Tiger Stripes
Shirt, has 2 x Exposed 2-Button Bellows Pockets and 1 cigarette bellows pocket, button sleeves with gussets
Trousers, have 2 x front slash pockets with 5 x Bellows/Exposed button POckets: 2 x rear, 2 x Cargo, and small left-leg pocket below Cargo pocket
Not a set
4136C - stamped “US-M”( chest = 39”, sleeves = 31.5”, back = 27”+ ), hand-embroidered ARVN Master Jump Wings, named inside, 3 x GI replacement buttons, minor wear, Excellent Color, Used...(sold)
4168C - minor wear, Excellent Color, Used...(sold)
( also on SF page )
- - - -
4158D - Lightweight Tiger Stripe 6-Pocket Trousers
4158D - Lightweight Tiger Stripe 6-Pocket Trousers, marked “U. S L” in waistband (Large: 37” waist x 30” inseam), do not show wear, washed once(?), I replaced 3 missing buttons (with correct buttons from another T/S), Very nice example of an extremely hard to find Waist Size, Excellent Condition+.......(sold)
(Two x 2-Button Bellows Cargo Pockets, Two x 2-Button Bellows Rear Pockets, and Two Front Slash Pockets)
- - - -
4192B - Thai Tiger Stripe Shirt & Trousers
4192B - Slant-pocket Ripstop SET, labels read L/R (U.S. Medium/Regular), both labels read the same (however I can’t find an “inseam” on the shirt?), patterned after the U.S. 3rd pattern R/S Jungle Fatigues, Well-Made, U.S. style OG Buttons, brass “VENUS” zipper, round-cord blousers, New-Condition, UnUsed.....(sold)
447x - Long Sleeve Khaki Class "A" or "B" Badged Shirts
Worn with or without a tie until 1966 when the sleeves were cut-off and worn only as Class "B"(open-collar) Dress
When the sleeves were cut-off in 1966 the only sleeve insignia you could wear was Enlisted Rank and a Ranger Tab - all SSIs were removed
- - - -
4472N - Special Forces Badged Long Sleeve Khaki Shirt
cut-edge: SF Duty SSI and a Combat 187th Regimental Combat Team on right SSI
Left SSI and Rank has been changed several times
4472N - 14 1/2 x 32, dated 1952, e, 187th RCT on right SSI, SSG Stripes, stains, Used.....inquire
stains on back and front
- - - -
4472O - 25th Infantry Division, Korean War era
4472O - 16 x 34, dated 1952, Left SSI is a Cut-Edge 25th ID, OD on Blue Twill Issue SFC Stripes, worn 2-4 times, Used....inquire
- - - -
4479A - 82nd Airborne Division
4479A - 16 x 33, Dated 1961, 82nd ABD SSI (cut-edge), Buck Sergeant Stripes, Rank and SSI have been changed(common), Used.....Inquire
- - - -
4479C - 11th Airborne Division Combat patch
4479C - 16 x 33, Dated 1962, 8th Infantry Division, 11th Airborne Divsion on Right SSI, Sergeant First Class (SFC or PSG), Stripes, Used.....inquire
( 8th ID is the 2nd SSI on left sleeve - you can see the shadow for a large First Cavalry Division patch in the picture )
5104C - WWII Reversible Ski PARKA
5104C - Large, dated November 1942, very-clean on the OD/Tan side, minor soiling on the White side, minor wear, name and his hometown on small tape on the inside......(sold)
- - - -
5104D - WWII Reversible Ski PARKA with Fur Trim Hood
5104D - no size label(only the “Union Label”), Aproximate size is a Large (chest = 52”, sleeves = 37”+, shoulder seam to seam = 23.5”, shoulder seam to end of cuff = 25”, neck seam to hem = 36”), a 1/4" snag in back near waist-line on OD side, abrasions and very small abrasion-holes on back near hem on both sides (see pics), Average: stains, wear, etc., someone has put a “slide-lock” on the hem-drawcords(see it in pictures – it can be removed with no damage), Used...(sold)
Abrasions & abrasion-holes on lower-back
- - - -
5104F - Parka with Fur Trimmed Hood, by Foster Bros. Sportswear
5104F - Medium, dated September 14, 1942, label reads: “Foster Bros. Sportswear Co., Inc., CONT. W-669-qm-21091 Stock No. 55-P-4906, Q.M.C. Tent. Spec. P.Q.D. No. 201, Dated 7/14/42 Phila. Q. M. Deport”, staining on both sides (normal, see pictures), missing part of a sleeve button(still functional), hood on white side ripped(see picture), minor wear, overall in Excellent Condition, Used...inquire
Chest = 50”
Shoulder seam to seam = 25”
Sleeve = 35 ½”
Tear on White in Hood
OD shade is closer to this lower picture
- - - -
2nd Pattern dated 14 July, 1942, OD/Tan reverses to White with a Handwarmer Pocket in the front, button neck-closure, buttoned pocket-flaps, and adjustable cuffs with buttons and tabs. (see Doughboy to GI Book, page 144) or (Government Issue Collector's Guide by Henri-Paul Enjames, page 152)
5105B - M-1943 Reversible HoodedParka Type OVERCOAT
A Cold climate Coat with OD and White Snow Camouflage sides was developed in 1943 to replace the M41 Parka. Zippered front with Windflap and 6-buttons. Fixed Hood has 3-buttons at the throat, draw-cord, and 4 x glove-snaps at the back to gather the hood. 3 x glove-snaps at the bottom in front and one snap at the back which can be drawn between the legs and snapped to the front glove-snaps for added warmth. 2-position cuff take-up tab which can be used on both sides of the parka. Two large front patch pockets with flaps and 2 slash handwarmer pockets above. Narrow webbing belt similar to the M-1 steel pot chin strap with similar hardware closure.
An Optional removable (white or brown) Liner can be used with this parka.
See Doughboy to GI book, pages 141-142 by Kenneth Lewis
also shown in Henri-Paul Enjames’s GI Collector’s Guide book, page 47
Per Enjames’ book the Stock No. is “55-O-3132-36/55-O-3132-46”
This is only the 2nd M43 Parka I have seen in 20 years...I found it in a rag-mill in the 1990s.
Notice the Parka’s White side (inside the hood) has been overdyed Green(one veteran said their Parkas had been overdyed to all-green as the White side (when open in front or the neck) was too easy to spot(?) in a non-snow area.
5105B - (Shell ONLY), approximate Large size (see measurements below), Neck cheesecloth hang label washed out from being overdyed(the hang label, hood drawcord, and webbing on belt are a “brown/black” Shade which can be normal after an overdye), left sleeve has a 1” rip on the upper-front and a few black stains(ask for pic) (black stains may clean up?), 4-5 small buttons on cuffs are cracked but all are still functional(the compactor at the rag-mill is hell on buttons/zippers), all snaps work (some have minor corrosion which can be cleaned or bee's-waxed), minor black stains on the back near the hem, very minor wear, overall in excellent color and condition, Used...inquire
Chest = 52+
Waist = 48+
Shoulder seam-to-seam = 23+
Sleeve = 37 3/4
Back (neck seam down to hem) = 44 ½
( 4 - 5 more pictures available - if serious, send your Complete Mailing address and ask for more pics )
5108, M-1943 Mackinaw Coat ("Jeep Coat") & Parts
Hip-Length (3/4 Length), Khaki or Olive Drab Cotton Poplin Outer Material with Wool Lining with two Large Lower Front Pockets
Notched Collar, Throat strap, front can be buttoned from the right or left (see picture)
Pattern Dated April 19, 1943. PQD Spec No. 252A
(see Doughboy to GI, pages 136/137 and WWII GI, page 91)
- - - -
5108C - M1943 OD JEEP Coat
Found in a Rag Mill = lots of wrinkles but it is probably in UnUsed Condition
Right picture - Can be easily buttoned by a right or left hander
5108C - Olive Drab, Size 38 Stock No. 55-C-33120, P.O. No. 15312 Dated February 26, 1945, Spec. P.Q.D. No. 252A dated April 19, 1943, Phila. Q.M. Depot, made by Jules L. Simon & CO., Label is in New Condition, worn once(?), Very Minor storage Marks, Coat is Near-New, Used......inquire
Chest = 44+
Shoulder seam to seam = 19
Sleeve = 36+
Back = 35
- - - -
5108AA - Button SET for a M43 Mackinaw Coat
Set = 6 x Small and 8 x Large removed from a "bagged-out" M-1943 Coat
DARK BROWN Buttons would be ok for: M-38 or M-42 Mackinaw (JEEP) Coats
5108AA - Set of Dark Brown Buttons, Excellent Plus Condition, Used.......inquire
5110F - Pullover Field Parka SHELL
Description of the Features on the SHELL:
Drawchords at Neck, Waist, and Bottom
Adjustment Buttons at Neck and Wrists
Back of HOOD has snaps to adjust the fit over the Head
Body designed wide so you can withdraw your arms from the sleeves and hold then against your body for warmth.
Two large angle-slash pockets on the chest secured with Buttons
right picture is the Inside-Front showing size Label
5110F - SHELL ONLY, size Large, No data label--just a size label, Bottom drawchord missing, I don’t think it was ever worn=just storage marks, NWSM
Chest =58”
Shoulder seam to seam = 24”
Sleeve = 38”
( See reference BOOKS: Doughboy to GI by Kenneth Lewis and World War II GI by Windrow and Hawkins )
I think the worst storage mark is the one on the left side near hem - see mark above and below
5111B - WWII Belted Parka Type Overcoat
WWII Era (January 1945) Parka style Overcoat with Belted waist and fixed Hood
( very similar to the Belted M-1947 Parka (#5115) )
Outer Shell with a FIXED Pile-Lined Hood made of Windproof material, 2 x Hand-warmer pockets and 2 x large Cargo Pockets, HOODLESS Snap-in Gray Pile Liner with wool wrist knits, Pockets are UnLined, Web Belt with a standard GI, open-faced, Brass Buckle inserted through Belt Loops
To see similar belted Parka Overcoats check out this Book:
---Stanton's Korean War Book, pages 51/52
Coats shown in his book are not the WWII Belted Coats, just similar.
I have never seen this WWII Parka/Coat referenced in any book...Must be Rare!
5111B - size Small, dated January 26, 1945, Label reads: Stock No. 55-O-3139-35, H. P. SHAPIRO & CO., Inc., P. O. No. 11837, Spec. P. Q. D. No. 392, Phila. Q. M. Depot, 3 x Tailor's Cutters Tags still stapled to inside of sleeves, Parka Neck size label is loose on 2 sides (came from the factory that way), Belt was missing when I got it from the Rag-Mill = comes with a "USED" belt, A Near-Perfect Example of a RARE Parka fromthe WWII era, New-with-Storage-Marks(NWSM), UnUsed.....(sold)
( I removed the liner to: inspect the inside and wax the glove snaps; I don't believe the liner had ever been removed )
Inside-Out with Cutter's Tag on sleeve Outside, UnAssembled
( also on: WWII Army Patch page, Army Gear pages )
5115G - Complete M-1947 Parka Type with Pile Liner OVERCOAT
see Stanton's Korean War Era Book, pages 53 and 62
Pocket Hang-Label reads:
Parka Type with Pile Liner OVERCOAT
Air Force Stock # 8310-641200-121
Trenton Sptswr., Inc.
Dated 30 June 1951
Spec. MIL-O-1952
N.Y. Q.M. P.A.
Pat. Date 21 July, 1947
see small stains on back of left sleeve and lower-left side 8" up from hem
5115G - Small, dated June 30, 1951, worn maybe 3-4 times(?), small light-color stains(see above right-pic - I scraped off some with my thumbnail=might be muddy water(?)), all: snaps, Zipper, and buttons functional, most snaps have their full black finish(not worn or scratched-off), Buttons are shiny, Belt buckle’s black finish 85% intact, exposed side of liner shows dust stains (probably from being stored for 50 years(?)), the best condition M-47 I have ever owned, Used.....(sold)
Approximate Shell Measurements:
Chest = 48” (allow for the very Thick liner)
Shoulder seam to seam = 19 ½”
Sleeve = 37”
Back = 39 ½”
More picfiles available for serious viewers - make sure your ISP will let you download several JPEGs attached to one-email!
The white Pile is too dark in these pics, see upper left picture for a more correct shade of white
Notes on the M-47
OG Cotton Outer Shell with Attached Hood with a White or Brown snap-in Liner.
2 x hand-warmer pockets with hidden button closures
2 x Large Cargo pockets with exposed button closures
Khaki Web Waist Belt passed through cotton loops
- - - -
5116 - PARTS for M-1947 PARKA/OVERCOAT
- - - -
M-1947 Hooded Pile/Wool LINERs
5116C - Medium ( chest = 50” ), white Pile LINER, wool knits perfect, very clean condition, near-new, Used.....inquire
5116F - Medium ( chest = 49” ), white Pile LINER, wool knits perfect, male glove-snaps in the front are doubled-up (ask for Picture), wear-holes on the rolled-over edges along front and bottom(see sample picture), normal soiling, Used...(sold)
Chest = 49+
Sleeves = 35+
Back = 38.5
Shoulder seam to seam = 19.5
Sleeve to end of knit = 26+
5116H - Medium ( chest = 50” ), white Pile LINER, wool knits perfect, very clean condition, minor wear, Used.....inquire
5116F - Sample picfile of wear-holes on Front edges and the Bottom skirt
sampling of bottom wear holes, I think the left hole(1/8") is the largest on the liner--this is a common wear surface on long-liners
- - - -
5116 - M1947 Hooded Pile/Wool SHELLs
Outershells do not come with BELTS
5116BB - Small ( chest = 50” ), OUTERSHELL, Used......inquire
5116BH - Medium ( chest = 53” ), OUTERSHELL, Used......inquire
5116BK - Medium ( chest = 53” ), OUTERSHELL, spec no. 6-381, pattern dated July 21, 1947, 2” x 3” torn area on hem ( see in picture or ask for a closeup), needs to be cleaned, not much wear, Excellent color, Used......inquire
( you can fix the torn area with a typical Army style Field repair....use a backing cloth and then sew it, repeatedly )
5116BL - Small ( chest = 50” ), OUTERSHELL, stains on lower back ( ask for picture ), Used......inquire
- - - -
M-1947 Parka Type Overcoat BELTs
Rare items - most were removed and used as trouser belts
5116CF - OD Web BELT with cast Buckle, 90% black still on hardware, minor usage, Used...inquire
( closed belt will fit up to a 40” waist ( total length of the webbing = 43 ½” )
( removed from a Medium Outershell )
5116CG - Olive Green(OG) Web BELT with stamped Buckle, 75% black still on hardware, minor usage, Used....inquire
( closed belt will fit up to a 39” waist ( total length of the webbing = 41 7/8” )
( removed from a Small Outershell )
5124 - Experimental "EX-48-1" Fishtail Parka, with Fiberglass Liner
5124A - Experimental Model of the “Fishtail” Parka with Attached Fur Ruff Hood
Label on Liner Reads: “Parka, Outer, W/Fiberglass Liner, EX-48-1”
Button-in Liner made of shiny (Rayon/Nylon(?)) quilted material,
White to Olive Green colors (OG side worn next to your body),
“caped” over the sleeves and shoulders (caped = double-thickness) with a Blanket-Wool attached Hood,
OG Outershell very similar to the M-1951 with a reddish Fur Ruff,
Size Small/Short, similar hanging size labels sewn-in the hoods of the Liner and Shell,
Damage to shell:
3/4” & 1/4" abrasion holes on lower-left front;
left sleeve has 5-6 small abrasion holes on bottom, near cuff,
approximately 20 small holes on right sleeve(looks like he engaged some concertina wire(?),
light reddish stains & other minor stains,
2 x large "Army Field Repairs" on the back-near the fishtail,
Never washed, Excellent Color on Liner and Shell,
Excellent Overall Condition for vintage and rarity, Used....(sold)
5126C, F, & H - M48 Fishtail Parka
First of the production Fishtail Parkas
Rare Parka Model
5126C - Medium Parka-Shell (no liner), dated 3 Oct 1950, stock number 55-P-4980-20, MIL-P-10402(MMC) N.Y.Q.M., wrist adjustment straps have no elasticity remaining (common in old parkas), pocket label is loose on one side--no damage to label, minor field repairs, Used....(sold)
5126F - Small Parka-Shell (no liner), No date on Label, stock number 55-P-4980-30, Phila. QM DEPOT SPEC. NO. Proposed US Army SPEC. 6-468, size hang-label has been removed, wrist adjustment straps have no elasticity remaining (common in old parkas), pocket label is loose on one side--no damage to label, a near-matching cigarette/pencil pocket with Conmar Zipper has been added to the upper-left sleeve (Army Modification),
Last-4 inside, 2 small snags, minor stains, Excellent Color, Used....(sold)
5126H - size Small, Complete Parka with Liner, SPEC. 6-468, Liner and Shell both have the small hang-labels for size, Parka has 2 x data labels sewn to the hang-pocket(common), Liner has a large chest pocket for papers or small personnel items(uncommon), this pocket also has the Liner data label sewn to it, Shell has a cigarette/pencil pocket on upper-left sleeve, wrist adjustment straps have no elasticity remaining (common in old parkas), ½” rust stain on right lower sleeve(see left picture above), small snag on liner, Good Color, Used.....(sold)
- - - -
5126K - M1948 Fishtail Parka SHELL
as-New Fur Ruff
(Shell ONLY - NO Liner)
5126K - Large, Parka SHELL (NO Liner), dated January 18, 1951, stock number 55-P-4980-10, spec number MIL-P-10402(QMC) N.Y.Q.M. P. A., contract number “Q.M. 9749-OI-10455”, wrist adjustment straps have no elasticity remaining (common in old parkas), very-small white paint spot on right front near hood(ask for picture), brownish stains on underside of sleeves, dark stain on backside of right shoulder seam(ask for picture), tiny snag by cigarette pocket(ask for picture), small brownish stains, NEVER WASHED, worn 2-3 times, I waxed the glove-snaps and zippers and everything works fine, Fur-Ruff is as-New, this is the cleanest M-48 Shell I have ever seen, Below average stains, overall condition is 85%, Used...inquire
Chest = 64”
Shoulder seam-to-seam = 21”+
Shoulder seam to end of cuff = 26”
Sleeve = 36”
Back to bottom of Fishtail = 41”
The cleanest M-48 I have ever seen!
The fishtail area is always the most soiled, check this one!
- - - -
Predecessor to the M-1951 Parka
Most apparent difference is the weight of the Cotton, probably 4 times as heavy as the M-1951 Model
M-1951 Hooded Parkas
5128 - Sample of a Complete M51 Fish-Tail Parka
COMPLETE OG Cotton Fishtail Parka SHELL with Attached HOOD and Button-In LINER, SPEC. MIL-P-11018, Pattern Dated 12 March, 1951
Most Liners will be the White/Cream Color Wool Frieze Liner
see Catalog Items: 5130, 5132, and 5133 for Parts to Build a Parka
For a Detachable Hood see Catalog numbers 5137 - 5144
(see Stanton's Korean War Book, pages 50 - 59)
- - - -
5128G - COMPLETE M51 Parka with Freize Liner, size Medium
Shell and Liner found together
5128G - COMPLETE Parka stamped Medium in Hood and dated 1951(hard to read), Frieze Liner is stamped Medium dated 1953, subdued U.S. Army Tape, all snaps and zipper are functional (and I waxed them), 2 x liner buttons broken-in-half (still functional), left sleeve cuff adjuster button broken (still functional), cuff adjusters still have elasticity(very unusual), Average: stains, snags, wear, small repair, Good Color, Used
Chest = 48 (remember to allow for the thickness of the liner)
Shoulder seam to seam = 24
Sleeve = 37 1/2
Back = 41+
5128L - Complete, size Large
Hard to Find LARGE size Stock Number 55-P-498-10
Shell and Liner found together
5128 L - COMPLETE Large (STOCK NO. 55-P-498-10), Contract QM 16197 Dated 21 May 1951, minor wear = zipper's teeth still sharp, tiny snag on lower-back below the waist cord, cuff adjusters have lost their elasticity(normal for the M51), a male glove-snap in the fishtail has been pulled through the material by someone who did not understand glove-snaps that have been stored a long time (snap still in the female portion (could be repaired), I don't think it was ever washed=Excellent color, I waxed all the snaps and zipper, Used....inquire
Liner Last-4 stamped on green side of liner in neck area, has 5-6 small Army field repairs (see picture for a sample), has been washed 1-3 time but in clean water which is unusual for the Army (Frieze side is still white),
Chest = 59" (remember to allow for the thickness of the liner)
Shoulder seam to seam = 24 1/2"+
Sleeve = 38"
Back Neck seam to tip of fishtail = 41"
the small snag is below the waist drawcord......about 3-4 inches from the right sleeve cuff button
data stamp inside hood
fishtail male glove-snap pulled through sample of Army repairs on Liner - notice how white the frieze side is
tiny snags on back of left sleeve
5130 - M-1951 Fishtail Parka SHELLs
- - - -
5130AA - Large M51 SHELL
abrasion on back
5130AA - Large, Dated JAN. 15, 1952, grease stains from working on a car, never washed, needs to be cleaned, small abrasion on back, Excellent Color, Used.....(sold)
- - - -
5130AD - Small M51 SHELL
5130AD - Small, Dated 1963, no elasticity left in wrist adjusters, right sleeve button broken(still functional), very-small tear where the Army Tape was removed, small abrasion at bottom of zipper ( almost hidden when the flap is closed ), small snags, white paint stains (someone leaned-against some wet paint), Used.....(sold)
- - - -
5130AL - Medium M51 SHELL
5130AL - Medium, Dated June 1953, Last-4 on inside has bled-through to back, no elasticity left in cuff adjusters, minor shadows on left-chest (probably an Army Tape and 2 patches removed), small field-repair on underside of sleeve, 2-3 small snags, Good Color, Below Average: Stains and etc., Used......inquire
- - - -
5130AX - Medium M-51 Shell
5130AX - Medium, dated May 21, 1951, heavyweight cloth, made by Popular MFG CO, INC, stamped: “21 MAY 1951 QM-16192 SPEC. MIL-P-11013 (QMC) PATTERN DATE 12 MARCH 1951”, Near-New Color, Never Washed, minor wear, one dark stain near left-pocket flap (see pictures), no elasticity left in wrist adjuster straps,subdued Tapes (if Tapes removed...should not have heavy shadows), Used.....(sold)
- - - -
5130AZ - Medium M-1951 Parka
center pic - 4.25" fray along front-edge of zipper flap
5130AZ - Medium, dated 5 November 1952, cloth neck-loop hanger has started to fray, fraying on the edge of the front flap (see picture), both shoulder seams have started to come-loose(need to be opened and resewn--damn cheap-charlie manufacturer cheated the tax-payer), elastic wrist adjusters have some elasticity left (unusual), all snaps/buttons/zipper/cords still present and functional, Used......inquire
- - - -
5130BA - Medium M-1951 Parka Shell
5130BA - Medium (chest = 52”, sleeves = 39”, back = 41”), dated January 15, 1952, 1 male-snap on the fish-tail was not installed at he factory, New-with-storage-marks, UnUsed.....(sold)
5130BB, BC, and BD, M-1951 Olive Green Parka with Hood
5130BB - Medium (neck hang label reads “M”), “MIL-P-11013-A (QMC)”, Buttons, Elastic, Zipper, and snaps ok (I waxed the snaps and zipper), 2 x Name Tapes have been neatly removed from the left breast, one 1/32” hole on lower-right front at bottom of zipper (see picture of it and worst stain in same area), Minor wear, maybe washed twice(?), Excellent Color, Used.....inquire
Chest = 54+
Shoulder seam to seam = 23+
Sleeve = 35+
Back = 40+
5130BC - Medium (stamped in hood), dated January 1, 1952, made by “Progressive C & A MFG. CO., QM 23424 OI 8567 1-14-52 SPEC. NO. MIL-P-11013 QMC PATT. DATE MARCH 12, 1952 N. Y. Q. M. P. A.”, Instruction and Care label stamped in hood, Buttons, Elastic, Zipper, and snaps ok (I waxed the snaps and zipper), old Name Tape has been neatly removed from the left breast, Below Average: wear, abrasions, snags, stains, and etc., Excellent Color, Used...inquire
Chest = 56
Shoulder seam to seam = 23 1/2
Sleeve = 36+
Back = 42
5130BD - Small (see measurements below), Instruction and Care label stamped in hood, Buttons, Elastic, Zipper, and snaps ok (I waxed the snaps and zipper), field repair on an hood seam (the maker short changed the taxpayer by not rolling-under enough material for the seam to have held), Below Average: wear, abrasions, snags, stains, and etc., Excellent Color, Used....inquire
Chest = 48
Shoulder seam to seam = 24
Sleeve = 36 1/2+
Back = 41
5131B and C - Waist Cords for the M-1951 Hooded Parka
5131B - Waist CORD, 47 ½”, Used......inquire
5131C - Waist CORD, 55 3/4”, Used....inquire
5130 & 5132 - Fishtail Parka & Frieze Liner
Samples of 5130 and 5132 Fishtail Parka (with fixed Hood) and Frieze Lining
- - - -
5132M & 5133A comparison of materials used in their construction
In the rush to make clothing for the Freezing GIs in Korea.....Orders went out - make the clothing from any material, but MAKE IT!
See these liners below
Rare Liner is on the right - from my experience in the Rag Mills you will see 200 Frieze Liners and not see one Wool/Cotton
5132 M-1951 White Frieze Parka LINER
MIL-P-11012 (Q.M.C.) Pattern Dated 12 March, 1951, Stock NO. 55-P-8952-10
5132M - Large, dated June 1951, Used....inquire
Chest = 50"
Back = 33"
Sleeve = 34"
- - - -
5133A, M-1951 White Wool(60%)/Cotton(40%) Parka LINER
Same MIL-SPEC (MIL-P-11012 QMC) as Catalog number 5132
This is a good example of the rush to make clothing for the Freezing GIs in Korea.....make the clothing from any material, but MAKE IT!
RARE Liner
5133A - Approximate size Large (see measurements), dated 29 DEC 1951, 2-3 minor stains (see pictures - stains near the ID labels) otherwise Clean, not much usage, Used.....inquire
Chest = 50
Back = 33
Sleeve = 34+
Stamped label inside neck area - hard to read
5134 (Hoodless Parka) & 5136 (Liner)
Pattern has No Attached Hood; Replaced the Original M1951 ( catalog #5130 )
( see Stanton's Cold War Book, pages 249-250 )
5136K - Medium, dated 1973, NYLON liner, UnUsed.....inquire
5134U - Medium/Regular, dated 1973, Parka Shell Only, UnUsed.......inquire
( Use the Liner ( #5136 ) and Hoods ( #5138 - 44 ) with #5134 Parka Shell )
51xx - Parka Hoods
5137, 5138( USMC, all have sold ), 5140, & 5144 - Parka Hoods.....see Catalog and below picfiles/details
( see picfiles below for more info )
- - - -
5137, M-1951 Parka Hood with Fur Ruff
Heavyweight, Loose-Weave, Cotton Material
Spec. No. Mil-H-11023 - Pattern dated March 12, 1951
5137x - sample picture, Stock Number 73-H-66950, some still have the Cutter's Tag, UnUsed.....( ALL have sold )
- - - -
5138 - USMC M1951 Fur Ruff Parka Hood
5138A - dated 1951, SPEC. MIL-H-11023, repaired, missing the 2 x large buttons, Used.....inquire
- - - -
5140 - M-1951 Parka Hood with Fur Ruff
Lightweight, Tight-Weave, Cotton Sateen material
Spec. No. Mil-H-11023A - Pattern dated March 12, 1951
5140x - sample picture, dated 1953, Pattern Dated 12 March, 1951, SPEC # MIL-H-11023A, UnUsed......inquire
- - - -
5144 - Parka Hood with White SYNTHETIC Ruff
5144K - dated 1977, UnUsed.....inquire
( download the Catalog for details and availability )
For a current listing of items available download the Catalog
- - - -
5350H - Vietnam era Olive Green Issue Towel
Rare Find
see 5350H OG Towel for a more correct OG-shade
5350H - Issue Towel with smooth band (2" to 2 3/8" wide) at each end, commonly worn by an Infantryman around his neck while on Patrol, New Condition, UnUsed....Inquire
( see Lyles' Book, pages 37 and 55 )
( still in original fold )
( I bought a case of these in the '90s.....a few left in stock )
- - - -
5350AC, AD, & AF - "used" Issue Towels
5350AC -darker shade, Excellent Condition......inquire
5350AD - Excellent Condition......inquire
5350AF - Excellent Condition......inquire
( see the Veteran's OG-107 shirt #7960EM on this page )
- - - -
5351 - PX Purchased Cannon Towel
All from same Veteran - All are marked to him
5351M - made by Cannon, Man's name and bunk number, UnUsed.....(sold)
5351N - made by Cannon, Man's name, Last-4 & bunk number, UnUsed.....(sold)
5351O - made by Cannon, Man's name, Last-4 & bunk number, UnUsed.....(sold)
5351P - made by Cannon, Man's name, Last-4 & bunk number, UnUsed....(sold)
- - - -
5351Q - "Salty" with lots of wear
5351Q - lots of usage - some thin spots, looks like part of his “last-4” in magic marker(?), Used....inquire
For a current listing of items available download the Catalog
5357AT and BF - RVN Era ISSUE Olive Green (OG-109) T-SHIRTs
5357AT - Small, Dated 1969, New, UnUsed.......(the GI package label is not included)....inquire
5357BF - Medium, date not readable (washed once(?)), good color, Used....inquire
For a current listing of items available download the Catalog
30 - 40 RVN era T-shirts in stock
several pairs of Olive Green Drawers listed in the catalog
a few OG Wash Cloths also stocked
A few PX Shirts are available
5360 - Vietnam era Long Sleeve T-Shirt (Issue)
5360A - Small, Dated 1970, UnUsed.......inquire
5360B - Medium, Dated 1968, UnUsed......inquire
5496AB - Parachutist's Neckscarf from a '44 dated Canopy
6146L - WWII British Jerkin with "Philadelpia" overstamp
click on picture for details
6156 - French Items
If you see French items mis-labeled let me know
- - - -
6156A, M-1947 French 4-Pocket Jacket
6156A - Cotton Tropical 4-pocket JACKET, Epaulets, Button Cuff-Tab, covered button-front, inside string waist adjustment, size 112-L/GM (aproximately 42-43 Regular), Stamped "S.P.M.S.A. PARIS" in neck and "ARMEE 1951 4 SFH 1", Jacket is Light-Brown but the Top-Pocket Flaps are a light shade of green and both have an embroidered "F" in the Center of a Diamond-Shaped embroidery(?), soiled collar and minor stains/scuffs on back(see pics), worn 3-4 times (never washed), Used......inquire
(I talked to some French Collectors and none of them have seen the "F" on the upper-flaps before....THIS is a Factory sewing job....not done later!)
embroidered "F" on top-flap stains and scuffs on lower-back and sleeve
- - - -
6156B & C - French Wool Trousers
6156B - M-1950 OD Wool 4-pocket TROUSERS, size 24 (34 X 29.5), no date, UnUsed.....inquire
6156C - M-1950 OD Wool 4-pocket TROUSERS, size 24 (33.5 x 30.5), no date, UnUsed.....inquire
- - - -
6156D - French Cotton Field 4-pocket Field JACKET
6156D - OD Cotton Field JACKET, size M/R (92L), 4 x Pockets, VELCRO Rank on Front, "ARMEE FRANCAISE" stencilled on Left SSI, Older Model with Button Sleeves, Used.....inquire
- - - -
6156E & F, TA-47 French Trousers
6156E - 6-pocket TROUSERS, metal buttons, cloth cuff tabs, stamped inside waist band: “JBS 4-53 47”, paper label reads “47” (I assume 47 is the size), red ink overstamp reads: “MADE IN FRANCE 100% Cotton 40”, UnUsed....inquire
6156F - 6-pocket TROUSERS, brown plastic buttons, cloth cuff Tabs, stamped inside waist band: “2-55 BC 47”, red ink stamp reads: “MADE IN FRANCE 100% Cotton 40”, UnUsed....inquire
- - - -
6156G & H, TA-47 French Trousers
6156G - 6-pocket TROUSERS, brown plastic buttons, cloth cuff Tabs, stamped inside waist band: “Made in France REG 38073 100% Cotton 36 35”, rub-hole in right cargo pocket, UnUsed.....inquire
6156H - 6-pocket TROUSERS, brown plastic buttons, cloth cuff Tabs, stamped inside waist band: “D. DELCROIX FLERS 37”, red ink stamp reads: “MADE IN FRANCE 100% Cotton 38”, UnUsed.....inquire
- - - -
6156K - French Jacket
6156K - Cotton 4-pocket JACKET, Epaulets, Button Cuff-Tab, covered button-front, inside string waist adjustment, stamped “E.R.W.I. 55”, “26” is crossed-out and re-stamped “3”, UnUsed......inquire
( also on ALLO page )
6260x Sample of a 1969 (RVN Era) Sleeping Shirts available, see e-Catalog for stock
6318F & G - Army WWII Tan Light-weight SOCKS
Thin lightweight socks for wear with Dress Shoes
6318F - Size 10 ½, UnUsed.......inquire
6318G - Size 11, UnUsed.......inquire
- - - -
6340L - Army WWII Era OD Cushion Sole Boot SOCKS
Medium-weight Socks with the Tops Folded-Over and Hemmed
( see Doughboy to GI book, page 161 and WWII GI book, page 26 for reference )
6340L - size 10 ½, last-4 stamped inside top, UnUsed......inquire
- - - -
Several pair of WWII through 1990s era socks available
download the Catalog and check for sizes/details
6354 & 6355 - Samples of OG/Black Cushion Sole Boot Socks
circa 1976 - 1990s
First Quality Issue and Factory BLEMs in stock
6354 - OG Cushion Sole Boot Socks, UnUsed........see available sizes in Catalog
6355A - Black Cushion Sole Boot Socks, UnUsed.....see available sizes in Catalog
( also on Foot Gear page )
6412 - Philadelphia Quartermaster Depot Label
trousers are darker OD than depicted in the pictures
6412B - 32 x 31, 2 rear-pockets with “V” cut flaps with glove-snaps closures, overlapping front flap closed with glove-snaps and a large metal “fireman-type buckle marked with an Anchor (similar Maker mark on Vietnam era buckles), metal suspender buttons with 13-stars, female glove-snaps on waist to hang a liner,
One, side Leather waist-adjuster, snaps made by “United Carr”, several storage marks/stains, never washed = Excellent Color, overall in 85% condition, minor wear, Used...inquire
( one person identified these as WWII Fireman Trousers so I will use that ID,
possibly used by the: Navy, Army, or Marines as the PQD did clothing for All the Services )
64xx - Field Trousers
6432 - WWII Airborne M-1943 Field Trousers
Army Modified
6432G - 28" x 27", label faded, Modifications: Large Olive-Gray heavyweight Canvas Cargo Pockets added with Straight Flaps, OG Tape Ties to keep the Cargo Pocket from moving when loaded, OG Poplin Flaps added to Back and Watch Pockets, minor fraying, Last-4 stamped on inside waistband, Used...(sold)
( see Catalog for more details on condition and etc. )
Open Right Cargo Pocket Closed Right Rear Pocket
( more detailed picfiles available, ask but be sure you have a GOOD ISP and e-mail Service )
- - - -
6436B, 6440T, & 6442Z - WWII Field Trousers
6436B - UnCommon Herringbone Twill (HBT)
6440T - Metal Buttons
6436B - HBT, size 36 x 30.5, gauze label missing, stamped label readable, washed once(?), Excellent Color, Used.......inquire
6440T - 13-Star Metal Buttons, size 36 x 32, dated 5 March 1945 (PQD 371-C), last-4 stamped inside waistband, inside pocket material made of HBT, small stain on leg, tiny cut on lower-leg, New-with-Storage-Marks, UnUsed.......inquire
6442Z - Waist adjustment Tabs face to the rear, size 34 x 32, dated Dec 4, 1944, label reads: “P. O. No. 8014 dated Dec. 4, 1944 Spec P.Q.D. No. 371-B Dated Feb. 29, 1944 Stock No. 55-T-34034-32(or 82?) Phila. Q. M. Depot made by Marion Garment CO.”, UnUsed....inquire
- - - -
6438A, H, R, and AC - First Pattern WWII Field Trousers
6438A - 35.5 x 32.5, labels faded, (Very Light Shade of OD, almost the shade of Mountain Trousers), very minor stains, small field-repair on seam, Used.......inquire
6438H - 34 X 30, Dated 1944, (P.D.Q. No. 371-B Dated Feb. 29, 1944 Type I), Brown stains on the Butt from storage (Looks like a Hot-Iron scorched the Butt(?)), New-with-Storage-Marks, UnUsed.......inquire
6438R - 34 x 32, labels faded, last-4, small repair on lower-leg, Used.......inquire
6438AC - 34 x 33 ½, labels faded or missing, small stains and snags, Used.......inquire
- - - -
6438P - M1943 Olive Green Field Trousers (1st Pattern)
6438P - 32 X 34, dated 1944, (PQD 371B), with Cutter's Tag, UnUsed........inquire
- - - -
6438AR, AS, AT, and AU - First Pattern WWII Field Trousers
6438AR - 34 x 30, dated Nov. 20, 1944, Spec. P.Q.D. No. 371B, minor stains, never washed, labels are in 100% condition, worn once and has mud and muddy waters splashes mainly on the lower legs, Used.......inquire
6438AS - 35+ x 29 ½ (hang label reads 36 x 30, an M43 with a hang label is unusual), Used.......inquire
6438AT - 35 x 31, labels faded, last-4, minor stains, Used.......inquire
6438AU - 34 x 29 ¾, labels faded, named inside on waistband, Excellent color, Used.......inquire
- - - -
Download Catalog for more Field Trousers, Catalog
6776A - WWII Navy Deck Jacket, NXsx 77139P contract
Material is similar to WWII Rayon cloth used on a few early USAAF B-15 Flyer's Jackets
Talon zippered front with overlapping Buttoned Windflap (the flap buttons are right-to-left but the zipper slide is on the normal side)
Sleeves have wrist knits inside for wind-protection
Pile collar & lining, 2 Front slash handwarmer-Pockets; Drawstring hem
Armpits have 4 x metal grommeted vent holes; 2 x water-drain holes on each side near hem
This is probably an UnCommon Deck jacket
6776A - Medium, contract number is from the WWII sequence with data I have for "NXSX" contract prefixes. Label reads: "NAVY DEPARTMENT Contract NXsx 77139P Size MEDIUM" (the first “7” was added later by hand), Hidden knits on each sleeve(see picfile), Talon Zipper with Buttons, Slash handwarmer Pockets, 4 metal grommeted ventitalation holes in each armpit, 2 metal grommeted water-drain holes on each side near hem, one tiny 1/16” hole on back of sleeve(see picfile), Very minor wear and stains, Used.....inquire
Chest = 41
Shoulder seam to seam = 18 ¾
Sleeve to end of cuff = 34
Back = 25 ¾
red "pointer" used denote the 1/16" hole in back of sleeve
6826F & G - M1942 U.S. Army Camouflage Coveralls
worn by U.S. Marines through late-1944
6826F - size 36R, M42 Camo "frog-skin" suit, could be a 6-digit serial number stamped in the neck(see picture), suspenders removed(common), very minor wear, washed once(?), overall condition is Excellent, Color Excellent, Used..........(sold)
Chest = 42
Sleeve = 33
6826G - no size stamp(see measurements below), Unusual as it has 13-star buttons on the upper pockets vice the normal glove-snaps, suspenders removed(very common), very minor wear, washed once(?), overall condition is Excellent, Color Excellent, Used......(sold)
I showed this suit to 10-12 Collector/Dealers at a recent Militaria show and none of them had ever seen one with 13-star buttons.
Chest = 42
Sleeve = 32+
6826F 6826G
6826F 6826G
picture on the right - notice the unusual 13-star buttons on upper pockets
6826F - possible 6-digit serial number stamped inside collar
7352H - WWII Mountain-Ski Boots
( UnUsual size - approximately a Modern 9 Wide )
( named to the Ski Trooper - F. O'Brien )
see on Fott Gear page
7356 - Snow Camouflage Items
Vintage Unknown
7356C - White Pullover with fixed Hood made of heavyweight cotton material, approximate size Medium (chest = 48”+ ), with tie-tapes at front and rear of neck area(?), horizontal heavyweight OD tape on back of neck is sewn at both ends to form a 3” loop(?), Draw-strings at Hem and Cuffs, 2 front-lower pockets with flaps, ( no label or stamps = vintage is unknow ), less than Average stains, Used......inquire
7360 - 7367, Trigger-Finger Mittens
7360A - dated 7 August, 1951, UnUsed........inquire
7360B - dated 20 April, 1953, New-with-storage-Marks(NWSM), UnUsed........inquire
7366A - Medium, dated 1984, minor wear, Used........inquire
7366B - Medium, dated 1987, GI's last name neatly written on OG Cloth, UnUsed........inquire
7366E - Medium, dated 1952, MIL-M-810A, DA 11-009 QM 17389, NWSM, UnUsed........inquire
7367D - older OD Wool Inserts, size Medium, UnUsed........inquire
7367F - OG Wool Inserts, size Medium, dated 1988, UnUsed........inquire
7367H - OG Wool Inserts, size Medium, dated 1984, UnUsed........inquire
USMC WWII Camouflage items
7450A - UnUsual Camo Shirt
made at Mendocino State Hospital in California - 1959
7450A - size "L" (chest = 48", sleeve = 34"+, back = 28.5"), dated "11 59" (November 1959), 2 holes & 2 snags ( ask for pics if serious ), made of high-quality WWII Marine camo pattern material, buttons are handsewn, Excellent color, Used.....inquire
( 1" hole in back with one very-small snag...left shoulder has a 7/8" hole and a 5/16" snag )
( I have talked to two dealer/collectorsthat have owned shirts like this; 2 x shirts had no maker's label and 1 had a label by a civilian manufacturer(name unknown) )
( also on USMC Gear page )
- - - -
7510M and N, P-1944 REV CAMO Shirt & Trousers
from same veteran
7510M - Shirt, “38 2C” (the 2C is the old size markings I believe), minor paint stains (see pictures), stenciled Corporal Stripes, left-breast pocket female portion of snap was out-of-round….I adjusted it and now the snap will close with great force=needs more adjustment(see picture), Excellent color, not much wear, maybe washed once or twice(?), Used....(sold)
Chest = 46
Shoulder seam to seam = 19
Shoulder seam to end of cuff = 25
Sleeves = 33.5
7510N - Trousers, size 32.5” x 31.5”, cords missing from waist and cuffs(normal), 1 x rear-waist grommet missing(see picture), Excellent color , not much wear, washed once or twice(?), Used.....(sold)
stencilled Corporal Stripes damaged female snap on left-breast pocket
paint stains on cuff and shirt front size label in neck area
missing grommet on back
7510R - P1944 Camouflage Shirt
Mint Condition P44 shirt except only one metal Button was installed and no button holes were made
7515D - Camo Clothing Bag
7510R - SHIRT, stamped 38, Never worn, has the Marine’s Last Name and Initial stencilled in the neck area, the glove-snaps for the inside pockets are fully functional, as-New, Used....(sold)
Chest = 44
Sleeve = 34+
7515D - WWII Camouflage Clothing BAG, approximate size 22” x 45”, “Streamline Prentice” silver-tone Zipper, has snags and small paint stains, probably never used, never washed, Used...(sold)
only one button installed - no button holes cut
7822 - M1942 Sage Green HBT Fatigue JACKET
First Pattern worn after the Blue Denim fatigues were discontinued
Specification # P.Q.D. No. 45 (probably other Spec. #s)
CLIPPED Corners on Pocket Flaps-pockets with pleats
Bi-swing pleats on Back
Waist Adjuster Tabs with Metal Slides
Metal (13 Star) Buttons
Some Shirts are made of Olive Drab HBT
(see Doughboy to GI Book, page 71)
- - - -
7822B/G/K/P/R/T/U - M42 Sage Green Fatigue Shirt
Individual Pictures below
7822B - M/R (label faded), name neatly stencilled inside waist band, different last-4 stencilled below collar, 5/8" snag on right arm near armpit, minor paint stains, rust stains inside neck, Used.....inquire
Chest = 44
Waist = 42
Shoulder-to-Shoulder Seam = 19+
Sleeve = 33+
Back = 29+
7822G - 36L (stamped inside in neck area), Very Minor rust stains in shoulder area, Used.......inquire
Chest = 42+
Waist = 40
Shoulder-to-Shoulder Seam = 19
Sleeve = 33
Back = 28 1/2
7822K - Olive Drab, 42R(stamped in neck and on the pocket Hang label), dated 1941, Hang Label reads: "OAK BRAND MFG. CO. Cont. W-669-qm-13576, Dated Oct. 3, 1941, Stock No. 55-J-460, Spec. P.Q.D. No. 45, Phila. Q. M. Deport 42-R", wrinkled (was rescued from a 1,000 pound bale in the Rag-Mill), NWSM, UnUsed.......inquire
Chest = 46+
Waist = 46+
Shoulder-to-Shoulder Seam = 20
Sleeve = 35+
Back = 29
7822R - M/L ((label washed-out - see measurements), many stains(looks like the Veteran was in the "mo-pool" or worked on his car), Used.......inquire
( perfect for a Re-enactor with a Military Vehicle )
Chest = 42
Waist = 44
Shoulder-to-Shoulder Seam = 20 1/2
Sleeve = 34 1/4
Back = 22 1/2
7822T - M/L (no label - see measurements), minor shadow where an 82nd Airborne Division SSI was neatly removed, Staff Sergeant Stripes (OD embroidered on Black Felt(Wool)), maybe worn 1-2 times, I had the shirt dry-cleaned, Excellent + Condition and Color, Used.......inquire
( The seller I got it from said he was the one that had removed the 82nd SSI and ARC )
Chest = 43
Waist = 43
Shoulder-to-Shoulder Seam = 20 1/4
Sleeve = 35 1/2
Back = 29+
7822U - XL/L (label washed-out - see measurements), Last-4 marked twice in the neck area, small Yellow-on-Blue Staff Sergeant Stripes, never had other badges, 3 x small light-rust stains, maybe washed twice, Excellent+ Color and Condition, VERY-MINOR wear, Used.......inquire
Chest = 49+
Waist = 51+
Shoulder-to-Shoulder Seam = 21 1/4
Sleeve = 35+
Back = 29 1/4
7822B and 7822G
7822K Shirt and Pocket Hang Label
7822P and 7822R
7822T Staff Sergeant's ex-82nd Airborne Division Shirt
7822T CloseUp and Airborne Tab and 82nd ABD SSI shadows on left sleeve
7822U M42 Jacket with SSG rank - Last-4 visible in neck area
7825 - OD-7 "Special" HBT Shirt
7825E - 36R, dated faded, part of printed label reads: “Jacket Herringbone Twill OD -7 Special”, cuffs have a “button-adjustment”, Gas-Flap sewn-back at Factory, washed with a piece of paper in the right-pocket (= lots of fuzz in that pocket - you will have to pick-out), Very Minor wear(if any), small rust stains on bottom-left near hem (ask for picfile), gas-flap sewn-back, Used....inquire
7848AH, M-1947 OG-107 Cotton Sateen Shirt
7848AH. Medium(6405-268-8062), dated 1958 (DA-36-243-QM(CTM)-2581, O.I. 1700-C-58), Factory sewn Yellow-on-Black Army Tape, been stored in a duffle bag for 50 years=needs to be pressed, NWSM
Chest = 46
Shoulder to shoulder seams = 19 ¾
Sleeve from shoulder seam to end of cuff = 24 ½
Sleeve length (center of neck to end of cuff) = 34 ½
Back = 30+
more #7848 shirts available along with trousers, for information download the Catalog
7850AA - 1st Pattern Cotton OG-107 2-pocket Shirt
First Pattern, Per Stanton's Vietnam Book page 73,
( probably a variation of the M-1947 (catalog #7848) but made of Lighter-Weight Cotton (8.5oz.) ),
OD Flat Plastic Buttons ( Top and 2nd Buttons Unevenly Spaced) ),
2 White Printed Labels:
Hanging Neck Label with Size and Stock Number ( No Sleeve Length )
Sewn-in Bottom Label with Contract Number, Date, and etc.
7850AA - Medium, dated 1962 (DSA-1-617-C-62), UnUsed......inquire
( also on Army Gear & RVN - 1975 page )
- - - -
7850AB - Pilot's Tube Sleeve OG Shirt
The old style OG-107s had plenty of room in the sleeves!
7850AB - No labels, approximate size L/R ( Chest = 45”+, sleeve = 33” ), subdued: California Guard left SSI, Artillery Branch(2nd branch), stamped name Tape, Army tape has the OG Border, Captains’s Rank and Pilot’s Badge are on a very light color cloth and embroidered with a “silver-color” thread, Used.....(sold)
( also on 1st Army Aviation page )
- - - -
several Tube Sleeve shirts in stock - see the Catalog
7860 - Last Pattern of Cotton OG-107 Shirts
see pictures and verbage below
damage to upper-front
7860CJ - 15 1/2 x 33, dated 1974, Epaulets added & has been tailored, original subdued patches: 2nd ID Left SSI & 101ST A/B Combat SSI, Green Leadership Loops, Both Tapes, SFC Rank, CIB, Airborne Badge, & ROK Ranger patch, top button broken ( still functional ), damage to upper-front, neck label needs to be re-sewn, Used.....inquire
( R.O.K.M.C. = "Republic of Korea, Marine Corps" )
- - - -
7860DR - 13 ½ x 32, (dated 1960's), subdued patches: Tapes, Parachutist's Badge, Captain's Rank, and Infantry Branch, "FOLLOW ME" on left SSI(2nd or 3rd SSI), bottom label needs to be re-sewn, Used.....inquire
( comes with Trousers & Camo Boonie Hat (K-Mart Asian made quality) with Metal "E 65" Crossed-Rifles (E Company/65th Infantry Regiment), Airborne Tab above crossed-rifles. Boonie has name and SSN inside(see pic). E/65th is a Puerto Rican ANG Long Range Patrol/Ranger Company from San Juan)
- - - -
7860DX - USN Experimental Diving Unit
7860DX - approximate size is 15 ½ x 33 (no size label), dated 1968, (probably an Officer's shirt as there is a wide-shadow on the right-collar that would match a “full-Lieutenant's” rank -- no shadow on left-collar?), Large (8+ inches) Black stencil on the back depicting a Navy Diver's Badge, Color cut-edge "Experimental Diving Unit” “United States Navy” patch, Black-on-White Name & "SUBMEDCEN" tapes, Excellent Color and Condition, Used.....inquire
("SUBMEDCEN" may expand to submarine medical center, or etc.?? )
( also on: Navy Gear & Brown Water Navy pages )
- - - -
7860EP and EQ Special Forces OG-107 Shirts
listed on SF patch page - click on picture for details
- - - -
7860EU to FD - OG-107 Cotton Fatigue Shirts
10 x Cotton Shirts in UnUsed Condition, see Catalog for details
- - - -
7860FE - 100% Cotton Shirts, 1967, by Foster Industries, INC.
3 x size SMALL Fatigue Shirts, Stock number 8405-781-8946, New Condition=original folds
7860FE - 14 ½ x 33, dated 1967 (DSA 100-67-C-3716), by Foster Industries, INC., stk# 8405-781-8946, US Army tape neatly removed, UnUsed......inquire
7860FF - 14 ½ x 33, dtd 1967 (DSA 100-67-C-3716), by Foster Industries, INC., stock number 8405-781-8946, Army tape neatly removed, UnUsed.....inquire
7860FG - 14 ½ x 33, 1967 (DSA 100-67-C-3716), Foster Industries, INC., stk# 8405-781-8946, US Army tape neatly removed, New
( see 49029D for replacement U. S. Army tapes on the Army Ground Forces MAIN Patch page )
below picfile (top-portion) shows the shadow where Army tape was removed
7860FH - Extra-Large Cotton Man's OG-107 Fatigue Shirt
7860FH - 17 1/2 x 34, dated 1968 (contract DSA 100-68-C-0797), made by U & W MFG. CO., INC., UnUsed.......inquire
7880M & 7882R - OG-107 Cotton Trousers
circa 1964 - 1965
#7880 has waist tabs.....#7882 does not
7880M - 38 x 33, dated 1964, UnUsed.....(sold)
7882R - 38 x 33, dated 1965, UnUsed......inquire
( see #7852-54 for matching OG-107 Shirts )
( download Catalog for other sizes )
7884CE and CD - Olive Green-107 Cotton Fatigue Trousers
7884CD - 30 x 29, dated 1973, UnUsed......inquire
7884CE - 30 x 31, dated 1975, UnUsed......inquire
also shown on Army Gear page
7885B - label reads 32 x 31 (actual size is 30” x 31.5”), dated 1972, named inside, field repairs and 1-hole, left rear pocket has been removed (flap still present), excellent color, Used in Good Condition........inquire
(Styled like #7884 with: 4-Pockets, Large Convex Buttons, Button Fly, No Waist Tabs, made by the DPSC)
(2nd pair of Brown Dominant Camouflage trousers I have seen; both had the same contract number/date,
both pair came from the Dallas area so I assume they might have been tested at Fort Hood(?))
7886AQ - OG-107 Cotton Fatigue TROUSERS (Zipper Fly)
Last style of OG-107s made - Use with #7860 Shirts
Some have a “jean” style waistband; most will have the standard 2-ply waistband
trousers' color is closer to the bottom picfile - the flash lightened the top picture
7886AQ - 32 x 33, dated 1968, UnUsed.......inquire
79xx Jungle Clothing
7916 and 7917 - USN Issue Lightweight Jungle Fatigues
Worn by Naval and Army Personnel
For Army use:
sew-on a Yellow/Black "U.S. ARMY" Tape over the "U.S.N." stamp
Army Tapes available on the Main Army Ground Forces Patch page
- - - -
7916A to Q - USN Lightweight Jungle Shirts
Lightweight, 2-Pockets (NO pocket Flaps) with Button-Closure. "U.S.N." stencilled on Left Pocket, Button cuffs.
7917A - USN Lightweight Jungle Trousers
Lightweight, 4-Pockets, Button Waist Tabs & Fly, Exposed Button rear-Pocket Flaps
Trousers are extremely UnCommon as the thin material wore-out quickly
7916A - Size 15, Contract NXsx 63754, Yellow-on-Black Woven "U. S. ARMY" Tape sewn-on Left Pocket (hides the "USN" stamp), UnUsed.....inquire
7916B - Size 15, Contract NXSX-84257, small OG buttons, Yellow-on-Black Woven "U. S. ARMY" Tape sewn-on Left Pocket (hides the "USN" stamp) (tape is not sewn level-see picture below), very-minor wear and Excellent color, Used......(sold)
Chest = 43+
Shoulder seam to seam = 19
Sleeve = 33 1/2
Back = 31+
7916C - Small, Stamped on Right-Breast: "AKA 12" and "23", Used......inquire
AKA 12 = USS Libra (Attack Transport from February 1943 into the 1950s)
23 = internal ship number for equipment
7916F - Size 15 (Small) Short-Sleeves, Contract NXsx 55586, Names of the 2 previous owners neatly stamped on the Shirt-tails, last-4, White HBT: Name and "SEABEE" Tapes (Small round Color Cut-edge Seabee Insignia in the center of the SEABEE Tape), Used......inquire
7916K - Size 16, Contract NXsx-83000, UnUsed.....inquire
7916P - size 15 ½, Contract NXSX66642, UnUsed.....inquire
( contract may be from the late 1944 to 1945 era(?) )
7916Q - size 15 ½, Contract NXSX66642, UnUsed.....inquire
7917A -TROUSERS, Medium (33 X 30 – could be let-out to 31” inseam), small hang label “M”, small brown buttons, cloth button-waist-adjuster tabs, rear pockets have button flaps, “mama-san” laundry mark thread, Excellent color and condition, Used.....(sold)
( also on Brown Water Navy page )
pictures of 7916B Shirt and 7917A Trousers
CloseUp of 7916 Shirts
7918x - Sample of a Shirt Neck Label
7917A - USN Lightweight Jungle Trousers, waist adjusters
- - - -
7916R - United States Navy WWII Lightweight Jungle Shirt
circa 1944 - 1945 due to the contract number "NSXS63880"
7916R - size 16, minor white stains(some will scratch-off with a finger nail = possibly paint), wrinkled, Used....inquire
Chest = 44
Sleeve = 33+
Back = 33
reads "NSXS63880"
7918 - Vietnam era PX Purchase LTWT Jungle Shirts
DOD Approved 2-Pocket Cotton Shirts Sold by the Post Exchanges (PX, BX, etc.) due to the shortage of Issue Jungle Fatigues
The Cholon PX (Saigon) sold these Items in early-1967; from my Personal experience
similar to Item #7916, but PX Shirts have Pocket Flaps and Tube Sleeves
7919 - Vietnam era PX Purchase LTWT Jungle Trousers
Trousers have 4-Pockets with exposed-Button Flaps on Rear Pockets
7918A - Medium (Label removed), Excellent Condtion, Used....inquire
7918B - Medium, made by Trooper, subdued: Major's Rank and 32nd Infantry Branch Insignia, left SSI is a 5th Army with a Ranger Tab, Combat SSI is a 1st Aviation Brigade Both Tapes, EIB, Senior Pilot's Wing, Basic Parachutist's Badge, minor wear, Used....inquire
7918C - Medium, No Label, Local Made Army Tape removed, all other badges neatly removed, excellent condition, Used....inquire
7918D - Small, made by BVD, minor stains, not much wear, Used....inquire
7918E - Medium, No Labels, minor snags on collar, not much wear, Used....inquire
7918H - Medium, made by Trooper, Unused....inquire
7918I - Medium, made by BVD, Unused....inquire
7918J - Medium, made by BVD, Unused....inquire
7918K - Medium, made by Trooper, Unused....inquire
7918L - Medium, made by Trooper, Unused....inquire
7918Q - Large, No label, Subdued: Ryukiyu CMD Left SSI and Local made Army Tape, Name Tape and collar rank neatly removed, tiny snag in upper back near collar, not much wear, 2 x front buttons missing, Used....(sold)
Chest = 47
Shoulder seam to seam = 19 3/4
Sleeve = 32 1/2
Back = 29 1/2
Hem = 51
7918V - Extra-Large (XL), made by Louis Aronoff Co., still has the price tag (see label picfile below), cheese cloth label is torn, maybe worn once(?), “Light-whitish” stains (sweat or water(?) - see pics), wrinkled, Used......inquire
Largest PX Jungle shirt I have seen
Chest = 50+
Shoulder seam to seam = 21+
Sleeve = 35 1/2+
Back = 31 3/4
Hem = 52+
7918Z - Medium (label cut-off, from the remnant color probably a Trooper), short-sleeve USAF CMD Pilot’s Shirt, subdued Hand Embroidered: Colonel’s Eagles, Command Pilot’s Badge, & “U.S. AIR FORCE” Tape. Machine embroidered Name Tape, Excellent Condition, Used....inquire
7919A - 36 x 30, Zipper Fly, no markings, washed-once(?), minor wear, Used....inquire
7918A-E, Lightweight PX Jungle Shirts
7918B - Army Senior Pilot, 32nd Infantry Regiment
7918V - Extra-Large, whitish stains on sleeve and back
7918V - Extra-Large, labels
7918Z - USAF Command Pilot
- - - -
7918AB - 1st Cavalry Division PX Shirt
7918AB - Approximate size M/R (neck label removed), buttoned-cuffs have been added, Subdued cloth insignia: LTC rank, General Staff Branch, Master Pilot’s Badge, both Tapes local-made on twill, issue 1st Cavalry Division Combat SSI, & issue twill MACV duty SSI, Used.....inquire
(also on 1st CAVDIV section of RVN to 1975 page)
- - - -
7918AC, AD, & AE - PX OG Jungle Shirts by Aronoff and Trooper
7918AC - Medium, by Louis Aronoff CO. “Good Luck Fatigues”, “8217 BJ 220, 100% Cotton, UnUsed......inquire
Chest = 44
Shoulder seam to seam = 19 ¼
Sleeve = 33 ½
Hem = 44
7918AD - Medium, by Louis Aronoff CO. “Good Luck Fatigues”, “8217 FJ-433”, “RN 32027”, UnUsed......inquire
Chest = 44
Shoulder seam to seam = 19 ¼
Sleeve = 33 ½
Hem = 44
7918AE - Medium, by Trooper “Guaranteed Fatigues”, 100% Cotton, RN 19774, brownish “crusty-stuff” on/above right pocket flap(I scraped most of it off with my thumb-nail – ask for picfile), NWSM, UnUsed......inquire
Chest = 44
Shoulder seam to seam = 19
Sleeve = 33 ½
Hem = 43
7918AC - Label 7918AE - Label
- - - -
( see Catalog for Private Purchase and Navy Issue Jungle Shirts/Trousers )
7922BQ and 7924AK - 1st Pattern Jungle Fatigue
7922BQ - M/R (chest = 46 sleeve = 35), dated 1964, color CE Special Forces & Airborne Arc, subdued: LTC & Infantry Branch, Basic Parachutist’s Badge, and Both Tapes, very minor wear, no laundry marks, Used.....(sold)
7924AK - M/L (waist = 34 inseam = 33 1/2), dated 1964, has the desireable SHINY Dark Green Buttons, Excellent Color, Minor wear, Used....inquire
POPLIN Jungle Trousers
7924Y (1st), 7928J (2nd), & 7932 (3rd) Patterns
sample pics of differences in patterns
7924Y - S/R, Dated 1964, with Gas Flap & Cargo Straps, minor snag on butt, Used.....inquire
7928J - S/S, dated 1965 (DSA-100-561), with Gas Flap & Cargo Straps, “K-14” laundry mark inside waist band, 2 minor snags on butt, washed 2-3 times, Excellent Color, Used......inquire
7932BR - S/S, dated 1967, UnIssued, UnUsed......inquire
1st & 2nd Patterns have Gas Flaps and Cargo Straps
( some GIs removed these items and some 2nd Patterns were NOT made with these features )
1st and 2nd Patterns have Button Waist Tabs Adjusters; 3rd Pattern have a metal slide adjuster
7922 - "Exposed Button" Poplin Jungle items
1st Pattern Olive Green POPLIN Jungle Coat (Shirt)
7922A to W - see Catalog for details
- - - -
7922AA to AN - see Catalog for details
- - - -
7922BA to BG - see Catalog for details
- - - -
7922A - Paratrooper's First Pattern Jungle Shirt
SSM Jamison awarded the: Silver Star, Bronze Star, & 2 Purple Hearts
( I have copies of his DD-214 & 2 other documents )
7922A - Staff Sergeant Major, 3rd Army SSI, Master Parachutist's Badge, Both Tapes, minor stains, comes with paperwork, should be an easy research, Used......inquire
I have copies of 2 documents from the Veteran's paperwork: DD-214 and ARCOM Award
He was a veteran of WWII & Korea and held the Silver Star, Bronze Star and Purple Heart with One Oak Leaf Cluster
( probably served in Vietnam but I don't have anything stating that)
His last assignment was with the 18th ABN Corps in the Dominican Republic in 1965
- - - -
7922BK - Jungle Shirt
7922BK - S/R, dated 1964, washed 3-4 times, Excellent Color, minor white stains on back ( could be paint, toothpaste, or ? ), Very-minor wear, Used....inquire
( see above for his Tiger Stripe shirt, 4126G )
labels and stains on back of shirt
- - - -
7922BP - Mint First Pattern Shirt
7922BP - M/R, dated 1963, UnUsed..........(sold)
( also on RVN to 1975 page )
7922BT - Special Forces Man's Combat Tropical Coat
7922BT - S/R (chest = 43 sleeve = 33), dated 1964, Cut-edge(CE) Color badges: Special Forces CE SSI with CE “AIRBORNE” arc (both blue edged), local made twill Name Tape with twill Army tape, Hand-embroidered CIB and Basic Parachutist’s Jump badge, Specialist Five rank, black stains on left cuff(see pic), washed 4-5 time, Excellent Color and very minor wear, all 3 labels resewn, Used........inquire
Hand-embroidered badges stains on cuff
7924 - First PAT Exposed Button Jungle Trousers
7924A to AQ - see Catalog for details
- - - -
7924AG - Large/Regular 1st PATs
Decent pair of trousers for the re-enactor who wants to look “real”; not for the Parade Ground Trooper!
7924AG - L/R, Dated 1964, named inside, Average: fraying, stains, snags, and etc., still have the cargo-pocket tie-down straps, Used....(sold)
- - - -
7924AK to BA see Catalog for details
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7924AQ - 1st Pattern Jungle Trousers
New Condition
7924AQ - Small Long, dated 1963, UnUsed.......inquire
- - - -
7924BB - 1st Pattern cut-offs
perfect for the "old Salt" that has "grown" since Vietnam
7924BB - Large/Regular Cut-Offs (Bermuda shorts/etc.), dated 1964, several patches, Army light-green paint stains, labels in great condition, Used......inquire
- - - -
7924BD - 1st Pattern Jungle TRS
cargo pocket tie-down strap shown - stains on left-side
7924BD - M/R, dated 1963, good color, minor black stains on left-butt ( see picfile above ), 2 small snags on front of right-leg by bottom of cargo pocket ( see picfile below ), Used......inquire
2 x snags on right-leg by cargo pocket
( see catalog for details on the 7922 & 7924 Jungles )
7926 - 2nd Pattern POPLIN Jungle Fatigue SHIRTS
Shirts with: Epaulets, Button Waist Tabs and Gas Flap
- - - -
7926E, DA, DF(sold), & DH - 2nd Pattern OG POPLIN Jungle Shirts, check Catalog for details
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7926N - 2nd Pattern Olive Green POPLIN Jungle Shirt
uncommon Large/Regular 2nd PAT
7926N - L/R, dated 1965 (DSA 100-740), Named over left breast pocket and inside(inside names have not bled-through), all 3 labels need to be resewn(all ledgible), good color, Used....inquire
named twice inside, marker did not bleed through to outside
only 2 rub-marks all 3 labels need to be resewn
- - - -
7926DK - USO Worker's 2nd Pattern Badged Jungle Shirt
Vietnamese made 13th CAB patch on right SSI
( see details on RVN era to 1975 page, near top )
7926DM - Man's Tropical Combat Coat with epaulets
2nd Pattern Olive Green Jungle Shirt
7926DM - M/L, dated 1965 (DSA-100-1387), large instruction label needs resewn on one-edge, brownish stains on lower-right-front(some covered when front is buttoned), very-minor shadow where the Army tape was removed (no other badges ever sewn-on), had pin-on collar rank, decent shirt, Used........inquire
- - - -
7926DN - Epaulets, Gas Flap, & Waist Tabs
7926DN - M/R, dated 1965 (DSA 100-740), stock # 8405-082-5569, still has the Gas Flap, a “half-circle” was cut out of the gas flap edge, 1/8” dark stain, 1/8” hole in back of left-shoulder, upper-left sleeve seam was not properly rolled-under when sewn(see pics), never had badges, Good Color, Used....inquire
Chest = 46
Shoulder seam to seam = 19+
Sleeve = 33+
Back = 31 1/2
Disregard the label on this shirt - it is 7926DN
1/2 circle out of gas flap, sleeve seam not rolled-under well, and 1/8" hole in shoulder
7928B, G(sold), & J - 2nd Pattern OG POPLIN Jungle Trousers
Trousers with Button Waist Tabs and Gas Flap
7928B, G(sold), & J - 2nd Pattern OG Jungle Trousers, see Catalog for pricing and stock
Gas Flap and Waist Tab adjuster
7930 - 3rd Pattern POPLIN Shirts
- - - -
7930CE & CI - 4th ID and US Navy
7930CE - M/R, 1966, Subdued: cut-edge: USARV left SSI and Issue 4th ID combat SSI, both Tapes made in Vietnam, Captain & Infantry Branch insignias, ARVN & U.S. Senior Parachutist’s Badges, neck & bottom labels resewn, “L”shaped tear on back hand-repaired (3/4” x 5/8”), Used.......inquire
7930CI - M/S, “Salty Looking” Navy shirt from Vietnam, Contract 7297, Vietnam made Subdued U. S. NAVY and Name Tapes (nice matching pair; have started fading to grayish), never had rank on sleeve or collar, both labels resewn, repair on back of left sleeve, left-lower pocket repaired, right sleeve cuff repaired, starting to fray on the front(see picture), Average amount of: stains, scuffs, wear, and etc., Used.....inquire
7930CE - closeup of badges and the "L" shaped repair on back
7930CI - fraying on button-line and repair on lower-left pocket
- - - -
7930CR and 7932AQ - Shirt and Trouser to compare for a SET
7930CR - M/R, dated 1966 (DSA 100-4232), small snags(1/8” or less) on: lower-back, lower-right pocket, & back of left sleeve, dull-black stains on: back 7” up from hem and upper-left pocket/flap (see pictures), Excellent color, Used....(sold)
Chest = 45
Shoulder seam to seam = 19
Sleeve = 33 3/4
Back = 31 1/2
7932AQ - M/R, dated 1966 (DSA-100-4270), "MED" stamp on inside of waist band (no white label?), part of the Contract and Instruction Label has been neatly blacked-out(can be read) and a large “54” printed on the label(cound be a laundry mark(?)), legs pegged 1" (18" circumference) (not your typical Vietnamese workmanship; the peg was neatly done by folding-over the cloth and sewing it), waist pegged, dull white stains on legs(almost looks like mama-san’s abundant starch application(?)), very minor abrasion below right-cargo pocket, Excellent Color, Used....(sold)
Waist = 34 ½
Inseam = 31
7930CR stains
7930CR snags
7932AQ stains on legs 7932AQ size stamp and Label
- - - -
7930CV & CW - Special Forces Sergeant’s Shirts
7930CV - XS/R, dated 1967, Color Issue: SF SSI with Airborne Tab(sewn-on by hand), SFC Stripes, and CIB (patches & rank are cut-edge except for Airborne Tab), Local made Tapes, Excellent Color, neck label loose on 1-edge, bottom label loose on 2-edges (both labels still in good condition), Used...inquire
( Both shirts marked inside with a "6" denoting what location his bunk was in, in the hut )
7930CW - XS/R, dated 1967, Special Forces Sergeant’s Shirt, Color Issue: SF SSI with Airborne Tab, SFC Stripes, and CIB (patches & rank are cut-edge except for Airborne Tab), Issue subdued Tapes, minor stains on back ( see picture ), Excellent Color, Used...inquire
stains on the back of 7930CW
( also on htm, SF, and NA pages )
- - - -
7930EW and 7932CE - 3rd Pattern POPLIN Jungle Fatigues
Comparing the OG Shades of a Shirt and Trousers in case you need a SET
Although everything in the Military is supposed to be Uniform, most fatigue items are not = every bolt-of-cloth is different!
7930EW - M/R, dated 1967 (DSA 100-67-C-1909), very minor staining on chest(see picture), worn once(?) then washed/starched/ironed, looks new at 5 paces, Excellent-plus Color/Condition, Used.....inquire
Chest = 46+
Shoulder seam to seam = 19
Sleeve = 35
Back = 32 3/4
7932CE - M/L, dated 1967 (DSA 100-67-C-3345), maker’s: “BACKS CONTROL” tag still stapled to the inside of the left-leg and “HIP PKT. FLaPS” Stapled to right-rear pocket flap, Pocket Flaps never buttoned, just wrinkled from improper storage, MINT, A Rare pair of Trousers, UnUsed....inquire
Waist = 34 ¼
Inseam = 33 1/2
7930EW - spots on chest
7932CE - Factory "Control" tags
- - - -
7930EZ - VNAF Advisor's Uniform
7930EZ - S/R (tailored), dated 1967, USAF Advisor's Shirt with Badges: Color Dai Uy Rank made in Vietnam, Subduded: Hand-embroidered VNAF Insignia and machine embroidered Tapes, U.S. Rank removed from collar, comes with Poplin Jungle Trousers, Used.....inquire
( Cap NOT included in above catalog number - see his local made Baseball Cap ( #3300T ) with Captain's Rank sewn-on )
( also on USAF Advisors page )
- - - -
7930FC - Engineer's 3rd Pattern Shirt
7930FC - S/R, dated 1967, with local made subdued Tapes and color Vietnam made pocket patch “RAT PATROL 34TH ENGR MST”, minor wear, excellent color, Used....(sold)
( also on RVN - 1975 page )
- - - -
7930FD - Special Forces and 18th MP BDE shirt
shirt in rough, recycled, condition - value is in the Vietnamese made SF patch and Tab
7930FD - M/R, dated 1967, Vietnam made subdued: Special Forces SSI and Airborne arc, 18th MP BDE, and both tapes, frayed-through at the collar, all labels present but loose, re-cycled (has had other badges), rough condition, value is in the Patches, below average condition, Used.....inquire
( also on SF page )
- - - -
7930FF - XL Shirt and Trousers
Items came from the same Veteran
7930FF - XL/R, Contract No. 8115, washed 1 time, soiled around neck, Excellent Color, that is not a black-stain in the picture at the bottom-left, Used......inquire
3508BN - camo pullover.......(sold)
7932CD - waist label removed (waist 37" – 44” x inseam 32” = XL/R ), probably never washed but has been worn, Near-new, Used......inquire
- - - -
7930FH - 101st ABN DIV Jungle Shirt
7930FH - M/R, dated 1967, Color (Velvet-panel) 101st Airborne Division left SSI and Basic Parachutist’s Badge, Subdued Tapes(name is local made) and “101” RECONDO patch on left-pocket, washed twice(?), near-new color, looks like a “going-home” shirt, Used.....(sold)
(also on 101st ABD patch page)
- - - -
7930FI - OG POPLIN Jungle Shirt, SP4 Rank and other badges.jpg
7930FI - S/R, dated 1966 (DSA 100-4509), Subdued SP4 Rank, both tapes, 1st Logistics Command, Rank and Name on neck label, black stain on front(see in picture above the right-lower pocket near buttonline, looks like it might wash-out?), washed 3-4 times, near-New Color, Used......inquire
( also on RVN to 1975 Army Patch page )
- - - -
7930FK - IFFV cut-edge Issue SSI
7930FK - S/R, dated 1966 (DSA 100-4550), Subdued Cut-edge Issue IFFV left SSI, local made U.S. ARMY tape (matching Name tape neatly removed), SP4 stripes neatly removed and replaced with SP5 CE handsewn-on, Excellent color, Used
( see Army Ground Forces MAIN Patch page for replacement Name Tapes )
SSI is in 100% condition = bad picture
( also on RVN to 1975, Field Force section )
7932 - 3rd Pattern Poplin Trousers
Both are from the same Special Forces Veteran
7932CA - L/S, dated early-1966 (DSA 100-2226), UnUsed....inquire
7932CB - L/S, dated early-1966 (DSA 100-2226), UnUsed....inquire
- - - -
7932CF - 3rd PAT Olive Green POPLIN Jungle Trousers
7932CF - L/S ( waist range 29” – 37”+ x inseam 29 ½” ), dated 1966 (DSA 100-4237), washed 3-4 times, Excellent color, Used......inquire
- - - -
7932CG - Extra-Large, dated 1966
The right picfile is too Dark - color is very near the left picfile
7932CG - XL/R (waist range 36” – 42” x 31” inseam), dated 1966 (DSA 100-4365), washed once, Excellent Color, at 5 paces they look new, Used....inquire
- - - -
( a few more 3rd PAT POPLIN Shirts & Trousers in stock, see Catalog )
- - - -
some #7932 Trousers will have a "Jean" style waistband ( uncommon )
This pair of Trousers has the uncommon 'vertical" waist label; most hanging waist labels are the 'horizontal' style
7934 & 7935 - Rare ERDL POPLIN Camo
Catalog Numbers 7934 and 7935 are Wind Resistant Cotton POPLIN, NOT Ripstop
POPLIN items are expensive!
7935AF - M/L, dated 1967, UnUsed......(sold)
( see catalog for more Poplin Camo Items )
sample picture of Poplin Cloth
- - - -
(Right Picture is close to the true shades of this camo---left pic is too dark)
7934AV - Large/Regular, DPSC contract (no date), Excellent Condition.........inquire
7934BB - Large/Regular, DPSC contract (no date), Excellemt Condition........inquire
- - - -
7934BE - POPLIN ERDL Camo with a 53" Chest!
7934BE - X/L (chest = 53, shoulder to shoulder seam = 22+, sleeves = 37, back = 33), contract number 7384, Name Tape neatly removed, small 1/8” hole on underside of right sleeve (see picture), washed 5-6 times(?), Excellent Color, Used.....inquire
- - - -
7934BF - POPLIN ERDL Camo with a 45" Chest!
7934BF - M/L (chest = 45, shoulder to shoulder seam = 19+, sleeves = 34+, back = 32 3/4), DSA, DPSC, DIR OF MFG contract number 7384, neck label resewn, field repair on lower-left pocket, washed 3-4 times, Excellent Color, Used...inquire
neck label resewn
repair on lower-left pocket
- - - -
7934BG - ERDL Lime-Leaf Man's Coat WR POPLIN Camouflage
7934BG - M/R, (DSA, DPSC, Director of Manufacturing Contract Number 8248), both labels need to be resewn, very-minor dark stains on right-front, has been tailored (see measurements below), 1 tiny snag on right sleeve, very-minor brownish stains on back, Good Color, Used.........inquire
Chest = 41
Shoulder seam to seam = 19 1/4
Sleeve = 33
Back = 30 ½
- - - -
934BH - ERDL Lime-Leaf Camouflage, POPLIN Shirt(Coat)
7934BH. M/R, DPSC 8248, neck label needs to be re-sewn on 2-sides, not much wear, Excellent Plus color, Used....inquire
Chest = 45
Shoulder seam to seam = 19 1/4
Sleeve = 33 1/2
Back = 32 1/4
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Individual descriptive entries will not be added to the following items.
If you see an item you need, download the Catalog or ask for details.
7934A to K - POPLIN ERDL Lime-Leaf Camouflage Shirts
See Catalog for Descriptions
7934L to W - POPLIN ERDL Lime-Leaf Camouflage Shirts
See Catalog for Descriptions
7934AD to AV - POPLIN ERDL Lime-Leaf Camouflage Shirts
See Catalog for Descriptions
7934BB to BF - POPLIN ERDL Lime-Leaf Camouflage Shirtsx
See Catalog for Descriptions
7935B to AC - POPLIN ERDL Lime-Leaf Camouflage Trousers
See Catalog for Descriptions
Individual descriptive entries will NOT be added to the above items.
If you see an item you need, download the Catalog or ask for details.
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7935B - POPLIN Wind Resistant Cotton Camouflage Men's Trousers
Lime-Leaf ERDL, 100% Cotton POPLIN Camo TROUSERS - DSA 100-67-C-3959 by Glenn Berry MFRS., INC.
7935B - no size label (measurements 35 x 32 1/2), Zipper Fly, 2 x tiny snags and a small stain on leg (see pictures), Excellent Color and Condition, Used.....inquire
Waist adjusters taken-in = 31" --- waist adjuster let-out = 35"
Inseam = 32 1/2"
right picture - small round stain (5/16") on rear of left-lower-leg, just below the fold, in the Lime color area
right picture - 2 tiny snags on rear of right cargo pocket
- - - -
( see #7940 & 7942 items below for Ripstop Poplin Camo items )
( very few "DPSC" contracts had the dates on the labels; these boys seem to be a "power" within the DOD and could do about anything they wanted;
they were finally demobbed after Desert Storm, I think. )
- - - -
Related Item
9544 - USN Summer RVN Era Lime Leaf ERDL Flying Suit
MIL-C-5390G (Weps), made of Cotton POPLIN ERDL Camo, with Sage Green VELCRO and Brass Zippers
UnCommon Flight Suit
( see POPLIN Flight Suits on the Flight Gear page )
79.. - Poplin & Ripstop Camouflage Cotton Shirts
Camo Shirts from Left-to-Right:
7934AP Lime Poplin
7940KW Lime RipStop
7950DA Brown Dominant RIPSTOP 
( Olive Green, Lime and Brown-Dominant camo Shirts & Trousers plus some Boonies in stock)
( download the Catalog for more Jungle Fatigue listings )
7936I and J - Ripstop OG Jungle Shirt
3rd Pattern Jungle Fatigue
7936I - Medium/Long R/S shirt, dated 1970, UnUsed.....inquire
7936J - M/L, dated 1968 (DSA 100-68-C-2483....see label above), by Tellico MFG. CO., INC, New Condition, UnUsed......inquire
7936J -3rd Pattern RipStop Jungle Shirt - CloseUp
( over 200 OG Ripstop shirts & trousers logged in Catalog )
( also on Home and RVN era patch pages )
- - - -
7936BI and 7938FIME - Olive Green RIPSTOP Jungle Fatigue Set
J-Shirt & Trousers, both dated 1969, UnUsed......(SOLD)
- - - -
7936FU - First CAV with CIB and CMB
very-uncommon to wear the CIB and CMB together
7936FU - M/R, Dated 1968, 1 tiny and 1 small snags on back ( see picfile ), Subdued Issue Patches: USARV, Combat 1st Cavalry Division on Right SSI, CIB, Combat Medic's Badge, Both Tapes, SP4 Metal Rank on Collar, Used.....(sold)
(only one set of badges ever on the jacket, all machine stitched except U.S. Army tape which is sewn by hand with some very heavy thread – see pics for some inside stitching )
inside stitching for the Left-chest and both SSIs
- - - -
7936LH - SOG Jungle Shirt
click on picture for details
- - - -
7936LK - Medium/Regular with In-Country Tapes
7936LK - M/R, dated 1970, Local machine-made subdued Tapes, no trace of other insignia, washed/starched one time, (found in a rag-mill = wrinkles), worn-once?, EC+
( perfect for the re-enactor who wants to build on this “period” shirt )
- - - -
7936LP - 82nd Airborne Division Combat SSI
7936LP - S/S, dated 1968, Vietnam made subdued badges: velvet panel, 1-piece, combat 82nd Airborne Division/Airborne (partially hand-embroidered), 1st Logistic CMD on left SSI, velvet panel Buck Sergeant’s stripes, hand embroidered name tape, issue U.S. Army tape, original set of badges, below average: wear, scuffs and etc., Used.....inquire
( The tailor shop got the Buck Sergeant Stripes (background material mixed-up )
( also on 82nd ABD section of RVN-'75 page )
- - - -
7936LQ - 54" chest
7936LQ - XL/R (chest = 54”), dated 1969, small-hard to see spots on lower-back (see right picfile), UnUsed.......inquire
- - - -
7936LS - ASA Officer's Shirt from Pleiku
7936LS - M/R, dated 1969, 2LT & 1LT ranks & AIS Branch cloth badges neatly removed, color 3.5” DET-8, 330th RRC patch on left pocket(patch puckered from washing), IFFV combat SSI, all patches and tapes are original to the shirt, excellent color, Used...........inquire
( also on ASA patch page )
- - - -
7936LT - 54" Chest
This unit had some personnel in Vietnam - see the Automatic Data Field Systems Command (DET-4) patch on the Army RVN to 1975 patch page, Commands section
7936LT - XL/R (chest = 54, shoulders = 22, sleeves = 37, back = 34), dated 1968, New Condition but has a subdued Army Materials Command left SSI and subdued NYLON Army tape, still has the lanyards from an uncaring-tailor, New-with-Badges, UnUsed.......inquire
- - - -
7936LU - Large/Long, Chest = 52"
7936LU - L/L (chest = 52, shoulders = 20, sleeves = 36+, back = 34), dated 1968, storage mark/stain and 2 very-tiny abrasions on right shoulder, Never Worn, New-With-Storage-Marks, UnUsed....inquire
- - - -
7938LX - 82nd ABD & ARVN Armor Qualification Badge
7938LX - S/R, dated 1969, Subdued: Issue cut-edge twill MACV left SSI, merrowed-edge 82nd Airborne Division combat SSI with AIRBORNE arc, Captain’s rank and Armored Cavalry Branch insignia,Basic Parachutist’s wing, Vietnamese Armor Qualification Badge over right-pocket, local made tapes sewn-on with different thread than other badges, probably last-4 digits of his SN on lower label, bottom label loose on 1-side, washed 4-5 times, Excellent Color, Used......inquire
- - - -
7936LZ - made by Allen Overall CO. with "PRESS CORPS" Tape
7936LZ - S/R, date is blacked-out (might be 1967?), made by Allen Overall CO., INC., subdued Name Tape and “PRESS CORPS” (the tailor forgot to embroider the “S” on CORPS so the “S” was neatly applied with a Magic Marker, washed 3-4 times, Excellent Color, Used......(sold)
- - - -
7936MA - Special Forces Chaplain’s modified Ripstop Tropical Coat.JP
7936MA - M/R (chest = 43 sleeve = 34+), Special Forces Chaplain’s modified Ripstop Tropical Coat, subdued badges: ME SF SSI/AIRBORNE Tab, ME 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat SSI with Tab, CIB, Master parachutist Badge, and both tapes, Major and Chaplain’s badges, tailored on both sides, front buttons replaced with a Venus zipper with a button at the top and bottom, all pocket flaps have been sewn down, Good Color, Used....inquire
Some badges have been moved or exchanged:
Major's leaf replaced a larger sized rank (which was a Captain)
Left breast badges have been (moved or replaced – see pictures)
white thread on the right is the side-seam where it was tailored
7938 - Ripstop OG Jungle Trousers
3rd Pattern Jungle Fatigue
7938x - sample of a New Condition 3rd Pattern Ripstop Jungle Trousers.....inquire
( over 100 hundred pair in stock, check the Catalog for details )
Samples of #7938. Trouser labels, circa 1968 - 1969
- - - -
7938BI and EJ - OG RIPSTOP Jungle Trousers
7938BI - S/R, Dated 1969, tiny snag on butt, Used.......inquire
7938EJ - S/R, dated 1968, Washed once, Outstanding color(would pass for New at 5 paces), Used.......inquire
- - - -
7938BK, BL, CX, DF, & DV - 3rd Pattern Ripstop Jungle Trousers
I have many pairs of 3rd PAT R/S Trousers in stock - download the catalog for details
7938BK - S/L (actual size 31” x 33 3/4”), “salty pair” dated 1969, a few stains, 6-7 repairs (nothing major), for the “non-Honor Guard” re-enactor, Used....inquire
7938BL - S/L (actual size 32”+ x 33”), “salty pair”, no date label, started to fray on top of waist band, pockets, and etc., 5-6 repairs (nothing major), for the field re-enactor-not “Tops” favorite Trooper, Used....inquire
7938CX - S/L (actual size 32”+ x 33 1/2”), Excellent Color, dated 1969, nice pair, Used........inquire
7938DF - S/L (actual size 31”+ x 31 1/2”), Good Color, dated 1969, 6-7 minor field repairs (see the pics), 2-3 minor stains, 2-3 tiny snags, starting to fray on edge of front pockets, good pair for field re-enactors, Used.......inquire
7938DV - S/L (actual size 31”+ x 32” UNHEMMED), Excellent Color, if you are a Paratrooper re-enactor these are for you=you will NOT have to cut them off to tuck them into your boots, 2-3 tiny snags, 2-3 tiny stains, 1 x black 3/8” stain by the right cargo pocket on front of leg, a nice pair of Trousers, Used....inquire
7938BL - repairs on cargo pockets(3-4 other field repairs)
7938DF - small field repairs on rear (3-4 on front also)
- - - -
7938FMME - New Medium/Regular Trousers
7938FMME - M/R, dated 1969, Blemish in weave(see picture), New, UnUsed.....inquire
Waist = 36+
Inseam = 31 1/2
- - - -
7938GFME - 3rd Pattern RipStop Trousers(pants)
7938GFME - M/L, dated 1968 (DSA 100-68-C-2357), made by Winfield MFG, CO., New, UnUsed...inquire
- - - -
7938GVME - Ripstop OG R/S Jungle Trousers
7938GVME - L/S, dated 1969, washed 2-3 times, minor tiny-stains(see example on left leg), Excellent color, Used......inquire
7940 - Ripstop Lime-Leaf (ERDL) Camo Shirts
"Lime Dominant Camo"
7940x - samples of New Condition Shirts
- - - -
7940Q, Large/Long ERDL Lime-Leaf R/S Camouflage Man's Coat
7940EP, very-LARGE (52" Chest) Lime-Leaf Camouflage SHIRT
7940Q - L/L, dated 1970, marked “SALVAGE” inside collar (done by the Army when the shirt was turned into the DRMO for sale to the public - see in above picfile), both labels need to be resewn, 82nd ABD veteran’s shirt, SSI & Collar Rank neatly removed, never had Tapes, damage to both cuffs(see pics), a few snags (see pics), hem on skirt has minor fraying along hips (common for 100% R/S Cotton material) (see pics), minor fraying, Used.....(sold)
Chest = 46+
Shoulder-seam-to-seam = 19 3/4
Shoulder-seam to end of cuff = 25 3/4
Sleeve = 35
Back = 32 1/4
7940EP - XL/R, dated 1970, minor wear, washed 2-3 times, Excellent Plus Color, Excellent Condition+, Used....inquire
Chest = 52
Shoulder-seam-to-seam = 20 1/2
Shoulder-seam to end of cuff = 35 1/2
Sleeve = 25 ¼
Back = 32
7940Q - Front and Back
7940Q - lower-front
7940Q - Lower-Right Front damage
7940Q - 82nd ABD SSI and Rank Shadows & snag over Lower-Left pocket
7940Q - damage to cuffs 7940Q - Labels
7940EP - Front and Labels
7940EP - Reverse
7940EP - Front-Upper
7940EP - Front-Lower
- - - -
7940CZ and 7942FR & 7942GC - Lime-Leaf Camo, M/Ls
Hard to find Medium/Long
7940CZ - M/L, dated 1969, chest = 46”, sleeve = 34.5”, back = 32”+, Excellent Color, Used......inquire
7942FR - M/L, dated 1969, 3/8” abrasion on lower part of right-Cargo pocket, 3/8” repair on right leg below cargo pocket, Excellent Color, Used......inquire
7942GC - M/L, dated 1969, tiny snag on rear of right leg, both legs frayed on blouse hem(both blousers still functional, Excellent Color, Used......inquire
7942GC - fraying on Blouser Hems
- - - -
7940LA & 7942FG - Lime-Leaf Camouflage
Medium/Regular Jungle Shirt and Trousers in NEW Condition
7940LA - M/R, dated 1968, UnUsed........inquire
7942FG - M/R, dated 1968, UnUsed.....(sold)
Waist = 35”
Inseam = 31 3/4”
- - - -
7940LG - Lime Camo Officer's SET
belonged to an "O-3"
7940LG - Small/Regular SET, both dated 1968, Excellent Color, Used....inquire
( Shirt with subdued Captain's (or LT in the Navy) Rank and Trousers )
- - - -
7940 & 7942 - Shirt & Trousers
both are Large/Long, dated 1968
7940HP - L/L, dated 1968, intials written in neck, washed 5-6 times, Used....(sold)
7942BG. - L/L, dated 1968, washed-once, Used....(sold)
- - - -
7940LH - Large/Regular Shirt, Chest = 50", dated 1969
7940LH - L/R, dated 1969, UnUsed......inquire
Chest = 52”+
Shoulder-seam-to-seam = 21”
Shoulder-seam to end of cuff = 27”
Sleeve = 36 1/2”
- - - -
7940LK & 7942GO - Chest = 50", Waist = 39"
7940LK - L/R, dated 1969, UnUsed.....inquire
Chest = 51 ¼”
Shoulder-seam-to-seam = 20”
Shoulder-seam to end of cuff = 26”+
Sleeve = 36 1/4”
7942GO - L/R (maximum waist 39”), dated 1968, UnUsed.....inquire
- - - -
7940LL & 7942GP - Medium/Long Set
7940LL - M/L, dated 1969, UnUsed.......(sold)
Chest = 46”+
Shoulder-seam-to-seam = 18 3/4”
Shoulder-seam to end of cuff = 26”+
Sleeve = 35”+
7942GP - M/L, dated 1968, UnUsed.....inquire
Waist = 35 1/4”
Inseam = 34 3/4”
- - - -
7940LM - 199th LIB & RANGER Tab with ARVN RANGER
( see on RVN to 1975 Patch page, 199th LIB section )
- - - -
7940LN - RIPSTOP ERDL Lime-Leaf Camouflage short-sleeve Shirt
ex-USAF Captain's coat - removed badges were local made in Thailand
7940LN - Short Sleeve, size Small/Short, dated 1969, ex-USAF Captain’s camo shirt worn in Thailand, rank and tapes neatly removed = minor shadows, washed 5-10 times(?), wrinkled from being in a 1,000 lb bale, Good Color, Used...inquire
- - - -
7940LO & 7942GQ - Lime Leaf ERDL
Shirt and Trousers came from same Veteran
7940LO - M/R, dated 1968, worn 4-5 times, washed once or twice(?), rust stains=poor storage (see pics), Excellent+ Color, very minor wear, Used....inquire
7942GQ - M/R, dated 1968, corrosion on metal waist adjusters and 5-6 small rust color stains on left-leg below cargo pocket=poor storage, NWSM, UnUsed....inquire
stains on right shoulder stains on left shoulder and upper sleeve
stain on back (white stains are starch)
storage stains on left trouser leg below cargo pocket
- - - -
7940LP - ERDL Shirt with 44" chest
7940LP - M/R, dated 1968, washed 3-4 times, tiny white paint drop on side near hem, Excellent color and Condition, Used......inquire
Chest = 44
Shoulder-seam-to-seam = 19 1/2
Shoulder-seam to end of cuff = 35
Sleeve = 33
right picfile - white paint drop; you can also see it in the above-right picfile
- - - -
( see Catalog for over 200 pieces of Lime Ripstop Camo available )
7942EK and FA - UnCommon L/R and L/L Trousers
Hard to find Large Regular and Long Lime-Leaf Ripstop Trousers
7942EK - L/R, 1968, UnUsed............inquire
7942FA - L/L, 1968, UnUsed.....(sold)
- - - -
7942GM - Ripstop Lime-Leaf Camo Trousers
( over 100 pair of #7942 Lime-camo trousers available )
correct color color not correct = bad photo
7942GM - S/R, dated 1968, washed 2-3 times, Excellent Color & Condition, Used.......inquire
- - - -
7942GR - Ripstop ERDL Lime-Leaf Camo Trousers
left and right cargo pocket snags
7942GR - M/R, dated 1968, by Glenn Manufacturing Company, snags on cargo pockets, 4-5 minor snags on legs, minor stains, Excellent Color, Used....inquire
Waist = 33 1/2”+
Inseam = 31 1/2”
( see Catalog for over 200 pieces of Lime Ripstop Camo available )
7950DH & 7952BT - Ripstop ERDL Brown-Leaf Camo
Shirt and Trousers found together
7950DH - S/R, dated 1970, wrinkled from storage, UnUsed......inquire
Chest = 42”
Shoulder seam to seam = 18 ½”
Sleeve = 34”
Back = 31 ½”
7952BT - S/R, dated 1969, wrinkled from storage, minor storage stains on legs, UnUsed.....inquire
Waist = 31”
Inseam = 31 1/2”
7952BT - stain on leg
- - - -
50+ Brown-Dominant Jungle Fatigues in catalog
79xx - BDUs
7964 & 7968 - 1st Pattern D-6 Camouflage BDU SET
1st Pattern Desert 6-Color Heavyweight Nylon/Cotton (NYCO),
with Wide Collar and an Inside Cape in the Upper Back covering the Shoulder area
inside cape for the upper back
7964 Coat and 7968 Trousers - Near-New and UnUsed Condition
Over 40 pieces in stock - in UnUsed Condition - Date range: 1981 - 1994
( see Catalog for sizes and pricing )
"DLA" Coat and DPSC Trouser labels
7966 & 7970 - 2nd Pattern D-6 Camouflage BDU SET
The "powers", that be(were), deleted the Cape and imposed the "Jean" style waistband
7966 & 7970 (Coat and Trousers) - UnUsed Condition
Over 10 pieces in stock - in UnUsed Condition - Date range: 1983 - 1991
( see Catalog for sizes and pricing )
7976 & 7978 - 1st Pattern Desert 3-Color NYCO
7976 (Coat) & 7978 (Trousers) - I bought a few of these in the Desert Storm days; most sold immediately - 5 Coats & 1 Trouser left in stock....see Catalog
- - - -
Rare Embroidered Desert Storm Era Shirt
7976L - L/R, dated 1991, Desert Storm Tour Jacket, Direct Embroidery:
Right Breast - Palm Tree & Crossed Scimitars (swords) with "JAMES",
Left Breast - Palm Tree & Crossed Scimitars with Arabic Script (GI's Name(?)),
On the Back - Large "G-MANN", Palm Tree, Crossed Scimitars,
U. S. and Saudi Arabian Flags, & "RIYADH SAUDI ARABIA",
tailor's chalk marks still on the back, As-New Condition......inquire
( Rare item - NOT many Desert Storm Embroidered Shirts were made, or came home )
7980 & 7982 RIPSTOP Desert 3-Color BDUs
7980 - Ripstop Shirt, I never saw many of these dated 1990, 1 in stock....inquire
7982 - Ripstop Trousers, 6 in stock - all dated 1990......inquire
7981 - NYCO D-3 Camo Shirt
7981B - size M/S, dated 1997, SPO contract, UnUsed.......inquire
7986 & 7990 - 1st Pattern BDUs
Heavyweight Nylon/Cotton Shirt with Wide Collar and No Waist Tabs.
With DLA or DPSC Contract Numbers - New Condition
thicker 1st Pattern waistband on trousers
7986 Coat & 7990 Trousers - 1st Pattern NYCO Woodland Camouflage Dattle Dress Utility Uniform
Over 40 pieces in stock - in UnUsed Condition - Date range: 1981 - 1994
( see Catalog for sizes and pricing )
7988 & 7992 - 2nd Pattern NYCO BDUs
with: Coat Waist Tabs & Narrow Collar; Trousers have "Jean" style waistband
( the powers that be had decided the 1st Pattern Coat was not "form-fitting" and looked "un-soldierly"
7988 Coat and 7992 Trousers - Heavyweight NYLON/Cotton with DLA, DPSC, or SPO Contract Numbers, UnUsed
Over 50 pieces in stock - in UnUsed Condition - Date range: 1984 - 1994
shirt waist adjustment tab and "jean" style trouser waistband
( see Catalog for sizes and pricing )
7994 & 7996 - 100% Cotton RIPSTOP Combat Uniform
7994 (Coat) and 7996 (Trousers) - a few items left in stock
7995 & 7997 - 50% Cotton/50% NYLON
RIPSTOP Hot Weather Combat Uniform
7995 (Coat) and 7997 (Trousers) - not many pieces left in stock
7998C - Experimental Set of BDUs
Set of Experimental Woodland BDUs from a Drill Instructor:
YCO Shir
7998C - Shirt, M/R, labels marked "EXERIMENTAL(sic), BDU,S"
2 x small white labels: neck & behind lower-right pocket,
( had a smaller round SSI previously ( his DI assignment )
& Drill Instructor's cut-edge Pocket Patch “THIS WE'LL DEFEND”,
4 small snags on back(1 has a quick repair), “exerimental” label loose on top-edge,
pocket flap has an “ironing” hole with "field-repair" over a button ( very common ),
Good Condition+, Used
7998C - NYCO Trousers, M/L ( size and “Exerimental” labels are similar to the Coat ),
Data Label has fading but it was made by DPSC and the Contract Number was blacked-out
( I assume this would be normal for a pair of trousers that were re-designated “experimental” ),
Blousing ribbons removed, Excellent Condition, Used
(it has been many years but I think the DI assigment was in New Jersey or in an Eastern State;
he was stationed at Fort Ord when I bought the Set, circa 1990-91)
Inquire for Price of the SET
Shirt "EXERIMENTAL" Label Waistband Size and Experimental Labels
Trouser Data Label by the Defense Personnel Supply Center (DPSC) & Ironing hole repair on Flap
small snags on back, at the waist, possibly from a DI Belt he worn?
also on Army Gear page
81xx - Belts and Buckles
- - - -
8118K - WWII era UnIssued OG Belts with Black Buckle
8118K - dated 1945, ( maximum size 37”), stamped “U.S. J.Q.M.D. 1945 40”, OG with stamped buckle, New-with-Storage-Marks, UnUsed....inquire
( 4 in stock )
( also on htm page )
- - - -
8170 & 8172 - RVN era Issue Web Belt with Buckle
8170M - Vietnam Era Black Issue Army Web Belt, never cut, UnUsed.(sold)
8172M - Black Open-Face Buckle from same Veteran, Unused....(sold)
( Veteran's "Notched" Dog Tags also available, see on Dog Tag page )
- - - -
8172P - Vietnam era Buckle from the 1960s
8172P - Advisor's late 1960s buckle, stamped “US” and “CI”, from an ARVN Advisor, Used.....inquire
- - - -
8176B - Buckle with P-38 C-ration Opener + Church-key
I would guess the buckle and box was made prior to the 6-digit ZIP Code initiation year of 1963
8176B - Brass “CANNON” Belt Buckle, a removeable paper label reads: “The Gundelack Co., Box 5333, Buena park, Calif. 90620”, has a P-38 on one end and a Church-Key & Bottle-Cap Opener on the other end, buckle wrapped in brown paper and slide into a cardboard box (see pics), New-in-the-Box, UnUsed...inquire
( also on: Main Army Ground Forces and Aviation pages )
stamp reads: “The Cannon Buckle, Solid Brass Top, PAT PENDING, Box 1173, Beverly Hills, Calif.”
The white paper label is loose and easily removed
87xx - PT and Swim Gear
- - - -
8706A, B, & C - WWII Era SHORTS
8706A - OG HBT Athletic Shorts, Elastic Waist (size 26" - 30"), built-in Jock Strap, no markings, never washed, small pocket on right front with glove-snap closure (snap has started to rust=minor discoloration), Used......inquire
8706B - Khaki, size 32, stamped waist label faded-from the Kansas City Quartermaster Depot(see picfile below), has "D-RING" closure versus the Buckle Type, UnUsed......inquire
8706C - Sage Green HBT, size 30"+, no markings, last name neatly stenciled inside waistband, styled like the M-1941 USMC Trousers but small brown plastic buttons, minor stains Used......inquire
8706B - label scanned at 300dpi
- - - -
8706E, F, & G - WWII Era SHORTS
8706E - Khaki, size 28"+, WWII Army Issue, 1-rear Pocket with button closure, watch pocket, white-metal Buckle and Tongue fixed-belt with small brown plastic button front, minor snags on left cheek, Used......inquire
8706F - Khaki, size 29", WWII Army Issue, hang-label not readable, markings on inside of waist band marked-out(belonged to more that one GI), “B-43” on inside of band, 1-rear Pocket with button closure, watch pocket, brass metal Buckle and Tongue fixed-belt with small brown plastic button front, Used......inquire
8706G - Khaki, size 29", WWII Army Issue, 2 x Last-4 neatly stamped on inside of waistband, 1-rear Pocket with button closure, watch pocket, brass metal Buckle and Tongue fixed-belt with small brown plastic button front,Used......inquire
- - - -
8710A - SHORTS
8710A - Waist 29", made on Okinawa with direct Embroidery: "USMC" and a Color Torii (Gate) with "OKINAWA" Scroll, “THREE STAR” zipper, Asian made Camouflage material, probably never worn, as-New, Used......inquire
- - - -
8790A, B, C, & F - SWEATSHIRTS
Issue and Private Purchase Items
8790A - Large, WEST POINT Gray "VEE" Longsleeve Sweatshirt from the 1960's with side-gussets, stamped "USMA PHYSICAL EDUCATION" on the front, back has the man’s Number on it, made by Champion, label reads: "CHAMPION KNITWEAR CO., INC. REVERSE WEAVE EXPANSION GUSSET LARGE 100% COTTON RN 26094 DO NOT DRY CLEAN DO NOT IRON EMBLEM", Used......inquire
Chest = 43”
Sleeve = 36”
Back = 24 ½”
( For serious-Vintage buyers, if you understand labels I have a picfile of the Champion label, ask! )
8790B - Small, USMC Green shortsleeve Sweatshirt from the RVN Era, stamped "1ST. MARINE DIVISION VIET NAM" with the 1ST MARDIV Emblem on the front, Used......inquire
Chest = 40”
Sleeve = NA(shortsleeves)
Back = 20 1/2”
(8790B & C from same Veteran)
8790C - Small, USMC Yellow longsleeve SWEATSHIRT from the RVN Era, Red "U.S. MARINE CORPS" & EGA on front, the inside-fleece has disappeared on a “fold-line” on the backside(never seen this before)=shirt is good for a “static display”(ask for picfile), Used......inquire
Chest = 40”
Sleeve = 25”+
Back = 19”+
(8790B & C from same Veteran)
8790F - Small, USMC Yellow longsleeve SWEATSHIRT with NAME neatly stenciled on back, above his name is “S-250” written in magic-marker, "U.S. MARINE CORPS" & EGA in Red on front, excellent color, Used.......inquire
Chest = 40”+
Sleeve = 26 1/2”
Back = 19”
Combat Vehicle/Tanker
see CVC Helmets on Head Gear page
8812Z, 8814A, B, & C - WWII Tanker's Winter Uniform
see details below
- - - -
8812Z - "Tanker" Winter Combat Jacket 
8812Z - no labels (see measurements below), knits replaced, 1 repair on outershell, small repairs on knits, Used....inquire
chest = 44”
chest (with Bi-swing expanded) = 48”
sleeve (center of the back to end of material) = 30”
sleeve (center of the back to end of the wrist knit) = 33 1/4”
back (from neck seam to bottom of material) = 21.5”
back (from neck seam to bottom of the waist knit) = 23 3/4”
( if serious - ask for more pics )
( When I bought the jacket the knits had been replaced and outershell repair was completed;
the 3rd Army Patch had been removed--I had it resewn )
( also on pages: WWII patch, & Army gear )
- - - -
8814A - 1st Pattern Tanker's Winter Combat Trousers("bibs")
8814A - size Small (stamped “S” inside), last-4 written inside bib (4 times = re-Issued 3 times), 2 x small field-repairs on butt and bottom of right-leg, Zippers in excellent condition, very-minor stains, left blousers replaced by military, not much wear, Good Color, Used....inquire
Chest (measured at the top of the right-side zipper) = 40”
Inseam = 30”
- - - -
8814B - WWII era First Pattern Overalls (Bib-and-brace)
The middle picfile shows field repair and "L" rip
8814B - Small, may be an early contract = left-suspender does not have an adjuster, stamped with Last-4, zippers in excellent condition, not much wear, 5/8” “L” tear needs to be field repaired and a field repair on lower-left leg (see picfile), 1 blouser needs to be resewn(still attached), outershell has been pinched on the left cheek (probably from the rag-mill), very-minor stains, Excellent Color, Used....inquire
Chest (measured at the top of the right-side zipper) = 40”
Inseam = 31”
- - - -
8814C - Tanker's Bib Overalls, 1st Pattern
8814C - Medium, (Field modified: Brass Talon Zipper added to left-side-like 2nd Pattern Trousers), zippers in excellent condition, Average stains, Blousers removed, small snags on back, dry-cleaning may remove some of the soiling/stains(?), Used.....inquire
Chest (measured at the top of the right-side zipper) = 43”
Inseam = 31”
- - - -
8821A -Tanker Jacket Replacement Wrist Knits
These are supposed to be WWII era USGI replacement knits - Excellent Quality - I bought them from a Dealer that has an Excellent Reputation.
8821A - Wool Wrist Knits, Pair of Replacement Knits with a seam, UnUsed....inquire
8860 - Combat Vehicle Crewman's Summer Gloves
Olive Green NOMEX Material with Black Leather Palms
8860F - size 9 (medium), dated 1983, New-in-Plastic-Bag, UnUsed....inquire
8860H - size 7 (small to medium), dated 1980, UnUsed......inquire
9553F - Overdyed Aircrewman's Flight Suit
click on picture
10102F - Came with a WWI to WWII Family Grouping
10102F - Olive Drab Wool Knitted Vest-Sweater and Scarf, has some runs but in overall Good Condition...(sold)
10120B - WWII Era Athletic SUPPORTER
(This is a picture with the flap unfolded - I closed it up after taking this picture)
10120B - size Large, 3” waist band, stock NO. 37-S-5884, by Keystone Coat & Apron Mfg. Corp. of Philadelphia, PA., New-in-Neatly-Opened-Package, Unused.....inquire
10128 - WWII Olive Drab Towel
10128A - OD towel, Used......(sold)
10130 - WWII Era Olive Drab HANDKERCHIEF
10130A - Used.......(sold)
10130B - New.......(sold)
10130C - Used......(sold)
1014x - WWII Era Olive Drab Undershirts
10140x - 7 x cotton undershirts to choose from, New and Used.........(each)....50.00
10142x - OD Heavyweight (Wool/Cotton) Long Sleeve Undershirt for Cold Weather, 4 to choose from...inquire
1014x - WWII Underwear
10144A - size 32, Dated Dec 13, 1943, Spec. No. 55-D-402, Cotton Underwear(shorts), New......(sold)
10146x - size 30, Wool/Cotton Heavyweight Winter Long John Underwear, New....( 2 to choose from ).....inquire
49010A, B, & C - Cotton Military Issue Tape for making Name Tags
Make your own Vintage Name Tape or Tag
Issue tape from the 1950s through 1960s
see details on Main Army Ground Forces Page
On some “Used” Items:
--Shadows (where a badge has been removed) will not be noted.
--Common insignia will not be noted.
see Catalog for complete listings and prices
Wanted - Fatigues similar to these
If you have: 2-pocket shirts, 4-pocket Jungle Jackets, trousers, caps, and etc. with a similar camouflage pattern, contact: Jack@LJMilitaria.com
- - - -
M-1951 Parkas & Parts Wanted
M51 Liners and Parka Shells needed
- - - -
Wanted: Jackets with or without Insignia
Mystery/UI Items
UI#186. Mitchell pattern M65 Field Jacket, I have seen one other jacket made similar to this one....both looked factory made.
Has the zipper behind the collar but no drop-in Hood, zipper is a #5 with the slide marked "U.S.A.", no other markings on the jacket.
Sage Green(AG-474?) Quarpel liner was fairly common in the late-1960s on issue M65OG FJs.
click on picture for details
- - - -
UI#187. KAMO type Camouflage Flyer's/Tanker's/etc. Suit, Conmar Zipper on with "relief" pull on the bottom, U. S. made small snaps, Very High Quality workmanship, no markings on cloth. Has a collector's tag that read: "Cuban Bay of Pigs Issue", the only picfile I have seen of BOP prisoners-they were weating Spot Camo from the KAMO Company. A similar heavywieght camo was used in Vietnam, notice the wide epaulets.
- - - -
UI#188. UnCommon ARVN Ranger set
click on picture for more details
Viewers disregard this section:
( has a button sewn on each shoulder seam....to hold down the hood? )
side opening for back-pack stains on collar stains on back
( may have been another patch on the left = small snag(does not show-under the ABN tab) no shadow so it was not on the shirt very long )
3108BY CloseUp pictures
very clean collar area and label - marks on cuffs ( one cuff open and the other turned-under )
minor markings - looks like it was spashed in the front with dirty water(?)
3106BQ - worn-once?, very-minor wear marks
chest 46”+, sleeve = 35 1/2”, shdlr to shdlr seam = 21“+, shoulder seam to cuff = 25 1/2“, back = 31”+
3106BQ - label reads M/R ( it is larger-see measurements above ), dated 1972, worn-once, made by John Ownbey CO., INC., Near-New, Used.....(sold)
( only wear marks are on cuff--see picture below......no "ring-around-the collar" = must have worn his shirt collar turned-up )
minor wear marks around cuffs
3106BG - M65 Field Jacket
3106BG - M/R, dated 1968, with U. S. Army Tape, UnUsed......(sold)
3106BL - M65 Field Jacket
3106BL - M/R, dated 1972, worn once(?), never washed, minor stains (should wash-out), 1 snap has minor corrosion, Minor wear, Used.....(sold)
3108I - 7th ID M65 with 47" chest and 36.5" sleeves
3108I - M/L ( chest = 47+, sleeves = 36 ½, Shoulder seam-to-seam = 21 1/2, back = 32 3/4 ), dated 1974, Subdued: Tapes and 7th ID left SSI, minor stains and wear, ½” tear at bottom of lining, Excellent Color, Used........(sold)
3446C - Mitchell Pattern Shirt from Thailand
Mitchell Pattern clothing is made from GI shelter-halfs or from civilian cloth
3446C - Shirt made of heavyweight cotton brown-to-green Mitchell pattern in Thailand, measurements: chest 39”, sleeve 32”, back 24.5”, 2 x chest pockets with vee flaps with exposed button closures, tube sleeves, pocket buttons look like old brown GI fatigue shirt buttons, 4 x brown front buttons look like they are replacements, very minor snags near cuffs and cuffs starting to fray (see picfile below), Good Color, Used......(sold)
( although it is made of reversible camo material the shirt was designed to be worn with green-side out which is logical as the shirt came from Chiang mai, Thailand circa 1971, Army Veteran's bringback )
( my guess is, the material was made in Japan? )
( also on SF and htm pages )
3940K Women's Shirt, H.B.T. Special, Medium, Spec. P.Q.D. No. 320, dated March of 1943, Sage Green shade, with Gas Flap and buttons behind collar, NWSM....(sold)
(chest 44", sleeves 32")
3940L Women's Shirt, H.B.T. Special, Medium (16 - 18), Spec. P.Q.D. No. 320A, dated December of 1943, Olive Green shade, with Gas Flap and buttons behind collar, NWSM......(sold)
(chest 44", sleeves 32")
(3940K, L, & 3942L belonged to the same Nurse)
4130K Large/Regular Tiger Stripe Shirt, 2-Button flaps on bellows pockets, tube sleeves (no buttons), Good Color, not much wear, maybe washed 2-3 times(?), Used, EC+...(sold)
(chest = 46" sleeves = 32")
6770C - WWII Era Navy Officer's Parka-Overcoat
Long fixed-Hood Overcoat (parka) with zipper and button front, 4 front pockets,
snap-in Brown Alpaca Lining, waist and cuff tabs, hidden wrist-knits,
side-snaps to hold-back the front while walking (see left picture)
6770C - Medium, 1 x small repair on left wrist knit, 6-8 x repairs on right wrist knit, minor wear, very-minor stains, Excellent Color (Never Washed), Overall in Excellent Condition, Used.....(sold)
approximate measurements:
chest = 50”
back = 48”(neck seam to hem)
shoulder seam-to-seam = 21” (measured straight-across)
shoulder seam to cuff = 25.5”
armpit to cuff = 23.5”
( no labels except the size tag = typical for the Naval Services in the WWII Era )
7330F - WWII Mountain Jacket
worn by the 10th Mountain Division
7330F - size 36R stamped in neck ( chest = 40”+ sleeve = 35” back = 32”+ ), pocket label faded-out, missing the web belt and the suspenders have been neatly removed (ask for picture), possibly washed once, minor wear, Below average: wear, stains, and etc., Used......(sold)
3719B - 6th Cavalry Officer’s Long-Sleeve WWII Wool SHIRT
3719B - hang-label reads 16-33, neck label reads: “Regulation ARMY OFFICER’S SHIRT Dry Clean”, I have never seen an old WWII shirt badged like this, probably worn in Germany as the unit served in Europe from 1944 until rotating to CONUS in 1957, no holes or mothing, outstanding condition and one of the best-looking OD wool shirts ever badged, Used..........(sold)
color badges:
Left SSI is a 7th Army
Above left pocket is a Yellow on Black woven “U.S. Army” Tape
Above the Army Tape is a 6th Cavalry Pocket patch
Above right pocket is a Green on Yellow Name Tape
( also on NA page )
37xx - Special Forces Officer's AG-344
click on picture for details
8470 - U. S. Army Wool "Commando" style Sweater
click on picture for details
8480 - Issue High-Neck 5-Button Wool Sweater
Similar style to WWII & Korean War Era "Bivouac Sweater"
( 8410M above for WWII sample )
( right picfile is near-correct to color )
8480 - sample Olive Brown Issue Wool Sweater, most are in the Government Bag with packing slip,
sizes: Small, Large, & XL, priced range(sold)
( Most are dated in the 1980s, new-old-stock (NOS), check Catalog )
8410M - WWII Field Sweater
5-Button "Bivouac" Sweater, dated 1945
8410M - Medium, dated January 26, 1945, neck-label is loose on the sides, EC+......(sold)
( 2 x Small sizes available, see Catalog )
8486 - Black Acrylic 5-Button "Bivouac" Sweater
( similar to an Issue sweater but made of Acrylic and the color is Black )
( terrible picture )
8486D - Black ACRYLIC Reproduction of the Issue Sweater (#8480), New-in-Bag....UnUsed....(sold0
Very comfortable non-wool Bivouac Sweater
( New-old-stock from the late-1980s )
6444 - M-1951 Field Trousers
6444x - UnCommon M-1951 Field Trousers, very-tight weave cotton poplin and an off-shade of OG-107, Stock No. 55-T-34100-20, Button Waist Tabs (vice the normal Metal Sliders on M-51s),
7926BC - 25th ID Jungle Shirt
7926BC - S/S, dated 1965, Subdued hand-embroidered Vietnam made: 25th Infantry Division left SSI & Both Tapes, neck label loose, date label loose on 2 x sides, last-4 on Instructions label, Used....(sold)
( also on RVN - 1975 page )
7926DF & 7928G - pair of 1965s, size L/L, decent match
7926DF - L/L, dated 1965 (DSA 100-1398), washed 2-3 times, needs to be pressed(was in a 1,000 pound clothing bale), Excellent Color, Used....(sold)
7928G - L/L, dated 1965, small snag on butt, Excellent Color, Used.......(sold)
5128K - Medium, Shell dated January 15, 1952 & Liner dated December 29, 1951, small stains, Excellent Color, Used.....(sold)
6782E - USCG Vietnam era Deck Jacket
see details on Navy/CG Ge
6782H - 24th DESRON deck Jacket
see details on Navy Gear page
5109B and 5110C - WWII Parka Style Overcoats
5109C - 1st Pattern Designed for WWII with Fixed-Liner and a Center-Zippered Hood
( see Doughboy to GI book by Kenneth Lewis, page 141 )
5110C - 2nd Pattern, successor design to the M-1941 Parka ( #5109 )
Originally issued with a hoodless white or brown lining
( see Doughboy to GI book by Kenneth Lewis, page 141-142 )
( see Government Issue Book, by Henri-Paul EnJames, page 47 )
5109B - Size 44 (Large), dated January 12, 1942, by Monarch MFG. COMPANY, Milwaukee
Pocket Label reads:
CONT. W669-QM-14902
Specification.-P. Q. D. No. 65A
Stock No. 55-P-3608 (original last-4 blacked-out and “3608” written in by hand)
Philadelphia Q.M. Depot
U. S. Army
Non-Reversible with Fixed Brown Alpaca Lining to Include Hood, hood has a drawstring, OD Blanket Wool sleeve lining with OD wool wrist knits, Zippered hood snaps-back so as not to block the wearer visor, 2 x button closure on throat flap, 2 x Hand-warmer pockets and 2 x Cargo Pocket without buttons on flaps, Worn once or twice(?), minor storage marks, 8-9(?) small red paint stains (see picture), Used....(sold)
( Extremely RARE to find in this Condition and Size! )
5110C - size 42, dated October 17, 1942, NO Liner, by Borman Sportswear, INC., Stock No. 55-O-3132-44 (the “44” has been pencilled-out and “42” is written below; this corresponds to the cheesecloth hanging label which reads “42” ) Cont. W669 qm-22150, Spec. P.Q.D. No. 184B, Phila. Q.M. Depot, White side: Below average stains, all buttons and snaps present and workable. OD side: minor storage marks, belt, snaps, buttons, zipper, drawcord are all present and in working order,
Minor Wear (maybe 3-4 times(?)), Used......(sold)
( note....this Parka does not have it's liner )
( also on: WWII Army Patch, Army Gear pages )
5106 & 5107 - Parts for Mackinaws
5106 & 5107 Belts and Button for M-1938 and M-1942 Mackinaw Coats
( Small selection left - very hard to find - see catalog )
7924BE - 1st PAT with Aggressor-Green Buttons
7924BE - M/R, dated 1964, name & last-4 above right-rear pocket, has the the Bright-Green Buttons (aggressor-green), Used....(sold)
( also on SF and RVN-75 pages )
5105B A - Hooded parka
( probably not an Issue item )
Similar materials & design as #5104; very lightweight compared to an Issue Parka, Button hole on the back, near the hem ( unknown usage = possibly for attaching to the trousers to keep the parka down to protect the wearer's backside? )
5105A - approximate size small( No labels ), missing a White-side button on pocket, OD side backseam has come loose for about 2”, Minor wear, White-side has stains from being worn 3-4 times, Used....(sold)
782 - Vietnam Era A-2 Deck Jacket
6782K - A-2 Deck Jacket, dated 1972
6782K - Medium, dated 1972 (DSA100-72-C-0197), 8415-753-5612, wrist knits repaired and soiling on upper back(see pictures), lots of wrinkles (came from being stored in a 1,000 pound bale of clothing), New-with-Storage-Marks, UnUsed......inquire
( Found in a Rag Mill – I waxed the zipper and everything works fine )
( also on Navy Gear Page )
outer material rolled back to expose wrist knits
Early-Model N-3B
click on picture for details
3106BA - M65 with 46" Chest & 36" Sleeves
3106BA - M/L ( chest = 46, sleeves = 36, Shoulder seam to seam = 21, back = 32.5 ), dated 1967, Cutter's Tag still inside pocket, silver-tone-zipper, washed once(?), Excellent Color, Used......(sold)
3106BP - Large size
3106BP - L/S, dated 1975, worn 1-2 times(probably worn to the Rifle Range as he has his 25 meters Target in the pocket), Used....(sold)
3106BR - dated 1969
3106BR - M/R, ( chest = 45, sleeve = 35 ½+, shoulder-to-shoulder = 21, back = 31 ), dated 1969, subdued tapes, 91st ID on left SSI, minor wear and stains, holes in lining(see picture), Excellent Color, Used.......(sold)
3106BS & BT "silver" Zippered M65 FJs
3106BS, is a 1966 vintage with "silver" color zipper
3106BS - M/S ( chest = 45+, shoulder to shoulder seam = 20.5, sleeve = 33.5, back = 29.5 ), dated 1966 (DSA 100-3378), Zinc (silver color) Zipper, subdued Army Tape, never had badges, hood has been removed, waist and hem adjustment cords missing, washed once, very-minor wear, Used.......(sold)
3106BT - M/R ( chest = 45, shoulder to shoulder seam = 21.5, sleeve = 35, back = 31.5 ), dated 1969, “WPL 5829”, Zinc (silver color) Zipper, neck label loose on 2-sides, never had badges, GI’s last name neatly written on lining, washed once, not much wear, Used........(sold)
3106BS - dated 1966 with "silver zipper"
3106BT - dated 1969 with "silver color zipper"
3106BU - Excellent Condition RVN Era Jacket
3106BU - M/R ( chest = 46, shoulder to shoulder seam = 20.5, sleeve = 35.5, back = 31.5 ), dated 1974, never washed, very minor wear, Used....(sold)
7922BF & 7924BA - Showing matchability
7922BF - M/R(chest = 45+ sleeve = 34+), dated 1964, has the Early-Style Pocket Flaps with ROUND corners and only ONE line of stitching at the top of the flaps, 1 label needs resewn, pair of Green Leadership Loops on epaulets, shirt has never had rank or etc., last-name inside and the magic-marker has bled through to the back, hole on upper-right pocket flap, some snags on back (looks like it is from barb-wire), Excellent Color, Used....(sold)
7924BA - M/R (waist = 34 inseam = 31), dated 1964, Used.....(sold)
3164AA - Extra-Large
a few New-old-stock ( NOS ) Woodland M65CMs left from the 1980-90s
3164AA - XL/R, Dated 1993, UnUsed.....inquire
download the catalog
3199A - Issue #7 Zipper Slide/Pull
3199A - #7 Zipper Metal Slide Assembly (with Metal & Cloth pulls), for Field Jackets, FLAK Jackets, & etc., Government Issue, UnUsed.........inquire
( for a reference, a #5 Zipper would be the smaller size used on Trousers/etc. )
7860EM - SF Captain's Badged Shirt
left shade is not correct - shirt similar to the right picfile
7860EM - Neck label worn-off, approximate size M/L ( chest = 42+, shoulder-to-shoulder = 18, sleeve = 36, back = 28.5+ ), dated 1967 (label loose), subdued patches: left SSI Special Forces with Airborne Tab,23rd ID (AMERICAL), Captain and Infantry collar insignia(faint stitch marks underneath where a LT rank was removed), both Tapes are local-made(thread has faded to a blue-gray color), CIB, and basic Parachutist’s badge, pocket flaps sewn-down, cuffs have started to fray, both armpits field-repaired (must have worn a harness many times to cause these abrasions?), 3-4 very-small snags, good color, Used.........(sold)
( see OG Towels from his Grouping, # 5350AC - AF )
7922BQ - Special Forces LTC's 1st Pattern Shirt
( also on SF page )
3183 - M-1965 OG Field Jacket LINER (2nd Pattern, pre-1976)
( Sample picfile of 2nd Patterns - most, or all, will be in "USED" Condition - email )
3183. - most of the #3183s are NOT logged in the Catalog - ask via email using the number(3183) and Size needed
3183C - M-1965 OG Field Jacket LINER (2nd Pattern, pre-1976)
3183C, Medium, dated 1972, Used.....inquire
3184. - M-1965 OG Field Jacket LINER (2nd Pattern, post-1975)( Sample picfile of 2nd Patterns - most, or all, will be in "USED" Condition - email )
3184. - most of the #3183s are NOT logged in the Catalog - ask via email using the number(3184) and Size needed
3185. - M65 modified-LINER w/Buttons (2nd Pattern, post-1975)
Sample picfiles of Button front LINERS, most are in "UnUsed" Condition - email with number(#3185) and size
The Button modification was started circa 1986 (that is the earliest date I have logged)
3185. - Sample picfiles of Modified 2nd Pattern LINERs with Buttons_post-1975, 2nd Pattern, CloseUp of front with buttons
( for 2nd Pattern Liners, to include "button-front" liners, see Catalog )
3182 - M-65 Field Jacket LINER
3182. - sample picture of a First Pattern
2 x Mediums left in stock - to be listed here
Aggressor Green Uniforms
8944 - 8946, Army Shade 255 Aggessor Shirt & Trousers
Army Aggressor Forces were established in the 1950s and are still operating
8944. - Pullover Shirts with: Tube sleeves, Epaulets, Grommet in lapels, Belts, Exposed button pockets, and a 3 Button Front
sample of 3 x labels from one shirt reads:
“STOCK NO. 8415-823-6830”
8946. - Trousers have: Button fly, metal sliding waist tabs, cuff drawstrings, and cloth waist loops for M1950 Suspenders, rear pockets have exposed button closures--no Flaps.
sample label reads:
8944K - small, dated 1962, Contract No. DSA-1-46-C-62, Aggressor patch on left pocket, an "HOUR-GLASS" shaped patch was neatly removed ( it was under the Belt? ), Used......(sold)
8946K -Trousers are a size Large, dated 1962, DSA-1-49-C-62, Used.....(sold)
8950 - 8952, Shade AG255 Aggessor Field Jackets
8950. - Similar to an M-1951 Field Jacket but Pockets have Exposed Button FLAPS
A Regular M-1951 Liner is to be used with this jacket.
Only the Top and the 2 lower glove-snaps are installed over the zipper flap, I assume this is to facilitate the use of the Zipper so you could reach your shirt pockets(?).
sample label reads:
8952. - similar to the M51 except buttons are modern convex style; A Regular M-1951 Liner is to be used with this jacket.
sample label reads:
8950A - S/R, dated 1966 (DSA 100-4673), RVN Era, 2 x holes in liner, both labels need to be resewn, minor stains, minor wear, Used....inquire
8952B - L/R, dated 1968, DSA 100-68-C-1765 made by ALPHA, minor stains will probably disappear with a cleaning ( some look like toothpaste stains from being in the field ), Used....(sold)
9152 - Heavyweight Rubberized Duck Bill Parka
9152x - sample picture of Heavyweight Rain Parka, 10-12 in stock, some date to 1960s, use with Catalog #9154 Rain Bib Overalls......ALL have SOLD
( also available are the OG Rubberized Lightweight Parka/Trousers & Goretex Rain Gear )
( see in Stanton's: Cold War Book, page 242 & Vietnam Book, page 118 )
3044T Field Jacket label
7822K and 7836A - M1942 Sage Green HBT Fatigues
Pattern dated 3 April 1941 - Replaced the Blue Denim Fatigues
7822K - 42R (actual size is at least a 44R; measures 46" at the armpits), dated October 3, 1941, Specification Number 45, very minor soiling on back, New-with-Storage-Marks(NWSM)....(see above)7836 M-1942 Sage Green Herringbone Twill
7836A - Trousers size 32 x 31.5, small snag, GC........(sold)
