Lee-Jackson Militaria
Army Aviation:
Miscellaneous and post-1975
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MAIN Aviation page
This page contains items from the 1950s to present
use these links for specific searches on this page:
post-1975 Army Aviation & Miscellaneous
OV-1 Mohawk with Ordnance Displayed
Anyone know the Unit that had this patch made?
Unit unkown that made this patch, UnUsed.......(sold)
Brass Belt Buckle
4" wide, heavy cast-Brass Huey, hallmarked: "1979 Baron Buckle, made in Taiwan; Used......(sold)
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SMASH Evaluation Team
SMASH = Southeast Asia Multi-Sensor Armament Subsystem for Huey Cobra
Early AH-1G Cobra Night Vision capabilities, the AH-1G was equipped with the CONFICS (Cobra Night Fire Control System) and the SMASH (Southeast Asia Multi-Sensor Armament Subsystem for Huey Cobra) systems to provide the Cobra with the capability of: detecting, identifying, and targeting ground targets during day or night operations.
puckering from washing, RFU (was hand-sewn), Used.....inquire
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partial History for the SMASH System Evaluation
(this information is from a web site)
The first three UH-1M Huey gunships were equipped with the Hughes INFANT (Iroquois Night Fighter and Night Tracker) system which used a low-light-level TV (LLLTV) and INFARED Searchlight to aim the M21 armament subsystem; these UH-1Ms were evaluated from December 1969 to February 1970 by the 227th Assault Helicopter Battalion of the 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile). The INFANT equipped UH-1Ms was moderately successful when flown with two conventional gunships and a Command and Control Slick. The INFANT was used to find and mark the target for the other gunships, but it was felt the AC-130A Hercules was a more capable aircraft for night operations.
The UH-1Ms was also equipped with the AN/AAQ-5 Forward Looking INFARED (FLIR) fire control system, a component developed for use on the AH-1G (SMASH) Cobra. The AN/AAQ-5 provided a televised thermal image which enabled the crew to detect, identify, and fire on ground targets during day or night operations. The M21 armament subsystem was integrated with the AN/AAQ-5 FLIR in positioning and fire control.
The UH-1Ms could also be armed with an M5 40mm grenade launcher and M60D 7.62mm or M213 .50 Cal. pintle-mounted door guns on the M59 armament subsystem.
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United States Army, older ME, UnUsed.........inquire
Cobra, 4" older ME, Used.........inquire
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3 15/16" ME Cobra patch, UnUsed.......inquire
The basic design of this patch is from the very-late 1960s or early-1970s.
A Vietnamese made example has been seen and American made subdued patches similar to this one were being sold at the Fort Rucker PX in 1969 or 1973 (Pilot cannot remember which Rucker Course he was attending when he observed them).
If anyone has firm knowledge when/where this design was first used--send an email.
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Left - "COBRA", 5" Japan made, RARE, UnUsed..(sold)
Right - older ME with small-mesh backing material, UnUsed......inquire
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Left - New Equipment Delivery Team Cobra, 4" Vietnam made, UnUsed........inquire
"COBRA", older ME with large-mesh backing material, UnUsed.....inquire
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Black & Yellow "COBRA", 3.25" twill with loose-mesh backing, Looks unused but has some wrinkling.......inquire
"COBRA", older ME with loose-mesh backing, UnUsed......inquire
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Left - Silver Bullion on DARK-Green material, 4" older ME with loose gauze backing, UnUsed.....inquire
Right - "COBRA", Vietnamese made, removed from shirt, wrinkled from washing, Used......inquire
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Hand-Embroidered "Gold" Cobra
Rare "NETT" Cobra HE in Vietnam, UnUsed......inquire
Vietnam made C-Model HUEY Gunship, UnUsed....inquire
information on the "C-MODEL GUNS" patch
A similar patch was seen, in a pictrure, being worn by a member of the 238th Aerial Weapons Company "Gunrunners"
The picture was taken during the transitioned from C Model Hueys to Cobras, circa mid-1971.
( Picture also in the 238th AWC section )
OH-6A Cayuse
USARV OH-6a Training Team, Vietnamese made, UnUsed...........inquire
CH-47 Chinook, 3.75" older ME, Used.......inquire
Martin Marietta "SURROGATE TRAINER DTTD" "INFRARED BARON", (unknown usage), UnUsed.......inquire
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partial History on Surrogate Trainer
".... for the JAH-1S program, which used an early AH-64A PNVS turret mounted on the nose. The Surrogates were used to train Apache pilots in the "Bag" on an easier platform than the -64 itself."
( information from a Pilot )
Experimental Prototype for the Apache Helicopter; circa 1970 - 73
Hughes Helicopters YAH-64 Factory Patch, I think this is a RARE patch(?), UnUsed......inquire
QT-2 "Prize Crew II" Project
click on picture, scroll down to the 73rd SAC for details
Top Left - "HUGHES HELICOPTERS", early 1970s with "T" tail, civilian ship, Used.....inquire
Top Right - Models 269/300(?), mid 1960s - 70s, Fort Wolters Primary Trainer, Used.....inquire
Bottom Left - "T" tail used by "Black OPS" (not regular Army AVN Units), Used.....inquire
(above patches removed from a Hughes TECREP Jacket)
Bottom Right - "KIOWA OH-58A NETT", 4" with gauze backing, UnUsed.......(sold)
RH-1100M Hiller Hornet, circa 1963, (Gunship that was never bought by the Army(?)), UnUsed....inquire
Older Bell Helicopter International, 3 3/8", UnUsed....(sold)
Bell Helicopter, UnUsed....(sold)
Left - Army VTOL, LTV (Ling-TEMPCO-Vought(?)) Company patch, Unused........Inquire
Center - Air Assault Cloth Badge (click on picture for details) see in 11th AAD section
Right - "720 SKY HUEY TEAM", Norwegian Air Force 720th Squadron, circa 1970s....(sold)
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( I have always associated DYNALECTRON "grayshirts" with Army Aviation; so these are in this section )
subdued "wounded" Tiger, cheesecloth backing, RFU, Used........inquire
( Official Company insignia or a Novelty patch? )
"DYNALECTRON CORP Be a Tiger! Viet-Nam", RFU, Used......(sold)
( who used this "bandaged" Tiger design first: the ASA(Radio Research) or Dynalectron? )
some of the below listed items, in the "Misc." section, may be post-1975
United States Army Aviation System Command Tape
with Name Tape and WWII 'US' blue triangle
found on a bagged-out Jungle shirt
hand-embroidered tapes made in Vietnam, wrinkled from being in the rag-mill, RFU J-Shirt, Used.....inquire
( can't remember where the WWII khaki patch was placed )
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Airborne LASER Locator Designator
ALLD, I think this is a Factory patch, system used (or tested) by all the Services, UnUsed......inquire
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very large for an Army patch = 4 3/4" from top of the shield to bottom point
Aviation Headquarters insignia from Fort Lee, Virginia, has maker's glue on bottom-front, UnUsed.......inquire
Army Aviation Development and Test Activity
ADTA stationed at Fort Rucker, Cairns Army Airfield, circa 1966 - 1972, UnUsed.....inquire
Anyone know what the Latin Phrase is on the patch....I cannot read the lettering?
loose translation is: "Never kick a bear in the ass unless you have him chained"
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partial History
Patch is from the Army Aviation Development and Test Activity (ADTA)
in the late-1980s it was resdesignated The Army Aviation Test Center(AATC)
Unit is currently called the Army Aviation Technical Test Center (ATTC)
It has always been located at Fort Rucker, Alabama on Cairns Army Airfield.
This is the functional group to test all Army Aviation aircraft and airframe related systems/ subsystems.
Historical story from a Veteran of Fort Rucker
"Fort Rucker was purchased by the government for the WWII effort. The local joke was that the only thing this land could grow was the wild black bears that inhabited it at that time.
and there were precious few of them (now extinct locally).
For years, Fort Rucker was called the Bear Farm by the locals.
Test flying helicopters was a tenuous activity, and early on, many of our helicopters were "tethered" to the ground until we were satisfied they could properly hover. Rumor/legend/whatever.. Has it that an early ATC commander flew a new helicopter that was supposed to be tethered, but wasn't. After a rather surprisingly wild ride, it was landed without damage to the enjoyment of all who witnessed the event, and it became a local joke.
The patch came along referring to the Bear Farm and the tether chains that should have been on prior to certain test flights.
The first versions were in bullion to wear on sport coats at formal functions and I have one of those as well.
Later, this patch came along and was worn through when I worked there in the 80s,
until the early 90s when the new patch for the ATTC came along.
A bit of confusion is that there was also the Army Aviation Test Board (no longer exists).
This unit was also stationed at Cairns at the same time frame and one block over from ATC,
but a totally separate function reporting to different agencies."
( I have modified the information sent to me )
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Factory patch for the NIGHTSUN, by SPECTROLAB
Old style Plastic Backing - System seen on an OH-6 at the Hughes plant in the 1970s
Anyone ever see this patch being worn by military personnel(any Branch)?
Or, know of a military unit(any Branch) that was equipped with the NIGHTSUN system?
SPECTROLAB Factory patch, old style plactica backing (seen on USAF patches circa 1965), minor stains, brown residue on back is not sticky, UnUsed.....inquire
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( Night Observation Testing Training Support )
Insignia worn, circa 1970 - 1972 by an Army Detachment called "SEA NITE OPS"
Lightning Bug with a rotor and mini-gun
"Darkness Holds No Fear", Japan made, official unit ID "SEA NITE OPS", UnUsed......inquire
( Patch was worn on the Left Pocket; a smaller version was wore on a Blue Baseball Cap )
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partial History
Army Material Command BLDG 17, Washington D.C.
Night Vision Laboratories. Telegraph Road, Alexandria, Virginia
Company's Official unit ID was "SEA NITE OPS", worked in a secure hanger on Davidson Army Airfield, Fort Belvoir, Virginia
The NOTTS detachment was housed in BLDG 2418 of the OCS Training Center at Ft. Belvoir
All personnel (78 EM & 35 Officers/Pilots) were Army & wore the Red, White, Blue AMC SSI
Unit personnel traveled in civilian clothing while teaching the use and maintenance of equiptment
How patch was designed
In 1970 the unit was looking for a patch to distinguish themselves from other units.
One of the systems they were testing was the "INFANT" (UM-1M "HUEY") which influenced the design of the NOTTS patch.
( all aspects of the System could not be shown due to security measures )
( also on UI #61 page )
Bullion U. S. Army Aviation, 4" ME with an older Helicopter model & Pilot's Badge, UnUsed......inquire
United States Army Aviation, cheesecloth backing, UnUsed........inquire
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(Veteran said: "DET was used to train CHINATs to go to Vietnam and then train the Vietnamese and assist them")
(I have inquired for 2 years and with many collectors/dealers and no one has ever seen this patch)
Worn by Officers assigned to the White House, older ME 3.75" (1960s(?)), scrapbook residue on back, UnUsed..........inquire
U. S. Army Executive Flight Detachment, cut-edge with cheesecloth backing, scrapbook residue on back, UnUsed.....inquire
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Army Aviation Engineering Flight Activity at Edwards AFB
Conducted Airworthiness Qualification Flight Tests of Air Vehicles, Systems, Components, and etc. for Army Aviation requirements
Tested: Guardrail, UH-60A parts, and etc.
circa late-1980s to 1990s, RFU Flight suit, Used.......inquire
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U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command, "TRADOC FLT-DET"
large 4 3/16" patch
I assume you can date this patch by the aircraft and when TRADOC was created, UnUsed.......(sold)
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FORSCOM Flight Detachment
Large patch, RFU, puckered from washing, gauze backing, Used.......inquire
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U. S. ARMY Aviation Support Element (USAASE)
United States Readiness Command (USREDCOM)
USAASE was located at McDill AFB, FL with a 20 person element that controlled all aircraft used by the Generals.
REDCOM was the predecessor to STRAC (Strategic Command) which was formed in 1966, later Renamed United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) in 1987.
USAASE, scrapbook residue on back, UnUsed......inquire
Army Aviation Badges
Army Aviation Badge
Army Senior Aviation Badge
Army Master Aviation Badge
History from the Army Site
I. DESCRIPTION: An oxidized silver badge 3/4 inch in height and 2 1/2 inches in width, consisting of the shield of the coat of arms of the United States on and over a pair of displayed wings. A star is added above the shield to indicate qualification as a Senior Army Aviator. The star is surrounded with a laurel wreath to indicate qualification as a Master Army Aviator.
II. SYMBOLISM: The wings suggest flight and reflect the skills associated with aerial flight. The shield of the coat of arms of the United States signifies loyalty and devotion to duty.
III. AWARD ELIGIBILITY: Army Aviator: An individual must have satisfactorily completed the prescribed training and proficiency tests, and must have been designated as an aviator in orders issued by the appropriate headquarters as outlined in AR 600-105. Senior Aviator: An aviator, who is medically qualified and instrument qualified may apply for the Senior Aviator Badge as long as the aviator has served seven years of rated aviation service, served 84 months in operational flying duty assignments and accumulated 1,000 hours of flight time. Master Aviator: A Senior Aviator, who is medically qualified and instrument qualified may apply for the Master Aviator Badge as long as the aviator has served fifteen years of rated aviation service, served 120 months in operational flying duty assignments and accumulated 2,000 hours of flight time.
IV. DATE APPROVED: The Aviator and Senior Aviator Badges were approved on 27 July 1950 and the Master Aviator Badge was approved on 12 February 1957.
V. SUBDUED BADGES: Subdued badges are authorized in metal and cloth. The metal badge is black; the cloth badge is of olive green base cloth with design elements embroidered in black.
VI. MINIATURE BADGES: Dress miniature badges are authorized in the following sizes: Aviator 21/64 inch in height and 1 1/4 inches in width; Senior Aviator 13/32 inch in height and 1 1/4 inches in width; Master Aviator 15/32 inch in height and 1 1/4 inches in width. Miniature badges are 19/32 inch in height and 2 inches in width; 11/16 inch in height and 2 inches in width; and 23/32 inch in height and 2 inches in width, respectively.
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excerpt from the Army Site for Aircrewman's Badge
DATE APPROVED: The Aviation Badge was originally approved as the Aircraft Crew Member Badge by the Deputy Chief of Staff for Military Operations on 16 May 1962.
The Deputy Chief of Staff approved the change to the present Aviation Badges on 29 Feb 2000 retroactive to 1 Jan 1947 for Military Personnel.
( personal note: I think this Badge was probably made/worn long before 1962; i. e., see the Bullion on OD Shade 51 badge below )
Cloth Aviator's Badges
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2 9/16" Bullion Aircrewman's Badge
on the WWII style Officer's OD Shade 51 Elastique material
scanned at 300dpi
made with metallic thread, probably made in Japan, circa early-1950s, UnCut........inquire
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Aircrewman's Badges, Hand-embroidered in Vietnam
scanned at 200dpi
One HE badge is hard to find, two are rare, UnUsed and UnCut.....inquire
I will spill the pair and sell seperate
Metal Aviator's Badges
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Army Aircrewman's Badge
scanned at 300dpi
circa Vietnam era, made in North Asia, Used.....(sold)
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Vietnam made Pilot's Badge
scanned at 300dpi
made of very-thin metal, possibly for a baseball cap(?), Used.....inquire
( stored in misc. patch box )
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Pilot's Badge, marked STERLING
Hallmarked "V 21", made by Vanguard Military Equipment Corporation
nice looking Sterling Wings, Used......inquire
Aviator's Sandcast Badges, made in Vietnam
Many of these UnAuthorized (UA) badges are referenced in Stanton's RVN OB book, page 19
- All badges are from the same Collection -
scanned at 300dpi
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Aircrewman's sandcast Badge, Used......inquire
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Aircrewman's sandcast Badge with ROUND center, Used.....inquire
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Crew Chief's sandcast Badge, Used......inquire
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Chief Engineer Sandcast Badge, Used......inquire
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Flight Engineer's sandcast Badge, Used......inquire
Aviator's Sandcast Badges (continued)
made in Vietnam
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Helicopter Gunner's Sandcast Badge, Used......inquire
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MEDEVAC Aidman's Badge, Used......inquire
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Senior sandcast Novelty Badge, Used....inquire
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"OSV" (probably means Observer) sandcast badge, Used.......inquire
Aviator's Sandcast Badges (continued)
made in Vietnam
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Senior Pilot's sandcast Badge, Used........Inquire
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Reconnaissance Observer sandcast badge, Used.......inquire
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Search and Rescue Aircrewman's Badge, Used......inquire
( stored in site done box )
also on main Army and RVN-1975 pages
- Stop Here for this Collection -
WWII to early-1960s Flyer's Grouping
He rose from a National Guard Private to Active Duty LTC,
earned USAAF Pilot's Badge in 1943,
Served as an Artillery Officer with the 92nd ID in Italian Campaign
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( also on: USAAF patch & HTL pages )
General information Picture, wings are listed below
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597th or 600th FA Battalion
( linked from the WWII patch page)
General information Picture, inquire about patches
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WWII items
Blue/White vertical stripe Ribbon is: "Italian War Cross"
General information Picture, inquire about individual items
8th Infantry Regiment screwback DI.......(sold)
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All Wings are "STERLING" Pinbacks
partial History on Army Pilot's Wings:
Basic Aviator & Senior Aviator Badges approved July 27, 1950
Master Aviator Badge approved February 12, 1957
top-left - single-shield Pinback by N. S. MEYER INC. of NEW YORK, minor wear(if any), Used.......inquire
( see CloseUp below )
top-right - Pinback by N. S. Meyers INC. of New York (single shield), Used.....inquire
Brown Leather Name Tag.......UnUsed.......inquire
Pinback by N. S. Meyers INC. of New York (single shield), minor wear(if any), Used.....inquire
bottom-left -Army Pilot's Badge, LGB hallmarked, well-Used.....inquire
Pinback by N. S. Meyers INC. of New York (single shield), Used......inquire
3508AR top-left badge CloseUp
( also on HTM "misc." page link )
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Ribbons & Pilot's Badge, circa mid to late-1950s
for his Dress Blues, very unusual Pilot's Badge, heavy mothing.....inquire
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Older issue Volume I, Issue 11
Army Aviation School's "Army Aviation Digest", Used.....inquire
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52nd Transportation Battalion (Transport Aircraft)
click on picture for details
( apparently he had been caught-up in the RIF program )
( also on 52nd CAB patch section )
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If interested in the Grouping, or Individual items - email
more items in the Grouping
some of the above listed items, in the "Misc." section, may be post-1975
Schools, Training, & Classes
Fort Rucker Aviation School items
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merrowed-edge (ME) Primary Helicopter School, 2.5", Used.........inquire
Cut-edge(CE): Arc "PRIMARY HELICOPTER" & blue-edge SSI, older patches, Used........inquire
Older Khaki-edge with cream-thread on the back, UnUsed.......inquire
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Army "Primary Helicopter" Arcs (TABS)
Fort Rucker Aviation School Patch
ME Tab, UnUsed........inquire
ME SSI, RFU flight suit, Used.....inquire
CE Arc, UnUsed.......inquire
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( cut-edged patches are from the 1950s to early-1960s; I do not know when they were 1st used
Army Aviation School Patch
I have seen a picture of the 1955-I Class in their Class A khaki Dress and these patches were worn on their right Breast Pocket.
I don't know the reason for the different colors.
All Unused.....inquire
Army Aviation School, Pinback DI
made by N.S. MEYER INC., NEW YORK, double shield "9M", Used.....inquire
United States Army Aviation Center patch
probably made in the USA, 1 3/4" x 4", could be from the 1960s into the 1980s, UnUsed.......inquire
Army Flight Instructor
older patch with a long pigtail, UnUsed......inquire
Army Aviation Refresher Training School (AARTS)
located in Phu Loi, RVN, hand-embroidered on "pebblecloth", UnUsed......inquire
United States Army Transportation School
Maintenance Test Pilot Course
Large 4 5/8" (wing tip to tip), UnUsed......(sold)
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USATSCH, Maintenance Test Pilot Course
staple mark above wreath, border puckered at tailor shop, PELLON backing, UnUsed......inquire
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puckered on border by "COURSE", UnUsed.......inquire
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partial History for Maintenance Test Pilot Course
( worn by students on their flight suit pocket while attending the Test Pilot's Course at Fort Eustis, VA )
Refer to Picture & Unit Number when inquiring
If no unit number, refer to position: Top Row-center patch, etc.
Most patches are in UnUsed Condition
Picture 1
top-row, center - "lowrider", UnUsed........(sold)
center-row, left - written on back "HQ CO 2 AVN BN", UnUsed
center-row, right - "MARNE VIPERS" (possbily from the 3rd ID), UnUsed.......(sold)
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Picture 2
2nd-row, center - "Wings of the Dragon", UnUsed........(sold)
bottom-row, left - "A COMPANY 4/25 AVN REGT", UnUsed.........(sold)
bottom-row, right - 61st AMC........(sold)
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101st Aviation Regiment
Picture 3
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Picture 4
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Picture 5
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Picture 6
top center - A/4/227th AVN, probaby active 1992 - 1997, UnUsed
bottom center - 336th Assault Helicopter, RFU, Used.......(sold)
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Picture 7
DIV ARTY......(sold)
Sting Rays.......(sold)
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Picture 8
right - Camo Cobra has "3/3 US ARMY" on it, UnUsed
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Picture 9
bottom row, right - the "Crash Hawk" patch has been moved to the SF page, 10th SF GP section
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Picture 10
16th MP unit is stationed at Fort Bragg, I do not know if this patch is for that unit
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Picture 11
Probably a 3rd ACR patch
has a NAVAL term "IRAQ/PAC 1991", chopper has "67" on the nose, other chopper has "NIGHT RAID"
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Picture 12
3rd CAV SCOUTS, White Horse.....(sold)
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Picture 13
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Picture 14
501st CAB...............(sold)
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Picture 15
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Refer to Picture & Unit Number when inquiring
If no unit number, refer to position: Top Row-center patch, etc.
Most patches are in UnUsed Condition
( also on: htm, Army Gear, Army Main Patch, all other Army AVN pages )
This page contains items from the 1950s to 2008
Wanted Items
If you have an UnWanted or extra Aviation item(s)
Samples of Items Wanted
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Prizecrew II Chim Meo
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57th Assault Helicopter Company "Lucky Star"
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282nd AHC 3rd Platoon "Alley Cats"
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UI/Mystery Items
UI#86. an Army Avaition Unit?
post-1975 Army Aviation & Miscellaneous
viewers disregard this section:
2 1/8" Vietnam made Army Pilot's Wing...........87.00
1st Aviation Brigade.............35.00
Camp Red Cloud Army Flight unit, 5 3/8" Japan made, 1950s(?), UnUsed..(sold)
Camp Red Cloub, Korea Army Flight unit, 5 3/8" Japan made, nice variation, 1950s(?), UnUsed.......(sold)
( Camp Red Cloud was named after a Medal of Honor winner during the Korean War )
Major General Francis S. Greenlief's ZIPPO Lighter
"GENUINE HOVERBUG" with "DEC-71" on the reverse, ZIPPO dated 1971
MG Greenlief was the National Guard Bureau Chief in 1971-74
If you go to the Internet you can find many entries about this General by the opposition to President Bush's re-election.
He was an old Infantryman (CIB) from WWII who later got a commission, Used.....(sold)
("Genuine Hoverbug" = the man has found the "Hoverbutton"("seen the light") and can now Hover very well)
