Lee-Jackson Militaria
USAF Main Squadrons page
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New Arrivals
En Route, Will Arrive 130603
96th BS
34th BS
656th BS
51st BS
Listed on - 130523
440th Fighter-Interceptor Squadron (circa 1950s)
Flew F-86D Sabre Interceptors in the 1950s in Germany
Hard to find patch - squadron adopted a round patch after this one
513th Bombardment Squadron (Medium)
Listed on - 130516
36th FS WWII painted leather patch
(see details on USAAC/USAAF Page)
Listed on the Air Police page near top of POLICE section
47th Bombardment Group (Light)
388th Fighter-Bomber Wing (1953 - 1957)
Hard to find patch
388th TFW "TIGER FAC", made in Thailand (SEA War era)
F-4 Phantom II FACs
357th Tactical Fighter Squadron
Made by ACE of Tokyo, Japan......their label is on reverse side
ARRIVED on - 130514
Just arrived, will be listed later on their RESPECTIVE PAGES/Sections
ALL are LISTED (see above) except the 56th SOW made in Thailand
More patches to be added to this section later
If you need a patch, refer to "USAF_BULK SCAN- #"
Listed on - 130425
175th Fighter-Interceptor Squadron (S.D.A.N.G.) (1951 -1970)
South Dakota Air National Guard (SD-ANG)
Listed on Squadrons page
Design probably taken from the German "ESSO EXTRA" gasoline ad in the late-1960s "Pack den Tiger im den Tank!"
(listed with the 4258th SW)
The Original "B-1B TEST TEAM" Factory Patch, hard to find
Listed on AIRCRAFT page/B-1B section
316th Bombardment Wing (Very Heavy)
This designator used from May 1946 - June 1948
Listed on the USAAC/USAAF page
334th Bombardment Group
Listed on the USAAC/USAAF page
7th Air Force Command and Control "BLUE CHIP"
Blue Chip controlled out-of-Country Combat Operations
Not on the USAFPatches web site - I believe this one is an UnCommon patch
Listed on COMMANDS PAGE.....7th AF section
Listed on - 130416
432nd Tactical Fighter/Reconnaissance Wing
left patch is UnUsual as it is Thai made and is for the 432nd Tactical FTR/RECON Wing
L:isted on WINGS Page
827th Air Defense Group
General Surveillance Radar station 5 miles SW of Keno, Oregon
Listed on AIR CONTROL Page/RADAR section
5th Field Maintenance Squadron
Listed on GROUND Page, Maintenance section
95th Armaments and Electronics Maintenance Squadron
Listed on Ground page/Maintenance section
Listed on - 130415
8th Flying Training Squadron
Listed on the Sqauadrons PAGE
104th FIS/TFS Maryland Air National Guard
( This is a TENTATIVE ID - if you know a different ID let me know. )
132nd FIS, NO Bottom Tab
ID'd by a former owner as "132 FIS early F-89 era 57-58 era"
NOT listed on the USAFPatches.com site - has been observed before by an experienced Collector
355th Tactical Fighter Squadron
Flew F-100s in SEA; based in Vietnam and Thailand
Listed on - 130402
823rd Combat Security Police Squadron
823rd CSPS served at Phan Rang AB, Vietnam from February to August 1969
LIsted on POLICE page/Combat Security section
The best I can understand the SAFESIDE operation is that....the 1041st Security Police Squadron (Test) was the center of the OPS.
LIsted on POLICE page/Combat Security section
3rd SPS and 3rd LES ARCs(TABs) and Patches
Listed on POLICE page/LES section
3rd Security Police Group
3rd SPGp and 3rd SPS "B FLT"
Listed on POLICE page/SPS section
".50 CAL - 30mm - 81mm Mortar"
6170th Security Police Squadron, "BRANCH"
6313th APS, made in Japan
LISTED on POLICE Page/Police section
560th Air Police Squadron (AFROTC)
51st SPS 'A Flight AVENGERS'
(this ID may not be correct)
Not sure which USAF Police unit was at Misawa AB, Japan -- anyone know the Squadron ID?
Listed at top of Police page
19th AF, on Twill
Listed on COMMANDs page
99th SRS (OL - CH)
Operating Location "CAMEL HUMP"
Listed on the SQUADRONS page
Listed on - 130327
Listed on the SQUADRONS page
U-2 AHRS (Attitude Heading Reference System)
U-2 AFCS (Automatic Flight Control System)
8th Reconnaissance Technical Squadron
Listed on SQUADRONS page
93rd CDS
TUSLOG Detachment 10 (USAF)
TUSLOG Det-10 (USAF) at Adana(later Incirlik) AB, Turkey - Redesignated 39th Tactical Wing
Listed on - 130326
51st FIW
83rd FIS
This patch is NOT shown on the USAFPatches page - designator on Arc is different
326th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy)
"ALLEY OOP" swinging his Battle Axe and riding Dinny his pet Dinosaur who is carrying a bomb in it's tail.
UI#211 - B-52 patch made in Thailand, "XVIII"
probably from U-Tapao Air Base, Thailand
2nd UI#211 I have owned - anyone know the ID?
Listed on AIRCRAFT page, B-52 Section
B-52, FB-111, B-1 - "AIR WEAPONS"
Anyone know who used this patch?
Listed on AIRCRAFT page, B-52 Section
Listed on - 130325
I was told the White disc is the earlier design - first one I have seen
20th TASS "TIGER HOUND" Beercan DI
Supported the 101st Airborne Division in I CORPS
427th AREF, Saint Bernard with Keg and Earphones
Left patch is listed as a 427th Air Refueling Squadron (Fighter-Bomber) on the USAFPatches site
421st Tactical Fighter Squadron, Thai made
F-4 Phantom II superposed on a Spider vice the Red Hourglass
New Arrivals - 130323
Will be Listed later on their Respective page/sections
USAF_Bulk SCAN_130323-2
9th BW or 9th SW
55th Strategice Reconnaisance Wing variation
354th TFW
USAF_Bulk SCAN_130323-3
68th TFS gray disc
343rd SRS variation
USAF_Bulk SCAN_130323-4
10th Aerisoace Defense Group, circa 1966 to 1971(according to Wikipedia some of the work of this unit is still CLASSIFIED)
USAF_Bulk SCAN_130323-5
Anyone know the ID of the right patch with the crossed-golden-gaffs?
USAF_Bulk SCAN_130323-6
427th AREFS (Fighter-Bomber), USDAFPatches site lists it as a FTR-BMBR refueling sqdn......Listed on AREF page
USAF_Bulk SCAN_130323-7
Class 80-03, Pilot Training class from Shepard AFB - looks like a German Class of the Euro-NATO Joint Jet Pilot Training (ENJJPT) program.
550th TFTS - F-15 training from 1970s
4756th Drone Squadron - circa late-1960s into early-'70
USAF_Bulk SCAN_130323-8
USAF_Bulk SCAN_130323-9
USAF_Bulk SCAN_130323-10
New Arrivals - 130318
Will be Listed later on their Respective page/sections
All patches made in Thailand
USAF_THAI made Bulk SCAN_130318-1
A-7D "100 Missions South East Asia"
(anyone know the unit "A FLT" was in?)
USAF_THAI made Bulk SCAN_130318-3
CAMBODIA Highway Patrol
HO CHI MINH Highway Patrol
USAF_THAI made Bulk SCAN_130318-4
"DEFENSIVE TEAM - WORKING TOGETHER".........anyone know the ID?
U-Tapao Clap Clinic 1973-74
( 10 years prior the "British Pharmacy" use to take care of the GIs on the Bangkok side of the Gulf )
"SWAN LAKE HOTEL" - anyone know what "KILO 10th" means?
USAF_THAI made Bulk SCAN_130318-5
"E-147" - anyone know the ID?
(Probably a Crew patch for a Weather Squyadron?)
"AT-28D 231" - anyone know the ID?
( One site has this as a 4400th CCTS, DET-2A Farm Gate patch - I don't see how it could be....anyone every see it used in SEA? )
( I have it listed on the Laotian page)
"SKY BEES" - anyone know the ID?
USAF_THAI made Bulk SCAN_130318-6
UI#211 "XVIII" - anyone know the ID?................Listed on AIRCRAFT page B-52 section
307th SW - not on the USAFPatches site
Listed on 130319
3506CB - DET-1, 428th TFS
Navy Warrant's HARVEST REAPER Jungle SHIRT
USAF F-111A 1st Test Project in Combat in SEA
Listed on the 428th TFS's page/section
Listed on 130317
Listed on Command Page - Air Forces Section
Listed on - 121231
Listed on SQUADRONS page
510th Strategic Missile Squadron
Listed on - 121120
Listed on their respective page/section
A difficult to find 6441st TFW - Insignia worn at Yokato and Takhli
Made in Japan
17th TRS Pilot's Grouping from his K-2B, "I've Jumped"
Listed in 17th TRS section
57th Fighter Weapons Wing
Conducts Operational Tests and Evaluations at Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada
DET 1, 57th FWW - Scorpion superposed on a Mushroom Cloud
Arrived today - 121016
Will be listed later
USAF Bulk SCAN_121016-1
USAF Bulk SCAN_121016-2
37th TFW F-117A Nighthawk Grouping - can be sold seperately
USAF Bulk SCAN_121016-3
Arrived today - 121005
Will be listed later
USAF Bulk Scan_121005-1
USAF Bulk Scan_121005-2
USAF Bulk Scan_121005-3
USAF Bulk Scan_121005-4
USAF Bulk Scan_121005-5
USAF Bulk Scan_121005-9
Arrived today - 120925
Will be listed later
USAF Bulk SCAN - 120925
The APS patch is the "560th AFROTC Air Police Squadron".........Listed on the POLICE page
Arrived today - 120915
Will be listed later
Listed on 121006
F-5 "E" and Tiger II
Listed on AIRCRAFT page, F-5 section
Anti Aircraft Artillery (AAA) Thule, Greenland
Polar Bear is apparently an auxiliary Observer for enemy aircraft
The gun looks like an M2 90mm AAA gun using a Searchlight to spot aircraft
Listed on the USAF Base Page, Greenland section
USAF Narsarssuak, Greenland
Listed on the USAF Base Page, Greenland section
USAAF Northeast Air Command (NEAC) Narsarssuak, Greenland
"KOW-NOOK-TAK MAN-OOK" - anyone know what this means, probably Inuit (Greenlandic variation)?
Listed on the USAF Base Page, Greenland section
USAAC pre-War Flight Cadet patch, Army Air Corps
Listed on the USAAC/AAF Page
379th Bombardment Group...(sold)
listed on USAAF page
Listed on 120910
4347th Combat Crew Training Wing (1959 - 1963)
B-47 training at McConnell AFB, Wichita, Kansas; the 4347th CCTW Replaced the 3520th FTW(M-BOMB)
listed on the WINGS page
Listed on 121004
Large BLUIE WEST-1 (BW-1) 'GREENLAND' patch
WW2 era insignia
Listed on the USAAF page, Commands section
New Arrivals - 120822
To be Listed in their Respective sections later
129th patches from one Veteran
43rd TFS and 190th TRS listed
Anyone know which unit the "LIL GREEN HUMPTY" supported?
Didn't some of the 388th TFW's units have a crown on a Cobra?
for a Selective Search on this page:
USAF Main Squadrons page
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F-4 Phantom II "MACH 2 CLUB" & McDonnell patches, made in Japan
listed on AIRCRAFT page, F-4 section
These patches would make a nice pair, made in Japan and similar size = see on AIRCAFT page, F-4 section
Terms used in the Patch Pages
ANG = Air National Guard ( HI ANG = Hawaii Air National Guard ))
CE = Cut-Edge (No embroidered Border)
Cheesecloth = Gauze or Mesh
FE = Fully Embroidered by machine
HE = Hand Embroidered
ME = Machine Embroidery (by Computer or done "freehand" by the "little-old-man")
ME = also will mean Merrowed-Edge (you should be able to discern which "ME" applies)
PELON or PELLON = non-woven Textiles introduced in Europe in 1948 (see below for more details)
PI Made = item was made in the Philippine Islands
Pocket Patch = usually worn on the front of a shirt/jacket, many Aviation/Regimental patches are of this type
Residue = from glue/paper/etc. that was used to display a patch in/on a: scrapbook or board
(I will forget to state this on some patches!)
RFU = Removed From Uniform
Scroll = examples: WWII Ranger, many USAF patches, Modern Rangers/LRRPs and others
SEA = Southeast Asia
SSI = Shoulder Sleeve Insignia
Tab or Arc = "Airborne", "Thailand", "Guam", "Wolfhounds", "8th Army Band", or etc.
All Patch measurements are approximate!
PELLON(PELON) Backing material History
In the 1930's, Dr. Carl Nottebohm of Weinheim, Germany, was developing new BACKING Materials for leather and synthetic leather when he realized his invention had the potential of more far reaching applications. He had discovered a method of manufacturing textiles directly from fibers - creating nonwoven textiles. In 1948, the first commercial nonwovens were introduced in Europe. Two years later, PELLON® Interfacings were introduced in the United States. The new materials were resilient, light weight and lint free - and forever changed the textile and apparel industry.
The name PELLON was created in the US to reflect the new technology and its end use. PEL comes from pelas the Spanish word for hair. In 1950, interfacing was primarily hair canvas. LON comes from NYLON, the first synthetic fiber and a key component in the new fabrics.
The invention of nonwoven interfacing had an immediate impact on the clothing and home sewing industries. In addition to being light weight and flexible, the fabrics were all-bias. With these qualities, shape-retention and wearing comfort of clothing improved. Soon after its introduction, the name PELLON was synonymous with nonwoven fabrics.
Associated Clothing
3378BB and BC - Bush Hats made in SEA
3378BB = Camo
3378BB - U-Tapao, Thailand in Ranger Camo
3378BB - Small, ARVN Ranger Camouflage pattern, a "6" is stamped on the inside of the crown, 3 x Tabs: "U-TAPAO" "THAILAND", & his given name "KEN"on the front of the hat, the top of the crown has a Novelty patch which I think is for "BUFFS"(B-52s), both brims can be snapped in the UP-position, had a badge pinned to the back of the crown=long since removed, white stains on the top-side of the brim in the back, the white spot on the brim (in the picture) is paint (scraped most of it off with my thumbnail), OG para-cord chin-strap with a plastic slide, High-quality construction and hardware, minor wear-if any, Used...inquire
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3378BC - Bush Hat from VIET-NAM with an old Captain's Rank
3378BC - Small, Hand-embroidered "VIET-NAM" Tab on left brim, brims snap-up on both sides, old pinback Captain's Rank(hard to see the back but I think it is marked "STERLING"(?)), may have had a badge on the back of the crown, rust on both male-glove-snaps, I think a former owner's name was blacked-out on the inside of the crown, "6250" written on inside of crown, good construction, Used...inquire
9902T - General's Blue Flight Uniform Issued by the USAF Clothing Branch
( See on USAF GEAR Page - several 9902s available )
Related Items
3509FS - Japan made P-51D Mustang Patch
back of a "bagged-out" Tour Jacket
click on picture for details
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9594D - standup collar Lightweight Khaki Pilot's Coveralls
came from Estate of a Test Pilot stationed at Wright-Patterson - he also had a Sage Green flight jacket that no one had ever seen before
made by Lion Uniform INC., company made early MA-1s for the USAF in the 1950s
listed on flight gear page
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Right Breast Patches for the #5980 A-2 Type Jacket
embroidered on 4" Black "leather-like" material (measured vertical)
click on picture for details
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49010A, B, & C - Cotton Military Issue Tape for making Name Tags
Make your own Vintage Name Tape or Tag
Issue tape from the 1950s through 1960s
see details on Main Army Ground Forces Page
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49340C, D, and E - USAAF Officer's Cap Eagles
( see USAF Gear page for details and more Cap Devices )
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49300A, C, and E - Parachutist's Sage Green cloth Badge for K-2Bs
Worn on the K-2B, L-2B, & MA-1 Sage Green Flight suit & jackets by USAF and Army aircrews
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49360 - Blue-on-White Badges
click on picture for details
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49362, White-on-Blue Cloth Badges (Local Made)
( see details on USAF Gear page )
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USAF SEA made Enlisted Rank
49280 - Vietnam & Thailand made Rank
some pairs will have Name & USAF Tapes
49280 - Pairs of Stripes, most are RFU, Used........prices start at 45.00
some are "velvet panels"
USAAF/USAF Flight Crew Badges(Wings)
Terminology Used:
Full size Badge = 3” Shirt or small size Badge = 2”
cb = Clutch Back (2 x posts(nails) and held-on with 2 x clutches)
pb = Pin Back (associated with an older style)
49300 - Parachutist's Sage Green cloth Badges for Flight Gear
( click on picture for details, listed on Army Airborne page )
see white on Blue Jump badges below, #49360P, Q, and R
49340 - Cap Devices
Army, USAC, USAAF,USAF, Civilian Instructors, and etc.
- - - -
49340B - Civilian Instructor Pilot's Hat Badge
scanned at 300dpi
49340B - Civilian Instructor Pilot’s Cap Device marked Sterling, roll-lock pinback, Used....(sold)
( same Grouping as 49358B Cap Device )
( also on htm, USAAF patch, and, NA pages )
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49340C, D, and E - USAAF Officer's Cap Eagles
49340C - WWII Officer’s Eagle, “A.E. CO UTICA N.Y.”, on back of shield is: “1/20 10K-R G”, below that are more letters but the screw-post was placed-on-top-of-them, still has the nut, Used....inquire
Wing tip-to-tip = 2 1/8”
Vertical = 2 5/16”
49340D - WWII Officer’s Eagle,”Luxenberg Made in England”, with nut, as-New or New, UnUsed......inquire
Wing tip-to-tip = 2 5/16”
Vertical = 2 1/2”
49340E - WWII Officer’s Eagle, “J. P. GAUNT LONDON” (might be “J. R.”?), on the reverse of the Eagle’s tail is a hallmark(looks like a Fox’s Head(?) and the letters “..RAD” inside a circle, with nut, Used.......inquire
Wing tip-to-tip = 2 3/16”+
Vertical = 2 1/4”
( also on USAAF/USAF patch page )
- - - -
49340F & G - USAAF Officer's Cap Eagles
49340F - unmarked, has a “square radiator”, great patina, still has the nut, Used......inquire
Wing tip-to-tip = 2 3/16”
Vertical = 2 3/8”
49340G - unmarked, has a “square radiator”, with nut, Used..........inquire
Wing tip-to-tip = 2 1/8”
Vertical = 2 3/8”
( also on USAAF/USAF patch page )
- - - -
49340H - Civilian Instructor Pilot's Hat Badge
scanned at 300dpi
49340H - Civilian Instructor Pilot’s Cap Device marked Sterling, roll-lock pinback, Used....(sold)
( also on USAAF patch page )
49350 - 3" USAAF/USAF Flyer's Badges
PB = pin back
CB = clutch back
- - - -
WWII Navigator's Wing
49350C - Navigator's Badge by Meyer, circa 1944-45, Used.....inquire
( also on USAAF & USAF patches page(1st - 43rd) )
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WWII USAAF Pilot's Badge
American Emblem Company of Utica, New York
49350D - 3 1/16” pin back(pb) Pilot's Wing by A. E. CO. UTICA N. Y., STAMPED “STERLING”, very thick (1/8"), Used.....175.00
( also on htm & USAAF patch pages )
- - - -
Pilot's Badge
49350K - Pilot's Badge, no markings, Used.......45.00
- - - -
USAF Senior Navigator Badge
49350L - 3” pin back(pb) Senior Navigator's Wing by N. S. MEYER INC. NEW YORK, embossed “9M”, Used......48.00
49350M - 3” pin back(pb) Senior Navigator's Badge by N. S. MEYER INC. NEW YORK, embossed “9M”, Used.....52.00
( also on USAF 1st - 43rd patch page )
49350 - 3" USAAF/USAF Flyer's Badges
PB = pin back
CB = clutch back
- - - -
USAF Senior Pilot's Badge
USAAF Aerial Gunner's Wing
49350P - pin back(pb) Senior Pilot's Badge by Vanguard, embossed with “V1”, Used.....55.00
49350Q - 3 1/8” pin back(pb) Aerial Gunner's Wing, with a “J” style locking-post for the pinback, Used.....75.00
- - - -
USAAF Aerial Gunner's Wing
WWII Navigator's Wing
49350R - clutch back(cb) Aerial Gunner's Badge, raised “STERLING” mark, Used....inquire
49350S - cb Aerial Gunner's Badge, raised “STERLING” mark, Used....inquire
49350T - pin back(pb) Navigator's Wing , raised “STERLING” mark, rolling-lock missing, Used....inquire
- - - -
USAF Navigator Badges
49350V - pin back(pb) Senior Navigator's Wing, double-shield Meyers, Used....inquire
49350W - pin back(pb) Navigator's Wing, raised “STERLING” mark, Used....inquire
49350X - pin back(pb) Navigator's Wing, single-shield Meyers, Used....inquire
- - - -
49350AA, AB, and AC - 3" Aviator's Badges
PB = pin back
CB = clutch back
scanned at 300dpi
49350AA - cb Glider Pilot’s Badge, embossed (raised) “STERLING” mark, Used.....inquire
49350AB - cb Pilot’s Badge, no markings, EC
49350AC - cb Pilot’s Badge by “LGB” “STERLING”, Used.....inquire
scanned at 300dpi
49350 - 3" USAAF/USAF Flyer's Badges
PB = pin back
CB = clutch back
- - - -
49350AD, AE, and AF - 3" Aviator's Badges
scanned at 300dpi
49350AD - cb Master Navigator or Aircraft Observer Badge, still on card in an “opened” clear plastic bag, card reads: “8455-144-4967, DSA100-69-C-2011 E. & H. SIMON INC. A-9/69”, New-in-opened GI Bag...inquire
49350AE - cb Flight Surgeon’s Badge, “1 V Vanguard”, Used.....inquire
49350AF - cb Senior Pilot’s Badge, “N.S. MEYER, INC. NEW YORK STERLING” with 2 x Shields, Used.....inquire
scanned at 300dpi
- - - -
49350AG - pin back USAF Navigator’s Badge
scanned at 300dpi
49350AG - embossed “STERLING”, Used.....inquire
- - - -
49350AH - Aerial Gunner's Wing
scanned at 300dpi
49350AH - embossed “STERLING”, Used.....inquire
- - - -
49350AK - Observer’s Badge
circa WWII - Korean War, by N.S. Meyer
scanned at 300dpi
49350AK - Observer’s Badge, almost 3 1/8”, made by N.S. Meyer INC. of New York with a single-shield, clutch backs are marked “Sterling” with 1943 patent numbers 2308412/24, WWII and Korean era Flyer, Used.....inquire
- - - -
PB = pin back
CB = clutch back
49352 - USAAF/USAF 2" Flyer's Badges
PB = pin back
CB = clutch back
2" badges are used on shirts to prevent a disheveled appearance
- - - -
2" Senior Pilot's Wing
49352C - 2" Senior Pilot's Badge, embossed “STERLING”, Used.......50.00
( also on USAF 1st - 43rd Patches page )
- - - -
49352F, G, & H - 2" Miniature Aviator's Badge
scanned at 300dpi
49352F - cb Flight Surgeon’s Badge (miniature size), still in sealed plastic package mounted on card which reads in part: “DSA-100-68-C-1984 Antaya Brothers Inc.”, Mint.....inquire
49352G - pin back(pb) Navigator’s Badge embossed “STERLING”, Used.....inquire
49352H - pin back (pb) Aerial Gunner’s Badge embossed “STERLING” by AMICO, Used.....inquire
scanned at 300dpi
49354 - USAAF/USAF Flyer's Badges
"Bullion" or Cloth
- - - -
USAAF Bullion Navigator's Wing
USAAF Bullion Pilot's Badge
USAAF Embroidered Cloth Bombardier Wing
49354B - 3 1/8” sew-on Bullion Navigator's Wing, made in the China-Burma-India Theater, no stitch holes = probably never used.......125.00
49354C - 3 1/8” sew-on Bullion Pilot's Wing, made overseas, was hand-sewn on a uniform, Used.......150.00
49354D - 3” sew-on Cloth Bombardier Wing, scrapbook residue on back, minor soiling, probably never worn, Used...65.00
( also on: htm, USAAF, & 1st - 43rd patch pages )
- - - -
49354F - USAAF Bullion Pilot's Badge
49354F - 3 3/16", high-quality workmanship, UnUsed....(sold)
- - - -
49354H - USAAF Khaki Cloth Badges
from one Collection
Picfile One
Basting thread can be removed and the badges ironed flat
Picfile Two
Basting thread can be removed and the badges ironed flat
Picfile Three
Use the "Picfile" number when referring to this collection; then the position of the badge in the picture (Top-Left and etc.)
( also on USAAC/USAAF patch page )
- - - -
49354I - Flight Surgeon, Japan made Bullion
49354I - 3” sew-on Bullion Flight Surgeon’s Wing, circa 1950s, made in Japan on Blue-Gray Dress Jacket material, Excellent Japanese craftsmanship, UnUsed.....inquire
- - - -
49354K - Aircrewman's hand-Embroidered Badge
Japan made on Air Force Dress Blue lightweight material
UnCut, UnUsed......inquire
49358 - Miscellaneous Wings
- - - -
49358B - 3 11/16”, Civilian Instructor Pilot’s Wing
scanned at 300dpi
49358B - 3 11/16”, Civilian Instructor Pilot’s Wing with roll-lock pinback closure, marked “TERLIN” so I assume it is sterling, Used......(sold)
( same Grouping as 49340B Cap Device )
( also on: NA, and USAAF patch pages )
- - - -
49358C - 1 ¼”, Civilian Instructor Pilot’s Wing
scanned at 300dpi
with roll-lock pinback closure, no hallmark, Used...(sold)
( also on USAAF patch page )
( stored in gray cabinet )
49360, White-on-Blue Cloth Badges
Most badges are available in Used or UnUsed Condition
49360A to H - White-on-Blue Badges, Used and UnUsed........inquire
- - - -
49360K to R - White-on-Blue Badges, Used and UnUsed........inquire
- - - -
49360U - White-on-Blue Flight Surgeon's Badge, UnUsed......inquire
- - - -
49360AA to AJ, White-on-Blue Ranks, Used and UnUsed........inquire
Items Wanted
Vintage Patches I need are not limited to the ones depicted below
Items can vary in: design, color, where made, & etc.
- - - -
USAAC, USAAF, and USAF Flyer's:
Jackets, Party Suits, Patches, Boots, Caps, Gloves,
Survival Maps & Kits, and etc.
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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Wanted a 42nd TEWS Complete SOOIE Suit
or, any parts:Boonie, Mask, and/or Cape
Also need 42nd TEWS Squadron or Novelty patches
McDonnell's Factory F-4 '100 MISSIONS' over-Arc
F-101 VOODOO patches - all variations wanted
F-105 North Raiders
see email-111101 (also on Squadrons "want page"
3509HA - NAIL 78's Coffee Cup
Items with Callsigns needed
23rd TFS
older 25th TFS and "B" Flight 25th TFS
Patches for other Flights of the 25th TFS; plus OTHER Squadron "Flights" Wanted
72nd Tactical Fighter Squadron
325th Bombardment Squadron(Heavy)
333rd TAC FTR "Wild Weasel" F-105 SQDN
Thai made
388th Tactical Fighter Wing, Tiger FAC
TIGER FAC = Callsign used during the Day Time over the Ho Chi Minh Trail
Tiger FAC patches were also made for squadrons
352nd Fighter Squadron
435th TFS, SEA or Japan made items
469th TFS F-105 Pilot with E-1(MOD) Vest
( other Squadrons in SEA may have worn a similar modified E-1 )
( see email fm CH 110420 )
( also in 469th TFS section and Main Wings page )
497th FIS, "Sabre Dog" design, F-86D era
The only picture(see below) I have is the pre-1964 F-102 era patch from the early-1960s.
I need the F-86 circa 1955-59 patch
523rd Tactical Fighter Squadron
557/558/559th TFS items
4539th Fighter Weapons Squadron
F-111 Training Unit - "WE BETTER THE BEST"
( also on last Squadrons page, )
4503rd TFS(P) later 10th FS(CMDO)
"Skoshi Tigers"
79-03 'Skywalkers' Pilot Training Class, Columbus, MS
(see email 111021)
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Squadron "Flight" Patches
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"1/4 Moon" patch
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Very crude and heavy Vintage Rings with similar designs
also on htm- - - -
Got an extra Vintage patch?
Items I need are not limited to the ones depicted above
UI/Mystery Items
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UI#31 - "Fragrant(?) Region 5", on the reverse is written "1175 7", any idea on the ID of this patch?
from a viewer: "ID'd as a SR-71 related patch in the 1980s", Possible Skunk Works or SR-71 related patch?
( see details on the UI/Mystery Patch page )
UI#90 - possibly a 13th TFS "Panther Pack" patch? Made in Japan with: Black Panther, "13", Snake(Cobra?), and Spade.
UI#259 -'B' Flight, "Mach Knockers", possible an F-86 Squadron?
( also on: USAF Squadrons 1-43 page and UI/Mystery page )
UI#279 - Fruhauf made, worn circa 1950s into 1960s at Wright-Patterson by Test Pilots, fully reversible, any idea if this had a designator (i.e., L-2B, MA-1, or ?)?
(I think a similar jacket recently surfaced with General's Rank/etc.)
UI#302 - Thai made, "PHNOM-PENH-BANGKOK" "MAGNOLIA 79-80", this time-frame is after the NVA invaded Cambodia and defeated Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge Forces.
Possibly an Air Evacuation Operation by the USAF or someone else flying C-130s. Any ideas?
UI#313 - RVN Survival Equipment patch (machine embroidered patches have also been seen), possibly an Aviation Rigger's shop?( not mine, see email on 100315WT )
UI#319 - "JETS", chain-stitched Gold & Silver thread on black felt with Red Lightning Bolt, 6 3/8" (vertical), could be Military or Civilian sports patch?
UI#360 - "F I Gung-Ho", a larger version of this patch exists, "F I" is also on a 10th TFS "B" FLT patch, anyone know what "F I" means in Air Force speak? (Listed in ASMIC Trading Post Oct-Dec 1991 issue, page 50)
(also on pages: USAF SQs, Ground Forces Airborne)
UI#366 - a "Known" patch for many years but NO ID has been established, anyone know had to arrange the Numbers "437" or "7th SQ, class 43" or ?
( from a Pilot of the 13th BS(T) and 81st FBS, he attended the 3506th PTS(probably 1950s), see the rest of his Grouping in the 13th BS(T) section )
UI#367 - Hand-embroidered Mirror imaged Horse with RVN National Colors, SEA made
( also on: AVN, NAVY, SQ, WG, SOS, USMC, GRD pages )
UI#368 - Major Nebo's Crew 8, Howling Commandos, large patch probably made in WESTPAC(country unknown) with PELLON backing(introduced into the States in 1950), the "Howling Commandos" is a term from old Comics/etc., (resembles a PI made patch but no one I have talked to will go for that??)
( Also on: 1st SOS, SQs, Wings, Main Navy pages )
UI#373 - "SEMPER ANTE MAXIMUS", Japan made, possibly a Naval Nuke (Training/Research?) site in New Mexico?....maybe an Electronics Squadron?
UI#377 - Horse's Head patch made in Japan/Okinawa, possibly the 319th TCS(Commando)?, anyone know an ID for the chess Knight?
( also on the USAF Air Commando, USAF Transport, and USN Patch pages )
UI#384 - Red/Yellow Owl, notice the red "vees" in all but one corner???, any ideas on who used this patch?
( also on Navy Main Patch page )
UI#395 - Texas Longhorn made in WW2 England, WWII era, maybe a ground unit? Anyone know what the symbol at 4:00 is?
Return To: Home Main USAF Squadrons page
VIEWERS disregard this section:
UI#314 - Jet breaking the sound barrier on a blue disc( ID'd as "K" FLT, 86th FTS - on on the 86th's page )
UI#346 - ID'd as the WWII USAAF 401st FS - see on the USAAF page
